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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Surely not at 11.06 as although could score reasonable points, do you really want to tie up 11.06 when we know he is highly unlikely to achieve anything like that. Also if the team limit is in the 41 point range. Ok, as we are on Danes and as Ford Jr mentioned according to Skidder that we may see some old faces as well as some new riders let me throw this one back out there. Hans Andersen just turned 39 this month and is 2 yrs 3 months younger than Bjarne. His Champ GSA converting his final Prem GSA x 1.6 would be 9.26. I know which one I would rather have, Hans is a Poole asset and I think would like to have been retained in Prem but couldnt due to his then av and team building. He already stated on twitter he is thinking seriously of his position in 2020. Rumour on POL Sportfakty that he may drop from POL Nice 1 to 2nd Div as a team has shown interest and no guarantee Lodz will have him back. He was dissappointed he was left out of their last meeting. I also think maybe his SWE career maybe over as he didnt do anything last season. PERHAPS he is realising that globetrotting around Europe over 4 leagues in his twilight years is becoming too much and maybe he can save costs on travelling/bikes/mechanics etc by doubling up in UK with say Peterborough and Poole. He has strong connections with Poole via Sponsors such as I believe Meridian Lifts (apologies if I have wrong sponsor). Maybe as a heat leader in Champ it could help get his confidence back and he could earn well stacking up the points one league down and with say Peterborough in Prem. For me on a 9.26 based on what I think is a highly false Prem 5.79 having struggled after his injury and bad concussion for me would be a no brainer. His gating skills alone would have him in front at the first bend in many races against inferior opposition one league down. Its an interesting scenario if he could be convinced
  2. I thought I saw somewhere he was moving closer to his mate Morris at Swindon with also a view of trying to take on POL in 2020.. It could be of course Morris also looking for another shot at POL flwg his injury which may have effected his form in 2019. Maybe planning to go out together if they were to get fixed up. Also closer in respect of Airport commuting with Heathrow/Gatwick. Just thinking aloud.
  3. What else could one expect from a Swindon supporter
  4. My fault as live in Chelmsford, Essex which is only 2 hours drive away from K.Lynn. Comparing against Poole which is more like 4 hrs 30 mins from K.Lynn which then of course certainly becomes up North. From my side I tend consider K/L more South in comarison with Chelmsford rather than say the Midlands/uuuppp North
  5. True but he did as did Klindt when both have ridden for Poole on a Wed in seasons prior to last season. They managed in the main to accommodate back then. I think much will depend on which route Hans wants to take. DK only gives so many meetings but i suppose you have to ride in them to qualify for things like DK Champ and to qualify for the SGB/SEC qualifiers. When you think about it from a meetings perspective he would have a lot more meetings riding as double up in UK in both Prem/Champ so I suppose it partly comes down to mentally and at his stage does he want to continue globetrotting around Europe or go for being based in one place and also saving on bikes/traveling etc. Does he feel his body and mind can continue to keep hammering out 3/4 leagues per season as he approaches 40. No doubt we will see as he tends to post quickly on twitter when he has news.
  6. Maybe Kent's surprise could be THJ. You never know as he could be classified as International and had signed a contract to ride in UK
  7. Yes - Realised I had put wrong reason immediately after I had posted. I have corrected.
  8. One to throw into the mix. I saw on twitter this morning that Hans Andersen is seriously considering his situation for 2020 after a difficult year on a number of fronts. Some have commented that maybe he should consider dropping a League to Champ to get his confidence back. Maybe even a double up with Peterborough and a.n.other. When you factor in the cost of taking on 3/4 leagues as he did for years although maybe only 3 now perhaps staying in one place - set your financial goals a bit lower bearing in mind he won't get a guaranteed place in POL anyway, perhaps it's a possibility. Also as i type this the news has just broke on SGB site that Nichols (who is based on South Coast last year or two) will not be part of Leicester in 2020 due to his Saturday Speedway GP TV commitments (Leicester being a Saturday raceday). Could moves be afoot for him to sign for Poole if he one of the so called 3 H/L that it is rumoured Poole have approached for 2020 ??
  9. Yes I agree. Perhaps Poole have offered 3 x H/L contracts in the hope of signing one. Personally I think that the Champ team av is already agreed subject to the AGM rubber stamping next week. Bearing in mind some teams have already started announcing riders and the promoters have pre AGM meetings/discussions on agenda points it would kind of make sense to save hours of bickering over what it should/shouldn't be. Would also maybe explain why (if true) Poole have started making moves on the H/L front. Anyway we will hopefully be a lot wiser in just over one week.
  10. If the rumour allegedly among some Poole Sponsors is that Ford/s have offered contracts to 3 heat leaders plus one reserve, it would kick that idea into the long grass. However maybe not so daft would be King as one of the H/L and Nicol in a reserve berth as an up and coming 21 year old American who could improve like a Luke Becker (maybe more wishful thinking on my part). Both Kennedy & Macdonald could be anything as both were first season Aussies at 21 & 22 and either/both could push on a bit in second season both starting from 4 point GSA's. If they get offered back that is now that Sheffield are moving up, but perhaps they may want the better of the 2 as one of their Prem reserves next season. Maybe Poole could choose the one that Sheffield would want as they are probably best judges on whom of the two is better if they choose one as a Prem reserve. Am sure the one chosen would love a double up roll in only his second UK season. My concern would be if Poole are going down the multiple H/L route and the points limit is set around the 40/41 point mark then they are likely to be looking for a N/L rider plus a strongish reserve for those 2 last team slots. All conjecture of course but none the less 8 days away from the first day of the AGM at least its something to debate.
  11. Well you may well keep him then. Google maps is near enough 4 hours Poole/KL notwithstanding what traffic you may hit on the M25/M3 which is a lottery on any given day. KL/Redcar is more like 3 hours 20/30 mins You never know though and at least it ignited some kind of debate on a thread that had not been touched since last Wed which must be a record for Poole on this SGB Forum. However you may have noticed I mentioned earlier on similar subject that I would like to see Jordan Stewart given a try at Poole as he seems to be an up and coming young Aussie with potential. Again no idea where he is based but I assume up North if h rides for Redcar. I see him progressing and certainly worth a go on his lowish GSA. Come on mate you have got to give somewhere as you are going to probably be over the points limit anyway . Not singling out Redcar riders as i named plenty of others as I saw what would seem ideal riders that may be available. I bypassed Charles wright as although a Poole asset (and I question WHY when he said he doesn't want to ride/travel South). Why would Ford sign an asset who doesn't want to ride down South. Having said that he was happy enough riding every season in the South for a combination of Somerset/Swindon and Peterborough since 2013. Maybe if the deal is right he is happy to travel. Sometimes money talks and as said why would Ford have paid to sign him as an asset unless he just wants repeat loan fees.
  12. Redcar must be sweating on the points limit then if they are near enough nailed on to resign Wright on his high 9.59 GSA. Their total team GSA is 43.39 so if it is 41 or 42 then they are going to be looking to shed rider/s. Have no idea where Riss bases himself in UK but if it is way up North then maybe logic would dictate keeping him but then again he also rides for KL down South (East). Just knocking ideas around to cultivate discussion, but yes he is a decent rider and perhaps improving having just recently turned 24. I could be way off of course and he may not even be in Poole's thinking. They are hardly cash rich so may have UK based riders more in mind.
  13. In a way a logical move as believe he lives in Midlands so less travelling in what will be a busy old 2020 for him if he is riding Prem & Champ plus his normal Longtrack meetings and anything else on the Continent he can sign up for on a qualifying or guest basis. Won't have to trek to Somerset every Wed.
  14. What's the thinking behind that Flagrag ?? The POL connection again maybe ?? If that's the case would it not knock them out of most teams planning if not all ?? (Champ that is not Prem)
  15. Good point Lisa. Having said that plenty of Champ riders have signed for POL Nice 1 & 2 Leagues in the past and rarely got a look in during the season. I was totally forgetting that in Champ we get plenty of Sat/Sun meetings as well as Fridays - My bad . Having said that Leicester also won't get him with their mainly Sat race nights and also all the other weekend meetings if that's the case. Mind you Leicester may need to shed plenty of team points anyway having amassed that lofty 44.88 total on the final GSA's on SGB site. That's a BIG reshuffle if the limit is set at 41 or 42. My personal choice would be Riss who only turned 24 on 13th Sept and rode Poole well plus had a decent GSA for both Redcar and K.Lynn. Not sure if Southern based but if he is would be an ideal signing (if not commited to DK/POL) and I think is improving. Having just said that something niggles at me to say maybe POL involved ???
  16. I missed the enigmatic Ricky Wells but he is only 7.05 so not a H/L and would have lots of reservations on him especially away. Not for me thanks.
  17. Hmmm interesting. My thoughts on H/L would revolve around Morris (living Swindon way) - Ellis (who probably lives closer to Poole than Brum who have signed Harris anyway, and with his Swindon connection) - Ryan Douglas maybe (as said he wanted to move South as planing to take on POL and is moving I think closer to Morris). - Danny King as Sheffield moving up and was already a rumour on the Forum he may have been approached - Richie Worrall as he is an over 8 Champ rider and is already part of Poole 2019. Would prefer maybe Morris/Ellis over him as also not proven as over his nasty injury and is VERY up and down. Others COULD be Nichols in view of his proximity in living closer to Poole since he moved house last year or so - Howarth due to Sheffield moving up but he is not an 8 point plus man and lives up North. Dark horse would be Erik Riss who rides Poole well and also rides for Kings Lynn in the South in Prem. As for reserve the likes of maybe Shanes who is local - Nicol/Kennedy/Macdonald ( as part if not all 3 could be out at Sheffield with the move up) - Would love to see maybe Jordan Stewart but maybe a tad too high for reserve at 5.74 but feel an improving young Aussie - Steffan Nielsen maybe but he has to trek down South and I question if he is injury prone and has his confidence suffered this year after that nasty injury at Poole in 2018. Maybe prefers to stay North with Scunthorpe. Can't think of many others when looking at the final Champ GSA's. Also will Poole go down the strength in depth route or go for more H/L with a weaker reserve duo or one strong and one N/L lad. Will be interesting to see what pans out and of course depending no doubt on what a not so well off Club offers as possible contract terms to the alleged riders they have offered them to. I think with the larger amount of clubs now in the Champ some of these so called established H/L may be able to pick and choose what is on offer to suit them both geographically and financially.
  18. Interesting the lack of input coming in on possible 2020 team although appreciate we have not yet been accepted with the opening day of the annual get together still 9 days away. Even so for what has been the most visited and commented Club on this Forum over the last few years a surprising lack of interest although see some still holding on to Poole 2020 in a Forum they wont even e involved with i.e SGB Premiership Speedway. I thought I read somewhere not so long ago that Ford/s may use some of the team for 2020 in Champ that took part this year in Prem. Must admit and appreciate it requires a new mind set up to what we are used to, but if that involves i.e THJ and Wells then can't say I would be getting excited. Having said that of course has to be taken alongside what is the 2020 Champ team limit and who else is being considered. I assume we an near enough exclude both Holders/Kurtz/Klindt and I assume Josh G who had doubled up for years prior to now riding POL and I hear also taking on DK (and no doubt if he could get it SWE). That in effect leaves Covatti who was with Somerset and said he may not return to ride UK in 2020 - Worrall who rode for Leicester plus THJ & Wells. Despite a number of teams already naming some of their riders already for 2020 I assume Poole will name none until they are accepted but I, as no doubt others, are intrigued as to who might be coming over as I see names such as King maybe coming over with Sheffield going up. I wonder if the uninspiring Kurtz senior may also be considered in similar circumstances as he was living with Brady in one of Middlo's accomodations for the last few years ??. Going to be interesting that despite Ford saying the Champ costs are approx 25% cheaper is still up against the fact that as we stand he has NO major team sponsor after the loss of the Carpet Baggers.... - Lost 3 other major sponsors prior to the 2019 starting and lost a shed load of money. Is a cost saving of 25% going to really make so much difference in the absence of replacement sponsor with potentially lower crowds also factored in. What I suppose I am driving at is whether the Ford's are going to have much money to build a quality team to challenge for honours or will it be a team more made up of cheaper options who may achieve at best mid table.
  19. Am a bit surprised at the lack of exchanges on the Poole 2020 Champ page. Last post was Wed last week. I appreciate Poole have not been accepted yet into the Champ but the Ford's have made it clear they can't run in Prem. I won't put my comments on Poole 2020 Champ team on this page as this Forum is for Prem Clubs which Poole won't be. I will put them on the appropriate page for the League we will be in (assuming they are accepted into the league that is).
  20. True and you cannot knock the fact that they achieved more than most thought they would. Whatever the outcome of the final they can hold their heads high for having done so well when many wrote them off as just league fillers. A true number one such as an Iversen would make so much difference for next season. Harris not the answer for you guys for sure. A second string at say Poole (maybe) but on a track like Ipswich where he doesn't ride anywhere near as good as he does Poole he is not the answer. Going to be an interesting close season but hell there i still plenty to fight for in this one for you guys
  21. Maybe both Chris and Hans want to showcase for next season ?? Harris in respect of showing he is willing yet again to step in late and prove to Poole management he is worth considering for 2020 on his now much lower GSA. Remember it was his much higher GSA in 2018 stopped him getting a place in 2019. He knows he has a kind of cult status after the heroics of that one meeting alone against Somerset. Hans showing he is willing to drive 2 bikes to a meaningless meeting miles from his base where he may not even get a ride, but as a Poole asset he is again showing management he is willing to put himself out for both a meaningless meeting and as a kind of loyalty to Poole where he gets major sponsorship in the local area, in an attempt once again to show Matt he is worth considering for 2020 at such a falsely low GSA. I may we well wide of the mark but I am sure both would like to keep options open as much as possible to secure decent UK contracts for 2020 at a track both have ridden well over the years.
  22. Skidder - We all know that Matt is a past master of playing the media to seek attention to the club. Today is no different. He commented in the last close season that due to at lack of a main team sponsor (at that time before the Carpet Cleaners signed up) that having embarked on his new career and in the absence of such sponsors he could not guarantee what the future held for the club if maybe a new buyer could not be found. This is a different spin on the same theme. Having said that I in no way want to distract from what must have been a very tense and financially difficult time for Poole. The release of this press release could also be viewed partly as an attempt to help swell the crowd on the basis that your vorte may well make a difference to where the club heads in respect of 2020. Personally I wish him all the best in trying to secure decent main sponsors in his quest to try and keep them in the Prem for the future. However at worse I would accept Champ rather than not running and as mentioned he has plenty of poss club asset options to perhaps put out a decent team in worse case scenario which would not break the Bank. Of course the other side of this is perhaps a well in advance let down notice to those amongst us who like playing the name next seasons team game. I can't see either Team Kevlars or some of the established foreigner riders or exciting young talent being considered if the club is on the rack somewhat financially. Maybe more of the same to come to keep costs down with MAYBE Holder Sr in the mix ?? Having said that would he not cost a packet if he still considers himself World Class and has to commute in if he no longer lives UK ??
  23. Gav can you really see NKI putting in a full UK season ? The only reason he came back was because Torun were relegated (so season over)and he was not involved in SWE play off final so had time on his hands and lives mainly UK. Now he has qualified for SGP 2020 I can't see him killing himself to do 4 leagues again plus the SGP. I reckon he is not comfortable with the smaller sched of POL/SWE/DK/SGP plus his normal DL Championship & SGP qualifiers to get into the SGP as he knows he will struggle to make the top 8. Would like to see him back in UK but can only see it late in season at best. As for Jordan Stewart - Hey mate he was my idea as an under the radar promising possibility for Poole. Having said that with the latest from Ford on the parlous situation the clubs future maybe you should snap him up
  24. I can imagine the loss is fairly substantial. If you look at the loss as per the Administrators Statement on 9th Aug that in in Itself showed £21k owed to Poole. Factor in no money for Aug/Sept/Oct from them plus the loss of a possible bumper final crowd loss against maybe Swindon that would have at least maybe offset a part of those losses then in Financial terms it has been a not great one. The falling crowds compared to years gone by also contributed. However let's also not lose sight of the fact that some years ago Matt sold his other biz interests and his main income I assume was from the successful years of SKY sponsorship and the likes of good money from the Readypower deal. I assume the club was profitable to enable that to happen. These are worrying times for a team which was on many occasions compared to the Man U of the Speedway World. Going to be interesting how this plays out considering Buster made the comment not that long ago regarding exciting plans for next season to be discussed/agreed at the next AGM. Fingers crossed something will happen to allow the club to continue in either or a combined league.
  25. Maybe you partly hit the nail on the head with his hone (Ipswich) form. We all know that in the main his Poole home form would probably be well above that. Let's not forget the main reason he was not signed was because he had climbed to 7.59 which was too high to fit in with Ford's plans. It may well be true that both Harris and Hans Andersen are not the riders they were but the point I was eluding to is that IF Poole want to say accommodate Chris Holder and at the same time retain the nucleus of 4 out of 5 of both Holders/Kurtz/Klindt/Josh G then something has to give further down the team if we want to have any kind of reserves. Would the likes of Harris/Hans really be so bad as second strings with maybe also some up and coming young riders whether they be UK or Aussie. Ultimately and assuming Ford does not want to embark on massive investment again for foreign riders and all associated costs involved, then to a degree maybe his options are somewhat limited anyway bearing in mind the other 6 to 7/8/9 teams (depending on 2020 set up) will also be fighting to keep within the 42.50 limit. Just suggestions to cultivate ideas/opinions :-) When i look at the 2019 near enough final GSA's I think those riders on attractive GSA's like Morris/Douglas/Allen/Lidsey/Becker are going to be hard to prise away from existing clubs and as for any recognised heavy pointers, they will not be able to be accommodated due to their high GSA's.
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