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Everything posted by waytogo28

  1. That is how it will be for the season without changes. You are right that Proctor and Kerr are never going to truly step up. Proctor will never do better than last year and I feel that that was his peak year and not a breakthrough year at the top level. Riss is capable of establishing himself as a heat leader but he is not there yet in terms of consistency. Please don't keep Simon Lambert for the season ( or even as a standby team member ) it shows a lack of ambition.
  2. Aha! So however many clubs Buster get's to own he's " King;s Lynn through and through". So much for the local fans and their interest in their club. We can expect some changes to the KL team shortly then? Perhaps being KL "through and through" does not extend to laying out any more money.
  3. Gosh! If I had all the answers I would be even more enlightened than Buster Chapman ( thought to be the saviour of UK speedway by some ) and that would be impossible. We will have to settle for the Chapman & Godfrey way of doing things ( rubber stamped by the other promoters ) until either great expansion or total extinction looms. Will we be jumping up and down a la the Polish terraces or standing knee deep in tumbleweeds?
  4. And the promoters ( Associated or not ) are convinced they are right. Who are we to argue? How does that saying go " build it and they will come" in this case "put it on on Monday and they are unlikely to come".
  5. There was me thinking of going back to an EofES match after many years because it was so exciting and quite like Torun. You mean that it does not closely resemble the racing at Torun. Not more Fake News!
  6. That is what he is very likely to do. Win heat 2 and scrape a poor third later on. The least exciting rider to watch after his first heat ( for me ) , which must use up all of his dynamic energy.
  7. Love his way of working or detest it. It's Buster. He will succeed in driving a number of speedway fans away from The Showground just as he has from Saddlebow Rd. And sadly I feel that he is completely unaware that that is the case. He can see only the "saving" aspect and is oblivious to the destroying part. But destroy it he will.
  8. Oh No! Not HIM, please. Gives it 100% for one race, which is not enough genuine effort for me. Then lacklustre to say the least. Give another younger rider a chance.
  9. Oh Yes it is! To be kind to it perhaps only 10 or 12 races per match are Gate & Go. Too many for my liking.
  10. How did he get away with that start? The ref. blinked or what? Other than that how refreshing to see a race with multi passing in it. So all visiting riders should have a few yards at the start to make speedway into speedway racing?
  11. Indeed a good commentator can add to the atmosphere but a poor one can be a pain to put up with. Mostly at the AFA I would like to be able to clearly hear the race results and especially any interviews, which unless you find a sweet spot are invariably still inaudible.
  12. That is going much too far. This is not Wonderland ( the Alice in type ) where anything is possible. Hence so many have walked away because they are very rarely considered.
  13. I am sure that after paying over your cash all of the riders riding tonight will be announced before they take to the track. Or announced at the end of each race they take part in. Not knowing really heightens the tension AND reduces unrealistic expectations.
  14. Mine was not an answer. it was my unpopular opinion. I linked it to yours to offer some balance. Now that popular opinion is being swayed ( by some ) towards Buster Chapman being a "saviour" of top league UK speedway in 2019, my firmly held opinion is much less popular than it was.
  15. The rumour going around Saddlebow Road last night was that Craig Cook is about to pop up at another of Buster's tracks! Seems most unlikely but given all the funny handshakes going on in UK speedway, who knows? It would make a mess of the supposed reason that CC left Pboro.
  16. The tractor racing light show was a highlight for me. Quite dramatic Le Man style. Only two real speedway races and one other with a pass in it ( exiting from the 2nd bend first lap ). Poor value for money in my mind.
  17. I think they are mostly to blame for bringing UK speedway to it's knees. It was stumbling badly when they took over with their loud-mouthed ( poorly thought through "tactics" ) One dead end thought after another - each of those has made the situation worse. They should hold their heads in shame but they are typical "I know I am right" kind of people and "damn you and what you think". They are "My way or the highway" men, sadly. neither of them is interested in sincere feedback from supporters. They are both likely to "go down with the ship".
  18. Because they believe that the miracle - bring everyone to our door is - social media. It's nearly free so very appealing to promoters. Ha Ha, nothing could be further from the truth at least for speedway. Pearl & Dean and regional TV is a much better bet ( but you have to pay for it ).
  19. Chauffeur No. 2 ( KL based ) likes to arrive around 7 pm. However, chauffeur No. 1 ( based near Kettering ) will be coming on 29th ( weather permitting ) and he likes to arrive before the gates open ( to secure "his" car park space ). When chauffeur No. 2 is on duty I will be up for the track walk. No wheels of my own you see. Life was so much easier in the early 1970's for me at least!
  20. Of course I mean that. Early season matches have an odd feel and an odd result about them all too often. If you mean do I still love the Stars - of course I do! I will have my money ready to renew my Supporters Club membership. Now I have recovered from my over the winter triple heart bypass I hope I am going to get a track walk in 2019? It's other aspects of how things are done at KLS that do not appeal to me. Go Lambo Go! I remember in the long and distant past that those Witches came, raced and conquered.
  21. They do have the most superstars, would be superstars and riders giving the impression that they long to be superstars.
  22. I will put in for my testimonial meeting now then, August 1949 and never missed a season ( or part of one ) of The Stars since then. Man and boy ( and now dinosaur ) at Norwich and King's Lynn. Is there a form I need to fill in? Please let them decide quickly or the older of us who might be eligible may pass away.
  23. We all know how wealthy the people of London are - as what goes to Kent! And all those wealthy landowners too. Len is just charging what the market can bear. Maybe they are not "proper" old school supporters? They could be flash types to whom 20 or 30 quid at the door is nothing. Don't we need another 250, 000 of them across the country?
  24. With a strong owner and a vastly experienced promotional team, you can expect such skilful tactical planning. You can't expect them to be thoughtful and considerate of their supporters as well.
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