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Posts posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. 4 minutes ago, Rockstar99 said:

    4.96 with Zaine Kennedy or Zane Keleher is a huge gamble. Cant go with 4 riders on averages under 5.00.

    Poole are in a bit of a bother with the final two imo. 

    Rumoured names on this thread doesn't make for good reading. Emil Grondal is no good as POP said he's peaked and neither is Todd Kurtz been around for years and never done anything. Ideally Poole need Lasse Bjerre to have a change of heart otherwise the 1-7 could fall apart if they have to go with a weak tail.

    I agree on the Bjerre front. Not sure what money being thrown at him but heard was a good offer.

    The big problem is WHAT could  we get at 5 i.e a proven young Dane or Czech who showed what they can do in the World U21 Finals is one risk but an untried/unproven Young Dane is quite another. Suppose what a dead on 5 gives us is a choice from the proven N/L H/L such as Morley/Woods/Hume followed by Kinsley & Bowtell. The first 3 would in the main beat many/most of the N/L reserves named in Champ which along with Josh Mac would still give a decent reserve pairing. The last 2 named should at least beat as many as get beaten on any given week against these N/L riders.

    The other issue we have even if we wanted 2 Aussie reserves is that we would be 0.07 short for a 5 point assessed rider which is again frustrating but that's the rules.

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Pirates Of Poole said:

    We have a very good team so far, the final 2 pieces of the jigsaw will be massive and show our intent. I know people keep saying our 3 heat leaders will be good for 30-35 points a match but we cant always rely on that. Poor form and mechanical issues and we will need the back up riders to step up. 

    I'm hoping for a couple of new comers to the UK. The reason for this is the whole team so far aren't our assets (I know we have plenty out on loan) but it will be nice to use the opportunity while in the championship to bring in some new comers and bring them on when we step back up to the Premiership.

    Personally I'm hoping we don't go with Todd Kurtz or Grondel both riders have in my opinion peaked over the past 5 years and sit around the 5 point average each year, hence my reason to bring someone in who could put a point or two on their starting average. The latter I know had a bad injury but his form this year was poor and his Aussie meetings have not been any better. 

    I am also hopeful it is not Kurtz as like you I agree he has never pushed on and is what he is which is a just over 5 point rider.

    The problem we have IF Bjerre  doesn't want to ride here (which is the last rumour I heard knocking around) is that there only seems to be Kurtz left who rode here in 2019 and even then it leaves us short of a 4 point  rider in the last reserve slot. It would be a shame as Bjerre has proved he can be a 7 plus and even 8 point rider looking at his av all the way back to 2013 which is 7 seasons and remember he is still only 26. Last season was a blip in a poor Newcastle team so that is 1 season out of 7 he has been below a 7 to 8 point av.

    We do not have to my knowledge any of the World Class young U21 finalist riders willing to come here without issues of mechanic/bikes/high commuting and living costs associated with all the travel. Any of those on a 5 would still leave us 0.03 short of a 4 point rider in the last reserve slot although appreciate there are at least 3/4 decent N/L heat leaders not signed up yet to Champ clubs.

    Not sure if Matt/Danny are having a problem filling that last but oh so important slot which really could make the difference in 2020. 

    Would be happy to hear on any decent rider/s who may be close to signing as if its not Bjerre than maybe Bowtell will not be on the agenda, as Alfie would have just fitted with Bjerre's arguably falsely low av by his standards. A change to a 5 point spot on rider would arguably give better 2nd reserve options. Just an opinion of course.

  3. 33 minutes ago, DC2 said:

    King, Nielsen, Worrall, Bjerre, Ellis, MacDonald & Bowtell.

    Nielsen and Bjerre should add a point each.

    Right up there with Redcar and Leicester.

    I think that even if Poole top 3 are matched the important team winning could come down at the reserve area. 

    Macdonald finished the season at Sheffield in the more difficult 2 slot and looking at many of the reserves in Champs he could well add to his current GSA in a short period of time. If Bowtell were signed, then as a H/L in N/L in 2018 and also having ridden for Eastbourne 2019 and done ok before injury, he could take plenty of points off a lot of the other N/L riders coming in at reserve. Many who are still in early stages of their careers. Bowtell also seems to be improving  each season he starts. Bearing in mind he only started with Rye House and Mildenhall in N/L 2015/16.

    Ultimately and as we all know, the Leagues are not won in the first 6 months of the season. The important thing is to keep in the top 6 for the all important play offs. Win your home matches and pick up points as you can away form home. Such a team should be more than capable of picking up 1/2/3 and even the odd 4 pointer away which would be sufficient to qualify as long as they perform at home and hopefully stay relatively injury free.  Especially in the case of both Worrall and Nielsen who have taken a few knocks last 2/3 seasons.

    Bjerre is an 8 point potential rider in a settled team if you look at his stats in 2017/18. Providing he sets his mind to i,t as I would argue that at 5.87 in  team that was close to the bottom all season, he is well capable of better and his historical av even shows it. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, TurnTwo said:

    I don’t think it’ll be bow tell but he could be one hell of a rider. Very ballsy

    This interesting little snippet from Plymouth wedsite the other day which would be encouraging if we do sign him with  the points that would be left available should Bjerre sign. Excuse the capitals as just cut & pasted accross.



    Of course his signing  would probably be determined by what happens on the other signing.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    The options keep changing for the 4 & 7. The number 4 rider has yet to sign the contract which has been on the table (and improved!) for around 3 weeks and he is not new to the Championship!!  If he does sign then the number 7 will likely be a young Brit who is also no stranger to the Championship.

    However there is still the option for an untried 5.00 rider and another.

    I think I know who he is and its frustrating as the guy has the ability to add at least 1 if not 2 points to his av, based on proven form in the past. Also have an idea on the 7 but I suppose you need the first to sign, in order to sign up the second otherwise its maybe back to the think tank.

    The untried 5 is always a risk but it does allow the possibility of maybe one of 3 or so decent N/L heat-leaders who are not yet signed up to Champ sides who have also ridden Champs last season. All 3 plus the one that MIGHT be earmarked are capable of beating most of the other N/L reserves announced with other Champs sides on their day.

    I wonder if our target rider at 4 is trying to secure a Prem team slot (as not announced in any Prem team yet) before deciding if he wants to ride UK in 2020 in Champs alone rather than double up ?? Just a thought.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Steve Shovlar said:

    Why the hell is Hampel being discussed? 

    Poole are in the second division. Forget Hampel. He won’t even ride top flight. 

    Welcome back Steve. 

    Any thoughts/ideas of who our last 2 riders might be as a number of ideas seemed to have come and gone or may be being considered.

    With most riders in Champ now signed up, not a lot left unless Poole try to get involved in an untested on Uk tracks import which would have thought unlikely if a main team sponsor not signed up yet.

  7. 12 hours ago, Pirates Of Poole said:

    No sadly not, I have spoken to him as was keen to sponsor the rider if he came to Poole. Maybe another Dane is a better option ;)

    Well can think of at least one who could add at least 1 if not 2 points to his av if anyone cares to do a bit of stats digging. Also has proven form in both leagues ;).

    Makes us a bit weaker at reserve but well worth the trade off imo.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Just a thought - do the unofficial rolling averages include ALL meetings ie some that do not qualify for the official GSA?  A bit like the ones in the Speedway Star every week never correspond with the 'real' averages!!!

    Could well be. Would just be nice to have a proper clarification. It's all I was seeking and not as a certain individual seems to indicate that we are trying to look for an angle to cheat the system all the time. But that's my last words on that particular matter, as not into supplying fuel for certain individuals who are not so interested in sensible team debate :)

    Hopefully we will get some news soon on who our number 4 will be so that we can then delve into the stats to see who may be our last signing (besides hopefully Ellis that is).

    As I see it there are a few options - Grondal (if that avenue has not closed) - Maybe worth it if he does qualify for any reduction but if not my opinion would be no as maybe we can get better 5 or 5 plus options. I see two decent established 5 plus pointers not yet announced in Champs but which one would affect which reserve options are open. Or someone like Hansen who would be dead on 5 but would still leave us just shy of 4 but can open up near enough all Brit options left after their 2.5% reduction. Unfortunately as it stand only the Grondal with reduction would have left a 4 point Aussie option but there you go.

    Whichever way you get either maybe a few extra points in the main team but a bit weaker reserve pairing or a bit less in the main team but probably a stronger points pairing in  reserve with 2 Aussies. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, DC2 said:


    Sometimes you just can’t get what you want.

    Do you accept that or consider a fiddle?

    The Poole Principle.   :)


    I am happy to accept whichever av is correct. Just wanted someone to explain why there is a discrepancy. Even emailed SGB for clarification as to how/why but not replied. If balance after say Ellis (If signed) is 8.96/97 then fine by me. I don’t want to cheat just get an accurate idea of points left in playing the who we might try and sign game. If below 9 balance then it closes off some possible team combos and opens up others.

    stop being an idiot in thinking everyone who likes Poole wants to cheat. More than happy to abide by the team building rules

    • Like 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    Maybe they've found a mechanic for Hansen and he's back in the picture?

    Maybe but then we are still agonisingly just a few pips short of 4 points for another young Aussie based on the official final GSA sheets despite the fact that 3 of our riders have a lower av on the actual SGB averages. Still cannot understand why when I read that the final GSA sheet is drawn from the same info by the same guy.

    For example why is Ellis shown as 8.00 on the final GSA but on the 20 match rolling av he is shown as 7.96 (both less 2.5% as a Brit). Same with Macdonald and Worrall. If its the same guy compiling both why is there a discrepancy on all 3 ??? (all lower on the 20 match rolling GSA on the SGB statistics pages). 

    I only raise it as when you are just short of 9 points balance by 0.03 or 0.04 it makes a difference in team planning.

  11. 55 minutes ago, Pirates Of Poole said:

    I’m not so sure on that with what I have heard this morning! 

    Not so sure meaning maybe not Grondal ??. Maybe meaning he maybe can't get any reduction, meaning a rethink as we would then not be able to fit another young Aussie in reserve slot. Maybe we are going down the decent established 5 pointer route with either a N/L or half decent double upper who rode both N/L & Champ as last reserve ??

    Would help with a little expansion on what rumour is around based on your last comment.

  12. 18 minutes ago, DC2 said:


    Zane Keleher?

    Could do worse. 

    Has been recommended by Dick Barrie in Aussie who also pointed some UK teams to go with Allen/Etheridge & Pickering in last few years. He also said mid Nov was ready for a UK contract but liSted every Chmp team imoji as to who it might be. Barrie said in SS that he has a style rarely seen on the bikes these days but would incl him in any team.

    Personally I would love to see MG come over as seems probably the best young talent at 19 and signed a new 2 year contract with Leszno Nursery Club after impressing in a few matches for them last season on flying visit.  I see this boy having a future but intrigued as to why he missed his state U21 Champ today as was initially due to ride. Unless carrying a bit of an injury as missed his last rides in a meeting not long ago having been excluded from his last completed having won twice and second once. Maybe a fall and injured ??. Unfortunately only a reserve for the Aussie main Champs over 5 rounds BUT good chance of winning the U21 title in Jan which unfortunately only a single meeting.

    Either Would do well in the reserve slot with Macdonald looking at most of the Champ reserve pairings.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, DC2 said:


    Grondal missed the whole of the 2019 GB season because no one wanted to sign him.

    He was fit enough to ride eight matches in Denmark but was not signed by a GB club then.

    No reduction is due, any more than it is for Tom Bacon, Josh Bates or Richie Worrall.



    Of course as a Swindon fan who has gloated over Poole dropping to the Champ on many occasions during these cold/dark/Winter days, I assume you of course would not want any advantage for Poole be it legal or not.

    Fact is that all 3 riders you name rode multiple meetings for their sides from the UK season start 2019 before injury intervened. It could be argued (and I am not for one minute say its true or fact) that Grondal was NOT fit or recovered from his serious 2018 injury to start or be considered for a full UK  season starting in March but had recovered a little more to do a restricted season in DK starting in May.

    Depends on what you classify as injured. One of the reports of his crash at Peterborough stated he received a fractured pelvis - badly bruised ribs - Muscle damage and a blood clot. A further update from hospital stated he also had a punctured lung plus internal bleeding. 

    Perhaps enough there to have put any rider off going for a comprehensive speedway schedule in order to fully recover from such nasty injuries.  Don't forget he only did some meetings in DK NOT a full schedule. I assume he is in Aussie trying to recover some fitness again for a 2020 fuller schedule.

    I am sure Matt Ford is not trying to cheat the system - merely working to the rules IF Grondal is entitled to a reduction under the injured rider rule IF it applies for when the 2019 UK season started. In this case Grondal did not start the season or take part in any pert of it.

    No doubt we will only find out if Grondal is actually signed and then if we get a 4 pointer in the the reserve slot. Only then we will probably find out that he recvd the ok from the relevant authorities to sign him on a small reduction. If not then I assume a N/L rider will be filling that last slot.

  14. 4 minutes ago, STEVEHOLS54 said:

    Yep I checked all that in advance plus those he did ride in as was not incl in a good few of the matches. BUT was he injured when UK season started (or recovering still from his 2018 bad injury) which may be a reason he missed the Uk season meaning MAYBE he qualifies for a reduction. It's important because even if only 2.5% it would give Poole 4 for the last reserve slot which opens up more options, especially on the Aussie front, despite us already allegedly having one already who many seem to know who he is ;)

    I also wonder if Poole would sign a rider on 5.04 knowing it would leave them possibly agonisingly short of 4 for the last slot.

    Also  would surpise me a little if Matt Ford went for a rider who could not even command a UK place in 2019 when there are other possible better 5 point possibilities out there. Also maybe thinking is if he does not perform then you can always change during season but I would hope we don't have to go there.

    Of course it could be as Skidder noted down to money on offer to riders if working still with strict budget if no main team sponsor on the horizon. Or that some of the options don't want to do UK or can't secure mechanics/sponsors to cover the cost of it all.

  15. 19 minutes ago, DC2 said:


    It looks like a Grondal rode eight matches this year in the Danish League.

    Here’s their 2019 averages:



    Yep I checked all that in advance plus those he did ride in as was not incl in a good few of the matches. BUT was he injured when UK season started (or recovering still from his 2018 bad injury) which may be a reason he missed the Uk season meaning MAYBE he qualifies for a reduction. It's important because even if only 2.5% it would give Poole 4 for the last reserve slot which opens up more options, especially on the Aussie front, despite us already allegedly having one already who many seem to know who he is ;)

  16. 55 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    You can't stop riders, mechanics, sponsors, track staff from talking names before the club wants to make announcements official!!

    Sometimes sponsors are given a heads-up as they are asked to assist with finance, but its not their place to make announcements until the club wants to go public officially.

    Skidder - What chance do you think Matt getting a reduction for EG IF he was injured in 2019 or missed the season, 2.5% or is it 5% ??

    Asking because if he is liable for even 2.5% then it leaves us just above the 4 meaning they could (if they wanted to) sign another young Aussie at reserve.  I know you mentioned maybe one depending on how Aussie results go. Looking at the Aussie 5 round Champs between 4/11th Jan and the 16 riders announced (plus reserves), I can only see one rider really, who openly stated on twitter on 15/11 and as reported in S Star shortly after that he was ready for a contract in UK in 2020. That was ZK as MG is only in at  reserve. I know MG has POL sorted for 2020 and would have been a contender for me as only 19.

  17. 24 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    The riders announced so far all qualify for the 2.5% reduction on their final official averages as they rode or were qualified to ride in the NL. The same will apply to our number 5 when announced. I know who one of the 4 point reserves is supposed to be. And there is much very strong rumour from the Australian meetings that a foreign (non-aussie) rider would be at 4 leaving the final reserve which may well depend on Aussie championships performances.

    The team plans have changed a little as they always do.

    Sorry Skidder you are so correct. I had a blonde moment but I had factored all 3 on the 2.5% reduction. Also took into a/c for our number 5 who also British (let's be honest near enough everyone knows now who he is). I also know who the 4 point (or 3.96) reserve is (no reduction due to nationality)depending on which stats are correct ;).

    There was a rumour that we were close to signing an exciting young World U21 talent and then another rumour that we may even have a better one lined up instead due to circumstances. However if the rider you now refer to is the same one that THJ has openly broken cover on via the Newcastle Forum today then that will be a poor replacement for the one I was hoping we would sign. Where Matt would get such an idea from God only knows as said rider didnt ride UK or POL in 2019 - wasn't that great in 2018 and last season in his home Country his scores were dire to say the least and seemingly was dropped from several meetings of what is a restricted league in regards to the volume of league meetings anyway. He also only rates still as a "D" class rider (below the A/B/C classes) which almost into his mid twenties I would see that as a very weak link in our team if we are that desperate. Also said rider has been pretty poor in the odd Aussie meeting he has done too date and I will be shocked if any improvement in his remaining tour meetings.

    But despite all those stats open to anyone willing to dig thru the various speedway sites would he really be seen as a progressive rider better than some of the World U21 maybe available (or maybe none of them are at what Poole are offering)?? Maybe I have missed something as a certain rider from same Country last year defied us all by upping both his Champ and Prem scores by lots which surprised some as of a similar kind of age. A rider I might add that a good few of us thought we had secured for 2018 only to be given the news that another of his inferior same Nationality mates had joined us. One that didnt see season end with us.

  18. 1 hour ago, Skidder1 said:

    The 2019 SCB regulations (Clause 16.2.1) state that in the Championship, League  Table and Shield Table meetings count towards the CMA but NOT play-offs.

    So  Skidder you said on the Newcastle Forum that we only have to sign one rider with the others secured to be announced. 

    Only the one ?? (or is it 2 still unresolved) and is your understanding if that is a reserve or main team spot still open. Many seem to know 5 of the riders, its the last 2 which is causing plenty of head scratching plus after those 5 do we have 8.97 left or just over 9 depending on which SGB stats are correct. Without naming names we have 3 of our riders (1 announced so far) where the Stats page show them below what the final GSA sheet states and I cannot get answers as to why, if the guy who does the SGB rolling stats shows a lower GSA than the final sheet then how come when its his stats used for the final GSA's in the first place ??

    Reason this being important is if you sign a 5 rider you have 4 points left (if balance is 9) which is important as you can sign still a promising overseas young rider where if it is only 8.97 you fall agonisingly short forcing you into a N/L rider or very low Champ rider and most of the decent ones are gone. 

  19. Interesting little question from Ragdoll on the Glasgow thread. 

    Hypothetical question......If Nicolai Klindt was to change his mind and ride in the Championship this year, what average would he come in on?  Would it be a conversion of this year’s Premiership average of 7.43......or his 2018 Championship average which was 6.94?

    Anyone know the answer ???
  20. 12 minutes ago, Phil The Ace said:

    Poole accepted to champ

    Now we can start the name the team (to the new 41 point limit) and stop having to jump Forum between the Poole SGB Prem & Champ.

    Hopefully various teams will now start the trickle out of team news now the new limit is known.

    One thing I am not 100% on is do UK riders get a 2.5% or 5% reduction for the new season on their current GSA Or is it only a reduction (and at what %) if the rode in N/L in last few seasons. Hopefully someone will clarify as it helps in guessing who may/may not be coming in.

  21. 1 hour ago, 89buttons said:

    Doyle may not be a team rider on track - his attitude is it’s his job to win races , but he for sure is a team man, always helping and guiding younger team riders and helping in the pits

    You are probably correct.

    He concentrates on maximising scores on the track, but may well be a good team man in the pits and with younger riders. 

    As a Poole supporter I would love to have seen him riding for us in recent years, as we kind of brought him through in his earlier career and didn't benefit from  what we have seen over the last 6 or so  years. Was always an excellent gater but got overtaken too often. It's like a new rider suddenly awoke and he is now one hell of an aggresive (but fair) rider who is not the kind of guy to be messed with. How I wish we had seen that when he was say 23/26 years old. 

    Indeed a late developer and a standard bearer for any young rider that you should never give up. We are sometimes to quick to write off riders who don't quickly turn into World class riders after they hit 25 but this guy is a shining light that you can develop into World Class if you have the mental strength to do it. He has proved that it can be done and gives hope to many.

    You could argue similar with Madsen when at Poole, who again was a good gater but displayed similar traits in his early 20's to Doyle in being overtaken too often. Look how he developed in POL and on the World stage.

    • Like 2
  22. 5 hours ago, PHILIPRISING said:

    WAS just pointing out that it is possible that Jason will race five days on the trot ... and will love every minute of it. 

    Jason is becoming similar to what the likes of NKI/Hans Anderson did for years AT a similar stage i.e ride 4 leagues for a lot of the weeks of the season plus ride/rode in their local Champ as well as SEC/SGP qualifiers and team events. Jason also no longer needs to go to Aussie to qualify for SGP while he stays in that top 8 and even if he missed out one season I think he would get at least one year as a Wildcard having been WC in 2017.

    Doyle is now 34 and in the area where he will want to maximise his earnings over the next 5/10 years while he is still in reasonably top form.

    Considering he also lives in UK with his Wife is another good reason to keep UK going. Plus as many would agree Doyle rides for himself as arguably not a real team rider. But some would say what the hell as long as he bangs in such high scores every week and has decent team members around him who don't need so much protection.

    Maybe if his POL and SGP Form was to suffer he would maybe consider reviewing it.

  23. 3 hours ago, Bald Bloke said:

    As I had said before, i'll believe when it happens.

    If you do drop down , I can't see how it will make much difference, if any myself.

    Ford said it's 25% cheaper running CL.

    If you loose 200 fans a meeting, that's £3,000 a meeting at £15 each.

    Entry prices will go down. 1000 fans at £1 each, is another £1,000 a meeting.

    Will you attract the same sponsor money, not being on TV ?

    With the new TV deal, you will loose a chunk of money there as well.

    I know Ford knows his stuff, but I think the 25% might be swallowed up if the above is anywhere near the mark ?

    Maybe just my way of thinking is off?. Wont be long now and we will no for sure :)

    Mast admit I am also struggling how this alleged 25% saving will make such a difference.

    Maybe there are other factors involved. Such as perhaps he feels that a top 3 out of either Holders/Kurtz & Klindt are not going to bring him another Prem bearing in mind how fortunate they were with the Gods shining on them in 2018. This year the squad were not good enough when it mattered (even though topped the league) and arguably he would need to invest in more Overseas talent to even get a chance to get back there. Something he has not got especially after the  financial disaster of 2019 on several fronts.

    Maybe he feels that if they can put together a strong team in a weakened league that wins most weeks ,  will perhaps have some of the fickle fans who kept away in 2019 coming back in 2020 as success is important to many who have been spoiled with it over the years (irrespective of what league you may be in ??).

    I am not aware of any major team sponsor having been secured for 2020 although early days. Bearing in mind the calibre of who they got fairly late in the close season which was way down on what they got in previous seasons from the likes of Readypower and Volvo, may also be playing heavily on the club if one was not to be forthcoming of any real financial stature.

    I certainly don't expect admission prices to go down as I would not expect an extra £1/2 to make much difference to the overall crowd level to real speedway supporters and we should not kid ourselves that such a small saving will realistically put 2/3/400 on the weekly crowd. Also bearing i mind  that this is Poole one of the more affluent parts of the UK.

    The Fords may well want to consolidate after the  Financial disaster of 2019 which was certainly accelerated by the loss of the main team sponsor who went bust owing them all that money and not withstanding the loss of what I heard was 3 other major sponsors who for varying  reasons could not continue their support in 2019.

    Will be interesting to see how this all plays out in coming week/s and the Team the Ford's plan to put out to be competitive in challenging for the title/Trophies. Leicester showed how it can be done so let's hope Poole can do similar. Having said that having a big JCB Supplier as your main sponsor and also funding Kevlars certainly helped. Plus they even put out the best N/L team on top.

  24. 12 minutes ago, Skidder1 said:

    The promotion at Birmingham made themselves very unpopular by not paying riders!!!!!:angry:

    Ultimately it comes back to the same question even if he was available.

    Would you sign him on what would be an 11.06 GSA. Now that we know the conv is 1.6 for sure. Even in the unlikely event he got a 2.5% discount for each of the 3 seasons he has not ridden I would still argue that even at approx 10.25 he is too high. Especially as well if the points limit in Champ turns out to be lower than Prem.

    Roll on end of next week when we may be a bit wiser on the new set up for both leagues. Then hopefully we will start getting some various team announcements and can press on with who we may/may not be signing ;)

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