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Everything posted by waytogo28

  1. I have copied this here from the U21 Team Final hoping to prompt discussion of Pay Per View live streaming - The real winner was the quality of the delayed live stream, which I personally would have paid for ( had the option been available LIVE ). This is the dilemma facing UK speedway in that making paid live streaming of as many matches as possible to see if that can add to the overall income stream for each club. I would pay for a live streaming view of every match from the NSS. I would pay £5 - possibly more and I point out that I would not be a lost fan from the turnstile income as I have never been there and am very unlikely to watch live in the stadium ( due to several factors including transport the and overall costs ). Would this match have made the Pay Per View income viable ie 1,000 people or 5,000 people paying to watch? As there was a potentially global audience it could have been 25,000 paying fans ( or more ). The BSPA need to grasp the nettle on this ( yes I know this was not a BSPA event ) but the likely future of UK speedway is at least partially intertwined with PPV income. This delayed live stream, which I enjoyed, was worth me paying something for, had it been LIVE . What do other people feel?
  2. The real winner was the quality of the delayed live stream, which I personally would have paid for ( had the option been available LIVE ). This is the dilemma facing UK speedway in that making paid live streaming of as many matches as possible to see if that can add to the overall income stream for each club. I would pay for a live streaming view of every match from the NSS. I would pay £5 - possibly more and I point out that I would not be a lost fan from the turnstile income as I have never been there and am very unlikely to watch live in the stadium ( due to several factors including transport the and overall costs ). Would this match have made the Pay Per View income viable ie 1,000 people or 5,000 people paying to watch? As there was a potentially global audience it could have been 25,000 paying fans ( or more ). The BSPA need to grasp the nettle on this ( yes I know this was not a BSPA event ) but the likely future of UK speedway is at least partially intertwined with PPV income. This delayed live stream, which I enjoyed, was worth me paying something for, had it been LIVE . What do other people feel?
  3. He deserves some sort of fate and yes it could begin with a C. Or perhaps a three letter one H.D.& Q.
  4. And Buster gives NOT a whit. There were certainly less than 1.000 fans there on Monday, As an advert for the sport at Saddlebow Road, why would anyone new even bother to think about showing up for a future match? The income from speedway supporters is clearly of little importance compared to income from other sources and keeping the sponsors happy on TV. Let's have 50 one lap races per match as this is, as you say, Mr Webb, where any regular passing takes place.
  5. It's not the name that shows him / her up, it's the mindset. Never varies.
  6. Thank you on both counts. 6 man sides are an easy fix for One Big League and the clearest chance of turning things around. But as you say getting everyone on board when there is little leadership from the "leaders" - Ah well. If only they did though and introduced standardised machines ( by any feasible engineering means ) there is a chance that speedway racing could return and thrill the crowds ( who might return or even be renewed with no grey hairs, unless dyed in ). Instead of FTG speedway riding. That and no guarantees, only good points money for riders and make them truly earn their corn.
  7. Promotion ( personally ) for SS then? Or is he merely spreading the Good News of the gospels, rather than writing them?
  8. Is this a case of somebody, anybody, nobody etc should have told them? Can one of us get through? Can Philip Rising get through to the powers that be over the start time? If not when they switch on at 17.45 it will be over. Just in time for the result!
  9. I assume no news too. A regular feature of supporter disenchantment.
  10. Mr Parker was not doing his multi-club ownership role because of any love for the sport, it was a licence to print money in those days. Now Mr Chapman does it because of his slavish belief that TV "is a good thing" ( but cannot persuade to his fellow promoters to fill up the stadiums with a decent admission price when the cameras are there ). I think that is driven by Buster's arrangement with his sponsors, that TV exposure comes with any deal he has with them. Is that brave or foolish in the economic framework of UK speedway today? BV was still half empty last night.
  11. If the back straight toilets still exist and are used, do take your wellies in a carrier bag because white trainers in there would be a disaster!
  12. Absolutely that should be the case and is probably a legal requirement ( can anyone tell us )? Promoters seemingly love to erode or fudge around any consumer rights that supporters may have and go blindly on with their Arthur Daley way of "organising" things. They really are stuck in the 1950s.
  13. It was a major factor in me deciding to take in fewer meetings, which I have stuck to this year. Oddly Buster Chapman at KL after previous debacles has had adequate cover but not it seems at Pboro. Why differentiate between his three clubs? I just can't understand why Promoters go on doing this as the frustration drives more and more supporters away every time it happens. Yes, I do understand the cost factors but what that really says is that they can't afford to run speedway matches professionally and so might as well give up now and shut UK speedway down.
  14. If the tracks are going to try to hold onto some of the existing fanbase then they must avoid these kinds of situations. Tracks are to blame. The 'show" they contracted to supply was drastically changed and although there is no legal requirement to do better, the moral of the handling of these situations is clear. many supporters don't bother to go back or pick their meetings more and more carefully. Support can fall away very easily. All too often it feels like they are taking supporters for granted. In my opinion, they are!
  15. But that is what has been happening for nearly ten years now. A process accelerated under the "leadership" of Chapman and Godfrey. And will continue until speedway as we know whimpers to an inglorious end.
  16. No Cameron Heeps ( on current form at least ).
  17. It's hardly a Plan B. More like a Cheap & Cheerful "that'll do" local arrangement.
  18. Aha. There are no true defenders of speedway it is judged through a years back, pre-silencers, view in people' minds ( especially local official's minds ). As for this supposed Cross Party Speedway group of MPs, it is just a lunching jolly for the Blazers.
  19. It's as good a change as we can expect. Positive and forward-looking, The right move in my mind. If they all stay injury free that is as good a Stars team as we can hope for.
  20. Because partly because of the Vroom. Vroom thrill and the belief that the fastest engine will make them a winner. Which it will if they can gate and hold onto the bike. Trackcraft has moved onto that aspect of being a speedway rider and not how can I pass someone.
  21. Ah what dreams of what could be! And what used to be when a large number of people followed speedway. They haven't all died, it's just that as the racing quality fell away their interest died.
  22. The BSPA gave up on doing much with club websites ( on the advice on an insider ) and concentrate ( if that is the word ) on social media because three are millions of people on there, simply gagging to know about speedway and rush to see a match - apparently.
  23. Because "one swallow does not a summer make: as the saying goes and I rate Simon on his overall scores for the Stars, not one match. If we did that 0 0 0 0 away would count against him. I don't disrespect him, I just believe that he tries to ride above his level. In the new, soon to come one league, he may find a place at KL as there will be a weaker overall level.
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