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Everything posted by Mattfordfan

  1. Brady has done well. 15 at home to BV...10 at Somerset.....12 at Wolverhampton....He's only had 1 bad week BV Away, Swindon Home. Apart from that he's been getting 10+. Job done for an 8.00 pointer Kacper has done ok....Yes he hasn't been great but he is doing his job for a rider on a 4.65 average. Apart from Wolves he has won a race or a had a paid win in every meeting. He is showing some signs. Average achieved. Grajczonek has done well. 10+1 at BV....9 at Somerset.....7+1 at Wolves.....8 at home to BV.....Josh has had 1 bad meeting and that's it apart from that he has achieved his average. Kildemand has done ok....2 bad meeting's on the spin but before that he was fantastic. The problem is Sundstrom who hasn't achieved his average once......Szczepaniak who is horribly out of form everywhere......Shanes who is out of his depth. 1 of those has been shown the door and I wouldn't be surprised if Szczepaniak joins him after 4 Home and 4 Away. You are going on about Shane's points at home the Swindon points only came against Mitchell Davey a rider who is also out of his depth and James can't race against Davey every week unfortunately. Szczepaniak was leading Heat 2 against BV when he had an EF so Shanes' score card is a bit of an exaggeration in that meeting.
  2. Half of the team haven't done a job. Shanes was one of them.
  3. Yet you was crying when we signed the Pole's on 4 something average's. James Shanes has only beaten 4 opposing riders this season when riding for Poole.
  4. Then it was said in the Heat of the moment. Nielsen is an upgrade and it was the correct decision. Business is business and some decision are not popular ones but they have to be made to benefit the club going forward.
  5. Nielsen has invested a lot of money into equipment this year and has a proper team behind him. He has been scoring very well for Scunthorpe in the 1-5. I don't know how long Nielsen will last maybe 28 days maybe longer. I don't know what Matt is planning behind the scenes.
  6. I'm not being nasty I'm just being honest. Matt wasn't keen to sign James at the start of the season was he? Matt said Shanes will only be signed if we can get the Poles to relax over the British rule (Sundstrom deal) If the Poles didn't budge then Shanes wouldn't have been in the 1-7 to begin with. I know it comes across as nasty but it's the truth at the end of the day. I wish James all the best and I hope he bangs in big points for Sheffield as well as Grass and Long track commitments. He comes across as a likeable lad with a good attitude and I don't have anything against him. Something needed to be done about the reserves and Szczepaniak could come good but Shanes wont because the standard of reserves is higher than last year. I don't expect James to be scoring points against these riders. He's still learning and gaining experience as a Speedway rider. I haven't said he is a rubbish rider or anything because he isn't. All I have said is he is out of his depth.
  7. British, Danish, Swedish, Polish I don't care. He's an improvement on Shanes and that's all that matters really.
  8. Shanes isn't like you. He's mature.
  9. Matt doesn't want him back anyway. Just trying to soften the blow to the young lad. James was only in the team so we could fit Sundstrom in.
  10. And I hope England win the world cup......But neither of them are going to happen. Welcome to Poole Nielsen.
  11. It's alright. Matt was only trying to soften the blow to Poole fans anyway.
  12. Our new rider scored a 16+2 paid maximum riding in the 1-5 tonight whilst Shanes managed 5 points riding at No.7 against Sarjeant, Thomas and Smith. Hate all you want.......Its good business.
  13. Oh yeah. Forgot the rules were bent for Swindon to have a better choice of guests with the Thursday race night
  14. Feeling optimistic now that we have cut some of the dead weight and brought in an in-form reserve. If Szczepaniak performs then I can see us winning. If he doesn't then I can see us taking a point back to Wimborne.
  15. A very good move by Mr. Ford. Nielsen scoring points this year. Has got good equipment this year. Proper team behind him. Not shocked James has gone. He comes across as a very likeable lad. Well spoken and a true Gentleman but he was way out of his depth in this league. Fact is he was only achieving his average by beating Poole riders. I wish James all the best in the future. Shanes will get fixed up at Swindon for Davey soon so this deal maybe a straight loan swap
  16. Just read the article on the Echo website. Matt has lost his balls. Can anyone honestly see Szczepaniak putting in a performance at Rye House?
  17. I wonder how much points Swindon will put on the board this time. Anything between 52 and 60 is my guess.
  18. He will probably beat Szczepaniak and Shanes.
  19. I'm not KKS but if you want to think that then go ahead. It doesn't make a difference to my life. I want what's best for Poole speedway and that's changes. If I didn't care then I wouldn't be pushing for changes.
  20. No its a fact. Middleditch said Pirates form needs addressing. Last night nothing changed. Therefore time is up and time to go for Szczepaniak at the very least.
  21. Nothing wrong with me. Speaking the truth.
  22. Matt has got money for example. Richie Worrall would be cheaper than Linus Sundstrom. Nicolai Klindt or Paul Starke would be cheaper than Mateusz Szczepaniak.
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