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John Scrutton

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Everything posted by John Scrutton

  1. Think MPT is one of the Riders in line for the Stars in 2018 and could well be the next to sign. I liked his attitude and was always ready to give it 100%. But again it will all depend on what they do with the averages. If they load some of the top riders again next year it could make it hard to get some riders in. Hope that If NIELS returns it will be on his 2016 average.
  2. Don't think that top averages riders in the Premier League should be able to double-up for a Championship. teams they should be using National League Youngsters. Also that League should not be a haven for old timers.
  3. Don't think that Lambert should have been Captain last year. it was to much to put on his shoulders. also his leg injury didn't help either. Talking to Buster one night he said it wasn't a pretty sight and said he shouldn't have been ridding. Lewis Kerr was brilliant when he rode for Somerset and showed that Lynn is his track.
  4. Don't think that THJ was prepared for a season in Britain last season. coming in at a late date he had none of his bikes over here and rode borrowed ones I feel that he could make a good bargain as he had a very low average at the end and is a much better rider than we saw at times.
  5. I believe that anyone who dislocates a shoulder will find that its much weaker after that and will keep coming out if too much pressure is put on it . and Speedway Riders and other such motorcycle sports get a lot of pressure on their arms.
  6. The only reason that riders want to ride for Poole is something called Money
  7. Riders to return to the tapes after a false start within 60secs (pits gate shut) Riders given a warning if they spend to long ''Gardening"" Riders ready for the next race. (unless they are in it) That will help especially on a cold night Any more you can think about??
  8. How do your prepare a track when some riders want to slick and others want it grippy.??
  9. I have a feeling that Buster has a team in mind. or more than one but until the points are agreed it is no sense in going into print. Rosko did last year and said he jumped the gun with Doyle but it paid off (after changing some riders) lets hope that Leicester haven't done the same for 2018.
  10. So most of the forum want to fill their teams with top class heat leaders on thousands of pounds a season and at the same time reduce the admission to about £10 to £12 Somehow I don't think this will work out.
  11. A lot of sense from GRW123.about the season and the build up of some teams. about time.
  12. The Play/Off was a waste of time because if Sheffield or for that matter any other team wanted to join the Top League for 2018 they would be welcomed with open arms. that has been stated at the beginning of the season (Im sure) They worked hard to keep Coventry and also Leicester and Belle Vue The Coventry Promoters prevented them coming in.
  13. Its all down to team totals and riders ridding for whatever team they want to doubt whether you can push them to teams they don't want to ride for
  14. Doth know about you but I wish they would show more of what happened in some heats in the minor places and not talk to the winners after he has been in the lead from the first bend.
  15. Don't know about the rights or wrongs about last night but i am SURE that if Woofy had ridden there would have been ''more bums on seats" as they say. Like him or not.
  16. I have always been in favour of "STRAiGHT" speedway NO Tac subs No double point rides NO jokers. And for 2018 Teams chose their 7 riders which cannot be changed only through retirement or injury.for the whole season. Could it be done???
  17. He has got to make a living somehow after being sacked by Lynn Should have shown that form then instead of messing about all the time
  18. Free admission for Rye House supporters?? how can you know who they are or have they got it written across their foreheads
  20. Huckenbeck s suffering from an Injured shoulder which doesn't help JONASSON HAS HAD A LOT OF MOTOR TROUBLE AND HAS HAD LITTLE TIME TO PUT IT RIGHT WITH FIVE MATCHES IN AS MANY DAYS
  21. Glad to see that B T are putting the rubbish on first.
  22. Hope that Belle Vue get their injured riders back and can field a full team and can win the Play Offs they are ones that deserve to win
  23. Dont blame Lambert from withdrawing from the 2nd match ?? at Lynn on Wednesday. he whole thing was a complete fares and the chance of being Over 21 championship. would have been a chance to make it up for he meeting he has been left out of or lost because he had to prove it twice (Run Offs)
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