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Everything posted by Mattfordfan

  1. No maybe about it. Fact is...It doesn't. I have been posting what the riders have been saying themselves. Just silly people like yourself want to insult me in return because professional Speedway riders have agreed with me.
  2. Your son's opinion doesn't count for everyone. Off you pop to Lakeside.
  3. With hindsight Danny King says Lions' clash with Swindon that saw Martin Vaculik suffer a suspected broken ankle “shouldn’t have started." Asked if he thought racing should have started, he replied: “Personally, no.
  4. Nick said it took someone to get hurt for us to call it off. Doesn't sound keen to race at all does he? Even before the injury to Vaculik. Hans Andersen - Black and white it shouldn't have started. Palm Toft - Never heard anything about riders given an opportunity to do a lap before the meeting. Practically called Swindon's statement BS. I have evidence you have nothing but insults and that's what people like you do when you are fighting a losing battle. I can go on and on but I cant be asked. Talking to you and the other lot down there is like trying to hold a conversation with Manuel from Fawlty Towers.
  5. Check MPT'S Twitter. PETER FARTHING Said the following. Michael Rosco has stated that all the riders were given the opportunity to do one lap to test the conditions . No one did. MICHAEL PALM TOFT Replied Never heard that.
  6. Then your No.1 is also a keyboard warrior for agreeing with me. Off you go enjoy the rest of your day.
  7. Haha. Keep going you are proving me right again you cannot come up with a sensible reply because you know I'm right. I'm not going to get into a childish argument with you no matter how hard you or anyone else tries.
  8. Childish post from you again. Because you cant come up with a sensible reply. The majority laid in on Hans Andersen and now Nick Morris has said the same thing and those same people don't want to lay into Nick Morris though do they.
  9. I'm right your wrong. End of. 2 riders have agreed with me don't know why you are still going on and on tbh.
  10. I guess that goes for Nick Morris too then. See above.
  11. Nick Morris and Hans Andersen said the meeting shouldn't have started.
  12. Anyway children / Hans Andersen haters. The following is from Nick Morris. You know the Swindon No.1 ''The meeting probably shouldn't have gone ahead'' ''The conditions weren't good and we shouldn't have raced'' ''Its taken for someone to get hurt who probably wont race in England again after that for us to call it off''
  13. I don't care. I really don't care. Not my problem if the sensitive ones don't like it. I cant be asked with all the back and forth BS with you lot at the end of the day I don't dwell on things and let the BSF run my life unlike some of you. Its happened nothing is going to change end of story.
  14. Whatever. Your opinion doesn't make a difference to my life so say what you like I really don't care.
  15. Keep going fella. Love the insults keep them coming as soon as I tell the truth people like you cant even have a sensible debate about it because you know that I'm right. You said the meeting shouldn't have started. Hans said the meeting shouldn't have started. End of story its not even debateable.
  16. Na I'm ok ill get Hans's opinion from the man himself. He should it should never have started so its crystal clear. Anyway its happened now nothing is going to change so there is no point in continuing the conversation.
  17. I'm right end of story. Not even debateable. You lot can make as many excuses as you like it doesn't bother me.
  18. Read the thread. Hans Andersen said it should never have started. Therefore he thought the track wasn't fit to ride.
  19. Not my fault if you cant handle the truth. Professional Speedway rider has agreed with me. Night Night.
  20. I know they crack on if there is a threat of rain anyway Hans Andersen has said exactly the same as me so all riders weren't in agreement and the meeting should have been postponed before a wheel was turned. End of story now.
  21. Exactly. Point proven. Best wishes to Martin I hope he has a speedy recovery.
  22. Exactly wanted to crack on. Wanted to crack on knowing full well the track wasn't fit for racing and it took Martin Vaculik to lay on a stretcher for common sense to prevail. I don't need to be there. You even said yourself the meeting should have been called off earlier.
  23. Keep going with your childish comments fact is I'm right and you don't like the truth. FACT - If the track was fit for racing then there would have been a parade before the meeting started. FACT - No Parade due to conditions. So in other words the track isn't fit to hold a parade but the track is fit for racing. Swindon promotion were having doubts about the track and they didn't do anything about it. End of story.
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