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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. No he doesnt. He earns plenty form POL/SWE so assume doesnt need the money just like all those other top stars who dont want to come over here. As for next season ?? - I assume Matt would have to declare an early interest to insure he has a work permit. Aaaggghhh this permit/visa thing is all getting too complicated. He could do a treble by announcing Chris/Brady/Jack and all hopefully well below 8 if they retain that rule. Factor alsopossibly the new Aussie/Pole Josh G on a one off lower than normal GSA and there you have 4 riders already ;-)
  2. Does that also mean he won't need a visa/work permit in future if he has become a POL citizen. Means maybe one less problem for Matt to worry about in 2019 if he is going to be part of the team on maybe an attractive GSA ;-) That would also explain partly why so much time spent in POL this season. Maybe he now has dual nationality meaning he can straddle both sides of the fence.
  3. Hmmm - Interesting comment re Josh if you factor in closing comments on my longish post just now on Poole for next season. Maybe 4 Aussies in the team Agree with plenty of the above as mentioned in some of my previous posts. For me getting some wins and moving up the table for this season is my priority for Poole. Anything else this season would be a bonus even if we were losing semi finalists in play offs. After the problems both on and off the track with Poole 2018 and lack of finance etc and problems Matt has had I think even mid table wont be a disaster with PERHAPS more exciting possibilities for next season if you can factor in Chis/Jack/Brady and yes maybe a more settled Josh on a not high GSA for 2019. But that's for next year. Let's get this year sorted first and get some confidence building wins in the team. I am sure Matt will have his forward team building head on IF the League retains its current format for next year.
  4. Good open & honest comments from both Klindt and Matt in the Echo. Finally some clarity to the situation. Klindt quite right when he says he cannot be the sole saviour of Poole's season. What he does bring is experience, maybe some team bonding/spirit and yes many think he is a gating tart, BUT isn that half of what Poole's problem has been this season. Getting out of the gate in many instances. He could prove interesting as based on my below comments re Matt's press release, maybe Klindt could drift in and out of reserve which is where he could do most damage to less experienced opposition as he did last season when in there. Finally an open and honest release from Matt on the situation with team building and Holder. Well what he can say openly on the Holder situ that is. I think yes now he needs to press on without Chris and has opened up on the frustration of trying to book top riders. Now its out in the open and he can press on building perhaps more of an in depth side aiming also for strong reserves which we know i so important in winning tight matches if one or two of the top guys are not firing fully. If we assume (for this exercise if nothing else) that Spaniak is on the edge of the walking plank, Its starting to look like it could well be Brady K/Linus S/Josh G/Nicolai K/Kacper W and Richie W if he can be convinced to sign for rest of this season. Doing the calc I make it we have 5.58 left to play with. Now indulge me here as we are playing Fantasy team rebuilding, but I notice in Matt's release he named plenty of so called top starts not willing to come over BUT one name he did not mention who has ridden for us before and is on a crazy low average is Vaclav Milik. Cannot understand why he did not eliminate him in the press release as he is a kind of potential star on a crazy low GSA. It sits at 5.67 BUT factor in a 5% discount as he hasnt ridden since 2015 (2 x 2.5% reduction) and you get 5.39 - within the 5.58 left. Ok maybe its a long shot but knowing Matt wanted him for some time, last season and maybe this, just a bit surprised he didnt name one of his top targets from the list of non availables. Would be a dream signing of course as even if he didnt score 8/9 he should improve on his GSA. Did well in SWE last nigth and seems to be going ok in POL/SWE. Lost out on SGP for 2019 but will be hoping he maybe gets a wildcard for the SGP Final qualifier or even maybe one for the GP next year as no other Czechs in there. Anyway its a dream thought and thats partly what the forum is about huh ?? Next we could go for Gomolski who indeed I do have reservations aired only yesterday on where his level is, as believe he thinks he is better than he actually is. If we factor in his form last season in POL Nice 1 and on a good day what he can sometimes achieve in POL EXL then at his GRA of 5.51 MAYBE he is worth a risk on basis he could be sharing the reserve berth with Wory/Klindt for rest of this season?? So there are some options/opinions. Another one is young Frederik Jakobsen. Only 19 - doing well in POL League 2 and in DK and we know Matt is a fan. Said pre season he would not consider UK before June due to studies in DK but would surely get a low GSA having never ridden UK and still in effect junior status. One drawback MIGHT be fixture clashes in DK but if Klindt can sign for Poole them maybe ???. Just an additional idea to throw into the mix. Anyway no doubt we will here more as we now have some clarity on not getting an 8 pointer. As for Holder and assuming he does NOT ride in UK this year then food for thought for Matt for next season. I assume he would shave 2.5% from his 7.16 havening not ridden UK 2018 so now 6.98 (even more attractive). Assuming his work permit issue will be over (one way or the other so he will or wont be in UK). Matt can also monitor his in and out form in POL/SWE and SGP. Interesting I see that he doesnt feel the need to go in the qualifiers for the SGP. Either he is over confident he will get into the top 8 or perhaps feels that his ultra close relationship to main sponsor Joe at Monster will help him through again on a wildcard if he misses out. Additionally maybe Matt can (if Chris's form warrants keeping him) also get Jack back for next season as for sure they will be happier riding together in same team and if as we hope Jack improves (both his form and attitude towards his employer ) Brady and Jack (both still with plenty of improvement to come) and Chris for 2019 in itself would be good, and no I am not going to make crazy predictions on how good the team would be, only that it would be a good 3 to have in the one team.
  5. He may jump at the chance to ride anywhere regularly. He's sitting on the sidelines in POL as his new POL EXL team have only used him twice in 7 matches, although he was pretty poor in both. Think his problem is he thinks he is better than he probably is. I think he found his level in POL Nice 1 where last season his av was 7.95 per 4 rides and match av (some meetings 5 rides plus) was 9.24 taking all rides completed. Think he still has a belief he is a POL EXL rider but I'm not convinced and thing he is going to find out the hard way. Think he has also shunned being loaned out in the May window in the hope of still breaking in. I reckon in UK he is maybe a 6/6.5 pointer at best and still feel after his woeful efforts in those few meetings for Leicester last season before he was dumped, that is what Poole would get, and even then I think he is another risky Pole. We have already seen that as far as Poole is concerned anyway that POL EXL form (in case of Woryna last season and his good POL Nice form this season) - Spaniaks great form in Nice 1 last season - Sundstroms questionable form in POL Exl last season and this, is not a great yardstick for how they would perform in UK. Many of course will remember that title winning ride against Wolves in 2015, but lets not lose sight of the fact he only had a 5.51 final GSA in a League Winning side and in the seasons flwg he has not really pushed on having failed in POL EXL in 2016 - moved down in 2017 and even then 7.95 is not spectacular in that League. Wouldnt surprise me one bit if he went back to being what I feel he is with more down performances than up. He is a big Poole fan and was gutted he didnt get signed in 2016 having flown over here close season anticipating he would be announced. But being a big fan and seeking a paycheck and all related expenses for commuting etc is one thing. Doing it on the track is another. For me someone more reliable without busting the Bank would be preferred even if it does mean we dont quite make it this season. Getting new riders NOW sure wont be easy, but surely there must be someone out there less risky and perhaps with less cost.
  6. I get the impression that with his last Echo interview he was eluding to that situation. Said that he would leave no stone unturned, but got the distinct feeling he was looking more towards a strength in depth side. But so much depends on getting Holder back. If he doesnt maybe he will try and secure Worrall for the rest of the season - use the Holder point shortfall and sign maybe a Gomolski. But at that stage i think it will be just a damage limitation exercise with a what will be will be for rest of 2018 season. A side of that nature wouldnt be the end of the World but having a part firing number one with the likes of Sundstrom/Josh G and others equally capable of scoring a poor 4/5 as much as a 10 in any given week, it would be more of a leap of faith than one of real confidence. Also just as previous 2 seasons I would not have great confidence in any play off over 2 legs if we scraped into 4th. But after the "Anus Horiblus" start to 2018 on so many fronts from the bad weather - the bad season start for so many riders - Holder situation - financial disaster Matt must have had with all those raqin offs incl the 70th Anniv meeting alone and function having cost a small fortune - less money in the sport from tv and no doubt lower sponsorship money - falling crowds - cancellations and the lack of money for arguably one of the top teams kevlars - its may be an achievement in itself to get to the play offs. Not putting a downer on things just a reality check on where we are. If the team does really well the second half of the season I will gladly put my hands up and say how well they did.
  7. With 2 home meetings against Leic & KL (who may be without NKI with Op recovery and MAYBE Lambert as his DK side have a fixture and DK SHOULD get priority on a WED) then a few of these riders should up their AV if they are going the right way. If they don't then it will be a case of one swallow doesnt make a Summer. Hopefully most if not all will as some will be looking over their shoulder for that large axe hanging over their heads. Personally I would be looking for all 6 points from these 2 meetings with NO point bonus give aways thanks, as too many teams picking up odd points which could go against Poole in the quest for a top 4 place. Bearing in mind Poole having ridden more meetings than all/most.
  8. But where would he fit ?? Just did a calc and taking BK/LS/JG/KW/CH and NK comes to 47.69 - only leaves 4.57. Gomolski is on around 5.5 which even if you factor in 2.5/5% reduction for not having ridden full time since 2015) other than few matches 2017 that still leaves him on 5.23/25 so too high to fit. Assuming on dropping Spaniak and replacing him. If we assume that he can't get (or afford) an 8 pointer than maybe his thinking of having 2 strong reserves to kick off in June aka Woryna/Klindt and go for a stronger middle order ?? The problem is how much longer do you wait for Holder ?? - Matt has got a 2 week break coming up after Leic H then home to KL (may get away with no Holder again ?? and poss KL without NKI through either op recovery NKI and Lambert as his DK team have a fixture that night (Denmark gets priority as its a Wed). In which case Matt has maybe another week up his sleeve to look at replacement. He will have to do it before 23/6 latest as thats when the new GSA cut off date for July is. Also having 2 home meetings on the trot against Leic & KL chances are that some riders GSA's may creep up again like Wor (from reserve)/Sund/Kurtz/Graz??/Worrall?? so he will have to tweek it before the new ones come out to take advantage. Of course if CH doesnt come back then maybe it will be a Worrall & Gomolski combo as he will have the Holder shortfall to play with. Having said that may look stronger in depth but I feel the lack of a NO 1 will bite us on the backside as Brady continue to prove he is not a NO 1 at this stage of his career, and continues to blow it when its most important. Something sadly that is becoming too apparent even though still early in his career. Have seen it in Aussie and in Europe when he needs to put in that one big ride. Not knocking it but a few have noticed the weakness. Needs to iron that out long term or he may continue to keep falling short.
  9. Nothing to do with Ford's desire to win the Prem each season. To attract any riders of note now in Prem, the riders want decent money - probably good sponsorship - flight money - accomodation ??. That's without what the Polish parent clubs want in guarantees if they lost these riders to injury. Let's face it. The money in POL has gone up and in UK its standing still or is dropping due to lower attendances - no Sky deal with the BT deal so much lower. Lack of real high sponsorship money - Poole's loss of the Readypower deal season before last which I read was over 100K per season must have been a blow as I am sure Volvo deal is nowhere near it. Factor all these things is and there are your reasons why we cant get the top/top guys. NKI/Doyle/Holder are all based in UK so it suits their lifestyle. Vaculik came as he said he wanted experience on smaller tracks. Look where that got him. Probably has cost him his SGP place for next season. Wouldn't blame him for not comin back after that injury. So nothing to do with Matt Ford. Any top rider would be in for the rest of the season anyway if signed now. Anyone who knows anything about speedway would have looked at that Poole side signed pre season and said it looks a decent side (even if some maybe went too overboard in how good they might be). I doubt if anyone would have thought that so many would under perform so badly in one go to leave the scenario the club now has.
  10. Must admit I also fear for Poole in this meeting. Dont think Brady Kurtz has ridden this track too well in the past and if you number one may struggle to get 7/8 points then the rest don't bear thinking about. If Wolves riders become complacent maybe the damage may be limited to 10 points but I somehow doubt it. Also even though this meeting DOESN'T affect the new GSA's for Poole in June (now on SGB site), I doubt it will matter to the result. Thankfully for Poole they don't have to go there in a regular league match again this season after Monday. Maybe not again this season anyway if it continues as it has this season. BUT wont give up hope just yet until we know Ford's rider plan for June. Not over hopeful on that in honesty.
  11. Unfortunately he paid the price of others not doing their job - again....... The stronger reserve (which arguably Nielsen has been this season based on performances in Champ), has had to come in to compensate for the Poles not doing their job or Josh G or Sundstrom. Add the Holder crazy situation into the mix and yes poor James has got the rough end of it. But you can be sure he wont be the last Poole rider out the door this season the way its gone. Assuming Matt Ford can convince anyone to come in. The last press release was hardly inspiring on that score.
  12. Grajczoniek's form continues to concern. Currently 2 points from 3 rides for his Polish Team and just been subbed for a tactical in his 4th. The Poles must be paying plenty as he gave up riding in Champ where he had a guaranteed team place - probably plenty of tactical rides - At least 50 meetings a season and probably more with guesting's. He went big time for his Polish licence, has spent lots of time practicing there (and may still be over there a few days per week). He was sitting with a 5.17 av from 4 meetings before today and that will now drop further. There must be plenty of money dished out to cover him flying out there constantly - equipment over there etc. Ok nowhere near as many meetings as a Champ season but even so I wonder if such a poor return in points is covering his costs and compensating him. He is kind of performing similar to how Sundstrom is in POL/SWE. I.E: Not very well. I suppose he feels its now or never at 28. Personally I feel he has reached his level. A good Champ rider and was a steady performer in Prem until this season where he has gone from a starting 7.34 to 5.53 based on his first 8 league matches. Near enough a whopping 2 point drop. His 20 match rolling av doesnt reflect that at 6.53 but highlights how bad he has been this season. At this rate he could be out of both teams ??
  13. I personally think it is heading towards one big league with perhaps some regional breakdown but with the top group of teams in each regional league then going into some kind of play off situation. Just a thought. This fixed day thing is probably killing crowds with some teams and we are already seeing the monkeying around with those clubs choosing to ride on Wed. A prime example being KL with both Lambert and NKI missing matches as the Danes get priority on a Wed. But lets not kid ourselves - Speedway in Uk is continuing to decline and not helped by the lack of finaccila clout big time compared to POL where they have so much more money and still attract a young crowd plus the more mature. Something really has to give. The Champ seems to be ok but then its not reliant on the big boys. There must be a way one can combine the two with maybe open racing nights and then those riders who choose to ride here have to choose if they want to fit in with that clubs race nights to minimise fixture loss. It saddens me when I look at things such as the video of the RH v Swindon meeting where in many parts it looked like one man and his dog in attendence. We have to accept that with POL/SWE being far away from UK financially - factor in the SGP - plenty of SGP/SEC qualifiers - open meetings in POL - World Team meetings, good quality young riders meetings of all kings incl Euro and World U21 qualifiers and finals - Polish Junior league meetings etc/etc, a lot of these guys get plenty enough meetings without having to fly all the way to UK. Guys like Hans Anderson do it as they know they are in their later years so they will only do POL/SWE/DK/UK as it works financially until they bow out. If we dont change things then surely only time before some of the top teams start to fold.
  14. Correct but Doyle was in a different league to Holder both last season and season before. Should have been World Champ not once but twice. Not a great team rider BUT by far the best heat leader by a mile over those 2 seasons. Factor in Swindon having a shrewd and brilliant team manager in Rosco and his clever signing of Musielek - motivating Morris to add nearly 2 points to his av. It all added up to a brilliant season for a team many thought would finish bottom when the team was first announced due to being too top heavy with Doyle's points. Tell you now that Poole would have been nowhere near top had they kept Holder (in my opinion). Swindon showed how it could be done but paid the price for that success at the start of this season. May still win the league again with shrewd signings and also riders riding consistently. Maybe not so dominant but should be in play offs and could well win if Wolves dominant home form doesnt spoil it for the rest of us. With Holder you could get 4/5 one week and 10/11 the next. Ultimately it would have averaged out around 7 to 8 but nothing good enough to have won the league (last season or this).
  15. I think CH openly said in a SKY interview between races at Wolves 4/5 years that it was his least favourite track. It was also back in the days when a Poole team could go and win at Wolves so wasn't so important. Having said that with the problems Poole have had over the last 2 plus seasons it does seem like many years ago.
  16. Let's put things into perspective here. CH was dropped only because of the CRAZY BSPA rule which gave likes of Chris a 12.53 GSA. He was never going to achieve anything like that, and based on his VERY in and out form since the Darcy accident and personal relationship split issues at home he was arguably no better than a 7 pointer last s eason. As his real GSA turned out to be while with KL. I am not even convinced he would have scored higher than 8 even if he had rode for Poole. Just look at his results and av in both POL and SWE to see how he had fallen from grace. His POL team should have been relegated to Nice 1 had it not been for the Laguta drugs case which got his team relegated instead of the rightful wooden spoonists Torun. He was dropped to give Poole a better chance of having more points throughout the team. Had KK ridden to anywhere near his potential/real av it would not have been a problem. Let's not get into the KL issue as enough aired on it. He got his ban, served his time and most know the visa issue is more complicated but nobody can talk about it for fear of their posts being removed.I don't know the actual issue but have maybe an idea. Not for this post but is jut another kick in the teeth for Matt on top of the other issues of riders not performing. On paper Matt had a very attractive team which SHOULD have had all round strength to take some of the pressure off Kurtz who is still finding his way. On paper Spaniak should have been a very strong reserve and Woryna should have been regularly banging in 7/10 per meeting against the quality overall in UK. Sundstrom should have been steady and at least holding his assessed lower GSA at start of the season based on what he could do in POL/SWE. The facts are that none of then did. With also Josh coming up short the problem is evident. Even Killer didnt do it in my eyes (but then his results in POL in 2017 and early 2018 said its own story and his fall from the SGP). Maybe some Poole fans partly deserve the gloating form others based on how the team was lauded up. You can blame the management as well for that as Poole have always been high profile in how they advertise/play the media on signed riders. But the forum is there for the lovers/haters and in betweeners when it comes to contributions. Suppose it makes the thing more interesting to have different views even if some of them seem to go out of their way to be antagonistic towards others. The latter we can do without but suppose you cant have it perfect
  17. Matt seems to be in a difficult situation. His Echo comments seem to be setting us up for the fact the top riders dont want to come. Or also part of the reason is those that MIGHT be interested would involve mega bucks together with all related flight costs and also maybe unsustainable parent club expensive guarantees for the riders Polish teams in the event their top riders were injured. Even more so for their talented youngsters like Drabik/Smektala/Kubera. Can't say I blame them with the amount of money tied up in POL with sponsorship etc and the affect it could have on a POL EXL team if one of these guys was injured. Maybe we just have to accept now that with the perilous state of British Speedway - we cant afford them - many don't want to come here and we cant affords the crazy insurance guarantee premiums for their POL clubs with no doubt crazy high premiums in a hazardous sport on our smaller, questionable quality tracks. The likes of Doyle/Iversen/Holder live in UK and have property/family so have a vested interest in UK. Some come here as they are in their thirties and are arguably in the advanced stage of their careers so want as many teams/countries as they can fit in during maybe the last 5 years or so of their careers so want to boost income. The problem Poole have is that Matt created a bit of a monster in respect of the teams he has put out over the last ?? years and its really since the Darcy situation (both his 1 year ban and subsequent accident) which coincided with our fall from grace as a speedway nation that we now partly paying the price. it wasnt that long ago where we had Pawlicki's/Janowski/Holder/Ward . Now we have riders who were supposed to be potential hidden gems who are/have not performed. Perhaps there has been an element of arrogance amongst some fans but any different to a lot of sports where you have had a dominant source for a number of years ??. Having a forum also sets such a club up to be shot at when we fall from grace. Human nature I suppose and always plenty wanting to gloat when it goes wrong. Matt has done well with his signings in the past and he has been shrewd over the years utlising the rules to his advantage where he saw fit. Ok the last 2 years (especially last year and so far this) it hasn't panned out. BUT not many thought they would struggle to this degree. The 2 Poles that even with their relative inexperience of UK tracks should have been better based on lst seasons form in both POL EXL/Nice 1. Did we really expect Sundstrom to be so bad (apart from Wed performance). Yes there were risks but they still should have been better. Same with Josh although I didnt expect him to be a real HL as been around the block a long time in UK and feel his standard in Prem is between 6&7 imo. Holder situation- Less said the better as its just an addl kick in the b*lls for Matt. So as it stands we are a Holder type short and an 8 pointer as really unfair to throw it on young Brady (yet again). Let's hope he can salvage something but even from his comments in the Echo he is maybe bracing himself for another possible 2009 scenario. One thing seems also certain though and that is that in the main we can probably forget seeing the real big stars again. That makes me think increasingly that perhaps one big league may be the way forward or perhaps split into 2 Leagues with a mixture of some stars who want to ride here. No idea how you put it together but that's what we have the BSPA for isn't it? P.S: Looking at that one heat from the recent RH V Swindon match posted on SGB today. That perhaps gives you some idea of how bad the crowds are for a Prem match. Can't see them surviving in Prem with such a poor looking crowd. Check it out. Or is it me ??
  18. This article seems to be Ford kind of setting us all up for disappointment on the team change front. He may well bring in some changes but reading this article it seems to near enough be saying that he cant convince anyone to come and chances are he cant afford the cost involved either. Klindt possibly for who ??. I thought good possibility at reserve last season but even before his injury I was starting to have doubts what impact he would have when taken out of riding against juniors and low pointed Prem riders. He has done ok in DK but even then a lot of not so good riders can accumulate points over there. Last night was not good but he did have some retired rides so assume engine problems. Even so he has not been inspiring so far in his meetings for Scunthorpe. Don't forget though it was his poor Champ GSA that got him into Poole in the first place on the Prem conversion last season. Maybe try and sign Auty for the not so clever Spaniak ?? and ride with Woryna at reserve. Risks again but cant be worse than Spaniak and Nielsen. Stefan would have had good and bad meetings and hopefully Auty can be like for like swap (maybe even better). If Woryna cant better Spaniak then for sure we have a problem when a rider of his supposed ability cant do it from reserve. The article doesnt inspire confidence imo and feeling a lot less optimistic we will have a proven heat leader in the team come redeclaration. While many think Holder also wont be in the team then we could be heading for where we sit currently in the league. We shall see but cant say its looking too clever.
  19. Didnt think so which raises the question why did Matt allegedly say it. Wont really affect much as maybe Ford is thinking after Monday of having the 2 Poles at reserve anyway with any team changes/redeclaration. Or he could be thinking of binning one of them ?? Cant believe Woryna would be going though. Just think last night was a missed opportunity to have Woryna at reserve for at least a month. Having said that Spaniak in the main team ??? - No thanks, not the way he is riding. Maybe Auty and Woryna as reserves - could be a lot worse in that department the way Auty has ridden this season for Scunthorpe, he's been punching in plenty of high scores to date. Just got to wait for any team change news to break next week I assume ??
  20. Was under the impression he was only cover for Monday and thought Matt was in negotiation with another Poole asset which he would have news on next week following Mondays meeting after which he says the riders new GSA's will be known. 9Thats what the SGB release said). Wouldnt surprise me if its Klindt but he is on a Danish contract and has ridden all 3 matches out there so far on a WED. Unless of course more money on offer here with more meetings as he is UK based. Now i am not being padantic on that BUT yes Monday is before end of the month being 28th BUT this is how i read the SCB rules set out in assessing riders/new riders GSA's. I was under the impression it had to be a cut off the 23rd of each month. Hence why I have posted comments about it. Rules shown below Updated MA’s will be calculated monthly on a rolling basis on all eligible meetings, up to and including 23rd of the month to become effective from the 1 st of the following month. NDL Established MA’s are issued when a Rider completes 4 NL Meetings (irrespective of whether home or away) to be effective 7 days after the last qualifying Meeting. A SGB Premiership or Championship assessed League rider will establish an MA after 4 Home and 4 Away fixtures, becoming effective 7 days after the last qualifying Meeting. Is Matt incorrect - has the SGB release been made out of context or are the SCB who write the rules incorrect ?? I ask as if the new GSA's are set AFTER Mondays away meeting at Wolves then chances are the riders GSA's for june will probably drop again.
  21. Well if as it seems from posts on last nights match, poor Stefan could be out for the season. Maybe the SGB should withdraw both the video and comments about "later reported no major injury" if the broken fibia/tibia is correct which a few have now seemingly good info on having spoken to him. Looks as if Matt Ford really will have some replanning as such cruel luck certainly wasnt on the agenda even if he was initially signed for 28 days. With such a low GSA I would have thought Matt had him penciled in with working the team with him in it. Having said that with Woryna having ridden a point or so out of the reserve berth (before Stefan's injury outcome known), I really do wonder what he is planning now. Maybe it will be the 2 Poles at reserve and work around them and Brady. Suppose just got to be patient but I am preparing myself for maybe some underwhelming news perhaps. Hope I am wrong.
  22. Agree on both points. There was plenty enough racing last night to have concentrated on something far less palatable. As for the wrong comment they made as to his injury - Why am I not surprised.
  23. I really thought that Woryna slipping in to the reserve slot would be a big plus with a 6/7 ride possibility. He could easily have done that last night but by my calc Spaniak is ahead by a crazy .03 of a point. All it needed was Woryna to score one point less from same amount of rides as Spaniak. Again thats IF my calc are correct. Linus proved me wrong last night BUT the stats dont lie. He last 14 matches in POL EXL have been poor and he has not started great in SWE after 3 meetings. My concern would be him falling back into his previous UK/SWE/POL form of so far this season. Having said that his new 6.00 GSA will be useful maybe in team rebuilding ?? The poss further delay of Holder is indeed frustrating, but honestly from what I have so far this season I dont see him as their saviour and would not surprise me if he just holds his av. (If he comes back as patience must be on borderline now). It is definitely a recognised number one they are missing but of course comes down to both finance and who is available anyway. Maybe Matt let comments out about the high cost of the real stars as a prelude to a bit of a let down IF he is planning changes. If thats the case then it just strengthens the argument that top flight speedway is maybe on the ropes with falling crowds - less decent sponsorship. Let's not forget that although Poole Volvo stepped in, I am sure it was nowhere near the lost Readypower deal (which I read was in excess of £100k per season ??). Add to that the loss of the Sky deal for much lower BT offer, falling crowds - cancelled meetings and it kind of sums up where we are. A club that cant even afford to kit out its own riders let alone maybe pay top Dollar for any stars that may be available. Makes you wonder what 2019 will bring. Anyway lets see what/if Matt does in the coming week.
  24. Conflicting reports. One poster on Scunthorpe says broken tibia/fibia yet this morning the SGB said it was reported later no breaks. Someone is way out on info
  25. Well after last night am a bit confused if Matt is planning a redeclaration. Although comments he made re top stars being too expensive may possibly scupper an 8 pointer coming ?? I really thought they may try to get Woryna in at reserve but as I see it his 4 from 3 rides plus Spaniaks 5 from 4 means by my calc that Woryna has a new GSA of 4.94 and Spaniak has 4.91. That blows my theory out of the water IF my calc is correct. Of course IF Nielsen is injured they could have both poles at reserve maybe ??. Perhaps also Matts thinking anyway if he is not aiming at a big hitting number one ?? I calculate Sundstrom now 6 - Kurtz around 7.61 - If Holder is coming back 7.16. Makes me wonder what he is planning now. Something has to happen though as no chance imo this current set of riders will make play offs let alone win the league.
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