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Posts posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. 3 minutes ago, lisa-colette said:

    Not true, I never said Poole would have won (I assume I am one of the people you are referring to) but it would have been a lot closer if Poole riders tried a bit more. Prob 10-12 point loss. It was a massive contrast to what happened in the A meeting, looks a bit fishy to me.

    Yep and so late in the season with this meeting not changing anything, I reckon its av adjusting for next season ;-)

    Would you agree that if you could freeze the current av now (see my post earlier), then to get Kurt/Wory/Jak on those av would in my opinion be a steal for 2019 as gives Matt Ford plenty to plan around. Add Holder jr also who is improving as I thought he would. That would be 4 riders sorted whatever changes at the BSPA AGM and also whatever the league set us is.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    First opportunity to come on here after last night's thumping. Well done to the Stars who will now finish top; Somerset 2nd; Poole 3rd and BV 4th imo.

    Just picking up on averages and the suggestion that there may be some manipulation going on......... whilst next season's averages will surely be in the minds of some, ,lets not forget that from October 1st another revised set of averages come into being.

    Bearing in mind October 1st is the date of the play-off semi final second legs, with the final scheduled for 8th and 10th October, there could still be changes in some teams' riding order?! For example for Poole this could see Chris Harris at 1 and Brady Kurtz at 3, 4 or 5 which may well be a considerable advantage compared to the current line-up?

    Based on the current updated GSA's after last nights match (see Poole website Pirates stats), I can't see the last match changing anything. For example Worrall too far behind Woryna so will probably stay at reserve in Sept/Oct. Harris/Kurtz only 0.10 in it but remember it is on a 20 match rolling av on GSA's so would have to  see a big shift to put Harris at No  1 in last match imo.

    However find it interesting that imo the only 3 riders guaranteed for 2019 are starting to have interestingly low av for team building  2019. Kurtz on 6.80 - Woryna on 6.37 and Jakobsen sitting nicely on 4.96 after his 4 zero's last night. Gives Matt Ford option to get a TRUE heatleader and probably also get Holder Jr back for 2019 as he is Poole's asset and sitting on 7.23 after last night.

    Of course much  depends on what the League set up will be for 2019 as well as team building points limit and will there be a one over 8 rule again. Even so the 4 named is a decent base as I can't believe the first 3 named (Kur/Wory/Jak) will be as low as they a re currently in 2019.

  3. If I was being cynical I would say last night was a deliberate attempt to keep Jakobsen and Woryna in the reserve berths for the last month of the regular season. That date is 23rd Aug.

    As for the rest of Poole besides Klindt who rode well the rest of them looked like they were out to drag their GSA's down for next season.

    When you look at Poole's remaining fixtures they could still miss out of the play offs. Swindon Wed is no cake walk with 2 riders missing. Somerset at home they could well lose. Swindon and Kings Lynn away not easy but much at KL may depend on how their double header with Wolves go.

    Could well come down to last meeting against Wolves and scrabbling for the odd point away to get into the top 4. A win against Swindon on Wed would calm the nerves a little, otherwise it may be squeaky bum time.

  4. So what now for Chris Holder in what must be his worse year in top flight  speedway results wise.

    Unable to ride UK as banned and nobody seems any  further forward from what I  read as to whether he will be allowed to ride again in UK.

    Almost certainly out of the SGP series for 2019 and let's hope there is no rule bending by Monster Joe as the SGP main sponsors to get him in through the back door again on a Wild Card. There are better riders both established and young up and coming more deserving then what he has achieved over the last 2 seasons.

    Reading the Polish sites he cost his team the win at Sparta last night with a pathetic 2 points and seems was even  dropped in 2 rides. Brother Jack scored 11 from 5 completed rides as fell in one race. Rumour is this is the straw that has broken the camels back, as it meant they can't qualify now for the play offs in their last meeting and he will almost certainly be shown the door after the last meeting. No doubt will get fixed up elsewhere but he called Torun his second home in an interview last season on camera.

    His performances in Sweden have been very up and down and his team will not make the play offs. Wouldnt surprise me if they also release him.

    I have been very supportive of Chris in the past but his personal problems which led to his banning in UK seem to be mainly of his own making from what I have heard and no excuse for his poor performances in POL & GP's. Many top riders GP hold reasonable form as they mature into their late 20'/30's but Chris has gone backwards arguably in each of the last 3 seasons getting worse each year. Still only 31 in September but even at such a young age you have to ask are his best days now gone.

    Question now is that IF he does get ok to ride UK again would Matt really want a rider going in reverse, and is his 7 point av probably indicative of the best you would get out of him anyway. Maybe some stability and riding with Jack in UK may help as he does have his house here. One could argue that Jack is getting better and as a Poole asset and together with Chris then MAYBE between them they are worth more as a pair than what their present combined GSA's of approx 14.06 for the two portray. (I took Jacks form the current Somerset site where it shows his current 20 match rolling GSA).

  5. 16 minutes ago, foreverblue said:

    I am a bit worried about Brady's form, Chris Harris has come in and been fantastic but Brady needs to up his game massively or we will not win the title, you can't carry your number one, it is quite surprising his place doesn't seem to be under pressure.

    I thinks Brady has really suffered from taking on the 3 leagues in POL/SWE/UK as he was not used to flying in and out constantly. Even his POL forays previously were only for a few meetings. Where Lambert really has  thrived this season by taking on so many Brady has gone the other way on too many occasions.

    Of course this season is important but from a future GSA perspective the Poole team only have another 6 matches (3 away) to get there GSA's finalised for 2019. As it stands most of (if not all) the team are on attractive GSA's and if we are going towards one League in 2019 (maybe with some regionalisation) then these lowish GSA's could be so important for inclusion into the Poole team for 2019.

    After the 24 match regular season ends the riders can fill their boots with as many points as possible in the play offs ;)

  6. 26 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    The current August GSA's give Brady as 7.05 and Bomber as 7.00, so there could be a chance that come 23rd of this month the September averages could see Bomber at 1 - which would be better for the team imo.  

    Also aside from Frederik's 0,0,0, last night, he will complete his 4 home/4 away meeting average at next Monday's Somerset away meeting and there is every chance that he will be in the 1-5 from the following Monday ie the Bank Holiday Monday.  Who will take his place at reserve is anyone's guess at the moment, but should still give us a very strong reserve pairing?!

    Have a quick look at the rider stats on the Poole website which have been updated to incl Mondays match.

    These seemed to be fully up to date and show the rolling av which the SGB site also uses for calculations. The good news is that Brady is on 7.31 so still below that magical 8. Last night's poor score helped. Fortunately BP don't count on GSA and our lads sure have raked up a fair few. Frederik in his 8 meetings has 10 BP already but fortunately they don't count in GSA and he is on 5.52 so should stay in reserve with Woryna who is on 6.05. Josh is next lowest at 6.29 even after last nights heroics. Harris sitting on 6.91 so all good news for forward thinking team building.

    Still early doors but with some tough away matches in those last 6 qualifiers (as play offs don't count on GSA's) at Swindon - Somerset and KL it may well keep the riders around the same levels on GSA going into the last GSA calculation after the 24 match regular season. Could well be team points limit is the bigger challenge rather than a one over 8 heatleader. Of course the league structure for 2019 will be very important.

  7. 5 hours ago, Skidder1 said:

    The article continues that he is considering all his assets as well - but will have to wait to see what rules and regs are agreed before any decisions are made.

    Matt never misses the opportunity to keep Poole in the sports news of the Echo.

    A lot will depend on the league structure for 2019 - Team points limit - Will there be a one over  8 point ceiling rule retained for heat leaders - that could work out quite nicely for Poole whatever the new set up if all the riders stay below 8 and with only 7 qualifying fixtures left (as Playoffs don't count on GSA) then Poole could finish the season with all riders under 8. With Brady currently on  7.53 and with his inconsistency he could well stay just shy of 8. Bomber is on 6.99 and much for next season may also depend on what his final GSA is in the remaining 7 matches. At around 7 he is still decent value as he is a trier who can actually overtake from the back. Also NO baggage attached with no real overseas clashes/commitments, and lives UK so won't break the Bank.

    Thought something may have crept out about possible scenario League wise for next season after Jon Cook eluded to exciting plans being formulated by the  BSPA for 2019. Surely that MUST be in reference to the League structure for next season. He said he was available to discuss certain things on the first bend recently during a home meeting but have seen nothing come out re these new exciting plans. Still early days I know but rumours tend to creep out sometimes.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Pinny said:

    Nonense, if he doesnt want to ride at Poole he wont no matter who owns his contract. So no, it is not up to Poole at all.

    he has been superb this season for Somerset, why would he want to go back to Poole anyway?

    Saw a recent photo from the UK SGP round where him and Matt seemed to be up close and cosy before the meeting. Matt is not stupid and maybe there has been some bridge building. Considering what future he may have and being a Poole asset I am sure Matt will want to repair the relationship as best possible. Especially if there is also still a chance that Chris could also return, so to have both would still be good for Matt even if Chris is not quite the rider he once was. Neither is Harris on the World stage but still a good team man in our watered down league and hopefully Chris would be similar with his still decent av well below 8. Still think he would be good for Jack in the pits.

    Of course what kind of League set up we get for 2019 could be important but having these 2 on say a combined 14 point av with Brady Kurtz also hopefully shy of 8 points still and factor in Jacobsen (hopefully won't climb too much in the GSA with only 7 qualifying matches left as playoffs don't count). Add Woryna and maybe Klindt who has been riding well then a good looking team possibility.

    As said all depends on league set up and points limits for 2019 and of course the BIG question regarding Holder Sr if he will be allowed to ride in UK again.

  9. A bit early I know but anyone know if C.Holder may be allowed to ride again in 2019 ??

    Raise the question as I am sure Matt would like to have both Holders back for 2019 if he can get them.

    I see Chris is doing badly in the SGP and almost certain he won't get into top  8 qualifiers for 2019 in 4 remaining rounds, currently 12 out of 15 (excl wildcards).  Pedersen 10th and after last night thing both him and Doyle 11th who has had injuries will likely get WC as maybe Vaculik who has been injured and didnt get a real chance from his WC for 2018.

    A real conundrum for Monster who are main sponsors and also sponsor Holder. Based on form last season and this he doesnt deserve arguably to be in as there are maybe more deserving riders coming through. But Speedway being what it is will his mate Monster Joe protect his Sponsorship interests and wrangle him in again. Arguably would be unfair to some of the better youngsters coming through and other younger established riders who are in front on merit alone with Holder continually going backwards in POL and Swe.

    If he doesn't get in then assume he will have to ride in Aussie Champ to have chance to qualify and would no GP mean he would be more desperate to ride in UK League 2019 IF he is given the all clear which surely there must be a decision on well before the 2019 start. For sure he is a shadow of what he has been even if he does still look all action on the bike.

  10. Getting back to the subject of Speedway....

    Has anyone picked up on the comment made today by Jon Cook on both the Lakeside website and on the SGB notice put out today. It was maybe lost on some hidden within the notice about Lakeside but interesting none the least and wonder being a Poole Supporter what my Poole Forum colleagues may make of it as it was coming from a Champ Promoter.

     and the exciting plans formulated by the British Speedway Promoters’ Association for season 2019.”

    Could it be a dropped hint maybe about one big league maybe with regionalisation possible as posted by another forum contributer only recently ??

  11. 3 minutes ago, Starman2006 said:

    Dont worry about it Steve, think of it the same as if you are applying for a job, the employer will turn his nose up at an appllicant who writes a book.
    4-5-6 sentances long is fine, otherwise you might confuse some of the dears on here..:rofl:

    Well we all agree on one thing. Speedway needs some major surgery and replanning on how it goes forward or it really will die. Hopefully something can still be salvaged even if not at the top level of Poland. Let's hope Matt doesn't walk away as we need visionaries like him. If he goes then we really will see problems.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Icicle said:

    Yes but quantity does not always tally with quality. A large %age may be (& in this case is), total drivel &/or bitching attacks & in-fighting... 

    Don't disagree that we have to much non speedway posts incl too much of the above.

    However even if you strip all that out (incl similar on other teams posts), think you will find Poole still way out in front on posts read/replied.

  13. 41 minutes ago, WestGorton1884 said:

    Why would you be gloating?

    having nearly 700 replies on Poole 2018 doesn’t necessarily mean more interest than other clubs, 

    You sure ?? Maybe look again.

    Since 21st July 2017.  - 647,179 views and 9,727 replies. No other Prem post is within half of that and many not even a third.

    • Like 1
  14. 35 minutes ago, poole keith said:

    not doubting the quality of your post steve,however i believe starman is correct "its to long" the nature of these sports forums is "short and sweet"(well not always "sweet")

    Thanks Keith & Starman.

    Yes maybe I do get too involved and the posts are sometimes long, but sometimes a post needs explaining hence why some do go on a bit. Will keep short in future in the hope that some engage in sensible response like you guys.

  15. 56 minutes ago, DC2 said:

    The BSPA needs to start with a list of what the fans want ....

    ... and then break it to the riders what can be afforded...

    ... and hope for a little profit for themselves.

    But make no mistake, that is the order.

    Let's hope that someone sitting on their backsides at the BSPA at least  reads some of these Forum Topics and especially this one as its relevant to the sport in general.

    I cant believe in a sport of falling attendances they can be overworked in head Office. You would hope that someone looks in regular to at least see that our Sport is in a dire state.

    Whoops - Just made the mistake of associating the BSPA to understanding what supporters feel may be better for the sport......

    • Like 1
  16. 45 minutes ago, DC2 said:


    Spot on. To be fair, it’s no fun gloating at Poole anymore. It’s like getting a bargain from Oxfam; it just doesn’t seem right to benefit from the unfortunate.

    Should have expected that from you DC :D. But nothing wrong with friendly banter as none of us want it to be too serious on here.

    Some of the comments are partly true though. There seem plenty who only use the forum for the sake of having a go or being rude with snide comments.

    To be honest since I joined nearly 2 years ago I am becoming disillusioned with the Forum in general. I made the mistake of still thinking there was sensible debate to be had and an exchange of views on the team where we can take the sport forward to help it survive. It seems the majority don't see to give a toss and certainly don't want to engage in sensible discussion. Yet they are only to willing to indulge and keep indulging in petty snipes and insults as if they have nothing better to fill their day. Many of whom obviously retired with nothing to contribute. Apologies in advance to the minority who do engage in sensible discussion, especially Poole which is my main Speedway interest.

    An example last week where I did an in depth post on Poole 2018 about MY views on a way forward. From memory - Not one like or anything as a dislike. In fact I can't remember one view as to a constructive alternative to a way forward other than I think one poster rolled out the old chestnut of not enough riders. Believe me with 5 main riders and say 2 N/L riders per team there probably would be or even if we went with 6 man teams incl using N/L riders.

    Anyway think I will keep my views on the future of the sport to myself in future and let's just see which direction (if any) the sport takes.

  17. I think the Speedway Forum itself shows the state of our sport.

    Wolves v Somerset - Only 14 replies and 735 views since it was put up 

    Belle Vue v Swindon - Only 20  replies from 1366 views since it was started Sunday

    Then we have:

    Leicester v Poole - 201 replies from 8867 views since started Friday.

    In a way I think the Forum kind of mirror images that lack of real interest. Poole has its fair share of haters and wind up merchants but even so, whether it be Poole 2018 or individual matches the contributions and views are way ahead of the others. 

    That's not a gloat at others but to show the general lack on people interested in contributing to the sport in general.

    • Like 1
  18. 27 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    So with Wolves Peter Adams suggesting the BSPA are considering adjusting not only the Rye House rider averages (despite Summers already moving to Somerset on his July average), but also looking at adjusting all teams averages according to their scores v Rye.  Good luck with that - if it happens??!

    Well if I were Poole I would go for that. See Pooles scores over the 2 matches.

    Stefan Nielsen 8+2 (5 rides), Kacper Woryna 8 (5), Richie Worrall 7+3 (5), Linus Sundstrom 6+2 (4), Brady Kurtz 6 (4), Mateusz Szczepaniek 6 (4), Josh Grajczonek 1 (3).

    Stefan Nielsen 11+2, Linus Sundstrom 9+2, Josh Grajczonek 8+2, Brady Kurtz 7, Mateusz Szczepaniak 6+3, Kacper Woryna 6+1, Richie Worrall R/R.

    Considering BP don't count and Nielsen out injured they could work to Pooles advantage in lowering some riders GSA's or if the team were looking at a team redeclaration ??

    Must admit still not convinced on the team. We got lucky last night that Klindt did well on a track that used to be his home and he has always ridden it well (even if a bit of reshaping). Others it was the same old same old and again Sundstrom didnt impress me. Maybe Woryna still carrying n injury from Sunday. Still think we need one more change and be interesting to see depending on if SCB remove the above points and depending upon what Harris & Nicholls get redeclared at if the SCB are looking at their av. Can't see either getting a team if they don't. If they go back to their starting av for the season then imo they definitely wont get a team on 7.48 & 7.63 SN/CH.


  19. 2 hours ago, Orbiter said:

    Think Poole would be mad not to make a move for Nicholls his experience and leadership could be just what they need.

    just calculated and according to current GSA av Poole have a team total of 41.75 and Josh G has a GSA of 6.12 thanks to a continually falling 20 match rolling av due to his poor form overall this season which has dragged his total 20 match GSA down.

    Nicholls based on his current GSA for Rye is on 7.35. Too high, as if Ford redeclared his team JG 6.12 plus 0.75 to play with to keep within the 42.5 limit only gives 6.87 to play with for another rider.

    However interestingly Harris current GSA is 6.86 which JUST fits. Only way Nicholls would get in is if they cancelled the riders GSA's as results void and they converted their current Champ GSA's at 1.3 meaning they switch as Harris would be on 6.25 but Nicholls would be 6.07 so could be a straight replacement. Harris would then need to go in on a team redeclaration.

    Of course the $64,000 question which none of us know the answer to is WHAT GSA would each rider now be given in the circumstances.

    I think on their current Rye GSA's I cannot see them getting into any team (other than Harris into maybe Poole) as most teams are well above 42.5 and others either the riders they could replace through injury or out of form either have av below or the team total wont allow redeclaration within the 42.5 point limit.

    Wonder if the SCB will do anything to give both at least a chance to get signed as innocent victims of the situation. We will no doubt find out this month as 23rd July is cut off date for riders GSA's for August plus no doubt team's last last signings have to be made I assume by end July ??

  20. Poor Josh G has found his POL experience a baptism of fire.

    Having become a POL citizen he rode the weekend in POL Champ semi final where he was in  effect totally outclassed by the Poles and scraped a couple of points from 5 rides. In his Pol Nice 1 matches he sits a lowly 42nd out of 55 in points av.

    Bearing in mind he isn't even riding in POL EXL it looks to me like a real struggle. With all his constant commuting costs etc I hope he isnt losing out big time compared to what he would have been earning with regular rides in Champ plus no doubt he used to get plenty of guest bkgs. If he doesnt pick up I doubt in any POL Nice side will be interested next season let alone POL EXL.

  21. 1 hour ago, DC2 said:


    And there’s about 150 riders listed on the 2017 year end averages, plus more newbies this year than retirees. Plenty for 16 or 18 teams, with excellent NL youngsters ready for reserve berths.

    Aha. Someone coming around to partly my  way of thinking if you read my post on the Poole Forum ;)

  22. 21 minutes ago, 847084 said:

    If you discount double uppers there are less than 100 separate riders currently in Premiership and Championship teams. Enough for 13 teams.

    The writing is on the wall, and has been for years.

    just aired my thoughts on a way forward on the Poole 2018 Forum.

  23. 16 minutes ago, startline sid said:

    Once again our sport has been hit with a so called 'business man' who has loads of money and will change everything 'for the good' (what happened to the 5 year plan) and then the usual thing happens the money isn't there and club is finished. Do these people not realise while they are on their ego trip what they are doing to the lives of people who have supported their club for years (win or lose home and away) - they are not usually interested in the sport itself (its history etc) and somehow manage to destroy something  that has taken years of hard work (often by volunteers) to build up. I am sure of one thing if Len still ran the club (and I know he didn't always get things right) we would still be watching speedway at Rye every week because quite simply he still has a passion for the sport which many so called promotors do not have these days.

    Yes can never criticise Len for his enthusiasm for the club.

    I started seeing Hackney Hawks as a young 16 year old in 1970 and then Rye a little later (when i had more money to afford the travel oorm Hackney and the entrance fee). We use to goad and take the Mickey out of Len as we were always promised big riders like Michaneck who didnt arrive 2 weeks on the bounce (and never did) and our  replacement was.... Finn Thomsen.

    We used to laugh/joke and have banter from the terrace on to the centre green/track with good old Len. But we turned up every week, took it in good heart and was all part of the sport. If it wasnt for Len then there wouldnt have been Hackney/Rye. So much as we got frustrated (in a fun way) we always got our speedway fix with riders trying their best and within a budget Len could afford to keep the club going.

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