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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Let's hope its Chris H or if not this week then when side is announced. I think a Thursday track at a venue he rides well is right up his street. I would like to think that he will be in second half of season form in 2017. The breakdown of his personal situation for sure must have taken it's toll on the guy whatever the circumstances. I think a break from Poole will be good for him, in view of what happened on the personal front. Also gives him hopefully his work permit for UK so he can see his son regular. Nope not forgotten. Purely working the system which any other promoter can do. He got an ex rider back on a lowish legal average within a time frame allowed. Is that really any different to what Wolves did ?? Poor Jonas really did nothing wrong but we all know Wolves exploited a loophole which they were perfectly entitled to do just as any promoter could have done similar. Anyway, we can debate long into the night but let's stay off the Chris Holder page as that is what I visit this subject for.
  2. Must admit I do find it frustrating how quickly a subject headed Chris Holder suddenly degenerates into a slagging contest and also completely distracts away from the subject matter. I tune into this subject daily to read the informed comments/opinions rumours etc on where/if Chris will ride in UK the last 2 pages have been filled with comments which seem totally unrelated. Would be great if contributes could maybe aim comments/grievances/gripes about a particular club to that clubs specific page. Having said that I can see the Poole page going crazy with those envious of how a smart promoter has worked the system to his advantage which every other promoter had the possibility to do the same. Funny that Wolves did it last year in getting Tai back on a crazy low average to assist winning the league without much complaint from others.where no doubt had it been Matt Ford these forums would have been screaming blue murder that he had manipulated the system and paid megabucks just to buy the league. Anyway maybe we can keep this page dedicated to the subject matter being Chris Holder.
  3. Like when Swindon go 10 points down in most away matches where he can come in as a tactical after heat 5 ;-) Hope that's not the case as prefer any team stay in a match for as long as possible as we all want exciting meetings
  4. The idea of a forum is to try and cultivate newer members like myself (not even 2 weeks in) to join in the discussion and bring comment/opinion etc. Without such it would be left to the usual suspects who seem to enjoy internal chit chat amongst what they feel is a select few with negative and unwanted comments. People are of course free to comment/agree/disagree or whatever they want to do within reason. Believe me JB, I for one live neither a boring or dull life that I have needed to spend my life on this forum posting not far off 12,000 comments. I for one enjoy a successful life to the degree I retired early this year and enjoy life, but have always been an enthusiastic speedway follower despite its continued downturn in public popularity with the younger of us. People like you and maybe one or two others need to keep encouraging people like me to come on to this kind of forum in order to keep debates/opinion/comments going. Why shouldn't we get excited in anticipation of which rider might be next announced. That's what keeps these forum worthwhile visiting. For every sensible post there is always someone on these forums who just can't help themselves with some half ar**ed comment such as people being bored and having dull lives. Can you imagine if these people had to live with a professional system such as that employed by the Poles and Swedes who have moved light years ahead of the UK in how they plan/run and organise their speedway. Heaven forbid that the UK tries to organise its transfer system similar to these guys. Yes it would all be over in say 2/4 weeks but is that really so bad ??. At least its sorted, done and dusted. The leading speedway nations obviously make it work and make it work successfully. Anyway advanced apologies for tainting this forum with the comments, but this is not the way to attract new contributors to get involved in debate. Trying to guess/anticipate/rumour/get excited about riders you would like to see in your team is part and parcel of forum involvement is it not ??
  5. Hi Tyrion Yes but surely its about strength in depth ?? Kennett is good around Rye House which in itself is worth addl points imo. Not many will master Rye as it was always a tricky track so again he may be worth more than on the face of it. Many riders will not even have ridden it before. I think they may well be very strong at home and with the est riders such as SN/CH/DW and EK scoring solidly away even if not spectacular, I can see them picking up bonus points away which is important to keep in the top 4. I think British riders with proven track records of points scored, plus you know you will get triers is important and doesn't imo break the Bank. We know also Robson can score points at Rye. Not so bad away either against lower order. I even saw him score 12 points guesting for Swindon at Lakeside last season Ok from 7 rides but first was a zero but after that he was most impressive visitor on show outside of Doyle. I think its an interesting side and I am sure the reserves will all be scoring off each other just as it will be with all/most Prem sides next year as many end up with low av guys just to squeeze in teams. Also full marks to Rye for giving the paying public some team announcements so early which has also kept the forum alive with opinion.
  6. Yep that irritating itch has now gone. One less to ponder now EK at RH. Think I will indeed exercise patience from now and keep silent. Will just laugh and smile at the entertainment this forum supplies ;-) At least the list of who it might be is slowly shrinking ;-)
  7. I agree with Joe and also throws up interesting scenario if Todd Kurtz was to score well from reserve in early part of season possibly meaning that either Newman/J.Holder/Brady Kurtz could drop into the reserve berth to maybe p/up even more rides/points although no doubt would be see-saw for that 6 slot during the season. Suits me whichever one of the four is in the 6 slot ;-) But - Something niggling inside tells me E.Kennett may be in there somewhere with Matt going for all round strength in depth and not an out and out number one like KK. Would like both but that's being greedy..... But its all about opinion - opinion and more opinion ;-)
  8. Shame Mr Ford could not give his life blood(fans) a tasty morsel of some kind on the live Pirate cast tonight starting at 7.30 p.m. Would be a nice place to feed those of us impatient buggers ;-) Having said that we are only the cannon fodder (supporters) and heaven forbid we matter. What harm would it do to announce something on Pooles own supporters webcast/radio. But then I am being impatient (not that you can tell huh ?? ;-)
  9. Taking your last option - Todd Kurtz as a reserve on his 5.76 PL av wouldn't be such a bad move considering how many lower order riders are going to be down in these positions as Prem league teams look to balance both their teams and their books. Overhead would also be low as he lives with Brady in the racing season and I think Neil M houses both of them in his spacious residence ;-) I think he also mechanics for younger bro Brady sometimes.
  10. My thinking is similar to yours PB. Was trawling around the EL Av on SGB yesterday and a name jumped out at me that I have not seen mentioned. Kim Nilsson - Age 26 - Rode pretty well for Lakeside last year and surprised have not heard his name so much on the RH posts. Hope Matt gives us another tasty morsel soon so that we can keep playing the numbers game. If he is going to have a number one who is not Hans then the sooner we get it the quicker we can start sending our calculators into overdrive on who the remaining riders may or may not be. At least we will be able to calculate with a lower volume of riders in the lower order :-) I hope he does include Kyle & Brady as it will hopefully allow us to pile up points at home in the very least.
  11. Neil's signing for Piratena is on below link which believe me is the best Polsih Speedway website for all WW speedway updates. It's also on Speedway GP site. Both posted in last 24 hours. http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/645874/niels-kristian-iversen-po-wielu-latach-zmienil-klub or http://www.speedwaygp.com/news/article/5388/iversen-joins-piraterna Also recently he announced he had joined Stahl again next year in Poland. Not long ago he also announced he had signed for Esbjerg. Polish EL new rules for 2017 state you can only ride Polish EL and 2 other leagues of which one must be your national league. Meaning that unless he cans his new Swedish agreement (no chance as not one World class rider would give up Sweden EL for UK) he cannot ride in UK even if he wanted to.
  12. Sorry guys - Got carried away. Think I calculated at least part on the old 1.6 conv EL to PL from last season - Duh....... Plus also forgetting Kennetts last seasons PL av Good thing I am not a promoter ;-) Nice to also see some are alert today :-) For sure I wasn't....
  13. My imagination is in overdrive again :-) Reading about Davey Watt going to RH means they are now on approx. 30.82 with less than 20 left for 4 riders. With that left I cannot somehow see Eddie Kennett on 10.02 going there as it would only leave them less than 10 points for 3 riders. Knowing how well Kennett has gone when guesting for Poole - especially at Poole as evidenced also in the Blue Riband, I wonder if he is likely to turn up at Poole ?? I know when he was interviewed both on Sky and after the Blue Ribbon he was VERY enthusiastic as to how much he enjoyed riding at Poole. To me home form will be important and if the strength in depth is there it will be about getting bonus points away to stay in top 4. More food for thought/comment.
  14. I think as a neutral Morris has talent and imo most of his issues are in his own head as he has the ability if applying it. I believe he has at times maybe had attitude problems which would have been better channelled into his riding rather than being viewed as a bit of an Aussie tearaway. Maybe thinking too much he was another Darcy Ward and trying to match Darcy but in the wrong way. I would not give up on him and I think a double up would do him good personally. Give some Champ riders a beating more to help his confidence as I think he is one who thrives more when his mood is positive. I also think a move out of Polsh Extralia to the lower division will also help his progress and confidence. He still has time to make it big if he channels it positively. Just my opinion.
  15. Hmmm Seems not a lot has changed then since I last visited about 28 years ago.... Having said that Lakeside was hardly utopiah. That seemed to have same facilities since it opened back in the year dot. A toilet visit was both a challenge and a health hazard. Flippers were needed on some occasions. It's sad that I even make jest of some of our stadia in such a manner but unfortunately its true. Anyway I hope Rye do invest a bit of money to give supporters the facilities they deserve for the new Prem. Good luck and fortune to all involved and well done for making such a brave move.
  16. Hi POP I must admit that one thing I have learned from the Poole Forum over the last couple of years as a mere visitor and non contributor (until 1/2 weeks ago) is my observation that you seem to have good inside info on some of the comings and goings. Think you are a lot more local than I am being in deepest Chelmsford - Essex. Maybe you have your ear close to the ground or maybe even a connection to the top table ;-) I may be way off but just a feeling I have based on some of your informed comments/opinions over the last couple of years. It would be great if we did have Matt F or Neil M in disguise posing as a contributor lol.
  17. Maybe he will but how long does he hold fire while the discussions go on. Teams will start to fill and even he will surely start getting itchy as what to do going forward the longer it drags on. It's times like this I wish we had the Polish system of a fixed transfer period of say between 2 weeks and 1 month but can't expect utopia in the PL. Another thing I have always wondered since I started viewing the BSF. Speedway is not like the Football PL or MOTO GP. Its a relatively small motor sport in UK in relative terms. We all know how Matt Ford is both a successful speedway promotor as well as a strong supporter/advocate of the sport. Taking this into account and knowing his love for Poole, I wonder how much he may look in (especially in the close season) at both his own Poole Supporters Forum as well as the Poole BSF forum. Can't help thinking if I was a promotor in such a smallish motor sport I would be eager to look in on both and take on board supporters thoughts/wishes/comments etc. Maybe he could also have an alias name for contribution. Find it hard to believe that he would not look in if only out of curiosity as its not as if he would have to view 50,000 posts per day. I have always wondered if he may have an alias name and is contributing in some way. If not I hope he looks in if only to have a laugh at some of the rumours/thoughts and comments, and maybe even glean some ideas based on some of what is written. After all the supporters are the life blood and future of this sport in whatever format we have going forward. They should not be totally ignored.
  18. If you can guarantee BV will be running and paying his salary in 2017 I would probably say happy to let you keep him just for the pleasure of preserving our best UK track (layout) and for the pleasure of having another UK track run in 2017. Heaven help us if we lose our newest and the so called new home of speedway plus a massive embarrassment to the sport if it doesn't run next year. Good luck to all up their trying their best to keep it going. But I keep my opinion none the less and for sure would like to have him at Poole to tie up with the other 2 budding Aussie potential superstars. Worth the entrance money alone irrespective of who's heat leader which most my fellow Pirate supporters seem to think is probably under control with Mr Ford. Let's hope so ;-) Believe me only a matter of time before I reply to a contentious Starman comment otherwise I wouldn't be joining the fun of the forum ;-) For sure though will not be commenting on any of the nasty stuff that frequents both this and the other team forums far too often. Last thing I want is to pour fuel on raging fires which turn nasty and personal at times. I will keep it to sensible (hopefully) Speedway opinion and comments.
  19. Ah Gavan A man who have not had the pleasure of replying to but have had the pleasure of seeing your posts over the last couple of years. I only joined 1/2 weeks ago. I can see how you pull the chains of some people I must admit ;-) Starman said he (like I) would like to see Fricke at Poole and he can see more improvement to come. He did not mention anywhere about that improvement would only come from joining Poole. His comment regarding a rider coming on a ton at Poole was an unnamed in this post rider. I read his post as he wrote it. I think he would progress further if riding in a happy and secure environment with other young Aussies on the upgrade who are maybe not as forward as he has been in such a short career. I think there is improvement to come from Fricke and looking at his CV so far as a rider not 21 until March. What he has achieved to date compared to say Brady Kurtz (admittedly with an additional season compared to Brady in UK). I agree with Starman that I see him improving. I think that is irrespective of where he rides. Maybe not as exciting and exuberant as a Darcy Ward but neither was Leigh Adams and didn't stop him reaching the top. It works though as riders such as C.Holder -D.Ward - M.Janowski and others who escape the memory for now will profess. Maybe hole avoiding is part and parcel of the make up in becoming a good Speedway GP rider LOL Naughty comment but must admit it made me laugh when I saw it :-)
  20. I wonder if that might change if it became his home track. Anyway its all about opinions which makes this forum so thought provoking and as a new contributor as I am, also enjoyable fun when it isn't the nasty stuff some seem to thrive on lol. Not putting you in that crowd by the way ;-) Also another off the possible rumour list just posted from the Polish website. Janusz Kolodziej has proposals to compete abroad, but instead will focus on driving Fogo Union. Seems he had offers from Sweden and other Countries but wants to concentrate on Polish EL side - their nursery track and also SEC and qualifying for SGP. Personally I see him as another K Buczkowski so would not have seen him as a good signing in the unlikely event Matt was even interested. One less to think about for any British team.
  21. The Forum is all about opinions/rumour etc so how about these thoughts. Brady Kurtz - Love to see him back at Poole buy also to try and double up with Sheffield on his 7.65 Championship av. He was brilliant when he multi guested for Sheffield back in 2015 as it was a track that suited his style. He piled up countless double figure scores when he did appear. Add that to his appearances next year for Polonia Pila in Nice Polish Lge 1 (signed new contract for 2017) will also do his confidence and experience World of good. Also Sheffield regular race night is Thursday so no clash with Poole home matches and well away from Sunday's Polish meetings Jack P Blackburn - Ok so he has signed for his home track and first love Sheffield in Champ. Could he not also maybe double up as a 2 point rider with Poole ??. (Like a reverse B.Kurtz situation). Yes he will find it hard in some races but with the new PL format and points limit means there will probably be plenty of lower order riders incl by promoters with 4/3/2 point averages as they try to squeeze 7 riders in many with inflated PL averages. I am sure Jack would pinch points off quite a few and as he progresses also maybe off some of the so called established second strings. Also gives Matt Ford more room in top order. Max Fricke - Now I know Lisa banged me down on this one but here me out on the facts if nothing else. Max was World U21 champion by being most consistent rider as he did not win one of the 3 rounds. But his consistency won the title. Max rode well in Sweden and his team won the Elite League Max rode well in Poland and his team won the Nice Polish League 1 and were promoted to the Extraliga where he will ride for them in 2017 Max rode well in Denmark where I believe his team won the Danish league Max rode well for BV and they just fell short of winning the EL in UK. Ok an observation was made by Lisa he didn't do great at Poole last year. Ask yourself this. If he can ride well in 4 diff Countries and score well - win 3 league Championships - just fall short in the other plus be World U21 champion, what more can a rider do to show he is World quality, and to boot he is only6 months older than Brady Kurtz and will have just turned 21 in March 2017 when season starts. How many riders can profess such a CV at that age ??? Additionally I notice after I posted reservations about both BV and Leicester running in 2017 some soul/souls tweeted the BSPA asking if any update and the noises coming out of the BSPA are not exactly overwhelming other than talks are ongoing. If I was Matt Ford, I would try my best to get this lad in with the promise of a team place - guaranteed getting paid and good sponsorship also to hopefully ride alongside the likes of Jack Holder and Brady Kurtz meaning the majority of the Young Australia side together as what I call a Dynamic/Turbo Trio. If I was Max I know where I would want to go knowing the security of my club was assured and also a better chance than most maybe of winning the new PL. Also he has a decision to make. He can only ride 3 leagues now incl his home league now he is in Polish EL. Being an Aussie that mean UK/Poland and Sweden. He will have to give up Denmark meaning a possible hole in earnings on top of the uncertainty of BV and whether he would get a guaranteed pay cheque let alone if they will even run. Sorry for long post but all above my thoughts and opinions.
  22. I see that C.Harris has just signed a contract with a Nice Polish league 1 side . Press release as flws on main Polish Speedway website: http://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/645542/kolejny-kontrakt-w-rzeszowie-tym-razem-byly-staly-uczestnik-cyklu-grand-prix You need google translation as I have it as standard on this website so I get automatic translation from my favourites when I open it. Bit surprised as thought he was fed up with Poland and fact they were had still not paid him for last season although diff team. So it seems that both him and S.Nichols will be doing some running around as he also signed for a club in same league. If one or either also double up for a Champ side in 2017 (as Chris for one has certainly stated as his wish) then I wonder how that affects a side such as Rye House who intend to try and run a fair amount on their traditional Saturday night. We know from the past that riders doing Poland on a Sunday have tended to miss plenty of Saturday meetings when they have clashed. Ok you can do Stansted/Heathrow - Poland on a Sunday morning but its going to be a bit gut busting if they do try to squeeze in PL/CH and Nice all in one week. Having said that I suppose both are slowly entering maybe the later stages of their careers from a racing perspective and who can blame them for trying to get as many meetings as possible. Also neither are tied to the constraints of the Polish Extraliga rules on max countries you can perform as Nice League 1 does not have such restrictions. Good luck to both as its good that we have another team in PL and geographically they are my closest team if not my first supported team. I still want them to do well as with the loss of Lakeside locally it left a hole.
  23. I think Justin Sedgmen is one of those Aussies who has gone as far as he can in the sport. Hi is another of those Aussies who is a case of almost but not quite if you get my meaning. I don't want to see anyone lose out on the sport and I hope he at least gets a chance in the Championship which I think is his level. Was good for Edinburgh but falls short at top level (PL/EL) imo. I think he will struggle to get near 7.60 in a PL side. I think much will depend on how many sides we also end up with in PL. I posted my comments on the Poole 2017 site today and would not surprise me if only 7 or 8 sides start although sincerely hope I am wrong.
  24. Yes you are right. Unfortunately I follow the main Polish Speedway website where they run things so differently. They manage to organise 3 leagues where the transfer and signing window is open for just 2 weeks - opens 1st Nov closes latest 15th Nov. Only exceptions being if say a Polish EL club releases one of its squad players to a loan to a Nice 1st/2nd div side for a season which can be done after the official transfer cut off date. Amazing how these guys manage to do it with riders all over the World in the close season even if some go down to the wire at last minute. A bit like the transfer deadline excitement you get on SKY football transfer deadline but in speedway form. The UK a lot different of course. Much weaker league with ever diminishing amount of big stars - new league/points structure indeed agreed only 2 weeks ago - A new Premier League which even as we speak we have no idea if it will really be 9 teams or maybe less - There is an uneasy situation surrounding BV and Leicester. There have been announcements they PLAN to run in Prem but will they and in what format ?? BV no idea who will be running for sure and on what budget. Will top riders want to sign up after the farce of last seasons finances ?? Let alone the uneasy future. Leicester supposedly have 2 poss but both have to meet a long list of requirements and rumour is they may only have Saturdays at home again which would seem to rule out maybe some of the better riders doubling up in Poland. After this what quality will they have in the side ?? Would not surprise me if we end up with 8 or 7 teams in Prem after all the talk is finished. I hope not and just airing my fears and opinion. I also do hope that Matt Ford ties up a decent sponsor after the loss of Readypower. That is a fair chunk of change at a time Speedway is going through an already tough period. Not many have 6 figures to throw around these days on a minority sport even if us minorities love it as I have done since my first meeting at Hackney Wick back in 1970 as a teenager. I suppose it also keeps the BS Forum hot with different views/opinions while all of this trundles on. If we had the Polish system, while it may be exciting for 2 weeks what the hell would we have to talk about if it was all done and dusted by today with still 4 months before we go racing again lol. My excitement of trying to have Poole riders announced asap (even in dribs and drabs) is getting to me.
  25. I do hope that the lack of news on riders from Matt Ford is anything to do that at present the may not have a team sponsor ?? We know he has just lost his main sponsor who was putting in a six figure sum over the last 2 years. Even in his interviews he said was lookin for a new sponsor. If has has riders signed then why not announce. Do we really want to see his comments as today in the Echo about his fear of relegation ?? We know Matt is good at playing the media and announcing when it suits him for max media exposure, which fair enough and good for him. But just a niggle makes me wonder if he is holding back as he needs the major sponsorship money he has enjoyed in previous years before he can commit to any major signings ?? Hopefully not the case. Just hope he starts giving us something shortly to wet the appetite as cannot see how riders such as HA and BK let snippets leak out about possible returns yet nothing coming from upon high. Come on Matt - Give us something besides young JH and the non return of CH.
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