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Posts posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. 13 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Chris Holder will surely wish to retain regular access to his son, now that has been sorted in the courts, so I can't imagine him being based abroad - it would rather defeat the object?!

    Maybe just visiting but also weighing up the pro's and con's of if he did make the move. What we don't know of course is, if as was reported he was selling Holder Towers does he intend still to retain a UK base with another maybe smaller property or could it be that by also winding up Chris Holder Racing as a UK company in the Summer he has seriously contemplated said move. I assume he can still continue to visit his son regular.

    Lot's of possibilities/permutations of course and would help maybe if Chris himself put out a short notice on his twitter/instagram page saying if he was at least hopeful to be racing again in UK in 2019.

    Suppose we are just going to have to wait on that score until Matt or Chris supplies some news. Of course I assume Matt will try to drag out team news to take full advantage of utilising the media signing by signing around Bournemouth FC news to maximise Poole coverage which he is fully entitled to do. Can' say I blame him as it keeps interest during the dark days of Winter and is good PR.

    Suppose Chris and Jack will be back in Aussie anyway to prepare for Aussie Champs in order to get into qualifiers for the SGP ?? Chris now has to take the long route back in. Not much chance of wild card unless he does a Madsen over some seasons or has a resurgent career like Doyle.

  2. 25 minutes ago, BLACKHEART said:

    Agree. I would be down for a season long loan swap. Cant see it though Matt will more than likely build the 2019 team and Brady will be the first name on the list due to a low average. Same goes for Nick at Swindon unless Morra requests to leave then he will end up staying put on a average under 7.00. Both of these rides could end up starting the season as a second string.

    I wonder if Matt Ford will be working on Morris while Nick is on his all expenses paid trip to the Abu Dhabi GP for his part in helping Poole to win the Premiership. I am sure he would feel right at home with Brady Kurtz and Jack Holder. All the Aussie boys together and all three with the capability to up their official GSA's ;-) Morris has also proved he can score plenty of points around Poole.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

    Chris Holder has been in Andorra for last week. I think he might be moving there. Fricke and fast Freddie base themself there. 


    Remember reading up on it when I found out prior to last season Freddie was based there as my intrigue said - WHY Andorra ???

    Seems they have a very favourable tax regime. Probably have a big bearing on him not racing in UK maybe, although he wont have the GP's this year. At least Jack already said in a recent POL interview for Torun that he intended to race UK this year but at the time 1/2 weeks ago he didn't know with which team. Well we know not Somerset it won't be.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gavan said:

    That’s a better 1-7 than the team that won the league

    Yes but as we know all to well what potentially on paper doesnt always work out in practice. You were pretty accurate in your assessment prior last season Gav with all the unknown entities and comments for example about Woryna not proven on UK tracks. Spaniak  etc. Kutz not yet a proven number one.

    What it does have though is potential and shouldnt cost Ford the earth if both Holders don't want Kings ransoms which hopefully not if they do end up residing still locally.

  5. 2 hours ago, Skidder1 said:

    Jack Holder (Poole Asset) 7.39  for Chris Harris and the 2.5% reduction for Shanesie = 42.47;)  All Poole assets.

    i emailed on the forum to one of my Poole Supporter colleagues at 1 p.m today this very same team incl Jack Holder taking into account also the Shanes 2.5% reduction.

    If Matt can use both it makes a lot of sense and would save plenty not having to fly in expensive foreign riders(besides Jakobsen & Woryna). That would  be ASSUMING of course Chris had the all clear to ride and for sure Matt will not be waiting until March to see if that happens. Arguably not an out and out heat leader to start although both Holders and Kurtz have the potential to be well over their starting GSA's for 2019 as the season develops. Would like to maybe also see Morris in (see he finally sorted his contract in POL just before midnight last night after having initially refused due to owed money). Where would he fit though as a bit higher than Klindt even with 2.5% reduction 6.74 compared to 6.61.

    Of course if Chris Holder was looking to maybe up sticks in UK, then he easily goes in.

    Hopefully will get some clarity over the  coming weeks.

  6. 8 minutes ago, A ORLOV said:

    Do not need planning permission to alter the track, just the stand etc.

    So are you saying there will be a track and spectator facilities for the Easter BH or is it a case we are hopeful.

    Not being difficult as I want all clubs to survive and its an important double fixture for both clubs financially with the local rivalry.

  7. 1 hour ago, ray c said:

    As been in the past so no reason why not

    Assuming Swindon have a track to race on ??

    isn't there the not the small question of actually getting a certain notice approved to even get approval to start the building. On the Swindon BSF forum it stated.


    Planning permission has been granted SUBJECT TO THE SIGNING OF A SECTION 106 AGREEMENT. And as para 55 of the report states "the matters raised are complex and difficult to resolve" and this planning application does not resolve them. Given the history of this application and the applicants previous (in)actions it would be unwise to assume that this will be resolved in short order.   Unquote.

    Raising the question that IF this was not agreed and the work did not start/Complete or maybe both, would they be able to race on the old track or is that a no/no ?.

    I raise the question as with the loss of Somerset to the Champ the Swindon bank Holiday double fixture would be quite a hit to both promotions with the Derby crowd and revenue one could expect (weather permitting of course).

  8. 50 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

    What about this solid team and it fits with the British 2.5% Would back Hans and Bjerre to score big and well with reserves like that. 

    • 1. Hans= 7.56
    • 2. Kacper G= 5.51   (has 2 brand new bikes for the UK)
    • 3. R worrall= 5. 67 
    • 4. Kennett= 5.58 
    • 5. Bjerre= 7.16 
    • 6. Palm Toft= 5.65 
    • 7.Wright= 5.15


    Would seem more of an option that the Corbyn Fan who took it upon himself to include 2 Poole assets. Unless Peterborough have the £25k or so to buy Holder Sr if Ford willing to sell and not withstanding what value he puts on Holder Jr ;-)

  9. 3 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

    Very fair comment. Harris would get bums on seats though and especially after this season. Just need to get your mid tier riders right. King needs to step us to that 2016 level rather than past 2 years and i appreciate he was injured. Will Rory return??? 

    Maybe Harris will accept a pay as you score deal similar to what he had with Poole after losing the Rye deal. Also bearing in mind his social media comments about not having any other revenue source with no other career> Also he hasn't lost the possibility even with the new Champ lower limit set up of getting a Champ deal somewhere. Especially with a more local club to him like Leicester. Although whether that would interfere with grass track and Long track commitments. Not sure he would want to trek to say Somerset but needs must and there are other Champ sides if he doesn't want to do (or is not wanted) by Glasgow.

    King's fitness may be up in the air after that serious injury and would he be ready for season start. Only recently had a major op.

  10. Ok - Now the AGM is over and with little changed in Prem i.e 2 up - 2 down and even that not 100% definite as the Swindon situation hardly 100% concrete they will be racing if track not built in time (unless they can still race on the old one temporarily ??). 

    With Somerset dropping down - Chapman taking over ownership of Ips/Peterborough, what chances now maybe that both Poole assets Chris and Jack Holder returning to Poole for 2019.

    Surely not beyond the reams of possibility. Jack I can certainly see with Somerset dropping down. Chris maybe also ?? if his personal situation finally resolved and he is given all clear to race in UK again ??

    I know their is plenty of split opinion on them but ultimately both are decent riders and a lot cheaper if living still living together locally without all the associated costs of overseas riders ??

    I am sure Matt already on the case if not already a pre-agreement ??

  11. 13 hours ago, poole keith said:

    of course its not a secret,why would it be?but whos interested? 

    Me. Hence why I asked.

    Bearing in mind he could still be running the club if as I expect nobody pays his highly inflated valuation of the club, then to me it is of interest if he can run the club remotely from overseas which undertaking his new venture.

    It was a harmless question of interest for information if it  was partly out in the public domain. Which for some it obviously was.

    Again thanks to Skidder for the info. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Mr and Mrs Ford would be based in Europe. The new venture is in partnership with a venue/hospitality business. Thats probably enough info for this forum.

    It wouldn't be unusual, after all The Lakeside owner Stuart Douglas lives and works in the USA.

    However Matt's keenness to sell for a decent amount is probably so that he can invest in the new business on par with his partners.

    Thanks Skidder

    My questions was purely out of interest. It peaked when i heard Europe as had some thought maybe he was being asked to maybe stay in the sport in POL with his marketing skills and success with Poole and its sponsors.

    I say good luck to the guy. Love him or not he has done plenty of good for the sport in UK and especially for Poole. Irrespective of what some Poole haters may say you cannot take away all those League Championships or what he has done in wooing sponsors large and small to the club.

    But the love affair isnt over yet as can't think many out there who will go anywhere near his rumoured valuation of the club, so we may have him around for longer, and as was muted, he could arguably still run the thing remotely from overseas with all the modern technology available now. Although may be more difficult with other interests. But have a good person/people in house during the season months it could still work and it has to if he does pursue the new venture.

    Whatever the outcome he has taken the club forward and to the forefront of the sport in very difficult times.

  13. 20 minutes ago, lisa-colette said:

    I thought it was America. But not sure where I got that from! 

    So did I, but it could have been the way the original press release was put out. It was Middlo's comment (just my luck can't find the article) that made me think it was probably Europe and if so what kind of new Biz Venture.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Fixer2 said:

    The Poole promoter doesn’t like British riders, except of course when the Aussie ones let him down and he needs helping out of the “Duang”.


    Very true... but that's assuming MF is still actively promoting, or if he is indeed going to distance himself (with his overseas venture)...maybe his new Co-promoter will be more  "hands on"?

    Assuming there is a new Co-promoter as the anticipated news of a new one has still not been announced yet. Although maybe on hold pending AGM outcome ?? I also wonder how things  are going for a new Club Sponsor as Volvo Poole ended their 2 year deal.

    Also does anyone know what this reported new Biz venture Matt eluded to ?? Have seen nothing on Social media sites or the BSF from anyone commenting on what it is. All I saw was a release from Middlo in which he said Matt could still retain the Promoter roll from abroad while doing the new venture, and could if required fly in for meetings like riders do as he won't be so far away ??. That indicated to me maybe based in Europe ?? and doing what I wonder ??

  15. 12 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Your first word sums up the majority of your posts which are either directly about Poole, indirectly about Poole or simply inferring Poole!!!

    Whatever you think about Gavan, he does supply some sensible debate and yes of course has a habit of winding some Poole Supporters up. Personally I smile about it and just try and concentrate on some of the positive comments/observations he makes about riders/clubs. The guy does plenty of background checking on stats etc to make many of his informed comments.

    Personally and as a Poole Supporter I think a combination of final choice of riders in the second half of the season - a good chunk of good fortune and the fact the Speedway Gods shone brightly for Poole and a huge slice of bad luck and injuries to KL/Somerset  riders paid a big part in the ultimate outcome of the title going to Poole. What IF Holder Jr had not been injured with Kurtz who was not on top of his game (for Poole anyway) - That incredible ride from Harris to take Doyle from the back - The Jakobsen - MPT incident - MPT unlucky injury. NKI's late injury. The Morris/Ellis debate.

    You can slice and dice it whichever way you want but ultimately - second half of the season rider choice by Poole - injuries and good/bad fortune all paid their part in how things panned out. For sure I doubt if Poole would get away with that again after this season but who knows.

    I remember 2011 when Poole murdered the League and were so many points clear it was unreal. A combination of poor weather (which Poole could not handle and Coventry did) and not so great performances in the final meant Coventry were champions even though Poole were miles ahead on points in the League.

    Ultimately you will take any luck/good fortune thrown your way when you know your team is not the best in the actual League. The history only remembers who won the title and not who lost it. That is just the way history is and no different even in Football Finals.

    Now when do we find out who will and will not be racing in 2019 (Teams wise). Didnt they need to advise on first day of the BSPA AGM if they are racing or not in order to be allowed to attend days 2/3 for the real important stuff ??

    Also does anyone know if Matt Ford has found a co promoter or 2019 Main Club Sponsor yet ??

  16. 16 minutes ago, Trackerman48 said:

    Well after day one wonder what they have come up with to fix our sport?....

    Wasn't day one supposed to be about finalising all 2018 matters, like the BT money divi up etc. Also comments were made that clubs were supposed to announce on this first day I Fthey intended to run in 2019.

    Bearing in mind the doubts surrounding the possible ongoing participation of clubs such as Redcar/Workington/Lakeside and or Rye House (and maybe others ??), would have thought today was an important day ??

    Did not such teams have to say yes (or no) as it would then be those who said no would not be allowed to attend the rest of the BSPA AGM ??

    Someone can correct me if i am wrong.

  17. 1 hour ago, foreverblue said:

    Liked him when he rode for us but seems to have gone downhill since, don't his average is a bargain at all, I think he would struggle to maintain it let alone improve on it.

    Who would want to invest in THJ who if I  remember was not only struggling for points when last in UK but also looked as if he had been eating too many pies ;-).

    Anyone in UK Speedway with money to burn on this guy should look at some facts.

    This is an EX SGP rider and Poole first teamer (even if only for a short period but back then he was exciting to  watch). His career has been going South for a good few years now. He is so good he can only get a spot this year at Polonia Pila (POL 2nd Div) as nobody wants him in POL EXTR or even in POL Nice 1. In Sweden his team of some years have decided he is not worth more money and by his own admission no other SWE team wants to pay him what he thinks he is worth. (I wonder why ???). Meaning he cannot even invest in the equip he needs in SWE let alone  earn any money.

    So this guy reports in POL Speedway media he will not ride SWE but only POL and UK (if he can convince anyone stupid enough to employ him).  Who in the current economic climate in UK is going to fork out money for him to travel each week to UK - Equipment -  wages etc when his form in UK  was so dire last time he rode here. Also not exactly fit and toned..... If SWED don't think he is worth the investment )and the major POL Leagues) then only a crazy deep pocketed Promoter would be mad enough to take such a risk. I would rather pay out for a young British rider to come through than waste it on this has been.

    • Like 2
  18. 10 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Day 1 is usually to conclude this year's business, accounts and any outstanding payments between clubs etc and to get as clear as possible idea of which clubs will run in 2019.

    Days 2 and 3 are for formulating league structures, averages and any rule tinkering for 2019 (and beyond?!).

    Can never understand the powers that be who run the sport.

    Many have said we are at a watershed moment in the sport and this could be one of the most important AGM's in determining which way the sport goes in UK. I find it incredible that the SGB site is only  too keen to mention it has doubled its Twitter followers and that its only ??? until the sport returns in March yet NOTHING mentioned about this very important AGM starting today.

    One would have thought in the very least they should be all over twitter mentioning one of the most important AGM's ever to have taken place in the sport was kicking off today. Also making most of social media to say they would update twitter/facebook immediately news flowed out of the AGM as to whom may be continuing in the sport in 2019 and informing us the poor mushrooms that we would be kept updated as to any news as it happens on any changes to league format/team points limits and anything else that would keep fans regualary checking the site for updates.

    Maybe it just shows the ignorance of the BSPA that they choose to keep all in the dark even to the degree of not even mentioning arguably the most important AGM in the sports recent history. Like do they think that thousands would be descending upon Chepstow in protest or to try and influence the meeting ??

    To me it would make sense to keep fans informed in order that general interest can be kept throughout the 3 day meeting process. Yes we can wait until its all done and dusted and get one big version but that's hardly utilising modern media to its full potential.

    Incredible to think that POL transfer window closes in 2 days and Sweden almost completed their teams, yet we sit hear with nothing but news about clubs closing or promoters looking to sell up or clubs needing major cash injections if they a re to continue in 2019.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  19. Does anyone know what the situation is with Chris Holder.

    I read on the forum that he had his place up for sale for about £1.3 mill plus believe he may also have liquidated Chris Holder Racing as a company in UK in June/July 2018  according to a simple google search.

    Does anyone know if he plans to stay in UK or if his personal situation with the Courts is now resolved, as saw some instagram videos recently of Max at his also with Jack riding mini bikes after months which hopefully indicated a satisfactory conclusion has come about ??

    Another reason I ask is because Jack also stayed with him at his (I believe), and Jack in a recent Polish interview has said he wants to stay racing in UK in 2019, but at this stage is not sure which club he will be racing for.

    Enquiring as I wonder if he is any nearer to knowing if he will be able to race in UK in 2019 ?? be it at Poole or anywhere else.

  20. 16 minutes ago, Booey boy said:

    Trouble with Harris is he seems to have one good race and then flops what did he score in the play of not a lot over the 4 meetings ?

    Difficult one with Harris. Was voted rider of the night in 4 of the last 8 matches plus picked up similar awards for the team since July.

    Think he is good within a team but going forward it depends on what you compare him to against what is available. Things probably clearer after the BSPA but I would rather have Morris IF he was available and on a lower GSA knowing Morris GSA in 2018 not his true ability. He will also be riding in Nice 1 POL next year so a better league having helped his team get promotion. He arguably has 2 points of improvement in him in a settled team on a track he has ridden well in the past. (Taking his 2017 GSA compared to 2018) That's IF he was available.

    Other factors are if he is not would Hans Anderson be of more interest than Harris at just under 0.5 points higher GSA in the bigger scheme of things ??

    Plenty to ponder on and mid Nov not that far away.

  21. 8 hours ago, T.N.T. said:

    Greg and Magic have said Poole is a great club for Luke but others with Luke have advised him that Wolverhampton would be a better option and talking to Greg in Poland he said either club would be good for him in different ways and think it's 50/50 but with Sam and Ronnie as constant and local visitors at Monmore he has a good chaperone if he joins Wolves and Team USA has a few links with the Midlands.


    Nick Morris is rumoured to be a Wolves target and with both at Rezszow next year it possibly pushes Wolves as slight favourites to get America best young talent. 


    Nicolai Klindt and Brady Kurtz have to be on the Poole list for next season and with Woryna staying at Rybnik should see him as another to return and Bomber was popular in his short stint at the club. 

    What is left for the other three remains to be seen but no doubt they will have a side to challenge again

    Looks like Poole and Wolves could be after the same 2 riders.

    Can imagine many outside Poole would like to see Poole retain most if not all the riders that finished. Me personally no. 

    I think Poole maybe need a couple of changes as they really did get away with one in 2019 and I can't see that happening again and have my doubts about Harris retaining the ability he showed in flashes in 2018. Considering they only won 2 away matches at the bottom club and in the second half some of their away form wasn't great I doubt they could do it again with this team (in my opinion). The Speedway gods were kind to them over the play offs for various reasons which we don't need to drag out again. I can't see them pulling it off again next year.

    I would like to  see a couple of changes with young riers such as Morris and Becker coming in (remember Morris still only 24). I also think Morris is on a bargain GSA below Harris and bearing in mind he finished 2017 on nearer 9 than 8 he has proved he can score the points and for me has more scope moving forward than Harris. Plus we know he can ride Poole and did well on our track especially in 2017 even turning over Brady when Brady was establishing his 2017 8 point GSA.

    Much of course will depend on the outcome of the BSPA AGM in next couple of weeks on points limit/league structure.

    Also interesting that as per SGB news today seems Rye/Lakeside probably won't be racing next year which means Morris may not (at present) have a double up option currently for 2019 ?? I am sure Matt will be doing some decent promoting work with him on the all expenses paid trip he is taking him on to Abu Dhabi with  rest of the team ;-)

  22. 5 minutes ago, poolebolton said:

    I think Becker is between Poole and Wolves. He came to visit Poole and I don't believe he looked at anyone else and he was meant to do the Olympique at Wolves. 

    Greg speaks highly of Poole but I think the biggest factor is he has lived with Magic for the last 3 months. 

    Would not surprise me if he has already signed for a UK Club.

    Any diligent Promoter would have already done his homework with the SCB to clarify what GSA he would get for 2019 IMO and IF one was to assume he is say a 4 pointer with no track  record in UK and only very limited few meetings in POL/SWE.

    Matt may already have him sorted but then again suppose could also be Wolves. His connection to Greg/Magic and being part of Hancock's team Haj plus staying with Magic and the Monster connection, knowing Matt/Middlo always seem to offer these young riders guaranteed accomodation at one or the other, then I can see a strong case for Poole.

    Suppose we all have to be patient and await the BSPA league set up and points limits before we find out. Could be a similar case to a young Woryna who came over to Poole and wanted to join before points limits scuppered the original plan. Got him eventually though.

    I think Greg seems convinced Becker will b the next big American rider on the scene. Showed encouraging signs in POL and is  well versed on tightersmaller tracks in USA so won't be totally out of his depth in our League IMO.

    • Like 1
  23. 1 hour ago, Steve Shovlar said:

    So are you going to congratulate Poole Pirates, Matt and Middlo, riders and the fans of the club on a fabulous backs to the wall against all the odds victory?

    You should know Steve that the usual mob will always keep poking at Poole and nothing we can do about it.

    Gavan does raise sensible points in his last post about teams hit or ravaged by injury and how unlucky were all the top of the League guys over all 3 leagues. Looks like it has destroyed Jolly at Mildenhall to the degree he wants out and can't even find a team for tonight which I think may be more financial with nothing left to play for.

    You can make arguments in Prem for Somerset/KL/BV being unlucky. But additionally Poole also didnt have a proven heat leader all season and yes maybe the Speedway Gods did shine upon them in the play offs but sometimes you need some luck and fortune. Thats the way it is. One could argue forever what IF Ellis had ridden for Poole and Morris for KL. Ultimately it was 12 points Morris and 9 points Ellis but MAYBE had they ridden the other way around who knows what both would have scored.

    Would be nice though if we could get back to what this Forum Topic is all about i.e Poole 2019. Unfortunately those who enjoy having a pop at Poole seem willing to chase all over whatever Poole topic is currently in vogue.

    Roll on the BSPA meeting in 3 weeks so we can seriously start debating what this topic is i.e Poole 2019 ;-)

  24. 20 minutes ago, Bald Bloke said:

    It's a bit of a funny one for me if i'm honest. I know he has been loyal over the years. While I wouldn't like another team to benefit form his lowish average, he has looked very tentative at times this season and it isn't like him at all, he used to ride Lynn with such confidence :cry: Something isn't right, but I guess only he knows the problem might be. He should be ripping it up in this league.

    Would I have him back in 2019. I would, but would want to hear from him first as to why his form/confidence seems to have gone missing at times. Surely his shoulder is ok now ?. Is he just on the slide a tad at nearly 37. Slow bikes ? Who knows.




    Does he not live in Norfolk with his partner and child/children.

    If that's the case then can't help thinking its partly to do with giving him a chance to be home with family in UK and KL being local it also helps pay his travelling expenses to get to and from UK with the added sponsorship he also gets. Maybe also contributes to some of his other travelling expenses between UK/SWE/DK & Poland.

    If we assume the big bucks comes from POL and then Swe in that order then what he  earns in UK probably pays for various travelling costs around Europe, and DK he rides in as it allows him to qualify for the DK Championships which helps him to qualify for the SGP qualifiers which helped him get into the SGP for next year. DK will always have a priority as without DK his route into the SGP would not happen as doubt he would get a wild card as the years roll on.

    If it  wasnt for his family being here chances are he wouldnt ride here. When you think about it makes sense, plus if you are riding in the more financially lucrative POL/SWE leagues and DK meets the criteria for possible SGP qualification, would you bust a gut in your twilight years looking at the amount of injuries that have been incurred on poorly prepared/quality UK tracks. Look at the amount of injuries this year alone in UK and what happened in the play offs & finals as well as the KO Cup. No wonder he doesn't maybe go all in as he perhaps would in POL/SWE.

  25. 1 hour ago, Steve Shovlar said:

    Woryna didn’t cost his team. He wasn’t at fault for a puncture. The reason Rybnik failed to make it was the ref, calling back a heat when Robert Lambert moved. Woryna was away and gone with Lambert missing it. In the rerun the home team gated to a 5-1. And add to that a dubious decision where Batchelor was caught on the line when it looked from replays he had just won the heat by a tyre.

    Of course not his fault but the fact remains that IF he had not had one and maybe scored at least a point in his final  ride then it probably would have been Rybnik who would have been promoted.

    Yes there were some dodgy decisions but home sides normally get some in their favour.

    I think Lebedev knew Rybniks game was up when he looked and saw Woryna was not behind him as he was absolutely furious having won the race thinking maybe they were on for a 5-1. They were no doubt unlucky what also with injury to their decent junior in the junior finals on Friday, and Spaniak proving yet again what a poor season he has had.

    To much is put on Woryna who we have to remember even though he dropped a league is in his first season as a senior and number one where he is always pitched against still some decent riders rather than when he was in the EXTR League last season as still a junior.

    Personally feel gutted for him as I am sure they knew after that puncture that it was near enough impossible. Even if the aggr scores had been equal then Lublin went thru due to having finished above Rybnik in the league.

    All NOT lost  though as they now meet Fabulaz over 2 legs. Maybe their loss of Dudek for rest of the season may weaken them ??

    Lambert must be happy. Got away with one today and now will be POL EXL next season irrespective of if he stays or if one of the big guns come knocking which maybe a possibility ??

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