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Danny Connor

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Danny Connor last won the day on August 18 2018

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    Kings Lynn Stars

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  1. Nico covatti? That's going global and about the only rider I can think of outside of Europe who could be ok in the top league
  2. I get the feeling you guys and Birmingham will end up with Steve Worrall. Troy bachelor. Lewis kerr. Etc. Maybe as a short term signing until somebody becomes available If somebody was serious about joining their would have been word on it by now.
  3. Champion gets a by. Integrity protected!
  4. Am I the only person who thinks this is daft. It may be good for Poole fans and if it wasn't for double up rules it could work. But as thing stand the conflicting riders thing should have made it a non starter. This makeshift team thing is like a friendly challenge select. Even if they were to get top class gp riders to even the gap it's a bit unfair as every other team needs riders who fully commit. Maybe run a shield for the winners of both competitions at the lower levels track. I remember a good challenge meeting at lynn vs Peterborough. El vs pl. Ended 44 vs 46. Was a cracker. If I'm wrong then sell it to me.
  5. I don't think Oxford look terrible at all. Outside of Ipswich and Sheffield there's not much in it.
  6. Bel Vue quoted football prices as a way to justify ridiculous prices for the son. How did that work out. Speedway isn't football. It's a £20 sport including a program. The reason we pay more is because we love it. I just looked at ticket prices for normdl one day cricket at Essex £14 in advance. £17 on the day We all can compare apples and pears!!
  7. Oxford haven't announced janowski yet. Could it be........?
  8. Hume is a likable relatable rider. I think he could be a fans favourite. You've a team with a lot of egos. Hume is the opposite! As an outsider I hope he does well for you. (Hope the other 6 flop mind you)
  9. What's the inflation rate since the last price hike. Expect that (sadly). Any more than that is greedy. Any less is generous.
  10. Maybe it wasn't gilkes. What's the situation with josh bates. Maybe they tempted him to ride then he got cold feet??
  11. Nobody is expecting cook to score 15 at number 1. I expect 7/8 in 4 rides. The thing is the whole team is capable of that also. That's all we need. Riders will have off nights. For every point 1 rider drops another has to gain!! I think we're going to be alright!
  12. According to Woffinden. Nothing official yet. I expect rowe probably will go to Sheffield but there's nothing to say that wasn't premature to announce it.
  13. Just see on another thread all 7 rising stars will be announced tomorrow. That's probably the announcement.
  14. I want tungate. I've got a feeling that'd be a good fit. 1 Tungate 2 Cook/Harris/basso 3 klindt 4 Iversen 5 kvech 6 Rowe 7 Jenkins If all else fails I'd probably settle for Robert lambert of course.
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