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blue witch

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  1. First part done and one of the most important. Great to have Jenkins back and at RS too
  2. I wouldn't say Dan is a top bloke off the track. He's been quite arrogant from some of stories I've heard from multiple teams
  3. I think the amount of time and effort Louis took to get everything in place for Emil to come over, he feels he owes it to come back over? He's a winner and wants to win things maybe feels he has unfinished business? whatever it is I don't care as long as he's back in British speedway. I've said before I don't pay £23 a week to watch the likes of Danny King or Kyle Howarth you pay it for the entertainment of Doyle, Emil, Brady Tai etc. No wonder the crowds was down when 2 of the best in the league was missing for months with no good replacements
  4. Definitely that I agree! King at 2 though is a different kettle of fish. Brennan and Rew in the engine room is the back up we need for Doyley and Emil. Let's wait and see but there won't be many stronger teams
  5. @siggysigalos As much as I don't want King in and would rather Ellis this is the team I've heard it is. Thompson 25% reduction and King and Brennan 2.5%
  6. We don't need to worry about him going BV. He will be back with us next season
  7. With Thompson being 3.1 I believe this adds up to 39.91
  8. Doyle King Brennan Rew Emil Thompson Jenkins
  9. That's all we need. A couple of fresh faces and 🤞 an injury free season and we should be good for success
  10. Is King in either? Heard 5 are nailed on waiting for the 6th
  11. Points limit is 40 next season - Hoping Jenkins at RS
  12. Hearing Doyle (C) and Emil coming back ...
  13. Promotion happy to get give the cup away it seems. Can we get a guest for King?
  14. On the flip side should KL still have a facility for him now the 28 days are up since his ban? They should now be looking to sign a replacement (not much out there to choose from) but that's no one else's fault
  15. You're not allowed to change riding order once teams have been submitted which they have. Unless Ipswich agree to the change in ride order
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