Interesting one this, r/r for Rory, everyone except Sam can take a ride. Had the meeting been 24 hours later, only Ryan and the reserves would be eligible.
The official line is there’s no other date available. There’s going to be rain offs so looks like there maybe a few of the dreaded double headers coming up. Either that or unfulfilled fixtures. BV look the only team set to complete them all by the deadline. Sad state of affairs when there’s been so many unused Mondays and Thursdays through the season.
The three sharing the same track would make a lot of sense financially if they were all in different leagues. Would be a little strange though if an away meeting was also a home meeting.
Many people and many riders love it, each to their own. I for one will be sad to see it go. It’s a unique challenge. If we find a new track, it will be what we want it to be and not restricted by a dog track. However I would be quite happy if it were the same shape and size.
He has plans for a little more than just a Speedway track though. Did you see the aerial shots of the GP at Malilla? Right next door is the motocross track. I think that’s where he got the idea from.
That narrows it down then, the only place I can think is along the M54 by the new I54 business park. Not much residential around there but is it too far out for some? Any closer though and I fear it would never get planning consent.
By your logic it’s 50 / 50 that Djokovic will win Wimbledon tomorrow. In reality it’s more like 90 / 10. Although he’ll either win or he won’t, 9 times out of ten he will.
To make Doyle and Emil work in the same team you will need to find at least a couple of ringers on false averages to compensate. Although it may be good to watch, it’ll never win you anything.
Do you not know about the 7 year cycle? All the other contenders will fall by the wayside come September and the title will be ours again, it’s the law.