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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Yes and up against these reserves/pairings named so far Coles/Stoneman both 2.00 Bowtell 4.28/Pearson 4.00 but team beatable outside of Morris Hook 4/Bickley 2.93 Pearson has 2.20 GSA & Hook 3.18 rolling or 2.78 over 18 meetings. Neither a 4 but being Aussies get a min of 4.00 GSA Complin 4 / Piper 2.00 Atkins/Killeen both 2.00 Trigger 2.00 plus another Edwatds 3.8 / Mulford 2.00 Kenedy 4.27/Thompson 3.27 Then calculate the possible points haul our 2 reserves (Say Roynon 3.47 and Newman 4.29) could harvest against these guys in each meeting and the benefits to me greatly outweigh signing Ablitt again on a 2.
  2. I agree Skidder. I think Zach would have been a great reserve in his original Draem Team idea, if we had signed for example Rew on 5 and Zischke on 4. Now Zach and Zischke is a pairing I would love to have seen in reserve but not to be it seems.
  3. Not been convinced on Drew for a long time now. He is likely to score 1/2 as he is to score 6 and hellishly inconsistent. You have to ask yourself is it him or us considering no team whether it be Prem or Champ has come in for him. Such a shame as 3/4 years ago he was supposed to be one of the next Brit big things. Still time but he needs to get it together on track more. We cannot carry him, with the new points system and where we don't have a proven 3rd H/L although we HOPE maybe Ben will improve further. I think also with so many weaker reserves the Ford's are going for strength in depth with strong reserves (especially looking at those named so far). Better to have someone who will hopefully get you a minimum of 4/5 than Nathan who may start getting 2 and just HOPEFULLY the odd 3 or 4. he may have a year under his belt but it would still be a risk, where Roynon and an even stronger reserve partner gives you a lot more.
  4. We have 12.97 left. Drew 5..20 /Thomas 4.78 /Roynon 3.47 doesnt fit as its 13.45. You could factor in Newman 4.29 Connor Bailey 4.32 .Rowe 5.08 as well as Roynon. Have been scratching my head on the various combos for a week now as I am sure if Plymouth named their side it may well unlock the key to our last 3. The Thomas/Newman/Roynon mix seems to tie in with a good few's thinking at this moment but who knows ?? Maybe even a 4 point Aussie we have not factored in or even a 5 point one.
  5. Don't disagree. Point is that If it's Roynon with Newman or Thomas or Zach Cook it gives a decent 6 & 7 throughout the season in comparison to a lot of those named. Yes I am sure a number of the others will improve but when you view against the others named we should score plenty from those 2 positions. Also look at Roynon's CMA on thre Speedway Stats site. In 2022 he rode 11 matches at Redcar and had a CMA of 4.29 or 5.43 if you add his 12 BP. If he can replicate that at Poole we will have a decent pair of reserves. Even away his scores were workable and that was before the 40 point rule and lots of weaker reserves in 2023. Importantly hopefully it keeps us closer in meetings to hopefully set up that all important new aggregate BP over 2 legs in 2023.
  6. If it is Newman, you can imagine the amount of points he would rack up against many/most of the other teams reserves. At home I doubt many would beat him and also away he would do well. Could well see him swapping the 6 slot with the likes of Zach Cook and the likes of Thomas IF he is one of the signings. Also look at the majority of pairings at reserve for all the other teams on the Championship 2023 team forum page 1 to give you an indication of the riders he would be up against. Could well be a big points puller if with Roynon as the other reserve who will also be racing against plenty of 2 pointers. This could well be an area we more than compensate for not having an out and out recognised 3rd H/L. IF Ben Cook does improve further into that position then it could be a big bonus in both areas.
  7. Here we go. We are about to go off subject again . Anyway back to trying to work out the possible permutations for Poole 2023 last 3 riders again
  8. If that were the case then it brings you back to a 2 pointer really assuming Complin is signed up. Suppose Ablitt might be a temp option but a chronic waster of points and exposes us at reserve for a while. Can't really see anyone else who would fall into that 4.29 roll looking at the final GSA sheet. Not unless a 4 point Aussie who is hardly going to fly over. Josh Macdonald (4.00 GSA) maybe who did have a base to stay in UK when he was over here last season and previously with Scunthorpe & Sheffield. But what a long way to come maybe for a few meetings and then having to sit out in hope that someone comes along. I know until a couple of weeks ago he was saying he might have to find a new job in Aussie as nobody was calling him to come over in 2023. Would even probably be a half decent reserve to even replace Newman and capable of beating plenty of the opposition reserves. Just a thought and would fit points wise.
  9. Poole were not prepared to take on the costs associated with Rew being based in POL, I doubt they would take on similar type costs for Gino who is supposed to be based in SWE in 2023 from things I have read.
  10. You would think IF a broken shoulder that all of Dec/Jan/Feb and a good part of March would put him well on the road to recovery unless it was really bad. The 4.29 temporary guest cover (plus 5% for home meetings ??) still leaves a plenty of potential guest options as cover for maybe a few weeks ?? You only have to look on that SGB signings page to see who could cover.
  11. By the way JT/Newm/Roynon is a whisper I heard and not what I was initially thinking. But then I w as blinded by having the 2 most exciting Aussie youngsters around. But the horrendous costs involved in at least one of them based in POL seems to have probably killed that idea.
  12. With regards to Roynon, for those interested in his (and other riders stats please feel free to look at the excellent Speedway Statistic website and the link to Roynon is http://speedway-stats.co.uk/Rider/373 Shows his whole history in Prem/Champ & NDL. It kind of highlights what an injury free and fit Roynon is capable of and at 34 still capable. Bit of a standout against many of the 2 pointers in Champ. Even his NDL av is way above the 2 pointer Champ guys so could be an astute signing with a stronger reserve like Newman. Surely Newman can be fit by the end of March period. Even if not 100% should still be too good for most of the 2 pointers. Just an opinion of course
  13. When you think about it JT/KN/Roynon looks the best strength in depth that fits. Roynon would beat many of the weaker 2 pointers and Newman would beat plenty of the reserves on higher av. If the other side has 2 weak reserves like say Oxford then both would probably be beaten in near enough every ride. This really hits home if you look at most of the SGB Champ reserves already named on page 1 of the SGB Champ signings 2023 page on the Championship forum where not only the riders but their GSA's are shown next to their names. Newman av alone is higher than any of those named and Roynon also higher than many and arguably going to be worth a lot more against the lower ones as the season starts unwinding. Could be a case where fortunately bonus points DON'T count towards GSA's. As for Thomas he is an improver with a GSA lower than what he is capable of and Ippo have taken note of that as their rising Star for 2023. His injury of 2 broken wrists sure kept his GSA anchored lower than what he is capable of in 2022. Of course it's a case of IF it's those 3
  14. Can't see it happening. We have 12.97 left for 3 riders. Batch would tie up 7.29 leaving us only 5.68 - Take 2 for Ablitt only leaves 3.68. Look at the last GSA sheets and looks who is left. Would give you 2 weak reserves. My money will be on strength in depth with what will look like strongish reserves who will sweep up lots of points against a lot of the other reserves in my opinion and not put us on the back foot from heat 2. Now we have only 2 proven H/L (if Lawson added to Worrall) it makes sense that we go for more points over the other teams reserves. Especially the 2 pointers. I think a number of us have a good idea who the last 3 will be. If you assume for example no 2 pointer in our team then you can kind of work it out from the final GSA sheet by taking 2 x 4 point plus riders and 1 x 3 point plus rider from those not yet announced. (Don't forget to discount the 2.5% for all 3 riders as think they will all be Brits).
  15. Then the whole thing made perfect sense in my opinion. Danny Ford knew well in advance the new points limit would be 40 so knew he had the difficult decision of losing one of the three H/L. If King had a good offer on the talbe already and if it was above what Poole are normally prepared to offer, (and even if it was similar to Poole), then that decision was made easier to release him if Worrall & Lawson were happy to continue in 2023. My own opinion was it was totally amicable and an agreed wording and an excellent media write up was agreed upon by both to reflect how difficult the decision had been to release him and what a great servant he had been to the club in the 2 seasons he had been with then in Champ. A good piece of PR all round and both come out of it with credit.
  16. I read that Tate crashed into Sedgeman after he finished third in the A Final. Probably the young 16/17 was so excited at having finished 3rd in the Aussie Champ that he lost concentration and control . Apparently had an ambulance ride to hospital. Some Glasgow fans think he is heading to them for 2023 and one commented that his Aussie season may be over due to injury which would be a shame as was looking forward to seeing this exciting talent performing in the 4 rounds Aussie Champ the first week of Jan. . Especially after his performances in his last 4 meetings.
  17. Nope if you read the press release of 7th December, it was Stewart Dickson who clearly refers to Dan as its an article about Dan signing for the Prem Team. I've read it again to make sure it wasn't me making a mistake.
  18. There are a good few still not named in teams. Both the above plus Rowe/Ruml/Nicol/Starke/Morris/Bailey/Morley/Newman in that 4 to 5 range. Okay some may find slots as last places announced but get the feeling some may start season without clubs. Suppose the price of one less club so 7 more riders become available over less teams plus the points reduction meaning its a scramble to fit in meaning more NDL riders out in to squeeze into the new limit. Scunthorpe will probably announce Duglas & Allen as their last 2 so the slots available shrink even more.
  19. A colleague who is normally well in the know on things Poole just reminded me of comments made on the Leicester website on the press release when they announced Thompson only a couple of days ago when they signed him for the Prem. The below is what was quoted. Obviously it would have been ideal if he’d found a Championship team, but hopefully that door will open for him as the season progresses.“He has nothing to prove to me, but if he can show the form that I know he can then I’m sure he will be an option for any teams who don’t start as well as they are expecting.” I can't believe that Poole do not already know their team, as can't believe they would have gone in only in the last couple of days to sign him. That's in my opinion. It would also mean they would have had to sort out the last 2 slots in the same period due to the reduced av to play around with. No doubt we will find out in the near future.
  20. IF Poole are not signing any of the 2 Aussies (Rew or Zischke), then I think they would aim at maximising points by going Thomas 4.78 Newman 4.29 Roynan 3.47 = 12.54 of the 12.97 we had left after the obvious 4 expected signing. Gives a stronger reserve pairing. Just my opinion. For those not aware the Aussie Champ one of meeting final for 22 was today and report is on the below. https://speedwaynews.pl/zuzel/fricke-broni-mistrzostwo-kapitalna-forma-zuzlowca/ Decent meeting for both Rew & Zischke. I know I keep banging on about both but more in hope than expectation. Noises being made on Glasgow Forum about maybe Zischke to them.
  21. On the subject of Roynon many may not be too impressed. However although 34 it worth remembering that before all his injuries he had back in 2012 an av of 8.24 or 8.79 incl BP over 35 meetings with Workington, so he is no mug. Plus was touted as a rider with a big future back in the day. Also his 3 seasons in NDL over 2017/18 & 22 reaped between 9 & 10 average per meeting each season incl BP so more than capable of beating most of the 2 pointers in Champ. Yes injuries took their toll but from the reserve slot could well be capable of 5 to 6 incl BP and then could even swap in and out of reserve with the likes of Thomas (if he is signed) or Zach Cook. Similar with Newman so we potentially have decent reserves all season providing no injuries. The important thing is we stay in the play off places and then anything can happen. Of course that's IF these are the chosen reserves
  22. I think that while it is a bit unfair on Nathan I can fully understand the reasons IF Danny/Matt are going for a stronger reserve pairing. When we had 3 H/L, that with the improvement of the Cooks enabled us to carry Nathan through the whole season with no pressure on him. Now that comfort has gone with the new 40 point limit and with only 2 established H/L I feel that more than ever we will need a decent reserve pairing which if it's Newman & Roydon you would hope at worse a 3-3. A number of times last season we dragged a bit at home in the first half but with 3 H/L we flew in the second half of meetings. We may not have that luxury in 2023 with only 2 established H/L. Having say the stronger reserves hopefully takes some pressure off the top end. We can't just expect Ben to step up as third H/L although we hope he does push on. Similar with Zach. Looking at others teams reserves (those named to date), it should on paper reap benefits, although that's got to be shown on track. Also with the new aggregate and BP system plus only 2 points for a win it will be important to try and keep close on away tracks to try and get that additional BP. A strong reserve pairing could prove important in that respect.
  23. Another crazy idea. How about JT plus 2 other 4 point Aussies. I know I keep on about the Aussies. But that's how Matt/Danny signed the Cooks. Both I believe on 4 and were looked at based on the various close season meetings and the 5 round Aussie Champs (over about 10 days in early Jan. Or maybe Macdonald who had 1.5 season's racing here and another untried but maybe promising Aussie who will be looked at over te Winter. Just a thought as we are trying to work out who. That would avoid using a 2 pointer or the likes of Smith/Bickley or another 2 pointer. Just thinking aloud. Macdonald had a base in UK in 2019 - had it fixed for Covid year 2020 and also had it for 2022 bfore injury cut his season short and still on a 4 GSA.
  24. Like me you come to similar conclusion in that last reserve slot.
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