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Everything posted by waytogo28

  1. Maybe not so bad IF NKI and R. Lambert were the other two.
  2. Hmmm. That and a lot else that mikebv wrote DO have or should have an application in speedway. But as few promoters come on here ( Thanks to those that do bother to ) and they know what's best for speedway, most of these inexpensive tweaks to the show will most likely not come about.
  3. I ould support a Championship level team if the prices were lowered to reflect that change.
  4. I sincerely hope not, but if so, it gives us a glimpse of the 2018 aspirations of the KLS promotion.
  5. And there you have it - the BSPA members don't do "powerless"! And their leader would be absolutely affronted by the thought of being powerless.
  6. They "gave it away" in most cases to Big Name Riders and whilst I do admire Iversen at KL - his dedication was at least in part, built up by most of the Sky cash going his way.
  7. Morris is already at the highest point of his career and sadly I do not see much indication of further progress in him
  8. The people currently in the positions of power with in the BSPA are even now at daggers drawn over the "one over the eight" rule, which looks as if it is certain to erode further the fan base. NONE of them do have the desire, vision. leadership or capability ( in my opinion ) to do the "lots" that they could. They may have all or some of those qualities in their own business dealings outside, but as far a speedway goes - no way. Accepting Chapman and Godfrey as the " guardians of the sport" was the BSPA's "the last throw of the dice" - and they know now that, that was futile.
  9. Looks as if the My Way or the Highway scenario still rules at KLS then.
  10. That really is how it was at Brandon Stadium around the same time under CO and was was usually home in Northampton by 9.30 ( and on one memorable occasion by 9.15 pm after a match ). This is NOT a rose tinted dinosaur fan glasses long ago memory.
  11. The BSPA and most clubs have no idea of the value of feedback ( nor any interest in it, just in case it "tells the truth" - they do not want to hear ). Ignore your customers and what you get is indifferent disinterest, which is what you deserve. How can all these promoters run successful businesses in the real world ( as we are told )? Do they employ someone better qualified than themselves to run them"
  12. It seems that Lucy loves Christmas ghost stories in particular, all these hordes of ghostly fans from the past filling up the terraces.
  13. If only I could see that it WILL get better, and it's been hard enough for the last few years, to watch the decline of Speedway GB. Likely now to be in free fall. What is being done to attract these lost generation of new supporters?
  14. If true it's terrible news for Star's fans - including me. But it does read as if it might not be Robert's choice. Could it have been the KLS promotional team's decision?
  15. Single, widowed or divorced men have to do all that themselves, if they want a bit christmas nostalgia, especially those who don't have a family to spend Christmas Day or Boxing Day with. Once KLS made it clear that they were doing it all after January - I fully accepted that and I am waiting patiently but having Bigged It Up my expectations of "undreamt of" are naturally high. Roll on 2018. Let's hop that Buster's Big Dream matches fan's expectations.
  16. Best I can do adding to No1 No3 with possibly Auty somewhere.
  17. Tony Mole said the most important aspect of his final interview as a promoter ( in the SS ) , right at the start, that he was giving up because he felt that he had " run out of ideas to get the general public interested ". And there lies the truth of the matter. No-one can do that. Certainly if TM can't it's impossible. It does not matter how much re-organisation or rule tweaking the BSPA undertake if they collectively ( and individual promoters themselves ) cannot get people into the stadium. Getting the general public in to sample the "show" and see how good on track racing excitement can be, is the only way forward if Speedway GB is ever to see a revival. Thanks and farewell Tony. We now need A Real Showman ( oops Showperson ) to make people see speedway as a fun night out, worth spending their money on. Every track should seriously consider putting on a Open Doors Free Entry meeting early in the season AND market it hard so that their stadium is 100% full for that meeting. The "Wow This is Speedway Racing" meeting should be very crisply presented so that the time ( and interest in it ) does not drag! Every person should be given a free race card with some basic newbie info on "what you are seeing" tonight. The track should be prepared as well as possible as a fair racing track ( not for the best home team advantage ) and the riders should be meeting with fans before and after the meeting for autographs ( Hug your Hero selfies time etc ). And the riders should be told and understand that this is a speedway show - designed to impress and catch new fans. I know, I can hear the shouts of " do you know has much that would cost?" BUT it is money well spent on advertising and almost guaranteed to being thousands though the gate to see the on track spectacle ( hopefully presented at it's best ) IF you should it loud in the couple of weeks before the date. Every spectator should be given a Feedback Card re "what did you like best and what if anything did you not like" etc ) . The promotion needs to read and listen to the valuable feedback offered ( especially by newbies ) " Will you be coming again?". Unless the general public do see speedway RACING at it's best then there is no hope of them bothering to return. Especially if they cannot see it on TV where they must see a stadium full of fans really into the racing and having a VFM good night out.
  18. Brian Rix comes to mind - now he really was a Master of Farce. Is that where the BSPA learned their craft?
  19. Doyle - if there was choice and it was possible financially! And of course with Robert Lambert as the second heat leader. Oh Yes, count me in for sure then.
  20. TM said the most important aspect of his final interview as a promoter, right at the start, that he was giving up because he felt that he had " run out of ideas to get the general public interested ". And there lies the truth of the matter. No-one can do that. Certainly if TM can't it's impossible. It does not matter how much re-organisation or rule tweaking the BSPA undertake if they collectively ( and individual promoters themselves ) cannot get people into the stadium. Getting the general public in to sample the "show" and see how good on track racing excitement can be, is the only way forward if Speedway GB is ever to see a revival. Thanks and farewell Tony. We now need A Real Showman ( oops Showperson ) to make people see speedway as a fun night out, worth spending their money on.
  21. I am a little confused about your question in that, naturally If they had not issued the PR saying info would be given in January, I would be disappointed and asking Why not tell us anything soon? Now that we know ( from their PR) that we will be told a lot more between January and March, I am waiting patiently ( along with everybody else ). It's not moaning it's asking that the sports club / business I am most interested in, tell the fans what the next season holds. We have now been told - that's fine. Just replying.
  22. Hardly negative - critical yes, about the way it is and has been done. I have rejoined the Stars Supporter club and in Post 1040 I re-iterated that I am prepared to give Buster and Brundle ( presumably Allit too is still a co - promoter ) one last chance to get it right in 2018 and have also said I will be there, paying to get in, if the team is of sufficient strength. Not quite sure how much more positive I can be. I am waiting patently for the "better than ever show to be unveiled" as promised.
  23. Looks as if the new PR fusillade has been set off a mite earlier than expected? Bette than being late I suppose! We will soon be hypnotised into believing that "all is well" at KLS.
  24. I am, but it really is "one last chance". Please get it right this time Buster. The track & the relationship with fans.
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