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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Thought that was last night as Glasgow lost at home to Ipswich. Maybe staying on the South Coast today as a guest of Matt. You never know but that's just my mischievous mind playing games ;-) Interesting about the Swedes though as plenty of the top boys (In fact most of the SGB riders) ride there.
  2. Yes but none of us want another abortion of a situation like the last mess. Better to not have then to have a half hearted stab at it. Still we can all dream of what we would like to see. Same with my views on Poole 2018 ;-)
  3. THJ could be the joker in the pack as depends which TJH you get. I would be concerned which way his career is going. On the face of it a great reserve at his new 4.64 GSA for next season, but based on his returns in last month or two ??. His scores have been dire at times but is that because he was riding for a team with no prospects of playoffs and perhaps riding for an attractive av for 2018 ?? The guy is almost 29 and we saw a lot more from him as a rider when he was 25 riding for Poole in 2013 which was his last year prior to his July 17 signing for KL. He was fast and a good rider. For me he has gone backwards. He only had 7 meetings in Polish 2nd Tier so not even Pol EXL and didn't do too well. His Swedish scores have not been great either. The real THJ who was also making appearances in SGP several seasons ago would be a no brainer signing at 4.64, but the THJ of today seems to me to be a shadow of the rider he was. Crazy thought considering the guy is not 29 yet and should be at the peak of his career. May be worth a gamble though as if he does adapt to UK tracks and rediscovers some form it could be a good signing. Also not the be all and end all, as we have seen this season riders being dumped if they didn't measure up. Its not as if you are tied to them all season if they don't perform. If KL do stay in Prem (and I hope they do), then I really hope they can get it right for 2018 after the disaster of this. NKI would play a BIG part in that I think although to be honest he is not quite as good as he has been in the past. Could he be going down the Hans Andersen route of slow regression. He is 35 after all and will be 3 months short of 36 when season starts. If rumours out of Poland are that he may be emptied by Stahl Gorzow (who would have thought that after the last few seasons). He may well lose his SGP place as well. Perhaps the time is approaching for NKI to come back to UK (where believe he lives with his partner anyway) and rebuild some confidence. I for one would love to see him back in UK as even though I am not a KL supporter he is true quality and even a not top of his game NKI is still a better rider than most in UK.
  4. I am still a big Chris Holder fan. He has had a difficult couple of years but showed that with engines working properly he can still perform as in the last GP. I think at just over 7 points GSA he is well worth being back on his ritual home track. I think its been a strange old year for a lot of the top riders. Too many of the top guys have had engine tuning problems with lots having inconsistent meetings around Europe. There was talk about Johns having tuning issues with engines he produced due to a spares issue on a particular part if I remember form earlier this season. For sure Chris has had issues finding the right set up. Look at how Zagar has suddenly turned things around the last month or so having finally got the right set up. It shows that when you have the right equipment i.e just look at Holder Jr performances on Hancock engine when riding for Torun as Hancock was crocked for the season. If Chris can get his engines sorted and tuned properly then that 7.16 av may look a bargain. Especially if it also allows Matt Ford to sign a Janowski or Milik on top. Or even as you say Hans Andersen. Again and I keep beating on about it. That points limit has a big bearing I think on Matts plans as I am sure he would want it as high as possible.
  5. Make that 11/13 Clubs as I miscalculated ;-) Honestly and as a supporter of Speedway since 1970 in my mid teems. I would love to see Coventry back but as a viable club with sensible Promoters/owners running in a decent stadium. It was a sad loss to see them go as they did and indicative of what's been going on in the Sport for some time. I have fond memories of their visit to the likes of Hackney/White City/Ipswich and Poole over the last 47 years. More recent years the Poole v Coventry fixture was a real grudge fixture for some but in a good way. Lets really hope we see them again soon one day. Speedway needs it what I would call good traditional clubs with long histories. I have seen too many go over the years incl London Clubs I used to visit for years such as Hackney/White City/West Ham/Wimbledon. Some have got used to success over recent years. You should have tried to be a Hackney supporter in First Div - Years on no success but always good races seeing genuine WW stars of the era. Only when they dropped a div and became Hackney Kestrels did we finally see a Champ and Cup win. Unfortunately the Hawks while much loved never managed it :-(
  6. Sometimes I think. WHY??? did I join the BSF nearly one year ago having viewed it online for a few months prior. For sure it seems to be heavily populated by idiots who seem to have nothing better to do all day/night but rip the backside out of each other to the degree it even gets nasty. Appreciate some of it is light hearted ;-) but there are too many pages of absolute drivel from people who have no real interest in what the topic is about rather than contributing positively or for that matter negatively to an opinion relative to the topic. I think I have posted some thought provoking posts on the Poole team for both this year and also next year, yet a lot seem to want to have no input or sensible opinion on what the topic is. I welcome others ideas on whether they agree/disagree but at least plenty should post something that is positive to the forum topic which at least cultivates interest in the subject. This Topic is Poole 2018 but too many of the usual suspects contribute "Jack S**t" to the topic itself wanting to participate in meaningless B.S which most of us sensible contributors really don't want to see or get involved in. All I say as a contributor is on a Poole 2018 topic, lets keep the contributions to exactly that. Agree or disagree with my ideas of a team for 2018 and I certainly welcome others ideas on who they would like or maybe even expect to see in 2018. As for the non related crap and back biting/sarcasm and pure nastiness I would ask them to shove it where the sun doesn't shine maybe on some other topic more suited to their negative contributions. Apologies to those who at least contribute posts of interest incl the likes of Gavan who at least voices opinion even as a non Poole Supporter. At least a good chunk of what he says in relation to riders etc makes sense, even if I don't always agree with all of them. There are times when I think, what's the point. I really want to keep contributing to a topic that mean something to me. That may incl some of the Southern Clubs Prem Clubssuch as Rye House/Somerset and Swindon if I have something interesting (imo) to contribute which won't be often as my main team interest is Poole. I enjoy the Poole Topics as I like Poole and want to see and contribute positive or sensible opinions and share with others likewise. As for all the other B.S. Please - Park it elsewhere ;-)
  7. So some (or a few) think no Holders will be back next season. I would hope Jack is given at least another season (if he agrees to ride in UK), as I think would be crazy not to have such a potential talent in the team. So playing the 42 points limit, how about the flwg (in no particular order. Also taking new GSA came out today. B Kurtz 8.08 Ellis 5.56 Woryna 4.65 Shanes 2.95 Holder 5.82 Total 27.06 Leaves 14.94 points. Now depending on what the Poles do for 2018, and if they relax rules a little, and we got to fixed nights in Uk plus maybe have a 10/12 team league. You could get Milik at 5.67 - Janowski (who probably wont be World Champ this year) 8.97 = 14.64 combined. Or Holder Snr 7.16. Hans Andersen on 7.75 is a fair av but other than say with Milik would leave limited option on a true number 1. Of course still have Kyle Newman (now 4.86) who if you replaced Shanes with would drop the balance to 13.03. Of course this is just opinion and playing the 42 point limit game. Now if its 45 it opens up much better options on H/L. We shall see. Of course a lot will also depend on IF any of the top guys want to come to UK next season.
  8. Nice response from one of his sponsors. Perhaps some forget that the close season is a long time without a regular if any income. A whole 6 months. For riders like Kyle its not like say Hans Anderson who has the luxury of income form 4 leagues around Europe (UK/SWE/DK/Pol) to keep him reasonably warm during those long months. Kyle has 2 and in one of those Leicester were out of any income stream from beginning September. Thankfully for him he still has Ipswich in the playoffs and has some money coming in during October. Speedway is not a rich mans sport for the bread and butter riders and bearing in mind that Kyle was dropped also in June, can one blame the guy for trying to earn some much needed cash in the playoffs whether that be just for the Poole home meeting or even if it is both of the semis. I would still have the guy back at Poole in a reserve berth at that low 4.45 GSA as we all know his true worth is more than that in a half decent side. Lets not forget that his real potential is in both his points and bonus points situ. Especially when you look sat the league winning sides of 2014 & 2015. For example 2016 7.03 - 2015 8.54 (yes 8.54) - 2014 8.13. All incl BP. Admittedly he did well under the EDR scheme but lets not forget he also did well when moved up in team place so plenty of good scores against more experienced rivals. As a reserve on 4.45 GSA I still think he is a bargain and we all know a trier. Monday a prime example. Forget that last race as match was won and interesting that both last 2 heats were 5-1 to Poole which maybe partly down to Rosco wanting to keep it tight for the second leg crowd. Who knows but even Doyle was at the back in one race. Meaning in 4 real rides he scored 8. How many Poole supporters would like that return from 4 rides from their reserve week in and out. I hope he is back for next year but what will the points bank be for 2018 - 45 or 42/43 (Hope its 45). Additionally how would it fit into Matt Fords master plan if he intends to have also Ellis/Woryna/Kurtz/Holder Jr. Personally I would like to see Newman and Woryna start at reserve with possibly Ellis or Holder floating in and out of those positions maybe as we get to first GSA. Again with depending on how points pan out. Having Newman floating back in again to reserve as our reserves hopefully rack up the points. We have seen what strong reserves can bring you with potential of 5 rides plus. For me its then 2 decent heat leader types with Kurtz continuing to build, but without having the Speedway nation on his back as this young guy has had too much pressure put on him. He has done a hell of a job in only his second season in top flight (just about to turn 21) but will still have some bad ones occasionally. He should be allowed that luxury now and then if we have some decent heat leader strength plus improvement in the younger ones.
  9. Thanks Skidder Your knowledge & overhearing things from inside the Poole camp is always appreciated. Keep the snippets of info and potential rumours coming as we need things to keep our minds going on Poole Speedway for 2018 as those long cold nights draw ever closer ;-) My assumption (right or wrong) is Ellis but view that as one of the two Brits the BSPA will probably insist on, and still at 21 (22 in March 2018) he is one of our developing Brits. The kind of rider who would also fill the roll of a strong reserve if/when Woryna drifts our of that berth at probably the first GSA at end of May time ??. It would make it probably Woryna/Ellis/Kurtz/Holder Jr look quite good on the improving young rider front. Exciting to watch and plenty of food for thought on who the other 3 might be. All again dependent upon what the points limit is. Sure do hope they go for 45 points.
  10. A shame but would still sign him at 5.86. I can only see Jack improving. A 5.86 av is not so bad considering the season Poole have had. In a team of good young riders with this time decent proven established and consistent heat leader strength, the like of Holder Jr - Kurtz - Woryna can hopefully only improve. Would be helpful if we could get some inside info on whether its going to be 45 points limit or av. Intrigued as to the news Chapman is announcing re 2018 team news t their last home meeting tonight. I wonder if its about NKI or Lambert as cant think of anything major outside of those 2. Announcing NKI would be no problem whatever points limit as they have nothing as a team outside of them as he will have to rebuild if they stay Prem. I wonder what Lamberts thoughts/intentions are as don't think he has been a happy boy there this year. Would be interesting to see if his head may be being turned from promoter/s elsewhere. Not being mischievous just food for thought on the topic of exciting young rider possibilities maybe for the Poole team even if it is the ramblings of a Speedway supporter of some 47 years. Still cant believe my first meeting was as a 15 year old at Hackney Wick in 1970. At least I can say I have seen most of the greats that have ruled the Speedway World since the mid 60's. I can also remember things like a youthful Mark Loram tearing up the track at Waterden Road in the second half as a junior well as Joe Screen as young lads travelling many miles just to get a second half couple of rides. Many Happy Days :-)
  11. Its been quiet on here last days while all the build up and subsequent slagging off has been going on with the Poole V Swindon topic. I here that Greg Hancock is coming to UK and is attending a Glasgow meeting. Must admit I am intrigued. He is finished for the season in Poland/Sweden due to his injury and would have thought he was packing up for his annual return to USA. Unusual to think he is attending a Champ meeting in Scotland. Maybe also catching up with some friends but it does get the brain matter going as to whether anything else afoot regarding 2018 ??? Secondly Jack Holder has come in for plenty of knocks on the Poole V Swindon topic after his poor return last night. Plenty of comments re wrong attitude - not good enough - will only ever be a lower order rider etc. I made my feelings known on it via the same topic as think he needs defending as a young and upcoming rider finding his way in his first season in PL. Amazing how some forget that in last seasons semi playoffs Brady Kurtz scored 7 from 7 rides over the two meetings as was so bad he had to be replaced by reserves in his last 2 rides. I would like to think that the angry ones are just caught up in the heat of the moment/result as he doesn't deserve the crap thrown his way. I think most Prem teams would like to have him with his potential talent for those willing to exercise a little patience. Think he will improve and come good and most forget he is only 21 - first season in Prem - has one less years UK experience anyway than Brady Kurtz. With a GSA to start next year around 5.6/5.75 I think it is worth letting him learn his trade in a hopefully exciting young team for 2018. I think those with short memories may remember a certain Jason Doyle. For Poole in 2010 as a 24 year old already with some experience his final GSA was 4.38 - 2011 it was 5.24 and in his final Poole season at 26 he managed a thumping 5.28 GSA. You remember the guy. Could gate but was always overtaken and rarely if ever overtook from behind. Seemed to be a guy who didn't know how to ride hard and always ran out of gas regulary going from 1st/2nd to 3rd/4th during a race. A prime example I think of where a little patience should be exercised when a new talent appears on the scene. You sure didn't see Doyle blowing opponents away in the equiv of Champ or Polish Exl at 21. If I recall he struggled to even get regular outings in Nice Polish League 1 at 25/26. We all want success at Poole but for the impatient I say exercise some patience and let Jack Holder build confidence and experience and hopefully he will come good. A lot of the young Aussies that have come here have not achieved in such a short period what Jack has in Prem/Champ and Polish EXL. Remember 21 not 25/26 or 27. In his first serious season at top level. I for one want him to form part of a team that includes exciting youngsters such as Holder Jr - B.Kurtz - Kacper Woryna and maybe even another ?? - Maybe Shanes if the points target taking into account a decent heat leader/leaders to help these youngsters continue to develop. If the side could accommodate riders such as Milik/Janowski/Holder Senior or any other top notch riders it can only help these young guys develop and learn. I look forward to 2018 from the perspective that I would hope Matt Ford produces a young and exciting team with some experienced points getters to bolster. Even Brady Kurtz will still have his ups and downs. Too many take for granted he is a heat leader and its only his second season in the top flight and still just short of being 21.
  12. Seen lots of criticism for Holder jr which can understand from frustrated fans after his recent successes in Poland and Peterborough. However lets maybe not be too harsh. In last seasons semis a certain B.Kurtz scored 7 from 4 at home and 0 from 3 away. 7 from 7. That's 4 points av per 4 rides over the 2 legs. He was also replaced by reserves in his last 2 rides. Even Kurtz was up and down in his first season in the top flight. I think he will improve, but big question is after this season can Matt Ford allow for what will be ups and downs next season. Too much pressure on young riders imo. It was similar with Kurtz last year although I think Kurtz is and will be better rider overall. I think Holders future may well depend on whether M.Ford can get a really good number 1 for 2018. Holders low GSA of 5.86 and dropping again after 3 points from 4 rides last night is still a reasonably low GSA for a rider with such potential. His scores for Peterborough and in Poland show he is no donkey especially if on the right equip. Plus he is only 21 with 1 season less in UK than Kurtz who is 6 months younger. I think Kurtz has over performed this year and only just about to turn 21. Its so easy to get angry and upset with riders when meetings go wrong but considering Holders age and experience in UK he is for me coming along nicely and will improve. (Of course will have good/bad meetings but no diff to Kurtz last season). The real anger has to be levied at people like Lahti and other who have not performed when they should have, which can be levied throughout the team. I would still like to see a young progressive and exciting Poole team in 2018 with Kurtz/Holder as well as Woryna and someone like F Jakobsen if possible. Add some good H/L strength and make it a team well worth watching. Hope M.Ford chooses wisely this time.
  13. A question for Poole supporters. Newmans last GSA was 4.45 per meeting. Okay his last meeting after the last GSA he scored 12 points from 6 rides incl a 6 point tactical which will lift that slightly but not a lot. No more meetings to go into GSA calculation as Leicester meetings finished. Would you have him back at reserve as a Brit on a 4.5 av (approx.) knowing how well he rides from that berth at home and probably away. For me he fills the criteria of being one of the Brits that UK teams will probably have to track in 2018 plus in my opinion he a strong reserve. Forget the history and think what would be best for team selection in 2018 as he is worth more than 4.60 as an average from the reserve berth. Assuming he can avoid injuries of course.
  14. Some forget that Kyle was released because his GSA was dropping to a dangerously low level for a replacement to be found, and in 6 matches had not showed the form or improved form after return from injury. Yes for those that forget, one of many he seems to have had over the last few seasons. It was not done out of disloyalty to Newman but because Ford could not have replaced with a half decent reserve on a reasonable av had he held on to him if his form continued going downwards. Even for Ipswich and for a while subsequently his scores were not great. From a biz perspective it was the right move at the time although hard on Kyle and for many who know his love of the club. Initially it looked like a reasonable move as Starke hit the ground running. What Poole didn't know was in the last quarter of the season Starkes form would go South and Newmans form would go North. Now it looks like maybe on reflection Poole should have been patient. BUT would they have made the playoffs if Newmans form had continued as it was into the last month or so ?? I say good luck to Newman even as a Poole Supporter. It was not his choice to leave and as the season concludes why should he not earn some hard cash as its a long Winter without income. I would like to see him back at reserve irrespective of how he performs today. If there are any misgivings it should be aimed at Swindon Management/Promotion not Newman in my opinion. If he does earn a hat full of points today even more reason why Poole should sign him for next year.
  15. I wonder which Jason Doyle will turn up Monday. Just had a mare of a meeting with 4 points from 4 rides and seemed out of sorts. Wasn't even chosen in last nominated heats. Didn't do his team any favours as they drew at home 45-45 but went out over 2 legs with a 10 point defeat. His 7 points from 5 rides in the first leg wasn't great either. Arguably over the 2 legs his combined scores cost them a final place. Think we know where his head is currently. Now he has his 10 point league in the SGP he will be eager to insure he doesn't get injured like last year when so close it cost him the WC. Maybe psychologically he is looking after himself to insure no repeat performance with only 3 GP meetings left. Be interesting to see which Doyle turns up Monday. Having said that, would he need to be on his game anyway to beat plenty of riders not up to Polish EXL standard (probably not). We will see. He also has to travel after travelling from Germany to Poland Sat/Sun and now Poland/UK Monday. Don't get me wrong. We all want to see all riders on the top of their game but I wonder if its in the back of his mind, which have to say cant blame him after being so close to being World Champ last year.
  16. Would make the guess the team game for 2018 so much better if all knew the limit was going to be say 45 points rather than say 42/43. Supposed we all have to await the BSPA meting in Nov even though the promoters probably already know what the draft limit proposal will be already. I hope it is 45 points with a min of 2 Brits per team. Opens up more options for all teams who can go for more strength in depth thru the 1 to 7 without having to always have a 2/3 pointer to balance the 42 points. I still believe with the Prem/Champ/National leagues we have the structure in place to bring along young riders. For me riders such as Parkinson Blackburn and Jack Smith need to graduate through the leagues. Not all can be like Dan Bewley. JPB and JS were ripping up the tracks in NL last year but both have to a degree struggled in Champ and JS have struggled even more in PL. The Poles have a good system with each rider having to track 2 Polish riders 21 or under as Juniors per team (irrespective of how good/bad their av are). The Swedes with their min 2 Swedish riders per team. Again av do not come into it. I think the min 2 Brit per team is good and up to Promoters to decide how many Brits they want per team over the 2 minimum.
  17. Remember it well ;-) I went virtually every week and also to Hackney where I lived close to the track just across Hackney Marshes. It was good to share my loyalties over both teams and one of the rare occasions in my first 20 years of supporting a Speedway Club where I got to cheer for the League Champions. Was such a shame that in a Stadium like White City and with the already dwindling Speedway crowds it was a bit eery watching it. Wasn't so bad at Hackney as they got better crowds irrespective of the dross team Len Silver put out most seasons. But the racing was always good at Hackney with plenty of the Hackney riders becoming experts at coming from the back of the race. White City was as cloe as you could get to Polish tracks. Big. Such happy days before we had social media - mobile phones - laptops etc - etc. How the hell did the sport survive with so many foreign top riders having to rely on a thing called a phone/landline. Didn't stop them turning up each meeting. Unless of course you were the promised Anders Michanek who we used to look forward to seeing at Hackney but never materialised despite promises from Silver. What did we get instead - Finn Thomsen. What a joke and nowhere in the same class. But that was good old Len :-) Oh happy days.
  18. Depends on what next seasons points limit is. IF and its a big IF it was 45 points then it just squeezes in (44.63) based on current GSA issued yesterday plus KW at 4.65 and Janowski at his last GSA close in 2015 of 8.97. If its 42 points then yep it wont fit. Now that would be an exciting fairly young team with CH the oldest at 30. MJ at 26 - Kurtz 21 - Holder jr 21 - Ellis 21 - Woryna just turned 21 - Newman 25. Of course only Matt Ford and other Promoters will know if 45 is on the table for 2018. (I am sure a draft proposal is already with them all). Hope it is and we don't get watered down 42 again. Also mentioned team has the 2 Brits in it. Going to be interesting to see how it develops. Also for the stat minded amongst us. Robert Lambert is only 0.31 of a point above Chris Holder. If the thinking was NOT to re-sign CH then it again JUST squeezes in. Of course that opens the debate of would you have CH over RL (if such a move was even a possibility). Plenty of food for thought and there may even be other diamonds out there that Matt has up his sleeve as he negotiates. As for the mind games about Ellis. No not mind games just a forward thinking promote who has got his backside into gear early in thinking of next season and the fact he could be an ace card drifting in and out of reserve and hopefully better. Taking the obvious 3 from 2 i.e Newman/Ellis/Woryna it keeps them pretty tight at reserve without the obvious weakness that Shames brings. That's without thinking about Klindt - someone like Jakobsen (if they could get him on a 5 GSA). Plenty to ponder on ;-)
  19. Assets are not always in the team ;-) Would be interesting if it is someone like Robert Lambert as there have been noises floating around the forum that maybe he needs a change ?? Could be wide of the mark here but wouldn't put it past Matt Ford to tap into even more rising talent at Poole. Now that would be news to raise the pulse. True though. The points limit is critical. BUT - We all know the BSPA draft for next season is already on the table and unless there are many dissenters then chances are the promoters already know the expected points limit and what rules there may/may not be about number of Brits that have to be in each team. For sure they don't turn up (those that choose to attend) in Nov without the plans already being on the table. Chances are its between 42 & 45 but just a case of which of those figures.
  20. Maybe Matt is window dressing the Ellis news signing. Most Poole fans on the forum know he is being signed as an asset from Lakeside and indeed switching from Swindon to Poole would be a switch to the South Coast. Wouldn't be news to get the pulse racing if it is, as it was put out on the forum by those who had already heard rumours based on talks between Cook and Ford recently. We all know Matt Ford plays the media to gain maximum exposure to possible signings and this may well be another case of the same but with news already leaked on the forum. Could be wrong and perhaps a decent signing on its way in which more head scratching on who it might be. P.S: Not saying Ellis would be a bad signing as at reserve or swinging in and out of that position during the season is no bad move ONLY if its with another decent scoring reserve possibility after Woryna hopefully comes out after first BSPA GSA amended av end May/June period.
  21. Maybe being a little selfish here. BUT.... As a speedway fan of some 47 years - ok I was only 15 when I first starting going to Hackney ;-). I am a great believer in giving potential World class riders a chance. IF Jakobsen could be secured on a 5.00 GSA av then I would take a chance on him. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. Yes the easy option is to have say Ellis and or maybe Newman in reserve berth with Wornya (initially). But bottom line is Woryna will probably move out of the reserve berth (hopefully) when first GSA is issued in 2018 with changes (end May/June ??). Again IF the av allow it I would rather have an improving youngster like Jakobsen in the team even IF he stays as reserve until the Summer. If we have until 31/7 again to change riders I would persevere with the guy while he gains experience. Yes some will say the likes of M.Bech have gone backwards but ultimately how many of the star Danish riders had to be given their chance to break through over the many years I have been a Speedway supporter. Not every Danish rider came here as a HL. Also lets remember that ultimately the league is won in Oct not March. Top 4 is where to be for play offs, and if the team is strong enough then the club can exercise patience. He seems to be the best young Dane out there and ultimately someone will take that chance. I would like it to be Poole although I can understand that after what happened this season some Poole supporters want the quick/safe fix for 2018. At 7 GSA I would say sign as an asset and loan out but IF he could get 5 I would say go for it as long term I see him being way above Newman/Ellis and riding all the major leagues in Europe. Hand on heart can you see that of Ellis or Newman who are 3/6 years older (and in my opinion will always be steady English riders) being better than Jakobsen long term ??. The above is just my opinion of course. I just believe in giving talent a chance just as Matt did with youngsters like Ward/Holder Snr/Kurtz/Holder Jnr and numerous others over the years. UK may be way behind the Continent in overall quality but that doesn't stop us developing young talent wherever they originate from.
  22. Flwg my recent posts on Frederik Jakobsen (flwg Skidders comments after the World team U21 final in Poland), I see the Poles have woken up to this potential prestigious future talent. Flwg posted today on the main Polish Speedway website. https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&rurl=translate.google.co.uk&sl=pl&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/zuzel/709288/zaczelo-sie-polowanie-na-mlodego-dunczyka-rok-temu-nie-chcial-go-prawie-nikt&usg=ALkJrhhWAbC8CNhoKiggyOMYlOlsnNr_Cg The opening headline is: (Pls excuse the Polish that attaches itself when I copy across). The hunt for a young Dane began. A year ago almost no one wanted him Frederik Jakobsen scored 13 points in the DMŚJ final in Rybnik. He beat Max Fricke, Robert Lambert and Dominique Kubera and caught the attention of many club activists. Some have already decided they want to have it. I wonder if a UK Promoter can get clarification from the BSPA on what a riders GSA av would be for next season before deciding if they want to sign him. I know some non Poole supporters feel he should be given 7 but I do find it bemusing that K Woryna can come in with 1 years UK experience on just over 4.5 GSA and a potential top class Polish performer also riding in Polish Exl, yet a rider only in his 3rd season on a 500cc bike who is 19 - never ridden UK in ANY league - first season riding in Polish 2nd Div (2 leagues behind Pol EXL) - odd guest appearance in Sweden and his own Danish League is potentially deemed as a 7 pointer. I would love to have Matt clarify his GSA for 2018 and if low enough I certainly would have him onboard.
  23. Skidder has kept the Poole topic interesting based on rumours he heard. Indeed he did not name riders. The news on Ellis was put out by someone else and to be honest I would never have guessed Ellis from what Skidder had put on the forum. I was still digging for clues after Ellis name had been put out on a non Poole topic. For me I say keep it up Skidder as its your kind of info and overheard conversations/rumours/comments which makes the Poole forum interesting and worth looking at.
  24. indeed he has gone backwards as has MJ Jepsen although at east he has rediscovered some form after a difficult situation with his father having cancer and having to finance his treatment last 2 years or so. My line of thinking on Jakobsen is he is young - only 3rd season and even then mainly riding in DK with POl 2nd Div as was completing his studies. Top scored for DK in Euro team u21 final. Check our Uk rider scores for comparison :-( If he could be got in on a low/low av (and god knows how BSPA would rate him) then maybe worth a chance at reserve ?? Ok the BSPA team points limits and how many UK riders per team as well as league make up will all have a bearing but we want to see the next big possible thing. Maybe signing as an asset not a bad thing and see how things pan out in Nov BSPA meeting ??
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