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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. No - No. I have Kyle in my team idea for 2018 (under topic Poole 2018, just posted) so I don't want him to be over eager in piling up the points ;-)
  2. I wonder if I have worked out Matts master plan for 2018 under my post on Poole 2018 Topic ;-)
  3. I partly agree Gavan. I think he will have good/bad and av nights just as riders such as Magic did when first they came over. Not many can be instant hits as it takes time plus they need to mature and adapt. Yes he got beat by riders as mentioned but lets be honest he has beat lots of the top riders in PEL if you go thru the statistics on http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/fogo-unia-leszno&prev=search In fact he has climbed to 11 in PEL av this week out of the 55 riders who have had multiple PEL meetings this season. He is above many WW class riders. That up from number 39 last year from only 12 matches. He isn't quite 21 yet so a good 2 years younger than Lebedev. I agree they need a big hitting number one and I don't mean Chris Holder. This is my idea of a 1 to 7 for 2018 if theBSPA maintain 42 points av for 2018. Just my opinion. Magic/Chris Holder/B.Kurtz/J.Holder/Kacper Woryna/Kyle Newman/J.Shanes Believe it or not on current BSPA av about to kick in on 21/8 it just scrapes in by 0.25 of a point. Also on basis of Magics 2015 closing av. Plus includes 2 Brits. Now of course much of that would depend on some many variables like would Magic want to come back. He indicated a while ago not happy with Swedish Sponsorship and preferred UK. What will happen on the 4 current riders riding av between now and end of season. Now that line up would attract most Speedway supporters whether it be league winners or not. Opinion of course and just hope Matt Ford not wincing at what he may already have planned out if its same/similar. Don't think it is just 2 leagues. Think its 3 leagues. For example Shamek Pawlicki is riding Polish EL - Swedish Premier and Danish Premier as well as countless other comps like European Grand Prix - Best pairs - World Team Champs plus all the Polish individual meetings.
  4. I agree. Also in my opinion IF the BSPA want to change the rules on riders old EL averages from years gone by then serve a clear seasons notice on what the new rules would be. It should not be unusual for a forward thinking promoter to already be planning his team for the following year in say July/Aug of the current season. If the ground rules are clear then at the BSPA meeting in Nov it should be made clear that any riders coming in on old av for the season 2019 would have either a multiplier or that riders Polish/Swedish av applied. I don't think anyone objects to progress but it should be done in a professional manner so all promoters know what the rules will be with a clear seasons notice.
  5. Last GSA was 4.65 and rightly so he should keep his last British average. He is young and still does not have a proven track record on UK tracks other than 4.65. Why is it that when it is Poole it is always points manipulation but with any other club its acceptable. Like Musiliak or Jonasson or even the great Kazparsak riding at reserve due to the ridiculous false average he obtained with his woeful efforts for Poole.... I repeat again that any other promoter who could be bothered to take the time could have signed the guy at 4.65 for next year (or at least tried). Had they trawled through the Polish stats which even I can do, then it was obvious he is a rising talent who has come thru the Nice PL - a few matches in Swedish 2nd Div plus a one season tester when only 19 at Coventry where he got some valuable experience. He is improving and is riding Polish Extral for Rybnik as one of 2 juniors in each PEL team. Meaning he has had chance to beat both other juniors and World Class seniors. Helping him to 14th in PEL averages. But just look at his score in the Pairs last night 12 plus 1 from 6 rides and in one race he beat Zmarzlick and Pawlicki. He deserves a chance and at 4.65 and subject to no curved balls by BSPA or SCB he is hopefully a good signing on a good average for team building in 2018. I hope he joins both Brady Kurtz and Jack Holder in an exciting 3 of the best young riders around. Personally I would like to see both Shanes (if he will also ride for another club in Champ to get more experience) and maybe Newman for 2016 if the rules are that the club has to have 2 Brits. That would hopefully still leave a shovel load of points for 2 top riders. Plenty to ponder on even though we a re only just entering the third week of August.
  6. Am not crying for Holder. I do not disagree he deserves some form of punishment for his actions and already advised as such. I think the ban/sacking/punishment/fine should have been done much closer to the incident. If the decision was to ban him for the rest of the season then in my opinion it should have been done there and then not hot foot on the back of the last transfer day sacking. Just feel it would have been more professional if the 28 day ban/sacking and SCB ban had been done same time. End result is similar but just think it would have looked better for the sport as for me it looks like Chapman was in cahoots to maximise the damage. Also as for night in question. If I was Poole team manager who knew that the 2 top KL riders were coming out then after the defeat to the same team at home the night before I can hardly blame the guys for taking on a severely weakened KL team for the rest of the meeting to get 3 or 4 points. it could prove decisive in a play off situation if only for the semis gate revenue and possible TV money. What I question more is whether Chapman and the SCB were in cahoots in dishing out the punishment and in the manner it was dealt/handled. To conclude. Yes both deserved some form of punishment (certainly Holder did). That I don't pretend to defend.
  7. Matt will always have his haters amongst those mainly jealous of the fact he is the most successful Promoter in the modern day era in UK. He will always be branded as arrogant/a cheat and numerous other negative things by those who would love to have had him running and investing/bringing good sponsorship and riders to the club. The guy is a full time promoter who has given countless hours into trying to make them the Man Utd of Speedway since he took over. Of course there will always be the snipers damning him when he makes smart moves around the system but fully legal in processing them. He has the foresight most seasons to sign good riders and help develop good young talent. He can see things in overseas averages as well that others cant be bothered to spend the time on. Not everything always works but even Alex Ferguson didn't get it right every season. Long may that continue. He was also right in expressing his open thoughts yesterday about performance and 2018. Its his club and he is fully entitled to say what he thinks and what he intends to do in putting it right. I applaud him for it and too right that maybe 4 of the current squad wont be back next year HOPEFULLY. He is saying what most Poole fans think anyway in my opinion. Those that snipe at Matt Ford or the fools calling him Lord Fraud can keep it up as it will continue to mean he is doing his best and giving his all to get the best riders and the most entertainment he can get for Poole Supporters and Speedway in general. Now lets see the usual suspects come forward with their negative comments towards his. The joy of the forum huh
  8. This whole matter will continue to divide opinion. I just think the whole banning/sacking process has been somewhat devisive to me in the way the ban then the sacking then the 9 month ban all followed a set pattern despite comments that Chapman has no connection or influence on SCB decision. Yeah right !!!!!!! A ban/fine/sacking if need be should have been done at the same time in my opinion. What the fine and ban should have been are open to debate but the whole process to me seems like a plan hatched by Chapman and the SCB agreed behind the scenes. Will be interesting to see if any appeal sees a small reduction in ban period so he can at least start next year. I am not going to defend Holder's actions on the night (or should I say the way he went about it). But the penalty does not to me fit the crime. There is still plenty that Chapman has to answer for in the preparing of the track - its condition and also his actions one week later in cancelling a meeting due to his sudden attack of feeling for the safety of the riders which one week earlier he didn't seem too concerned about. There are no winners in this sad saga but Chapman in my opinion has hardly been a shining light in the way he has conducted himself not only on the track preparation but his subsequent actions and comments. As for Holder the punishment is now in place and now its just a case of if there is any time reduction and or fine reduction on appeal.
  9. Don't get where there would/should be an issue. If Poole can (or IF) they announce Woryna for 2018 then why can't they announce Holder ??. He is after all a Poole asset who was on loan to Kings Lynn for 2017. If there was any potential blocking by the BSPA/SCB then to me it is obvious insider rigging from both parties to deliberately try and block him riding in UK. To me this whole episode stinks anyway from Chapman as so called BSPA Chairman and his friends at the SCB. Fair enough to have given him the 28 day ban but to sack the guy on the very last day of the transfer window knowing he would not get another team for this year was just nasty. Then behold after the dust settles on that he gets a 9 month ban meaning he cannot guest for anyone or ride again until 3rd week April. Of course Chapman had absolutely no input or internal discussions with any of his mates at the SCB to influence such decision. Anyone who doesn't think he had his finger in the pie on that move is deluded in my opinion. I don't agree with the way Chris handled the matter so don't defend the initial 28 day ban and maybe also the fine levied. But sacking on the last day of the transfer window after the 28 day ban and later a 9 month ban levied by the SCB. For me Chapman is not the man to take this sport forward. His subsequent outburst on the Jack Holder and we are going to bring the full force upon Peterborough were those of a bitter man. So pleased that Peterborough still won it in front of their biggest ever crowd for the event. As for Holder Jr not riding in all Sunday meetings now for Peterborough ?? They are out of the race for the top 4 anyway and if Peterborough and Jack can earn from the arrangement financially and for experience for Jack then good on them. I don't care if he is an Aussie or a Brit.
  10. Just my opinion. Could be many combinations of news. For example Chris Holder or Holder and Woryna or Milik or Janowski or any combination but then maybe none. There was another comment a while ago that Magic was not happy at the sponsorship he was getting in Sweden and was happier in UK and may reconsider for 2018. That's the beauty of the Forum. Cultivates thought provoking comments about the future when w can get away from the regular bickering that goes on with some about bugger all to do with Speedway
  11. Don't see the problem. Well discussed on PL Forum that it may be Kacper Woryna with his bargain average - Family connection - Young up and coming rider doing well in Polish EL. Before the snipers start the "He shouldn't be allowed in on such a low 4.65 Prem Av let's not forget that at 20 (not quite 21) he qualifies as a junior so one of 2 juniors in PL teams under Polish rules. Meaning he has done some racing in part against other juniors in each match which admittedly has helped him to be in top 14 of Polish av. But let's not muddy the waters. The guy has a lot of talent. Loves Poole and openly stated it over 2 seasons ago and with his family connection (His dad rode for Poole). Matt Ford has made no secret of the fact that several of this team will not be in it next year. Also I read somewhere on the Forum that he has been signed as an asset. That does not guarantee he is in the team fr next year. BUT at 4.65 points average just turning 21 later this month. Had his season in EL with Coventry at 19/20 one would be a fool not to include such a perspective talent at 21. He has come on leaps and bounds having ridden for promoted team ROW Rybnik in this years Polish EL (his forst in the top tier). The riders below him in Polish Av are eye watering. For me Promoters who are forward thinking (and not cheats as some fools seem to keep saying) need to be applauded.
  12. How about coming into line with the rest of Europe. No points limit - 5 riders any nationality - 2 Home bred riders - Say under 21 like in Poland (where they classify as Juniors) or must be British as like the Swedes have where I don't think they have an age limit on the 2 home breds. Or maybe a combo of both i.e 1 junior under 21 and 1 no age limit in these days of political correctness. Maybe also to link with having say 2 fixed race nights midweek (Wed/Thur) to avoid Polish/Swedish clashes. Ok it clashes with DK in some cases dependent upon time of year but maybe a move towards doing what the Poles and Swedes have done successfully. I would attract more of the top riders maybe like a NKI again who I think may prefer more meetings in UK than less in DK if the Poles deem max 3 leagues incl Poland again. Only ideas which is what this forum is supposed to be about. Sharing ideas and opinions ;-)
  13. Assuming BSPA still want 2 Brits per team incl at least one youngster then I can see Shanes being asked back but also advised to ride in Championship to get more experience. All I keep reading is lots of positive comments on how this young guy tries his heart out so lets not throw out all the hard work and investment Poole have put into his efforts and they also recognise his hard work and enthusiasm. Assuming he keeps at his current average of say 2.72 GSA according to Poole website after last weeks meeting. I estimate that would leave circ 12.70/12.75 left for 2 riders. That's where it could get trickier. Janowski is on 8.97 IF he ever agreed to return which if he becomes World Champ maybe not. It would only leave 3.73 for another Brit. Surely too tricky to have say Shanes and a JPB partnership. Another option is a Starke or Newman which MAY still leave 7.50 ish for another possible star or someone on a low average from previous years not riding currently UK ?? The good thing about forums is it cultivates debate/opinion and allows one to think of possibilities for 2018 after the nightmare of 2017. Also nearly forgot Klindt is still around on a 5.92 GSA but personally think he is only good at reserve and that's even IF he rediscovers his early 2017 form as he started to go off a bit in my opinion even before his injury. Much to ponder and this season isn't quite over yet except for Poole its as good as gone.
  14. Why so ridiculous ?? Is it because yet again Matt Ford may have stolen a march on others to get a prospective (and I say prospective) good young rider on a low average. Lets not forget that other British Clubs could have signed this guy as he had no team in UK for 2017. Maybe again Ford has the foresight to see that the BSPA will probably go for around 42 points next season and IF his thinking is Chris and Jack Holder and Brady Kurtz plus a decent heat leader then indeed a 4.65 point signing who has through his swift progress this season and progress done well looks a good signing. If this was another club it would probably not even be mentioned but seems to me when its Poole its like a manipulation. Every promoter in the Prem has an opportunity to sign him. But he has family connections with the club from the past. Expressed a wish to ride for them one day and has also been allowed to develop his skills in Poland and the Swedish second division (what little there is of it). Also if this guy is on an upwards curve then for sure I want to see him mixing it in the British League. Anyway it was only 2016 when he got this average. Its up to the clubs to try and convince riders if they are prepared to pay the cost and convince the riders. Milik is out there on a bargain 5.67 for anyone interested. Wozniak 5.91 etc. I also tire of the constant moans about British Speedway riders being suffocated in respect of progress. Lets get real. Our stadiums other than the NSS are old tired and many have poor facilities. They look no different in many cases to 40 plus years ago. The interest and the investment are not there. Poland overtook all years ago by investing in stadiums and their youth systems via the Elite/Nice & League 2 and also well developed junior leagues from most clubs. In UK we have the Prem for the best of what we can get in WW riders willing to come plus British Riders either established or have or are showing talent. The gulf in young talent in Poland compared to Uk is all about investment and facilities where we are light years behind and please let's accept that the interest will never be there as in Poland so you have to make the best of what we have. That means the Prem - Champ to bring on those young riders showing talent before moving to Prem and then the National League for the youngsters to cut their teeth. There is still a big gulf between young riders riding in the NL to even the Champ. Look at JPB and James Shanes and Jack Smith who are slowly learning their trade. As and when they hopefully will make the grade and experience initially as number 7's in the Prem. We have to accept that unless they have immense talent then they will always be behind the young Poles as the system support in UK just isn't there so they will always have to fight twice as hard. Anyway this post probably shouldn't be on this now anyway as its more relative to Poole 2018. Don't get the negativity to what you call foreigners. Poland have 2 junior poles - Sweden have 2 riders needing to be Swedish. The fact is that at least both have some riders of their own nationality good enough to fill in part of the main squads. We have 2 decent feeder leagues to bring on British talent. We don't need those to be filled by foreigners but many seem to accept its ok in the Champ looking a the amount of Aussies and Scandinavians riding in it. I don't profess to have the answers that will solve British Speedways problems but if you think chucking in lots of British riders to the Prem is the answer then think again. British Speedway will just sink faster as people just wont want to go and watch many of the Worlds inferior talent racing against each other.
  15. Well if I am right then not a heat leader but another possible ace signing by Matt Ford. IF.... I am right. Is it Kacper Woryna ??? - Dad rode for Poole - Rode for Coventry in 2016 - Not British - Bargain average of 4.65 in 2016 as his closing av. Good thing about SPORTOWEFAKTY.PL Speedway site with google translate on is it gives you updated and detailed averages. For those not familiar this is his 2017 average for this not quite 21 year old (birthday later this month). He has really come to the fore in 2017. Av in 2017 for ROW RYBNIK despite them being near the bottom of the league. 12 matches - 63 rides - 23 wins - 15 2nds - 18 3rds - 6 4ths - 11 bonus - Average per 4 rides 8.12 points More interesting he sits 14th in Polish Extraleague averages - 1 below Tai Woffinden but get this. He is above P. Dudek - K Buzkowski - M Vaculik - M.Drabyk - Zengota - Lindbaeck -F.Lindgren - Piotr Pawlicki - Lebedev - M.Fricke - Jepsen Jensen - Milik....... - Shamek Pawliki - Kasprzack.... - Zagar - Chris Holder - Kilderman - Miedzinski - The list goes on. If someone said you can sign a young rider with a little experience riding in UK who is just turning 21 sitting 14th in Polish Premier averages above all those World Class riders and you can sign him on a 4.65 average then you would snap his hand off . If Matt has signed him then he could be a brilliant under the radar signing for 2018 and we know he visited Poole in 2015 as a guest of Matt due to family connections and hinted even then he would love to ride for Poole one day. Of course I could have the wrong rider in which case get your skates on Matt
  16. Can someone who has possible inside info at least give us the initials of this new rider for 2018 who may be on his way to the Pirates. I cant find anything on Twitter although I'm no expert on trawling on it. I stick by the comments of an earlier post that I see BK and JH dropping their averages for the last of this years meetings to accommodate for next year plus Chris Holder on that still low looking 7.16. Get both Holders for maybe 13 points or 13.5 in my book is a bargain whatever the CH haters may think. I still think Brady K av will drop below the current 8.41 (after Rye House match). Matt Ford has kept his Council to himself flwg the RH match but he knows full well that even if they get the to the play offs they would get hammered in the semi's. Personally I would rather not qualify than have an embarrassing hammering. I would rather we have the future riders not kill themselves on their averages if they know they are guaranteed places for next year plus have the likes of Chris Holder and the whispered new number one (whoever he is) to come into an exciting looking team. I think a positive Chris Holder is worth a lot to Poole and helping the development of Jack and Brady going forward. So please someone play ball and gives us some idea who this new rider may be
  17. Do you really think that having given Holder a 28 day ban and then on the last day of the transfer window to sack both riders was professional ?? I accept a 28 day ban and maybe fine with a word of warning that further such actions would incur the full wrath of the BSPA with far reaching ramifications would have been a more professional way of dealing with it. To me sacking both was a clear action of spite from Chapmans side and to be honest his subsequent outburst re Jack Holder only proves to me further he is not the man to lead British Speedway forward. But people like the forward thinking such as Matt Ford are trodden down by the have not's. It seems its a crime to have forward thinking and successful promoters have their clubs do well. All we get is back stabbing - snipes and rule breaking - deep joy from some about Poole not doing well. I for one hope Chris Holder does knuckle down - accepts he overstepped the mark and comes back a better rider next year. He went to Kings Lynn reluctantly because of a new points rule which forced him out of Poole as it would have put too much pressure on the teams points limit. I think next year will be a make or break year for him in British Speedway as cant see even him accepting what happened this year as an ongoing situation.
  18. I will be amazed if Chris H isn't back at Poole next year. Not only because its his first love for a UK track but also because of personal reasons as it keeps him close to his son. I question if people really appreciate the toll that Darcy's accident and the split in his personal life may have affected him as an individual. The latter part of 2015 and through 2016 were difficult times just coming to terms with both situations let alone trying to get over them and moving on. At least he didn't put 2 fingers up to UK as most did incl our top UK rider. However from a riding perspective their seem to have been a number of established top World Class riders who have struggled this year on their equipment that seems to revolve around tuning. Guys such as Kildermand - Saifutinov - Piotr Pawliski - Kasparzack to name just a few, and many others have had crazy up and down seasons with far to many low scores by their standards. Its not only C.Holder who has struggled although he stands out riding in UK. I cannot believe that he can have as bad a season next season as this. He is not bogged down by multiple league racing now and with Torun's season almost over (2 meetings as way out of play offs) plus some more Swedish and what GP's are left he can perhaps put in more time in trying to find a solution to the lack of speed he has had this year. Unlike say a Hans Anderson who is constantly travelling in 4 leagues plus individual meetings which in my opinion is taking its toll on the guy yet gain. Even if Holder misses out on the GP then for sure as a ex World Champion who has always been in the top 8 I can't see him not being offered a Wild Card for at least next season in the very least. There are enough non World Champs who have recvd them year on year. British Speedway is in a real mess already with a lack of World Class riders and the recent actions of CH and Batch certainly didn't help, but the spiteful action of Chapman knowing how he was screwing over both for the rest of this season was unreal. Especially having already given Holder a 28 day ban as punishment. His attempt then on trying to compound it further by the his actions regarding Jack Holder and trying to punish Peterborough were made even more laughable when they won the Fours without him plus posted their best ever crowd for the event. Maybe Chapman should have zipped it until after the Peterborough announcements came out when the dust had settled as in my opinion he made himself look foolish. The Club agreed to the move - benefited from it financially and still did well out of the Fours in both winning it and with a record crowd. I still think the only way forward is for some form of combining the Prem and Champ. How it can be done I don't profess to have the answer but that's the job of the BSPA. Something has to be done as Speedway in this country at the top level is fast going down the toilet if we don't.
  19. Don't think Matt Ford will be over concerned at the others catching Poole for 4th. Just checked their main challengers remaining fixtures and they include. Kings Lynn have B.Vue away twice - Wolves 1 H - 1 A - Swindon 1 A - R.House 1 A - Poole 1 H - 1 A - Leicester 1 A. Wouldn't surprise me if only points there are from Leicester. Somerset have Swindon 1 H - 2 A - B.Vue 1 A - R.House 1 H - 1 A - Wolves 1 H Would be very surprised if either team can secure enough points to get close enough from their remaining meetings. Also think Matt will be well pleased if he can secure both Holders for a combined 13.5 point av for 2017. If Chris can discover just a bit of his old form back on home turf for 2018 then with Jack who can only go forward that will indeed be a bargain av combined to work with. If Brady holds steady or even if he cant quite maintain the heights of earlier this season then what a trio for 2018. Hopefully still room for a top rider like a Magic or another true heat leader to come in. Still not convinced on Hans A for next year. Too many dropped points at important times with another example last night which probably cost Poole another dropped point. Same last year where he dropped away in latter parts of the season as too many meetings and injury took its toll. Its good to ride regular, but 4 Countries/teams plus other meetings such as SEC qualifiers - home championships etc eventually stack up. Cant blame him as he wants to earn as much as possible in the twilight of his career. Would not surprise me if Matt Ford already has his top 4 sorted for 2018 and has written 2017 off as a bad year. They don't have that many but for sure he will be feeling it. This team cannot win the league this year without a massive slice of luck even if they make the play offs. He knows that so I am sure he is planning away. Would love him to be able to finance Maksym Drabik for 2018 and the experience would be good on the smaller tracks for arguably the best young rider in the World under 21. Plenty to ponder on going fwd.
  20. Not desperation but would be clever thinking considering KL probably won't make top 4 or if they do again will be cannon fodder like Poole will be if they make it. If a fwd thinking promoter who has had a relationship for years with CH has a chance to get a World class GP rider on 7 then quite rightly he should sign him up. He then possibly has the option to sign another World Class rider as well as accommodate Kurtz and Holder Jr again. Even with a 42 point limit if they go down that route for 2018 it may be possible. For sure M.Ford will do everything in his power to make sure the nightmare of 2017 doesn't return in a hurry. Good luck to him if he pulls it off even if it does pee of some less forward thinking people who envy success because MF is smarter than most of the others. Even the best have an off year.
  21. My view is that I don't think whatever Matt Ford does now wont make Poole win the Prem this year. Too many riders up and down. I think Brady K will take a while to get back to normal as busted ribs take a while to heal. Yes he will ride but still not in comfort. I also think he has performed well above what any of us thought to be honest, and would not surprise me if his av drops this year as he slowly gets back to full fitness. I think its foolish and wrong to think he will return to the heights of this season too quickly. I think Jack H has performed well this year and like Brady's first season he is finding his way. My view is that Matt Ford's take on this is that we will be lucky to scrape into the playoffs and if we do I think that is where it will end i.e only 2 meetings short of the final so in effect only one lost home meeting. Clever thinking would be to quietly encourage Brady and Jack not to push too hard in raising their av this year to assist in building a better team for 2018. Wouldn't surprise me if CH is already penned in and irrespective of whether he rides for KL this season or not I am sure Matt could quietly encourage Chris not to push too hard this year if he guarantees him a place in 2018. In a poor year by his standards he is on a GSA as of 28/7 of 7.16. Only a blind man can see that is a false average for an arguably top 10 GP rider (ok this year not top 10 but we all know that is not Chris's true ability). Last weeks GP and in Sweden this week is more like the real CH. Even he admitted on SGP website he had been lacking speed and is slowly finding it again. Matt may even offer an incentive to Chris to keep his GSA low for the remainder of this season on basis of a promise and good deal for 2018. Similar with Jack and Brady. So as I see it. Have 3 good Aussies. Chris on a false low av. Jack H who can only improve but keep it low this year. Brady who may well drop as he finds his fitness again and don't raise it anyway to help for 2018. You now have your basic team building. Then get a good HL like Magic and then fill around it. Of course those promoters who seem to want a dumned down Prem League may out vote progressive promoters like MF again at the AGM. If they do then having your potential star riders dampening down their averages plays into that game for 2018. I don't see Hans Anderson back for 2018. He takes on too many leagues/Countries (4) and that's without adding open/Euro Championship meetings. Whilst he can turn in some good rides there are too many bad ones at important times and I feel its like oh well got to move on to my next Country. He is past his best but I can understand he wants to maximise his income as he ages as not too many years left to earn the money. I think Matt Ford's scathing comments the other day were also partly aimed at him as he lost at important times. It's a long time since Matt Ford had this kind of situation so I would say don't throw money away. Accept this year is a bad one. Do what you have to in order to get the riders you want at workable av for 2018 and start working on who you want as a HL for 2018 and hopefully discussions with Magic have already advanced in that respect. Roll on next season and let's see if I am wide of the mark.
  22. One thing Matt Ford isn't is stupid. I think he worked out a while ago that this team was not going to win the league even if they got to the play offs. Belle Vue and Wolves had the better in depth strength and now most peoples pre season view of the potential wooden spoonists i.e Swindon have built a very strong side which may surprise many and win the PL this year with their latest Pole being a real bonus signing also with Ellis at reserve. For me MF is already forward thinking for 2018. Brady and Jack building their confidence/experience and hopefully long term HL prospects. Prefer they don't go too crazy on increasing their GSA this year in order to give MF less headaches for team selection next year. If Matt guarantees both a slot next year maybe they will drop off a little in the knowledge they are in for next year and maybe in a potentially PL winning team. Same MAYBE with Klindt being as low as is IF he can find fitness in time form a horrible combined leg injury. If KK (love him or as presently many hate him) with his crazy new low average and CH is a really freak low season all over Europe both rediscovering even a semblance of their real form and add in Mr Consistent Hans Anderson. Stick with James S who can only improve still with his low average then anything is possible. Let's also not discount Magic or even Shamek for next year. Much has been said about Magic poss coming back to UK in 2018 rather than Sweden ?? For sure he would win more races than in Sweden as UK is an inferior quality league. Much to ponder for 2018. Let the others make hay while the sun shines. For sure injuries and a grossly underperforming number 1 have contributed massively to the current situation. Get it out the way now and build for the future. Of course much will depend on BSPA points limits for 2018 and whatever format they decide upon.
  23. Remember Klindt's Twitter qte the other day about "It never rains" ?? Would not surprise me if he has been dropped by both his Swedish and Polish Clubs for better riders who are also match fit. I think those leagues are not stupid. Klindt's points in Poland had already started to suffer and he wasn't pulling up tree's in Sweden either. He made comment about the fact he only wanted to ride asap. Maybe that's the relevance to his comment which he never quantified when questioned. Before long he may have no clubs at all the way its going for him this season. For me what looked like a mega signing where Poole cld get a better quality rider if he was absent or injured has badly backfired. The idea was that he would fire in big scores with his low average riding against reserves and with extra rides at reserve and would easily be well over 7 heading for 8 when the early GSA's came out. What a joke. The guy is sitting on a 6.00 average (plus 5% at home) with bonus points also not counting in BSPA averages. To add insult Matt Ford signed his as a full asset. Would not surprise me that he fires in some more low scores to get his average down even more so he has another workable av for 2018 for team building. Also would not surprise me that Chris Holder keeps his average low in UK for this year in an attempt to get a good low av for Poole next year. After all he is a Poole asset and much as many have avoided the subject on this forum I am sure he would love to be living and working nearer to his young lad locally in the area. Its hard to maybe quantify how much the change in personal circumstances has possibly had an effect on his performances in general this year. He is still only 29 and difficult to understand how he can go from so high to the level he has been performing at this year, despite no injuries and the Darcy situation behind him. An unsettled personal situation can cause stress not seen by most of us. You only have to look at Davey Watts split from his GF to see how low it dragged him and his performances. When you think about it Poole already have the makings of a good team for 2018 if they have CH/BK/JH/HA/NK plus 2 others depending on the limit. The way the points are going would not surprise me to see this as their 5 pencilled in riders for next year. Just got to get Klindts average down a bit more to make it look more attractive ;-)
  24. Whilst winning is important MF is also in the entertainment business. Can't believe many would disagree that the likes of KK/JH/BK and KN will supply plenty of that in 2017. I thought BK was a potential World beater 2/3 years ago as a young lad new on the scene. It was his style and never say die attitude on a bike that had all the comparisons being made to DW. You don't lose that overnight. I still think this lad will come good but maybe not quite the overnight sensation Darcy was. Give him time as he only turned 20 late this year. Similar story with Jack who many feel will be even better (we shall see). Again lots of style and aggression and will pass at every opportunity. Both exciting to watch even if they do get beaten in races. Throw in KK who will thrive (hopefully) if he bases himself in UK from his house locally in the area and Kyle who always gives his all. I am sure Shanes will struggle a bit but no pressure. he is progressing and will for sure p/up points against some of the reserves. May even surprise us against some second strings. NK will p/up plenty of points at reserve and Hans will give that much needed experience and can ride most tracks which again invaluable - PROVIDING the pressure of riding 4 leagues (UK/Poland/Sweden/DK) and the SEC doesn't take it's toll, as can't help thinking that was partly why his form tailed off a bit later in the season. I am over in Essex so won't get too see too many home meetings but for sure will see plenty of Poole riding at Rye House and Kings Lynn to make up for it. Not many other teams I would look forward to paying to see other than RH and KL besides Poole. I think Somerset may surprise a few with more middle order strength. I hope Somerset win as many as poss at home (except against Poole) and scrape odd the 1 point away to keep them away from relegation.
  25. For heavens sake, pull the plug on this mess and put everyone out of their misery. It is so damned obvious that ultimately this is all about person/s/people trying to empty this stadium asap so it can be officially closed/bulldozed and redeveloped which to me is ultimately what this is all about. The amount of money to be made by housing or a retail development being put on the site makes anything revolving Speedway pale into insignificance. A few hundred maybe at top 1000 mainly middle aged die hard's plus a few youngsters are nowhere near as important at the megabucks one or some will make out of the redevelopment. Let's stop living in the dark ages. Complain all you want but running Speedway in what will effectively be a waste dump is not the future. Move on and get a deal done at Leicester and IF.... and when a new stadium is built for Stox then I am sure Speedway would be a welcome addition to the income of the overhead of such a stadium. Again IF it ever happens as I feel this is more about property speculation and redevelopment which is where the real money is in this stupid game of cat and mouse. It's sad but having personally witnessed the closure of my beloved Hackney Hawks/Kestrels as well as having seen White City for a whole 2 seasons incl winning the league and also West Ham in an ill fated half season, I know full well the sadness of seeing tracks I enjoyed going to close. Let's all move on. Get the show on the road with Leicester so we retain some credibility for the sport. Can you imagine how depressing it would look on Sky visiting Coventry Speedway. Let's be honest. Who the hell is going to pay big money to put the stadium in a condition fit to stand on let alone race on. For what 1 season at best maybe?? It's sad, its horrible but ultimately that's life. There is still Speedway in the Midlands with Wolves - Hopefully Leicester and also Birmingham so lets embrace what we do have and stop tolerating this unmitigated mess at Coventry which is now an embarrassment to the sport. I feel for you all Coventry fans but to me its time to be realistic. The clowns involved do not have Speedway's interest at heart or this circus would not have been allowed to continue. There is obviously more involved and for me its all about the money maybe both parties could be making from a redevelopment and possible sweetners being offered to stand aside if the site can be closed and redeveloped sooner rather than later. I would love to be proved wrong but it doesn't take a genius to view the video and see that it would take major investment to get it back to a sensible investment and no way can I see that happening for what - a season or so ???
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