Howarth or Schlein will not be at Wolves because Greaves will need to be the No.7.
Klindt looking for a workshop and a mechanic in the Midlands area. Wolves return maybe.
No Schlein must mean the Starke rumour is true. Glasgow team now obvious.
R. Worrall, Harris, Starke, Kerr, Lunna, Sarjeant & a 2 something rider. More than likely Jack Smith.
Peterborough, Newcastle, Workington and possibly Redcar might struggle to build a decent team for 2018.
I say Redcar because Garrity has gone and Wright to Sheffield is being rumoured.
Don't get me wrong. Nick Morris is a good Speedway rider. Just Doyle has been the best in the world for 2 years running imo.
Yep. I still cant believe what Swindon have done. How can you not pick the World Champ to lead your team in 2018