Didn't know that Heeps had been replaced at Ipswich. As for Lambert he could be classed as Dads Army in terms
of seasons he has ridden But look at Peterbro' There are several "fans" around that area identified as having "egg on their faces"
Kingsley has a chance of a good future but you could kill it off if he is following in last place Lynn have done the right in bringing in Fountain who has a little more experience,
It is said by others that Wilson=Dean is ready to go. could Lynn sign him he was last with Peterbro But does he belong to Buster or not ?? Peterbro dont need him (at present) If so would he be a good replacement for Bridger or Proctor ?? I would like to see Palm Toft back but would think it would not go well in some quarters
Think the non watering could have been the riders who can dictate this at anytime even the away team but i would have thought that Lynn riders would like it well watered.
IF what was in the press released when Creig was ''Sacked'' by Lynn because he had lost his nerve then it would not return if he had a change of track and would be
a big gamble for Sheffield to change him for Holder.
No one has said that there wouldn't be any other changes but you have got to have that rider signed until you sack anyone else don't think you could have R/R for
a sacked rider,
I take it that Cook is free to to join any P/lL team but where . to sign him that team would have to release a rider and Cooks average is pretty high' its a pity that we had to release Palm Toft (i presume) i really liked him, Buster will have a job to bring in a heat leader unless he has someone in mind. (it sounded like it)
Crump will score many points for Ipswich but don't think he will be the "Old Crumpy" that he was before retiring without serius injury and taking risks and finish in a wheel chair or any other bad injury. he is just using this as he likes riding a bike. and wants to return home in one piece to his family. Was said that he was over here to help his son in another Motor Cycle sport Don't know if this is still the case.
With such a big start Ipswich should have scored over 60 points but they lost most of that in the last few heats when the Kings Lynn team started to get over
the troubles they had had . Cook and Riss had got going and were back on form That was what the Manager was please about,
It was only known a few days ago that racing would be allowed on the 17th May and also what he restriction would be Would have been a waste of time trying to quess
IF the seven riders who have signed for Belle Vue and Sheffield are in the country there should be no reason that guests are used It is the only meeting
that day
Sky B/T and Eurosport have used the same presenters and although not the best who would you pick to replace them, the one from Sweden? or Poland (if any)
would like tp knpw ??
Dont know how much it is to watch 22 fairies run up and down a field for 90 plus minutes but i would rather see 16 men risking life and limb every time
Why are the Speedway Promotions blamed for bad toilet and other things when most of the stadiums are rented from other owners. mostly Greyhound premoters