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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Well Batchelor will no doubt seek an area of the UK where the climate is dry as from what I can remember over the years he was always dire on a wet track. Or at the site of a little rain ;-) Would probably rule out Dorset if last season a guide.
  2. It is but that's the new GSA Harris has on the final sheet.
  3. Many want to see Harris back, but the question I pose is that IF you keep him on his new 7.78 GSA and the current team is 2.64 over the 42.50 who do you let go ???.
  4. Just think Sid that Ford may go for a young team option with potential. Especially if finance is tight with no main team sponsor sorted (as per last press release some days ago). I would like to see Lidsey but many think he will go to BV under Lemon's supervision. Stewart is same age with only the one season in UK and Pickering has 2 but improved 2018 against 2017 so seems to have potential and even Matt eluded to him last season when things were going pear shaped. Bottom line anyway and as I keep saying Matt has to re plan to a degree anyway with 2.64 having to be lost from last seasons squad. If we have to accept mainly due to finance and top riders reluctance an 8 point just isn't coming. If we also assume Holder Sr is a no go then to a degree work with what you may have. For me the likes of Holder Jr/Kurtz/Woryna/Jakobsen and even Pickering all offer growth potential. That little lot gives you 30.42 points. Then you can work around the likes of Harris 7.78 - Josh G 6.70 - Klindt 6.61 - Sundstrom at an new attractive 6.04 and maybe Morris 6.60 but that is a long shot. Even then you can't have 2 of the three as only12.08 available unless you factor in Worrall at 5.60 and indeed Shanes at 3.31. An out and out number one - No but do we really think that Jack Holder/Kurtz/Woryna will all bomb this season and surely Jakobsen can improve after his UK initiation season.
  5. Just announced on main SWE Speedway site that Morris has signed for Masarna in SWE. Almost certainly means he won't ride in Champ. Be interesting to see if he does stay at Swind as many Wolves Fans initially thought he was coming there way. Then of course obvious Poole rumours after the Abu Dhabi trip,
  6. Interesting to see Morris was not the second announcement this morning from Swindon. Maybe Rosco just playing mind games with us . IF he was available who would you omit from say Klindt/Josh if Matt even wanted him ??
  7. Can see your point but its the old juggling act and not really much out there in that low GSA range who can see competing. At least James has had some experience of it and has now got more experience via Sheff & Birm last season. If we know some of the teams will have fairly weak reserve pairings it would also help give an idea what he may be up against in some of the races. Until then its all guess work.
  8. Wish I was Stevehols74 Aces51 as I would be 20 years younger - Thanks for the compliment though I only mention it as some of my fellow Poole contributors have been commenting on trying to maintain most/all of the team for 2019, which in my opinion was fortunate in a number of ways to win the play offs. I would not expect lightning to strike in the same place twice over those matches (lets pls not go there on the various incidents and rider eligibility as its all history now). The team also only won 2 matches away against the bottom team Leicester (no longer in Prem) mainly on the back of Klindts efforts as was his favourite track. Anyway the facts remain we have to shed at least 2 riders and maybe even 3 to get the right mix for 2019. Something has to change hence if you read my other contributions you will see why I have eliminated some of the said riders to get withing the 42.50 limit with my ideas of a team. Hence the reason we call this tread Poole 2019 Its already a boring close season so far, so until we get some positive (or negative) news we can continue to play name the team for 2019. Something indeed BV fans also have to play with having to shed 2.84 points from last season which again a thankless task.
  9. I see Todd Kurtz has signed for Somerset in Champ. Only mention it as I am sure Todd & Brady stay at one of Middlo's places when in UK and thought Todd also mechanics sometimes for Brady. Makes sense if its close to their UK abode. Perhaps a positive sign for Brady rejoining Poole (not that I have any doubt on that score anyway). As a footnote - If Matt is on a tight budget he could maybe consider Todd on approx 4.43 as a reserve - would again be cheap if staying in Middlo supplied accom and no expensive travelling costs. Don't see much scope for improvement though as has been over here riding for 9 years and 26 now, Would prefer an improver like Pickering on 4.58 - is 22 tomorrow - improved year on year in his 2 years in UK at Edin - was also mentioned briefly by Matt last season when he was looking to shake things up after the shaky early season. I think he has better scope to improve. Just a thought ;-)
  10. Yes it's easy to forget that those 4 riders were so influential in Swindon winning the League in 2017. Not just winning it but they were well ahead of most/all of the others. Would indeed be a strong 4, irrespective of what the others put together.
  11. There is some logic in the Shanes possible signing if Matt is tight on budget. He will only just turn 22 as 2019 season starts - so still young - he is on a low GSA but I would not expect a large increase as with say a Woryna/Jakobsen in that position - he is local so no expensive flights or accommodation as he also stores his bikes I believe at home - is normally well prepared as he works in tandem with preparing his grassrtack/longtrack equip. I am sure he would not cost as much as a foreign youngster who anyway would be on a 4 or 5 min and that's without all the expense involved with no guarantees anyway. If Matt is having to trim 2.64 from last seasons team anyway then you could do worse although would love to know what other teams reserve plans are. Would also not surprise me to see him also ride in Champ for either Birmingham who he rode for in NL and who look certain to come up as not mentioned in latest BSPA National league news after their AGM or maybe even Eastbourne who are also moving to Champ so not too far to travel. Having said that his Grass/Longtrack weekend commitments on the Continent may determine which Champ team he goes to.
  12. Just saw your post re Swind 2nd signing tomorrow. Of course Rosco could kill off any rumour tomorrow if his local Swindon living Aussie was announced. If it's such an easy decision he should have agreed if living locally ;-)
  13. interesting idea's. Fairly young team with the old men being Klindt at 30 end Dec and Josh G at 29 end Feb. The rest being 20 to 23. Thing is that whichever way you view it Matt has to lose 2.64 points from last seasons team to get within the limit. But one thing I would question is IF Nick Morris was available at 6.60 would you have him over say Josh or Nicolai ???. I don't know why I keep on about Morris but perhaps its the fact he finished 2017 on 8.87 so proved he has been there and done it. One off season with rumours he might want to move on, and the all the hype of the A.Dhabi trip draws me to him with a potential to get a 2 point upswing in a settled (hopefully) team amongst other young Aussies on a track he has tended to ride well. I wish Swindon would either announce him or not to put me out of my misery on it. Josh still worries me as he was so bad for so long but did get it partly together end of season. BUT he will be trying big time to prove himself in POL again after a bad first season where he has now moved team. Will he be going back and forth there constantly like last season at the expense giving up his Champ season which for me partly hurt his form. Practicing all the time in POL is not like racing in UK. Klindt did brilliant at times last season and arguably was the reason we won our only 2 matches away at Leic which think was his favourite UK track. He could be getting better later (like a Doyle situation) but still have a small element of doubt as he could be off at times and was VERY up and down in the Champ despite Work winning the treble. Still think he is best at reserve but may struggle to get in there if our reserves are weakish. Knowing the strength of other teams reserve pairings would certainly help as we know from last season they can make or break your season. For so long Wory/Jakob was the leagues best reserve pairing. I don't envy the task Matt has to get within the limit and IF Chris Holder has decided to give UK the heave ho (which none of us know for sure) then its one less asset at his disposal to use. Personally still not over convinced you would get much more out of Shanes than his GSA.
  14. Was thinking similar. Is an asset and think wanted to stay at Poole. Similar to Harris situation but maybe a more consistent high end scorer and on lower than Harris GSA by 0.22. My fear is whether we will ever win a League Champ with Hans in the team and we all know he is riding out his twilight years with as many clubs as poss so up to 4 per week. I know he is conditioned to it but has too many up and down rides as travelling takes it toll during peak season. Not even incl all the SEC/SGP and DK Championship qualifiers to boot. Wouldn't discount him and PERHAPS that slightly lower GSA may have a bearing. Would dearly love to know if one or both Holders will play any part, Nobody on the forum seem's to know what Chris's situ is or even if he intends to ride UK anyway in 2019. Also what about Jack who is also an asset and no Somerset in the equation this year. As usual more questions than answers. Still in favour of my idea of 2 young Aussies I named the other as reserves Pickering/Stewart and moving up with Jakobsen/Woyna/Kurtz/Jack Holder and Chris Holder (even if Chris was re-evaluated at 8 he would scrape in by o.o8 of a point into the 42.50 limit. Its a young and exciting sounding squad with scope to improve even if not initially a league winning team. Who wins it anyway frmo March to July ?? or even Sept for that matter. Top 4 is where you need to be. Other permutations are of course available ;-)
  15. Very few but and hardly expect them to relate to an era of no mobile/iphomes/computer/modern technology. We/they didn't know any different in those days. How guys commuted to and from POL/SWE/DK/UK I will never know with all travel arrangements/hotels etc. Riders arriving in old cars/vans with bikes towed on small trailers. Recently saw an old Golden helmet meeting article on Youtube recently on Peter Collin and Michael Lee. Where would you see top stars arrive at the track driving an old motor towing a bike on the back of a trailer. Nostalgic days There was a kind of innocence about it all but all tried their level best to entertain us. Now its a different World of Kevlars and bikes decked out in local sponsors logos. Sport kind of moved on in one way but stadia hasn't in most cases. Except POL and the NSS of course.
  16. Hope for his and the clubs sake they were able to wipe at least part of it out. Nobody wants to see any club lose money especially when its the one you support. I may be some 3.5 hours away from Poole being in Chelmsford but they are still my modern day club and rekindled my interest in the sport big time (not that i ever lost my love of Speedway). I am sure Matt will do his level best to give us the best team he can within the financial restraints he has and that pesky 2.64 points he needs to drop off the current team to get within the 42.50 point limit. There will have to be 2 changes at least anyway as he can't jiggle it any other way even if he wanted to keep all of last seasons team. Maybe even 3 will go to get the team he and hopefully we would like to see in 2019. Roll on the team announcements. He has said before he likes to get his teams sorted by xmas so let's hope the Team Sponsor situation doesn't put the dampener on that one.
  17. I kind of kept quiet about the fact we struggled to beat them more often than not which perhaps led to us hating them (in a jealous kind of way). Funny though that it became a bit of a standing joke what good old Len Silver threw at us in the way of his so called marquee signings. Will I ever forget the great Finn Thomsen - Could be brilliant one ride and crap in the other 3 and he was supposed to be our number one. But always remember Bengt Jansen and the sadly early lost Gary Middleton and those riders who should have retired long before they did in Jackie Biggs - Jimmy Gooch - Les Mgillvray. Sorry for the nostalgia Witches fans but we did enjoy those days of the Witches even if they did have a nasty habit of beating us. Must get down to Ipswich this season as has been far to long and for max 45 mile drive and the promise of half decent facilities seems too good an offer to miss. Sounds much better than a windy/cold night at exposed Area Essex which indeed seemed in a time warp from the fiftees/sixtees although still sadly missed as what was my nearest track. As for Rye House - Least said the better I think.
  18. I wouldn't disagree with you on that point.
  19. Don't get too carried away. Mr Ford still has to shed 2.64 points from last years team so maybe all options are on the table as far as rider assets are concerned. If not he will at least get a loan fee ;-)
  20. Apologies PB I was a bit out on the money lost. It was in fact a large five figure sum and that was as of the 3rd week of July so not counting any other mounting losses (if any) or profits (if any) after that. I quote you Matt's exact words from the Evening Echo release of 22nd July. But the loss of those meetings saw us start the season in the second week of April and it had a huge impact on the club financially. “It was a substantial loss – a large five-figure sum – and one I will not be able to recoup. It wasn’t only what it cost the club but also the loss of potential revenue and profit. To me a large five figure sum could be say from £70k upwards in my opinion. Plus did he make money in the second half of the season as many were saying crowds were not what they used to be. Maybe the play offs gave back some profit but I question how much considering what revenue say a crowd of 2000 would generate after expenses and after deducting season tickets - pensioner discounts and kids lower admission. Even Matt said he would not be able to recoup such losses.
  21. Sorry PB but disagree. Matt said in an article during the season that he/the club had lost six figures this season with all the problems of 70th Anniv meeting and all the cancellations. Now who lost that money - the club - Matt Ford himself ??. Matt owns the club meaning surely he didnt lose it from his own fortune. It must be the club.
  22. If it was worth so much than I am sure Matt would have sold it by now. I saw figure of £250k plus mentioned. How true that was I don't know but for what ???. In these days where many argue the sport is on its knees and going nowhere I can't see some charitable soul paying that much money or anywhere near it. Don't get me wrong. I think Matt has done a brilliant job for Poole over the years. Many like him and some don't. He has always been one step ahead many times in team selection and we have seen some great riders at Poole over the years. But the sport is on a downward curve in most peoples eyes (except the BSPA who seem to have a rose tinted view of the sport). Ask yourself where the Prem would be for 2019 had Chapman not purchased Ips/Peter . Neither in my opinion would have come up and for sure Som/Leic would have dropped anyway due to lack of finance/losses and not having choice of race night. Would have left only 5 Prem teams with loss of the small bit of money coming into the sport from TV.
  23. I'll take that as a given. Having said that being an Essex (Chelmsford) based Poole and now lamented Lakeside Supporter I can't say I feel overly comfortable corresponding with someone who may only be 40 miles or so up the road with your somewhat possibly strange and unusual interests By the way I was a die hard Hackney Hawks Fan from my mid teens in 1970 until demise. I only lived less than a mile from Waterden Road. For me the most competitive and hated team were in fact the Witches when we raced against them. There was always a strong will to beat them more than anybody with great racers like John Louis - Davey's electric gating. Man never saw anyone who could gate as fast as that guy could. Always brought a good core of support along and also enjoyed visiting Foxhall for away matches. Much happier days for the sport in some way.
  24. Also if memory serves me well, when Chris Louis owned the club didn't he announce his team last season well before most others ??
  25. Sorry didn't realise I was expanding on an earlier posting. Maybe I did see it and it turned a light on in my head to post something. Maybe there is some truth in the first part of my post as well as without the 2 clubs he purchased coming up then the so called beloved top league would have been well and truly screwed
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