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Everything posted by Mattfordfan

  1. Point is not good enough tonight. Vissing and Covatti not even dialled in yet. Allen having his worst meeting for ages and we still only nicked a point by a whisker.
  2. Wouldn't mind that to be honest. Keep two or 3 but the rest can go.
  3. Just give us the f'in wooden spoon now. Seriously. Kurtz is nowhere near the standard of a proper No.1 Grajczonek needs to ride in the Championship and get his head out of his arse because he's never going to improve as a rider. Biting off more than he can chew by dropping the Championship. Szczepaniak has practically been sacked in Poland so he is turning up cold for us due to a severe lack of meetings. Middleditch is only successful when he gets handed teams that have 3 out and out No.1's in them. Proved that on the Poole thread a while back.
  4. Middleditch needs to go as well. Coincidence that when riders leave they become far better riders under different management.
  5. Yep. Kurtz is not even a No.5 let alone a No.1 Grajczonek is beyond a joke and our promotion must tell him to take a walk now. F'in joke this season. Grajczonek & Kurtz absolutely pathetic.
  6. Take a walk Grajczonek. How many years has he ridden this track and now even a point is too much to ask.
  7. Expecting 4 league points tonight. Brady, Josh & Richie know how to ride the oak tree. Expecting double figures from Brady and Josh. Linus is now in form. Kacper can take 7 rides at reserve. If we don't win tonight then we might as well not bother with the rest of the season. Somerset are now weakened by the double team change and we are strengthened by having R/R in operation.
  8. I take it you're interested in some action too judging by your question. The answer is NO! Sorry to disappoint you.
  9. Someone would.......Cough Gavan cough Gavan. Luckily for us........Gavan hasn't posted about Poole for day's.....He's too busy trying to get some girl to take her knickers off for his bank account.
  10. Why are you so miserable then? I wouldn't want to drink something that came out of your boozers Thanks for the offer though.
  11. Only got one account......I'm allowed to share the same view as the majority on here.
  12. Adam's big bad daddy using insulting words again. The sales must be down in his boozers so he's taking all of his frustration out on the BSF.
  13. Think Panthers should go all out for Kus. Very good around the EOES. Newcastle would accept a good loan fee because they need the money.
  14. Bookies have gotten to know Speedway now. It's a lot tougher this season. I'm explaining what probably happens. But I'm not 100% sure that's why it's guessing. Only person who knows is Matt Ford.
  15. BB. You're wrong and Matt Ford is right. Ill explain why in detail. You keep quoting 20k gate money saying this amount of paying adults at this price per week. But you're way out. Not even close which is shocking considering you're a decent gambler. 1. All adults are not paying £17-£18. Over 60 (Female) and Over 65 (Male) get a discount. 2. People with a disability or on benefits also get a discount. 3. Children under a certain age get in for free. 4. Season ticket holders. Not every person inside the stadium has paid on the night. Say 800 turn up but only 400 have paid on the night....The other 400 paid at the start of the season. 5. The money made from selling season tickets at the start of the season would have been spent by the club. 6. When Matt Ford quotes treble the gate money. He is more than likely going on about paying customers on the night and not the season ticket holders who paid at the start of the season. See what I mean lol. Matt knows the facts because he's the promoter. You're just guessing at this stage and so am I.
  16. Some Workington riders are not being paid apparently. So it could be down to that.
  17. Not posting for a reaction but I did say at the start of the season that this was going to happen before a wheel was turned.
  18. I'm only saying what Matt is saying. He obviously knows the figures as he's the promoter. He obviously knows the average attendance and how much gate money he get's on average per a meeting. When he said Janowski would cost 3 times the gate money....That money is not all to do with wages. Could go on a variety of things....Like flight's for example.
  19. I mentioned earlier about the regulars being the only ones (Doyle) I'm now going on about riders who don't currently ride in Britain.
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