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Posts posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Must have been about 30 riders mentioned as riding for Poole next season.


    Im surprised that so far only Woryna has been signed and Matt Ford has nobody else.


    Kurtz will be back im sure but the rest of the side could be anyones guess.


    Why would Leon Madsen ride over here as according to Poole Pirates Fanatic / BrandonBob / Gater1, Iversen wont ride because of the Danish league on a Wednesday?? Whats the difference with Madsen?



    Madsen has not signed for any SWE side in 2018 and he rode for the Champs Smederna in 2017 (League winners).


    All the top riders have already signed up in Oct/Nov and near enough all the main slots have gone with exception of maybe some SWE junior slots.


    The only other major non SWE signing was Vaculik not signing preferring to ride UK in 2018 for more smaller/technical track experience.


    Before you go writing Madsen off consider the flwg:


    In 2009 as a 20 year old he rode only 7 matches. In 2010 as a 21 year old he rode in 29 matches for a GSA of 6.10.


    In comparison a certain My Jason Doyle who is 3 years older was achieving GSA's of between 4/5.50.


    One thing I always thought Madsen could do was just as Jason could do was electric gating. Something that imo has held both riders in good stead as their careers have progressed.


    You cannot judge a rider who rode here for 1 and a bit seasons at 2o/21 compared to a rider just now turned 29 in September and who has climbed to 4th in the av of the best and hardest league in the World i.e POL EXL.


    Maybe at times you may well think he has as one poster put it "bottled it" (in SEC). BUT his league form has been exceptionally good in POL EXL.


    If you need any more evidence then he helped Smederna win the SWE league this season just gone. Feel free to view his performance in the 2nd leg of the final on youtube. Its only 25 mins long but shows what he can do incl winning the final race of the night.


    He is a more mature and better rider than his early days, and if Ford can get him on a sensible GSA then for sure worth considering.


    P.S: His gating still a big asset from what I can see and that's half the battle.

  2. Im not don't worry. Just thinking of possible teams.


    In other news Klindt has just cancelled his contract in Denmark.

    Must have high hopes or be in advanced talks to sign for a WED UK team then ??


    Maybe he will be doubling up in 2018 as no SWE contract and only POL 2nd Div at present having had to drop to lowest POL League in last minute signing as seems he wasn't wanted in POL LGE 1.


    Hope the guy does get sorted as after his nasty injury in 2017 he deserves some better luck.

  3. I see, but then if you click on the club by club one it says he is on a 7.71. Bit of a difference for a rider.

    Think its def 5.51 as per his final 2015 GSA.


    Just saw the final GSA's. On the team one he is blanked out showing the higher av as that was the 1/4 x uplift all riders initially got for the start of 2017. BUT as we all know riders were adjusted back down to their actual GSA's around end of May when first real GSA's came out and were updated based on what they had achived so far up until end of May.


    Secondly Gomolski had only ridden for Leicester 5 matches for 21 rides with a GSA of 4.20 but not enough to get him that bargain looking 4.20 GSA :-(


    If he was given his 5.51 I would say maybe worth a gamble. Def yes if we had Santa come early and he got 4.20.


    You are right that the guy had a half decent year dropping to Nice POL 1 last season9th in Av only 2 behind Hans A which makes the GSA he gets look more important in considering him as is he more of a candidate based on that than say Hans at some 2.25 points higher.


    The thing is you know Hans will probably score more away. But the recent Polish stats don't lie on total rides in POL Nice 1 last season. Close to quality of our Prem (maybe they are a bit higher in overall quality).


    Hans record finishing 1st/2nd/3rd/4th was - 28/29/19/3

    Gomolski record was - 29/25/20/3


    Kacper will be just turned 25 when season starts in March as his birthday is 2nd March. Hans will be 37 as his Birthday was 3rd Nov.

  4. I think matt ford should set up an employment agency for speedway riders as he got so many assets

    Maybe not such a daft idea though, as all those loan fees he can get probably contribute to the costs of some of the new riders he has coming in or in mind for the future :-)

  5. Would love to see Bjerre back next year, but he's signed to a Danish team already and I believe Denmark ride on a Wednesday :(

    Bjerre situ confuses me a little.


    He said on twitter he's not happy with the one over 8 rule.


    BUT as it stands currently, so far the Poles have not relaxed the max league rule meaning he now being a POL EXL rider is allowed 3 leagues incl his home league so he has already signed in POL/SWE (which for sure he wont drop for UK) meaning he can only sign for DK anyway even though not so many meetings.


    If they relax the rules, (which no announcement on yet from the Poles although only expected that anyway after the BSPA announced fixed days not clashing with POL EXL weekends- IF they relax that is), then its a similar situ to NKI who is caught in same boat as Bjerre.


    So how can one talk of loyalty for example as if the Poles don't relax the rules then for sure NKI nor Bjerre would not give up POL or SWE meaning they would drop UK anyway.


    Many forget he got away with it last year due to riding POL Nice 1, but his team were promoted so he now comes (one assumes) under the POL EXL rule on max leagues.

    • Like 1
  6. As of yesterday evening the SCB weren't aware of Vaculik's average - anymore than any of the other assessed riders!!


    The SCB have asked for the full 'independent' list of averages which they expect to receive later this week. (As advised by Gordon Pairman to me yesterday!!)

    Thanks for the update Skidder :-)


    I like many are eager to learn what the various av will come out at.


    No easy job as will they leave 2016/17 GSA as is. What do they do about riders in 2013/14/15 (not a massive list but still a list). You have riders who were younger in those years and have improved just as maybe some haven't or are not so good as they were back then.


    Similar as to what do they do to assess young Poles who have ridden mainly against other juniors in POL EXL plus having never done UK. How do you assess those plus young Danes and swedes that MAYBE a promoter/manager may want to sign. There are plenty of exciting youngsters out there that are not brits who may have big future sin the Sport. Not naming any as want my team to get in first if possible ;-)


    On the youngster under 21 situation it isn't really that major a job. If you take the top 2 juniors in each POL EXL team then you have similar (maybe not so many ??) in SWE and DK. probably no more than 30/35 riders max to give an assessment on, made easier as they are 21 or under and have never ridden in UK.


    At least an early release of all this info then gives a level playing field for all those promoters/managers who may want to approach the riders if they are interested to come to UK and get that all important experience on our smaller/more technical tracks.


    Lets also hope its made available to all and not just the inner sanctum of promoters/managers ;-)

  7. As Matt also said, there are still some things that weren't confirmed at the AGM and still need further clarification - not least the averages of riders that either haven't ridden here before or not for over 3 years??!!

    Hope they sort it sooner rather than later.


    They have probably all known about this 8 point proposal well in advance and should have had the calculators out already or what the plans are for said riders as its obvious to most that riders up to 8 would now be in demand. A number of which had not ridden here for 2/3/4 years. Also rules governing young riders as mentioned in my last post.


    Not sure how long that takes to decide but having taken such a big decision on the 1 x 8 point or plus rule they should have the back up decision for the riders in question (and young riders) quickly following on so that the decision makers in the teams can plasn accordingly.


    For example: Matt may well know who he wants as number one so maybe sorted but what if he wanted Janowski/one or both Pawlicki's or Milik or any host of riders who rode here below or above 8 prior to 2016/17 ??


    Secondly what if Matt wants an exciting young Pole (or Swede or Dane). He gets Woryna on 4.65 as one assumes he will be allowed his 2016 GSA. I would have thought this was clarified by the relevant authorities prior to him signing him for 2018. What would other youngsters from overseas who have for example never ridden here be assessed on.


    How can you plan a team if you are ready to sound out riders around Europe if you have no idea what GSA they will be given ??

  8. Poole asset as is wright so Matt will take the biggest loan fee. Sure they will be back at Somerset though.

    Knowing he is now an in demand rider could he maybe use that to his advantage to get a team further North.


    We know Josh is based I think up Sheffield way ?? and it was a massive round trip for him on worse traffic night of the week (Friday) to do week in and week out. Over the last 4 plus years this guy has done so much doubling up and guesting around the UK its been unreal and now he also has Poland etc. Maybe he will look at reducing the mind sapping weekly commute and look at options nearer to home ??


    Just a thought.


    Also the Forum on all PREM topics is awash with this 8 point rule.


    I personally think it would be so much easier for many to swallow if the BSPA/SCB said ok this is the situation on riders GSA's for 2018 in Prem.


    Riders who rode up to season xyz will be assessed at their last GSA.

    Riders who rode prior to this will be assessed at abc or reassessed individually and say taking the ?? seasons prior to the above those riders (name if need be) will be cde

    Riders who have never ridden in Prem (name them if need be) will be assessed at ???

    Young riders under 21 (for example POL juniors who have raced in the main against similar or with some exposure to rides against seniors) but have never ridden in Prem will be assessed at ???


    If you set a rule that only one rider over 8 then surely you have to set the ground rules on how other riders outside of those who rode in Prem in 2017 will be assessed.


    Otherwise how can a club look to sign other riders or exciting young overseas talent for 2018 or at least consider them in team planning awaiting outcome of if that rider wants to sign or not.


    Why cant the paying fan who pays for part of the sport be kept informed of this. We all want to do fantasy build the team and sure doesn't help when you don't have a clue how many of the riders who may come here would be assessed points wise.


    Personally I quite like the 1 x 8 or over point idea proposed as team managers/promoters now have to be clued up to build a well balanced team. But, it would be so much simpler and I think more widely accepted if it was circulated how riders coming in would be assessed for 2018.


    You can still build strong teams with current/ex and future SGP riders if we all knew what points they are getting as a GSA or what they will be assessed as if new riders etc as referred to above.

    If your not going to use a rider why should you demand a loan fee ?

    How about.


    Because he is your asset and getting a loan fee partly offsets the cost of another rider you may want to sign for the current season.


    There could be various reasons why you may not want that rider. Maybe a NKI isn't what you want as you would prefer a nearer 8 rider like Brady to help keep that extra 1 point plus for a more in depth look to the team.


    Getting a loan fee for say NKI (who may not want to ride for Poole anyway being based over Norfolk way) could help subsidise a move for another possibly exciting rider coming in at below 8 like a Milik/both Pawlicki's/Madsen (the list is long if you look around the GSA's over the last 4/5 years). Notwithstanding other young foreign talent who have not ridden UK before.


    Similar with other Matt Ford assets where he can get a loan fee to pay towards other riders he is interested in if that asset doesn't formulate part of his team planning for 2018.

    • Like 1




    Ok guys, good job. I'm sure we'll see the big boys flooding back.

    Of course the devil could be in the detail. Why ???


    If the BSPA/SCB allow riders back on their old GSA then you could have GP stars past/present and probably future riding IF 1) They want to come back to ride in UK and B) If the Poles relax the max league rules for 2018. I thought they were waiting until the AGM was finalised on fixed race days etc before deciding, otherwise why would NKI have been so public about riding in UK in Speedway star and social media.


    When you think about it you have riders such as both Pawlicki's/Milik/Madsen/Lebedevs and no doubt numerous others who could ride here in 2018 if they a re assessed at their old GSA's or below 8 on new GSA's depending upon what the authorities have (or not) agreed.


    Unfortunately none of this info released so we are in the dark.

  10. Skidder you know that's not possible, stop trying to confuse everyone! ;):D

    Don't quite know what to make of this comment from Matt in the Echo.


    “I don’t necessarily believe a higher average will help some of the younger riders at the bottom end of the team because I think there may be a few more experienced riders coming back to this country.


    He isn't even guaranteeing Shanes a spot saying he has to look at the numbers.


    Only young riders I can think of further down the team are Holder Jr and Shanes from last season.


    Not unusual for the echo to throw names around but none of us know what the POL regulations will be (assume they will now decide as BSPA AGM finished). Plus what will riders who rode in previous seasons such as 2014/15/16 be assessed at as a GSA. Also what about young poles Poles etc who may only have ridden as Juniors in their teams. Can you really have a crazy situation where Woryna gets in on 4.65 but some other high profile juniors (prefer not to name in case on Matt's shopping list) get assessed at say 6 or 7.


    Would be good if BSPA or SCB (whoever decides these things) put out some clarification.


    For me seems still a few grey areas need clarification. But then again we are only the fans who support the sport i.e the mushrooms who are kept in the dark ;-)

  11. And the one I expected to answer did...and more or less said what I expected...its like a freak show

    Some should stay playing with their fisher price toys

    It doesn't take long for the usual subjects to turn a sensible forum subject like Poole 2018 into a total farce.....


    Come on guys - Lets keep the discussion to Poole 2018 with sensible comment - disagreement or agreement to ideas and sensible alternatives.


    Its a pain in the backside when us genuine speedway supporters open up our teams topic only to find its filled with nonsense and personal back biting.


    I am all up for friendly banter but prefer we keep it to the subject matter for the benefit of the majority and not the trolls who seem to enjoy winding certain others up :-)

    • Like 2
  12. Everybody keeps on about jack not for me and i dont think he figures in matts team ether we shall see

    Well lets hope Matt puts that one to bed sooner rather than later so we can move on to other team news not revolving around Jack.


    I can see from earlier comments that we have as many yes as we have no so opinion I suppose is split.

  13. Belle Vue could track Cook, Zagar and Fricke and Jack Smith and take up 25.32 leaving 17.18 for 3 riders. Tungate at 6.18 leaves 11 for 2 riders.


    Belle Vue look like they could be very strong to me.


    Wolves to if they can have Lindgren. Tai and Masters



    Was just making the point that its always a shame to see a successful team split up due to the rules but that's the way it is.


    You have shown above that being creative can generate still strong teams depending upon how you go about it.


    Maybe Zagar and Tai wont come back to UK but the creative managers/promoters can still find plenty of good talent with heat leader potential below 8 points IF they can tempt them back to UK.


    Same with some of the junior Poles for example who are way ahead of many of our riders top flight or juniors.


    The $64,000 question though is what GSA's are both thee young riders as well as foreign riders who rode last in 2015 or earlier going to be assessed at. Will we the Joe public even be given access to what the guidelines will be. Would be nice that we are not just kept in the dark ;-)


    On track he's on the decline but as a team man he is one of the best. A real leader and I don't think you could get much better than Han's in that department.


    As I said I don't think there is any value in a 7.75 average but if we need a captain to lead the team and keep the spirits up in the pits then Hans is the man for the job.


    I wouldn't be disappointed if we signed him. Not going to improve his average but we are guaranteed a good experienced team captain in the pits who wouldn't throw a strop when things don't go right.


    Agree. But I think we should give him 1 more year.


    Shouldn't judge him on last season. Poole wasn't a good team to be at last year


    Confidence was down in the pits

    No belief in the team

    Losing meetings heavily

    Poor team spirit


    Will be a mistake to let him go. Guarenteed to see a change in attitude riding with Chris as he would take his younger brother under his wing at Poole.


    Team spirit will be a lot better. Middlo, Chris, Jack & Brady would get along like a house on fire. Laughing and joking. Team spirit will be good and that would produce results on the track due to the boys being in a good mood going into the meeting.


    Deserves one more year. Cant judge someone when the whole team morale was low during a poor season.

    Fully agree.


    Last season was his first in Prem after only 1.5 seasons in Champ with Plymouth.


    During that time as a first season rider he achieved a 5.82 GSA - plus he scored an av on top of 1 Bonus point per meeting plus rode well for Peterborough (nearly 9 points per meeting GSA bettering his 1.5 seasons at Plymouth).


    To add to that was his impressive end of season performances for bottom of the League Torun in POl EXL where he was the top of averages for non regular POL Rider. So good that Torun signed him for 2018.


    Now bearing in mind what he has achieved can you really say the guy doesn't deserve to be back at Poole.


    This season should have been without pressure had the so called top riders achieved what they should have achieved (I excl Brady who for me over achieved for someone so young).


    It isn't good that living in the shadow of your Brother and ex Speedway GP WC, so many expect so much too quickly just as they had done with Brady in 2016 despite it being his first season in Prem.


    Young riders like Jack need to be brought along at a sensible pace without all the pressure just because certain top guys didn't perform. In a successful team he would have been judged as doing quite nicely for a first season and so much potential talent lies there as we know.


    For me it makes so much sense to have him back with Chris who can also mentor him just as he has been partly employed to do this season with Torun. A happier and young team with experience such as Chris to hopefully keep him grounded and allow him to enjoy his riding while he finds his way.


    At a 5.82 GSA and with the potential talent to improve that and be one of the top riders, it would imo be crazy to let that opportunity pass me by. Especially also with the new 1 rider over 8 rule and a 42.5 team limit which make the signing even more important for me.


    Matt Ford has the chance to build a young and exciting team with this new rule and with the likes of Brady/Kacper W/James S/ we could be a force this season.


    If Matt can find another Diamond out there in Euro Speedway World on a low GSA like with Woryna then I would be well pleased. These Polish Juniors for example are way ahead of most of our young guys.


    Of course knowing what the authorities are setting these young riders and any riders who rode prior to 2016 as GSA would help us all. At least what the guidelines are so we can include or eliminate in team plans (or for us enthusiastic speedway supporters our calculator ideas).

    • Like 1

    Iversen to KL might not happen. Already has deals in Poland, Sweden and Denmark. Also Wednesday's could be a problem.


    Thorssell wont get a ride in Britain imo. His average is too high and the majority of that is due to his Monmore form. Not a No.1 not even close to a No.1 tbh. Anyone who signs him will finish bottom of the table imo.


    Swap Doyle and Morris around and then it looks on the money.


    BV - Cook and Fricke

    KL - In trouble

    Leicester - Vaculik and Nilsson

    Rye - Harris, Nicholls and Kasprzak

    Poole - B. Kurtz and C. Holder

    Somerset - N. Morris and Grajczonek

    Swindon - Doyle and Batchelor

    Wolves - F. Lindgren and one of Woffinden, Piotr Pawlicki or Masters

    Both your and Gavan's posts are sensible reading.


    I do feel for Swindon/BV and Wolves as the price for a successful season is that they have to shed top riders over 8 which if you support them is indeed sad.


    However taking all 8 sides in the league this new rule is both a bit of a leveller but also means that promoters have to be more savvie in their team selection plus it gives ALL promoters the chance to build teams with strength in depth using the new rules.


    I was initially disappointed that 3 days of meetings seemed to have yielded so little but as a Speedway supporter who supports Poole but lives in Chelmsford, Essex I am taking the positives from it also in the hope that now the meeting is over there will be news on at least a TV deal now nights are agreed even if no league sponsor is forthcoming.


    As a Poole supporter I feel we have more to gain by this rule as any switched on Promoter can choose from a whole host of talent around Europe on GSA's below 8. The big question is what will some of these guys get as GSA and will riders who were riding in 2014/15 below 8, what will they get as GSA's in 2018 (we are in the dark on that one but hopefully we will find out ??)


    Secondly based in Essex I see Lakeside are joining the Champ. Geat news as their track is only 30 mins drive for me and I can now get to wto see some of the future of British Speedway. Riders such as Jack P.Blackburn - Jack Smith - Dan Bewley and others as well as other young talent from places like Australia etc trying to prove themselves in the Sport.


    I no have the choice of driving 3 plus hours to see Prem in Poole and also 30 mins on diff race nights to see the talent of British and other nations learning their trade with experienced raiders.


    Life is not so bad after all in my case after this AGM :-)

  16. So Somerset v Poole in the KOC first round!!


    And there could still be a 'big' signing under 8 points within the 42.5?!


    My slightly playful 1-7 of yesterday may well have some legs.......


    Kurtz 8.08; Ellis 5.56 (or Newman or Starke); Holder 7.16; Gomolski 6.43; P.Pawlicki 7.32; Woryna 4.65; Shanes 2.95. Total 42.15?

    Not bad at all.


    Means that promoters will have to use all their management skills to get the best mix of riders.


    I like the look of the above though :-)


    I will reserve final judgement until press release but if this is the case then the 8 existing teams did not do enough to encourage them up, for example lowering the points limit so they could get a competitive team or bringing in a pay cap so they were not taking such a big financial risk .

    Agree we need to see full content of AGM but the initial release doesn't initially inspire.


    If it is 8 & 11, initial thoughts are as it is for Prem and maybe Lakeside topping up existing Champ.


    So all the gossip re 1/2 coming up has not come to pass it seems. Interesting to see why they decided not to and maybe explains the slow progress of the meeting and lack of any positive updates.


    I followed your various posts re changing things for the better of UK Speedway but in all honesty I could never see the main teams in the Prem such as Poole/BV/Wolves etc agreeing to lower both the standard and implement things like a pay cap.


    I for one want to see both top riders and good racing. Taking the sport back to near enough basic level with little to no overseas stars is not for me the way forward.


    Anyway let's see the full announcement but looks like it may be more of the same and if points dropped to say 41 then chances are lower level again. Hopefully at least some fixed nights will bring some of the stars most of us want to see over. Those that choose to sign them, it is their choice and if my club can afford that luxury then fine by me.

  18. .

    Read a book for a while !

    Maybe SGB should have worded their tweet posted Friday a bit differently.


    Their tweet said:

    NEWS | Premiership and Championship clubs start their AGM in Tenerife which lasts until Sunday. We will bring you news updates as and when we can.


    Maybe I misunderstood thinking Prem meeting would be first i.e Fri/Sat with Champ meeting Sunday.


    Maybe I shouldn't have taken the wording literally as it stated they would bring us news and more importantly updates when they could.


    That's why I thought we might get some updates at least released pending a full statement or the main guts of what was agreed pending an official statement.


    Anyway we will soon know outcome.


    Like many I am an eager and enthusiastic speedway fan who wants to know things like team limits/league set up etc so I can get the calculator out to try and guess who my team Poole may or may not sign for 2018. The new points limit at least enables you to dismiss certain ideas. Same with if we know how overseas riders GSA's may be established for 2018 and for those who rode in UK up until a certain time i.e 2014 or 2015. Same for example will riders like NKI who rode in 2016 be assessed at that GSA for 2018 ??


    All adds to the intrigue and interest while we try to work out who may or may not sign in these dark and dreary nights of the close season :D

  19. They always release stuff at the end, you will just have to be patient!! But tbh I am not sure I would be desperate to know what they have decided if I were you! :D


    They always release stuff at the end, you will just have to be patient!! But tbh I am not sure I would be desperate to know what they have decided if I were you! :D

    Yes maybe I read the BSPA comment to literally on Friday when they said they would release news as they got it.


    Your last comment doesn't bode well then.


    Anyway all will be revealed (hopefully) in the coming day or so. Lets hope at least part of it is an indication of a way forward for the sport ;)

  20. .

    i) Not so ! !


    ii) Its 3-day mtg,- nobody expects everything sorted in half the time.


    But doesn't the BSPA AGM also include matters Champ as well as Prem ??


    I cant see why snippets of news cant be released such as.


    Breaking news - Prem team limit for 2018 will be xxx or Fixed race nights agreed details to be confirmed - or XXX and YYY will be joining Prem League to make it a xx team league in 2018.


    I cant believe letting a little bit of news out after 2 days of meetings would do any harm. Would have thought most/if not all Prem matters took priority before they move on to Champ issues as they are probably a lot less to discuss then the Prem.


    Maybe there is some fall out big time internally which is why nothing to report.


    Anyway lets hope some news breaks soon as we have the rumour mill in full flow such as T.N.T who either has a hot line to the top or is maybe guessing ??


    Its not like we want the whole meeting comment, just something to mull over while they complete proceedings.

  21. Just been announced the green helmet colour is back for next season








    Joke lol

    Yes the silence from the BSPA is deafening.


    Would have thought that Prem biz already sorted over Fri/Sat. They could have released a bit of positive/good info for the fans to show that at least progress is being made.


    Maybe not gone/going as well as we all hope. i.e No league sponsor - no firm TV deal - not enough take up of clubs wanting to come up.


    BSPA who only announced on their twitter (I think) for the first time yesterday that the BSPA annual AGM was taking place in Tenerife this Fri/Sat/Sun, also said they would release news as they got it.


    Of course hope I am wrong, but just a few lines on some changes already agreed (if any) would go down well with us the supporters who pay to support these guys.


    Makes me laugh that despite the potential problems the POL EXL were imposing on riders for 2018 on advertising etc, they sat down with the riders prior to the end of the 2 week transfer window, listened and sorted those issues and we had an exciting close of window. Everything done and dusted in 2 weeks. Yes there is more money involved ultimately but they are light years ahead of how UK runs the sport. Not only in POL EXL but also in Nice 1 and POL league 2. The 2018 transfer windows early & mid season are also set and that's it.


    Anyway we await the news of any kind as to the future of our sport and team building limits/overseas rider GSA's etc/ sponsorship/TV (if any) and how many teams will make up the Prem (and other leagues) in 2018.

  22. Surprising news I would have thought if Chris was back so would Jack especially on his current average which is even more of a bargain than Chris's.

    I agree.


    Too much pressure put on youngsters like Jack. Some forget what he achieved when riding for Peterborough in Champ last season which was a step up from his 1.5 seasons riding for Plymouth. Also look what he did in those end of season POL EXL meetings.


    Any young rider who can make it into the Torun team for next season in my book is good enough and should continue to improve.


    Additionally some may not realise but Jack scored 27 bonus points from 26 meetings which was the second highest bp of any rider in the Prem in 2017. BP are not incl in the GSA but in effect it added a point to his GSA in real terms.


    I agree he let his frustrations out at times but he is still young and wants to do well. He can do without undue pressure and in a team where other riders do the job they were employed to do (and 2017 was not a good season for that at poole with some riders), then I can only see improvement in the guy. Especially if Chris also signs.

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  23. but all winter off though!!

    A number of his Saturdays may well be taken up with World U21 again if he wants to give it a real go as think still qualifies as just turned 21.


    On top of that will no doubt try for the SGP qualifiers and various National team events both U21 and seniors.


    But that's the life of a class speedway rider. Look at the lines of Niki Pedersen who does leagues in POL/SWE/DK also did SGP and SEC in 2016 on top. Also factor in other World team events - Danish Champ and other tournaments.


    As PK says he gets 6 months off and it goes with the territory of being a professional speedway rider I suppose.









    is about the best Poole could do to 42. Much of a muchness. Certainly couldn’t get Janowski and have Woryna at reserve.

    Some of us don't disagree with this possible choice.


    We assume the 2 Brit rule will still apply which brings in Ellis and Shanes.


    Its the Batchelor slot which is the one that is not so obvious. if you go for a high GSA heat leader then you have to adjust lower down or go for a more strength in depth look.


    One debate would be are you better with say Batchelor against Andersen ?? They have similar GSA's (0.12 between them).


    If you drill down their 2017 scores its Andersen for me. Reason being as below.


    Hans home av was 8.00 or 8.55 incl bonus points

    Hans away av was 7.58 or 8.30 incl bonus points


    Troy home av was 6.79 or 7.03 incl bonus points

    Troy away av was 8.27 or 8.80 incl bonus points


    I don't think Batchelor has been so good around Poole over the years and for me I would prefer Hans. Think he would be a better team man as well as a motivator and mentor to younger riders. Also at the first sign of rain Batchelor was more about self preservation then going all out for the team.


    This is my opinion based on what I have seen of the guy over the last 4/5 years.

  24. i thought hancock all ready said he wont do the uk next year anyway

    Hancock for me only interested in who pays biggest pay check.


    Signed for a guy who has purchased a 2nd Div team and wiped all their debts.


    Think he is going to get paid plenty and will have at least 2 seasons riding against inferior opposition even if they get 2 successive promotions before getting to POL EXL.


    I didn't think he would sign for the 2nd Div team but obviously some big bucks thrown his way to keep him in Poland.


    Maybe also his chums at Monster also expressed a desire he kept the Monster flag flying in Poland as it would have been farcical having a SGP rider not riding in the biggest speedway Country in the World.


    One less rider for UK to look at.

  25. The Chris Holder I first got to know never complained and was very easy going.

    Really don't know why the change in attitude.

    Its maybe easy for many to be judgemental when looking from a distance.


    But consider the following.


    Chris almost lost his best friend - soul mate and kind of young protégé in Darcy Ward. They were like 2 kids at times but the bond was close.


    Following on from that and not far behind was his split from partner Sealy and the mother of his son Max.


    To add further salt to the wounds was that his engines were not firing in 2017 and there were tuning problems with Alan John's engines and well documented by John's himself.


    I am sure all factors may have also hit his confidence because how can a guy who was so comfortably in the top 8 SGP riders for so long plus was third in GSA only to Doyle and NKI in 2016 fall so far so quickly.


    Have said countless times now that he deserves this year at SGP level as well as with Torun and whichever UK Club he signs for. If he screws it up this year then he only has himself to blame as he can't use the previous years issues to haunt him forever.


    If he messes it up in 2018 then he may well lose his SGP place - His UK team place and also most importantly for his Bank Balance, his long term place for so long in Poland - Torun.

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