Dont understand the negativity on here surrounding Grajczonek. It's a good signing imo.
As for Noddy it's nothing to do with money.
He wants to be part of a package deal with Jack but Matt doesn't want Jack due to his attitude.
Personally I think we should sign them both. Still think Matt will make Chris change his mind.
I can believe this. I have heard the following from a reliable source down at Poole
The reason talks have broken down with Poole is because Chris wants to be part of a package deal with Jack and Matt doesn't want Jack in our 1-7 due to his attitude.
Hopefully its a false rumour.
Its a fact.
Name me a strong tail with 10.93 to play with.
Greaves is 2.54 so you now have 8.39 to get 2 riders and Greaves has to be the No.7 otherwise it's the Clegg situation all over again for Wolves.
Grajczonek will hold his own. He like Brady has improved year on year imo and dont forget Josh rode at No.1 for Somerset so there is no doubt in my mind that Josh will do a job for us riding at No.3
Very good signing.
Thought he would be a lock for Somerset. I only mention names that I think might happen not what I want.
If it was who I want then Doyle would be in every 1-7
If Chris doesnt want to return then fair enough because if we can pull the Milik and Woryna deals off then we wont even need Noddy imo.
Swindon couldn't even make a 1p profit last season despite winning the league and with no TV deal in place it wouldn't of been a nailed on return for Doyle despite what Rosco has said in the press.
I was joking that's why I put the smiley face there.
I have said previously nobody should be reassessed. I wouldn't have a problem if Wolves signed Woffy on a 7 something.
Gavan stop. Your getting angry again. Woryna earned himself an average of 4.65 end of.
Whilst Tai only wants to ride in Britain when the Swedish and Polish season's finish therefore due to his attitude I think a 9.00 average is very fair.