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Everything posted by waytogo28

  1. Better by far then to have matches consisting of 50 NOT 15 "heats" of one lap each to allow for the non gaters to have another go or three.
  2. I have been trying to work out how many. But I ran out of noses to add them up on. We will soon be reassured that all of this will not happen in 2019 / 2020 / 2021 and certainly before UK speedway folds in on itself.
  3. Riding 4 matches is a mad ask as well as a big ask. Beggars belief that anyone "planned" the fixture list months ago. The doubleheader V Wolves may have gone relatively smoothly but that is not to say it can be repeated. Sod's Law truly exists. What can you say! Things will never change because there is no shared impetus to change things for the better within the BSPA. And believe it or not I am not a Doom & Gloom merchant either but I am a realist who can see no future progress without enormous changes within the sport in the UK.
  4. That's Speedway, the only sport that lost it's way and failed to find it again. Managed decline in full swing.
  5. There is little or no difference between them except they do not ride against each other. The two leagues of 14 teams mooted for 2019 should improve things for existing fans but of course, will not pull in new ones. Hopefully with no doubling down.
  6. Yes, it's a pathetic way to run what is claimed as a professional sport seeking wider credibility. But they can pull in 1,000 and are happy with that.
  7. Written and said numerous times about a rider who is more often dangerous than out of control. Pity because he is talented but has little idea of how to utilise that talent. And little respect for other riders.
  8. The rumour I have heard and which sounds credible is that there will be 2 leagues of 14 teams each. The top one being at Championship level and the second at National League level. Presumably, the biggest of names will be not required due to cost - but that is my spin on it.
  9. Misery is what they sell us in speedway, in one way or the other. Secrecy is their byword until there is either a leak ( I thought there had been re-re-located fixtures?)
  10. The Cooks of this world will not be 'doubling down" next season if the rumoured changes in league structures take place.
  11. Berwick - it's neither here nor there and has been both.
  12. It is invariably cold, windy , wet or often all three north of the border and it is sometimes not at all easy to recognise what the locals are saying. One is never quite sure if they are friendly or otherwise. Look what happened to Captain Cook
  13. When it suits him to. He would not have liked last nights track and would likely have thrown his dummy out of the pram, again. We know where he is going now and it's not upwards.
  14. The key problem is that British Speedway seems not to be run on "any lines" at all, basic or otherwise. They make knee-jerk reactions to any developing situations which are ill-conceived and poorly thought through. Or not thought through at all. Changing the league set up once again, as rumoured, is not going to attract a new generation of fans all by itself is it? Why would it, as nothing in the entertainment served up on track will change. And nobody in the outside world will know about it anyway.
  15. A mediocre meeting indeed. Anyone who felt joy or jubilation after watching that rubbish racing is deluded. Poole had no intention of trying to race for 12 heats ( other than Harris ). And NOT the real Poole for sure! My money is still on them to win the playoffs. Brady Kurtz proved to be truly capable in his ride to beat Robert Lambert. Class on a bike - so proving he did not try in his three earlier rides where, if he were a footballer he would have got a red card for "diving". Grippy track excuse my whatsit . Yes, you can only beat what is put up in front of you. Poole should be up for bringing the sport into disrepute.
  16. Game plan of losing 60 - 30 almost perfectly executed. Poole came with no intention of trying to win or bothering to be competitive. But I tell you what, they will win the playoffs. And that is all that matters to them.
  17. Cheating the fans of course, but Hey! That's speedway all over. What's new.
  18. Is Klindt riding at KL tonight or not? Both club websites state that he is. So I hope that he is.
  19. Superb racing and very crisply presented ( as all speedway matches everywhere should be ). Some of the best racing I have ever seen. Riders truly "wanted " it ( at a £1,000 a point why not! ). If only the BSPA had not lost the plot re How To, all would have been similar. No chance now! More exciting if each team in the UK had a Mr Blobby to run out and wave wildly at riders to put them off. Anything is better than tapes to flag wins time after time. That is at the heart of the problem. Nothing to get excited about,
  20. According to the Stars this must be purely something "lost in translation" in the depths of Google as the other Niels Kristian Iversen will be in the full Star's lineup on Weds. at Saddlebow Rd. Or is it about another Wednesday match in another week. Curiouser and curiouser.
  21. Aha but a number of other threads contain almost endless positive ideas that could be / should be being discussed by those who plan the future of the sport in the UK. As far as we know they have not read them, considered them and certainly not responded to them. I and many others have offered feedback to promoters who don't even bother to say "Ta". This thread is brainstorming the most out of the blue ideas that might even ( who knows ) contain the germ of a transformative idea. Hurray that among the Pythonesque of concepts something might linger that will be what UK speedway looks like in five years time. IF it exists at all, other than as a semi-pro league sport. Let the seeming ( and entertaining to some at least) madness continue so that Rollerball on bikes is the new motorcycle sport that emerges in the UK that can pull in fans in their thousands as opposed to their hundreds.
  22. However many points you pile onto the system for away wins or draws it is NOT going to pull in any new fans who might become regulars. That is merely more tinkering while Rome falls down. The "managed decline" has started.
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