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Everything posted by Mattfordfan

  1. The KL meeting needs to be the last chance for some of these boys. Lets face it we only won at home to Belle Vue because Batchelor didn't try if Cook was riding we would have lost that meeting as well. Kurtz - I have a lot of confidence in Kurtz and he will come good. Even if things aren't going right I believe he could turn it around at any moment. Woryna - Average so far but I believe he will get better in time. Grajczonek - Struggling everywhere at the moment but Iike Brady I have confidence in Josh to put it right. You know Josh is going to get going its just a matter of when and not if. Sundstrom - is rubbish outside of Sweden. Shouldn't be anywhere near an Ekstraliga team for starters. Protected at No.4 for us and he still cant achieve his starting average. Needs to go. I don't see Linus achieving his average. I don't see any improvement in him at all. Kildemand - Is going anyway but apart from Monday he has been fantastic for us. We need the Chris Holder of old otherwise this team really will fall apart when Kildemand leaves. Szczepaniak - Not impressed so far. Expecting a lot more from him and I'm not sure if we are going to get it. I think Mateusz could be one of those Poles who turns out to be a flop on UK shores. Shanes - Should never have been signed. Matt doesn't really want him in the team and he's only here to fit in another 7.00 pointer but that 7.00 pointer is a flop (Sundstrom). Problem is he might have to stay due to the points limit. Kildemand (If leaving) & Sundstrom for C. Holder and R. Worrall. Should fit considering everyone's average will drop.
  2. I thought BV would have suited them as well. Really need to step up now.
  3. Point isn't good enough. 3 to 4 points if not then you are right about everything you said in the off season.
  4. I don't think it's that. Something is completely off and it was like it last year. Seems like motivation to me. Fair enough if we lose by 10 after 15 Heats but losing by 10 points after 4 Heats is woeful. I get that Wolves is a technical track but we was in the same position in our own backyard and in the same position at BV on a track that most if not every rider enjoys. Middlo keeps making excuses for them as well which doesn't help.
  5. Ill decide come play-off time haha. Just kidding. Like I said I wouldn't criticise Poole if I didn't care. I would be laughing at them like the rest of you do. But I do care and I realise that this team is going to flop big time unless 2 changes are made.
  6. Stuff Swindon lol. If I didn't care then I wouldn't be going on about the team. I don't mind us losing tonight I said we might as well not turn up. But something is horribly wrong and has been for a couple of years. Maybe Middlo is the problem? Perhaps he doesn't know how to motivate a team anymore. Like I said I don't mind us losing its just the way we are losing which isn't acceptable. BV away - 10 points down after 4 Heats. Swindon home - 10 points down after 5 Heats Wolves away - 8 points down after 4 Heats.
  7. I'm not being negative I'm being realistic. We had 2 race winners all night even Rye House had more than that last week. We was embarrassed at home against Swindon. We couldn't beat a weakened BV side. Its not all about losing its the way we are losing. Meeting's are over after 4 Heats. Its ridiculous Lets look at our team. We have a HL riding as a 2nd string who cant win a race for toffee. We have a No.7 who doesn't bring anything to the team. Our best rider (Kildemand) is leaving. We have lost 3 out of 4 meeting's and if we lose at KL then we are going to be looking at possibly nicking 4th spot again but it will be irrelevant because we will end up coming to Wolves to get our backsides handed to us again. All of you keep saying let's give it time.......Look what happened last year.
  8. Not shocked by this result. Leicester change's have made them weaker as I said on the Leicester thread. Kurtz for MPT is going to be a costly move.
  9. Apart from Davey and Clegg yes but let's be honest Davey will be getting sacked soon.
  10. Shanes needs to go. He is dead weight and will not improve because the standard of reserves is too high for his ability at this moment in time.
  11. Meeting over after 4 heats again. Changes needed ASAP. Good team on paper but the performances are pathetic how many more times is the meeting going to be over after 4 Heats.
  12. Another battering. Wolves by a mile. Might as well not turn up and give them the 3 league points.
  13. I don't expect anything from Shanes because the standard of reserves this year is high. Just saying he is out of his depth which is true and he will struggle this year because there aren't any easy rides. Not criticising him at all because I don't expect him to score anything.
  14. Scores the same every week. Pick's up the odd second if he's lucky.
  15. Everyone is now agreeing with me. I'm not shocked. Linus is average and isn't worth the 7 something average he comes with. If PK doesn't want to do a full season then I would still get rid of Sundstrom and Shanes for a 6.00 pointer and a 4.00 pointer because Shanes is out of his depth. Changes are needed already simple as that. No peeing about this year giving riders extra time. Back fired last year so Matt should learn from his mistakes.
  16. Who cares what he scored for Leszno. Doesn't make a difference to Poole.
  17. No good to us though is it. Needs to be riding like that when wearing a Poole race bib.
  18. I think the changes make Leicester weaker. Palm Toft is better than Todd Kurtz. Martin Vaculik was only getting started and could have been a top No.1
  19. Swindon by 10. Tonight we will find out whether Swindon are as good as last night's result suggests or was we so bad we made Swindon look like Unia Leszno. KL need Kerr to have a blinder to get a point out of this.
  20. Its a big year for us the 70th anniversary. I think Matt needs to be ruthless this year. Don't sit back and give riders time. Look at KK last year. We are going to give him time and it got worse and worse. Shanes will not improve because the standard of reserves in this league is high. We are going to get battered at Wolves on Monday and then all of a sudden we have lost 3 out of 4 meeting's and if we don't top the table then we will end up going to a technical track that we hate and then it really is curtains.
  21. Well everything is a negative surrounding our club. Lost at BV when they were missing the entire middle order. Drozdz and Worrall - Injured. Tungate being non existent. Laughable home defeat to Swindon. Linus Sundstrom a HL having it easy riding at No.4 can only beat Mitchell Davey on his home track and even on Monday he only had 1 good race. He should be doing similar to Pieszczek. By far our best rider in Peter Kildemand is leaving which will no doubt make the team weaker. Doesn't matter about Noddy because Kildemand has been that good I doubt Chris would match his scores. James Shanes is way out of his depth. Fair enough last year because the rules were different but he shouldn't be in the team this year when teams have riders like Bewley & Kerr at reserve to name a couple. I'm not criticising James at all because I don't expect him to be beating these riders. But Sundstrom has to go. He's getting worse a 7.00 pointer having it easy at No.4 and still struggling is dead weight to me and I wouldn't take the risk of keeping him on. If Kildemand stay's then bring Noddy in for Sundstrom if not maybe do a double change. Sundstrom & Shanes for a couple of 5.00 pointers. or a 6.00 and a 4.00 pointer. Even Matt had his doubt's about signing James this year due to the strength at reserve in the league.
  22. Its because they cant afford a stadium and have to do what the owners say. Thursday's or nothing. Swindon obviously chose Thursday's lol.
  23. You do realise the only opposing rider Sundstrom beat all night was Mitchell Davey.
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