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Everything posted by Gunner85

  1. That is great news for Dan and a big thumbs up to Tai.
  2. Connor ......Fight the good fight with all thy might Good luck with your Speedway battle to get to the top.
  3. In a nutshell what did he say? I do not get the Speedway star anymore
  4. I have met with Connor a number of times. A talented young rider who was always approachable and a credit to the Sport. I am appalled that he is getting online abuse.... I do not need to know the details other than those involved should be ashamed of themselves. Head up Connor.. fight the good fight with all thy might and hope to see you in 2021. Hope Connor makes a good step up the ladder in 2021
  5. Sad news.... both Zenon and Edward Jancarz served British Speedway well in those early days of Polish riders riding in Britain. Zenon was a very talented rider.My condolences to his family
  6. Good to see Glasgow have another FIM qualifier in 2021.
  7. If it is possible for Newcastle to have a Scunthorpe type stadium and be in charge of their own destiny, it will be a great move forward. good luck
  8. I see greyhounds are getting 1 million from the govt.
  9. We had lots of British League riders Championships at Hyde road in October that produced racing far superior racing than any Individual World final.... 25,000 capacity crowds at it’s peak. Yes it would be better in the summer... but they have chosen October
  10. I liked full meeting journalism on British meetings to include heat details and times. I also found myself reading a small portion of the mag as opposed to cover to cover reading that I used to do. Stopping the Speedway star was more to do with a mammoth reduction in meetings that I now attend. Having averaged 55 meetings a year over 56 years , 2020 would have seen me attend no more than 12 meetings... so The Bspa website was sufficient for my needs
  11. After 56 years of having the Speedway Star, I finally gave up last January.. It is sad to say they no longer give good value Stories re British Speedway.. I hope they can financially stay afloat... if they go back to former journalism , I would come back
  12. you cannot blame the riders going for riding in Europe. put the blame on Poland for their selfish attitude to World Speedway. Certainly damage could be done to the overall standard of the Premier league.
  13. Do Eurosport television the ice SGPs ? if not how do I watch it
  14. On the SGP website, he clearly states he wants to ride in Britain.
  15. Thank you to Jason Doyle for backing Britain and staying in the Elite league despite Poland’s new rule of two clubs only if you want to ride in the Extraleague. Sadly I feel the Elite league will lose some top riders with this new rule
  16. I see riders in Poland’s extra league in 2021 will only be allowed to ride for ONE other club. More Poland rules the Speedway world and extremely disappointing. Looks like Britain will lose some more TALENTED RIDERS with this rule. Shame on Poland
  17. As soon as we had the heat 15 melee, it was obvious they old pull the plug at heat 14. correct decision without a doubt....
  18. Thanks, I do not get the Speedway star anymore.the council appear to have done a u turn. I was told that they were going to fence the area off to stop the caravans and let Speedway have a new track....
  19. There were rumours of anew track close to the Northside site..... what happened
  20. I think enough has been said now and we should not utter or mention his name again.... purely as a respect to the pensioners that he terrorised
  21. Weather conditions are the main cause of reduced quality racing. the track is without doubt a brilliant track to watch racing. We had a Colts meeting, I think versus Stoke from memory, where the rain did a lot of damage to the track and subsequent preparation. they went ahead and got the meeting on. A poor meeting due to the conditions but at least we saw a meeting and I’d not have a wasted journey. There is nothing worse than letting the fans in and later abandoning the meeting... it does a lot of damage re maintaining floating supporters.
  22. We will very lucky to have crowds in stadiums in the early part of a normal season.... personally I have grave doubts of stadiums opening early season unless they are prepared to have pay per view.
  23. Most enjoyable meeting. A novel ending with the 5 and 6 man race... perfectly safe around the NSS. Cudos to Jason Doyle for making it 3 wins on the trot... Magnificent effort from the management to put 4 meetings on in this Covid ravaged season.
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