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Everything posted by waytogo28

  1. The only surprise is that new promoters, who promised a different way of doing things, make the same mistakes ( perhaps knowingly ) as so many before them. Hiding behind dubious excuses that might prove to be lies, is the way to erode whatever support you have gathered to date. Tell the whole truth, tell it promptly and fully and you may well avoid the worst of the fallout. Going the other way is to enter a storm of criticism.
  2. Much of course depends on "who you know" in positions of influence and how long they continue to pat you on the back and say " you can depend on my friend here". When they suddenly drop you, well then you have to dig into the pile of funds you salted away when things last went belly up in your business life.
  3. I am sure that this is a far from difficult test to pass ( that is the impression gained over many years of reading about the way many promoters have operated their speedway business ). Very likely - being able to breathe and showing blood when pricked with a pin. Possibly, in addition, looking good in a blazer might come into account. As for Cookie - it seems that very likely he has not chosen his "battles" ( nor the reason for them ) well.
  4. As it is Buster's money ( we assume ) propping up the Panthers if it goes belly up and flops financially then the egg or whatever that is left on his face is down to the choice of direction that he has taken the club in. What is galling for supporters is his apparent unwillingness to make changes that may break the budget he has settled on. My own feeling is that he will ring the changes within the team in a desperate attempt to prevent the crowd from falling off too badly.
  5. I think that a one league UK speedway sport is much more likely to generate more footfall on the terraces. It may need to be a different structure of who races who in the match format ( to make it genuinely competitive ) But even in a one league UK scenario. the product ie racing needs to be drastically addressed if it is to attract lost supporters ( those still living ) and a new generation of supporters. New supporters are unlikely to put up with around only 3 out of 15 races having any interest for spectators ( after the second bend first time around ).
  6. So if they owe hundreds of thousands of pounds, who is the financial backer and how large are they likely to permit the debts to total before cutting off the finance needed to operate? I am not having a go at how BV or the NSS operate but it sounds dangerously unstable. Are they banking on a UK speedway revival? I just can't see that happening.
  7. How long can they go on running those Big Name lineups on crowds between 1 and 2,000 paying customers?
  8. Wave a magic wand and Buster will own all five of the tracks in the Top UK League ( yes only five teams ) in 2020. Top three into the round-robin playoffs. Fifteen riders in a 'choose your team from" pool and £25 to get in ( No concessions ). UK speedway IS going to get much worse before it gets better. Then some semi-pro matches can be run on an ad-hoc basis to ensure a that a sport similar to what speedway used to be like, continues to exist up until the 2028 Centenary. Or do we now all agree that the centenary is now in 2023 and will be called the Buster Remnants Tournament?
  9. Doesn't matter if you complain or not. Buster can't hear any such nonsense and he knows best. Welcome to Buster's Great Imperial Adventure. He does get one aspect of public relations right though. he says " Don't come if you don't like it" and of course they won't.
  10. And the reason why crowds are dropping everywhere ( other than for local early season derbies ). Dropping now and well below survival levels at a number of tracks in CL & PL. But according to the BSPA UK Speedway is Alive and Kicking - and includes "great racing" - their words not mine. All spin.
  11. We all know that Jason is a fighter, not a rider and with the "withdrawal" of Sneddon he probably thought who the hell is there who would put a decent scrap.
  12. The reasons that cause so many supporters to loathe the way Buster Chapman runs UK speedway ( with undue influence ) go much further back than 2019! His determination ( together with Rob Godfrey ) to ignore the feedback of many supporters over at least five years, along with his "I know best" attitude is the bulk of why he is disliked. Rather than building for the long term of UK speedway, he seems hell-bent on it's destruction in the short to medium term. He has been "building King's Lynn for many a year but it is losing support year on year under his "care". Are you sure that you are not him Sportsman?
  13. SoN was supposed to make it easier for "lesser ability " teams to take part in a significant way. Can't see that as more often than not (except in a few rare cases ) they are cannon fodder at worst or no-hopers at best. Bit pointless really these "qualifiers". And no, I am not a Smiths fan.
  14. A good observation from which we can conclude ( partially at least ) that tracks like Wolves ( tight and technical etc ) are totally unsuitable for modern speedway bikes. Hence the huge decline in support on the UK terraces at the same time as the massive increase in regular support in Poland. UK speedway tracks need different, less highly powered bikes to show thrilling, attractive racing that people will pay to see. All the spin of "Alive & Kicking" will be shown up as washed up dross by the end of July.
  15. Taking a stand against something which you believe is not good for the club you have long supported is NOT wishing for it to close down. I too detest the way in which Buster Chapman runs King's Lynn Stars ( and I think in the long term it will not help the club to develop ) but my passion for the club and team and its long heritage ( going back to it's links to Norwich Stars where I developed the speedway habit from my parents ) is in no way diminished. I do believe that in the fullness of time the Chapman & Godfrey era of control will be seen as the death throes of the professional sport in the UK. Alive & Kicking my a**$.
  16. They do have very similar hairstyles, which is a little confusing. But that is likely down to DNA factors ( if we are still allowed to say such things ).
  17. Threatened by rain the weather forecasts. We will see how the new track stands up to a good soaking and if it remains raceable.
  18. There is a slight difference in the spelling of Kurtz it seems . Up North it's Kertz and down South it's Curtz. They are both from Australia but it's a big place you know. It's all in the pronunciation.
  19. By the time this new" much better for modern bikes" track settles down, the whole site will be built over. April 2021 - a building site. Get on with finding a new site ASAP.
  20. You are well aware, I am sure, that at none of Buster's tracks such foul language as "official attendance figures" is permitted. £10 in the swear box please.
  21. But are Ipswich going to survive ( and Peterborough and possibly even King's Lynn ) because that attitude by Buster is going to turn off a lot more supporters ( other than the 6-800 die hards at each of those tracks ). Another two months will see crowd levels reach and indicate the true measure of support for the sport in the UK. As with so much of the business end of UK speedway we will never know who the true backers of Buster's bid for overall control are.
  22. "Saving" the premiership on TV was a pointless exercise if this first offering is anything yo go by. However much spin Tatum & Pearson put on it ( and they did their best with Natalie and Steve B filling in to make it seem exciting ). It was dramatic from a points swing aspect due to errors and NOT due to exciting racing. Clearly, a Gate & Go circuit at least for 85% of races. I can't believe what any casual viewers might have made of if they stumbled across the hype of Live Speedway. As for the inexplicable ( if within the rules which must be thoughtlessly drawn up ) refereeing decisions and the numerous bikes not fit for the purpose of racing. Add to that the riders who are happy to ride around in 3rd or 4th place until they get their next chance at making a gate. New viewers will know nothing of the subtle excitement of the first and second bend clash - the first time around ( THAT is the race ). Blink and you miss it. 2/10 or possibly 3/10 ( for actually continuing to exist inside a new housing estate ).
  23. You believe it, I believe it and many others do too. But the Powers that Be ( yes I know they are investing their own money and that of some sponsors ) will NOT accept it. In the world where 90+% of promoters dwell - "All is well and things will soon "bounce back" is their take on it - at least in public. It is like other problems (gambling, alcohol or drug addiction ) until you admit you have a problem and know clearly what that problem is - change of any kind will not happen. UK speedway finds itself in that place. When the league structure finally crumbles we can only hope that speedway racing on a semi-pro basis will continue at a few places. It may not though.
  24. The story of speedway across the UK if it were ever looked at objectively from the outside. It's beyond rare for me to go home after a match at King's Lynn with " my head on fire" with excitement. Perhaps when Robert Lambert first rode for the Young Stars and I still talk about those matches. Yes, the odd good race since but whole exciting matches - No! FTG rules the roost and hence existing fans continue to melt away and new fans are truly rarer than hen's teeth. The KL tracks looks good but provides little or no racing nowadays. So, yes, "bordering on non-existent and boring" is a good description when talked about with no spin. Me too. Not sure I can put up with it for much longer and am thus on the verge of joining the ranks of ex-fans in the stadium. Still love the GPs on TV and what I can see of Polish racing ( on YouTube ).
  25. He is not that talented! However, I believe that it will end in financial tears and prove to have been several steps too far! Before the end of the season, the average gate at all three of Buster's clubs will be clear to those who count objectively and unless the financial backers who supported the plan to "save" the Premiership dig deeper, it will all fall to pieces. Overextended comes to mind.
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