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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Think that may have been the case. Plus they were heavily promoting the Track Shop Xmas opening without any mention of riders which perhaps was an indicator that all was not sorted. Anyway at least we now know the reason which means guys like me can back off on posting comments, as its not rider related and we can just keep fingers crossed they can come to an agreement shortly.
  2. At least they have finally come clean that this issue is NOT sorted which is what I have thought for ages despite some saying it wasn't. As for the riders if it didn't work out ??. I am sure Birmingham would love any or all 3 of our intended H/L. No doubt between them, Edinburgh & Oxford, they could swallow up most of our riders. Certainly hope that doesn't happen and its hopefully more a case of getting all the decision makers around the table to sort it.
  3. if it's not stadium rent related then it must be rider related. Can't see what else could be the issue. The 3 H/L we already know about (near enough) are all Brits so no visa issues on that front. That only concerns the 2 Cook's. Kemp and the 2 pointer are also Brits. If it isn't the rent issue ongoing legal battle that's the issue then I can't understand why they cannot name a single rider. Even IF they had to do a slight reshuffle then in the very least the 3 H/L should be sorted. Unless its a rider asset issue or loan fee dispute. Thinking aloud such as Zach Cook loan fee or asset transfer or Lawson loan fee etc. Even so I still can't work out why not a single rider has been named. Even if there is a doubt or situation on 1/2 riders then that shouldn't mean none can be named so far.
  4. Would be nice if the club announced the guys to the fans . Not panicking but it is dragging on. Even a couple of riders named would be something. With the first 6 near enough known. At this stage I am more intrigued by our number 7. Will it be Mulford or Ablitt or someone totally off the radar. Can't see it as need a 2 pointer who has at least shown some promise. I see Ablitt is named in the B.Vue NDL 7 on teams announced. Mulford is the one who really intrigues me as KL must have seen something in him to announce him as their number 8 and an 8.32 N/L GSA in his first real season was well above Ablitt (born same month & year). like all riders they didn't ride 2020 but in 2019 as a 15 year old Mulford achieved 8.33 incl bonus points in 2 matches for Kent in the NDL. I know I love to delve into the stats but difficult to ignore what he did in those 2 matches plus his first real season for Kent in 2021 in both NDL and Champ. Could he be another Anders Rowe type ?? Guessing of course as haven't seen him ride but could pick a lot worse for just over 2 points.
  5. First comment made before seeing Skidders post.
  6. Still no riders announced. Maybe the rent issue still not resolved. Can't see any other reason why with so many riders now announced elsewhere. Think most of us near enough worked out it will be Worrall/King/Lawson/Kemp/Both Cooks - Now its who is the 2 pointer left Ablitt or Mulford. Both are 17 born with 1 day of each other in March. Mulford scores looked better in N/L last season 8.32 GSA against Ablitt 6.77. Maybe some posters on here have an idea who may at this stage be the better rider. I see Mulford also signed as K.Lynn number 8 so they must have seen something in the lad.
  7. I support Poole, but from a pure racing logistics perspective this move makes sense for Basso. Being a Dane he has to give DK priority, not only from a sponsors perspective but also to enable him to qualify for not only Individual DK honours but also for bigger international meetings like SEC/SGP. World U21 title etc. Secondly he will ride for Peterborough in Prem meaning that ties up lots of Mon/Thur not incl how attractive he may be as a guest for some teams with his low GSA as a first season in Prem rider. Wed will have obvious clashes with DK in lots of cases/ Riding for Glasgow gives him in effect Mon/Thur Prem, Glasgow Friday/odd Tue/Sunday Sat & Wed (Champ). Factor in Sun POL plus I heard rumour of maybe POL U24 meetings on Tue/Sat/Sun which would again make possible a Wed track in UK difficult. I think Basso will have a pretty full calendar in 2022 without a UK Wed racing track most weeks. Much as I hate to say it but riding a Fri track like Glasgow with owners with deep pockets helps him 2 fold (financially & logistically)even if it hurts for us to lose such a POTENTIAL talent. If the top 3 are as rumoured on this forum King/Worrall/Lawson then it kind of heads towards what some thought i.e both Ben & Zach Cook, Kemp and a 2 pointer (Ablitt or Mulford). Interesting as when Danny Ford was interviewed a while back in the Echo, I am sure he mentioned that we are now a feeder club for the top Prem and overseas young riders That could be the case with the 2 young Aussies at 24/22 - Kemp at 19 and the 2 x 2 pointers both 17 in March this year.
  8. Hi Skidder Wasn't aimed in your direction . My comments were aimed more at could the promoters have already agreed on structure/points limits & if any changes to if 1 or 2 rising stars for season 2022. Also the fact that so far Zach has not been named in the 5 named Plymouth riders which a bit of a surprise (if he was staying) considering how low his GSA is, and the fact they have 2 rising stars named in the 5 so far. We all know Zach is a potential upward mover on that 4.40 GSA. His Poole guest scores alone prove that plus he improved in the later part of the season. Let's hope we can get him My only concern on the legal battle was if like many UK legal situations it dragged on well in to 2022 which not great for the Club/riders or us supporters. I am sure Danny/Matt have things well in hand. I am soooo glad I was wrong in how things were going at one stage earlier. So pleased I was wrong big time Knowing the points limit and rising star situation would make the close season name next seasons team game much more interesting and better . I mean for those of us not so close to any inside info .
  9. If Plymouth have already named 5 riders for 2022 including both a 3* plus a 2* rising star as well as 3 H/L, then one would assume the structure and points limits may already be agreed for 2022 ?? I notice that SO FAR Zach Cook has not been named. Ok, still 2 places to be announced but maybe moves afoot to get Zach at Poole ?? Hope this legal battle going on to keep Poole racing at the stadium again in 2022 doesn't drag on too long as am sure riders will want plans sorted for 2022 asap. Interesting to see if Ryan Douglas is on the radar as he is only 0.26 of a point below Rory on the latest GSA. If we are on 41.60 points and the limit is set around 38 or even lower, than something has to give. Leicester are losing Hans A , Douglas and also Zaine Kennedy in 2022 (according to one of the main POL Speedway news sites) and have only signed 5 point Mountain (announced today on SGB) so far. Early days of course.
  10. he could also be a target for this new POL U23 league. I am sure his exploits in UK would not have gone unnoticed by the POL scouts looking for new talent in this new league, similar to what we face with the young Brits.
  11. How about young 19 year old Dan Gilkes who won't have Kent in 2022 and to my knowledge not signed elsewhere and was a 1 star Rising Star. Finished with a NL GSA of 10.24 up from a starting 8. Best GSA in the NL. If he was given the same rising star av that would we hope leave plenty of points further up. Also not 20 until next May plus only ridden 2 seasons as lost 2020 like the rest due to Covid lockdowns. Could be a potential Brennan/Flint/Palin maybe ?? riding on a 1 star (point av ??). Factor in he is a Dorset born lad. Would help if we knew the new points limit and situ on rising stars and if one or two will be required under any new rules.
  12. Does anyone know if the AGM took place yet as saw a comment elsewhere on the forum that maybe it did last week but via Zoom. If not taken place anyone know when it is. Signings announced so far elsewhere would indicate maybe still Prem & Championship leagues but who knows. A 6 team Prem def not good for the sport as it is. Plus the POL new U23 league in 2022 may have a big bearing on young Brits, especially if they go for our top youngsters and race mainly on their usual Sundays thus damaging the Champ even more. That's without the money the Poles can throw at the new U23 league set up. The points limit and Brit rising star situation sure will have an impact on what direction the Pirates go. Personally would like to see if Matt/Danny can pull off both Ben & Zach Cook together at Poole especially the way Zach rode as guest on several occasions. Zach is 2 years younger than Ben and at 22 in his first season fully in UK. A 4.40 GSA is a mockery of what his true worth is based on his Poole performances. Could be a true rising star on a heavily false low average which could be a BIG bonus if they could pull it off. Could also help big time in building team points. Also think both lodging in one of the Middlo accommodations helped, as makes Poole a real home track plus gives stability on home front for both riders just as with other young Aussies over the years.
  13. Was it 6 rides of 5 Skidder ? I only ask as the POL site I use, Speedway News gave his score from 5 rides which makes the 13 points look even better Results (from DMU.RS) Team Fjelsted: 39 9. Frederik Jakobsen (W, 0, -, -, -) 0 10. Benjamin Basso (2,3,2,3,3) 13 11. Peter Kildemand (3, 2,3,0,2,2) 12 12. Dimitri Berge (1,0,3,2 *, 2,1) 9 + 1 12. Patryk Wojdyło (D, 0,1,3,0,1,0) 5 Slangerup Speedway: 45 1. Mikkel Michelsen (3,3,2,3,3,3) 17 2. Jonas Seifert-Salk (1 , 2,3,1 *, 1,1) 9 + 1 3. Andreas Lyager (2,1,2,2,1,2 *) 10 + 1 4. Daniel Jeleniewski (0,1,0, D, 2 , 3) 6 5. Silas Neergaard Hoegh (1.1 *, 1, W) 3 + 1
  14. Must admit I have concerns over this Poole team and the club in general. Can't help thinking 1) Poole won't make the top 4 and will miss out on play offs 2) This could be the last season we see Poole Speedway at the stadium. The dice don't seem rolled in their favour. We lost Ellis before season start only to have it rubbed in as he came back to UK in Champ. His replacement has been more on his backside then scoring near max points in what little he has rode. Ellis has impressed scoring high double figures near enough wherever he has ridden. Keleher proved the flop I feared but sods law he will do well with Plymouth. Our replacement may not even ride here so the Ford's left scratching their head as what little else available at 5. Team has an annoying habit of snatching defeat/draw from victory away and seems to have been that way a few times last few seasons. Let's not forget Plymouth are joint bottom and expect them to be in that area most of the season. Not as if they are are top 4/5 team and once again Poole blew it. Ok a draw but really ????. Those are matches where you would expect the good teams to get 4 points. I don't think current lease holders don't Poole Speedway there and don't want to invest in even staffing the stadium or restaurants etc. Would not surprise me if it all closes after season ends, especially if Poole don't get close to winning anything. Public interest will drop hence attendances plus I think there will be an unwillingness from an already unwilling lease holder to extend it. Think they prefer to have empty and rake in the car parking money and hope the owners and local authority try to buy them out of the lease for the obvious housing development that will come eventually.
  15. Well I was way out on that one with my Kennedy prediction. Been looking up his results on Speedway News.PL and he seems to have been doing ok to start with in Czech but has picked up well since season start in both Czech & more recently in a 2 meeting weekend in France. Not as good as Kvech (maybe) but at 25/26 hew is still young and his results are encouraging incl plenty of double figure scores. Looks like he could do a job in lower part of the team IF he takes to our more technical & smaller UK tracks. As always that's the big question. Has had plenty of meetings since April so hopefully can hit the ground running.
  16. I think must be a good chance it will be Zaine Kennedy. He was my choice originally ahead of Kelleher (who I feared was more of his own media hype than actual ability to do well in UK- His Aussie results were not inspiring either imo)). Must admit I was wrong on young Ben C and pleased I was. He looks to have a future and can cost share some of the overheads in UK with his Bro. Plus believe staying with Middlo which helps. Also young so can step up over time. Zaine Kennedy had a good close season in Aussie also riding in the DW series. Further hints can be gleaned from reading some recent post on his twitter page where he has had the great DW helping him out giving advice etc recently. I also felt that at 21/22 he had more potential but it was Matt who wanted to go down the asset route and Zaine was not his asset. Shame as he had shown plenty of ability had unluckily missed out with an EF or fall in the Aussie U21 final 2/3 seasons back when I believe may have been leading. He was gutted he missed out this season as believe he had a base in UK already sorted after a decent first UK season in 2019 (2020 lost to covid), and thought he had done plenty enough in meetings to warrant a return to UK. I may be wrong but with what Poole have to play with points wise he finished dead on 4 (like Josh Mac) in 2019 and think he could be well above that with some of the weaker bottom ends elsewhere. Especially as he would probably come in at reserve if & when Ben moves up into the first team after first GSA's.
  17. We could get into a long debate if I want to check back over the last few years but won't. Lets just leave it that we have a difference of opinion on the merits of Keleher/Cook snr against say Kennedy and perhaps Josh Mac. I repeat that I really hope I am wrong and both pile on the points for Poole in their respective roles of main team and reserve. As fro Zach Cook. Was not going to happen because Matt/Danny had already commited to the riders that he would keep the same team in 2021. It was only the Rising Star rule & POL rule changes that forced their hands. I say forced but they could have chosen Josh over Ben but chose the asset route. I hope Josh gets a berth in UK when we can hopefully then compare progress of one who had a maiden UK season against a completely untried rider on these shores. Keleher for me still has to live us to the hype that he may be a really good rider. On a 4 he should be a bargain signing but again having never ridden here we shall see.
  18. Skidder - This is a forum where we can share opinion and not just sing the praises of the owners. I have expressed an opinion and made comments which all are free to respond to negative or positive. I have also followed the Aussie seasons for a number of years now when we are in our Winter hibernation mode. I follow regular the Aussie sites as well as Youtube and the main Polish Speedway news site which shows all the results/comments and some meeting highlights. I have openly said that I HOPE that both Keleher & Cook step up to the plate. If they can't do it against a lot of weaker/inexprerienced reserves in this weaker league then they are obviously not of the quality the so called experts make them out to be. Personally I prefer both Macdonald & Kennedy but they are other clubs assets (but both available to Poole). both of them have UK experience and both had their UK breakthrough initial season. I think both would have progressed and would have been good switching in and out of reserve at this even more watered down level in 2021. We could even have had Ben's younger brother Zack as no Somerset and he is arguably in many Aussie's eye a better rider than Ben. Based on both Aussie results from previous seasons and future ability. As mentioned I hope my observation is misplaced but based on studying reports/results of these guys my opinion is as it is. Would love to be proved wrong but let's see as the season unfolds. As for Matt's Aussie contacts - Let's not forget that most of the Aussie NON UK Club asset riders were already signed up & sorted when he signed our 2. Ben was coming with Zach so made sense and Keleher had been telling all of Europe how good he was for ages before he signed. Let's hope the ability and scoring matches his own hype.
  19. Have a sneaky feeling we may be relying quite a bit on Hume & Cook to score points against weaker/less inexperienced reserve riders. There are plenty of these young guys finding their way in these reserve slots. Cook is not a newbie and has held his own against some mid order Aussie riders and Hume is a proven N/L H/L with scope to improve. Still fairly young and missed some time with injury. Incredible to think a rider younger than Cook i.e Zaine Kennedy who has regularly scored well in Aussie and just missed out on their U21 title some seasons back (as well as scoring so well at the weekend) has missed out (so far) on a UK slot. I wanted him for a while to be at Poole but the Fords seem all about trying to sign new assets. As Kennedy is not as asset it seems they don't want such riders. I assume also about saving money as no loan fees to pay. Who would I rather have at 4 points -Cook/keleher or Kennedy. On ability and age I would go for the latter but let's hope I'm wrong.
  20. Indeed it was an E Final which puts into perspective how bad his performance was. Lets hope there is more substance to this guy than just flashy social media sites and a snazzy website. I was not impressed with him even in the 2020 Aussie finals before his injury and think we have signed him more on maybe hype than perhaps ability. But suppose he is a club asset which is the most important thing for Poole it seems similar to the totally untried Ben Cook in UK. I worry how we will stack up against the likes of Leicester who look a really strong top 5. maybe we will be relying heavily on our 2 reserves to outscore heavily against riders such as the Thompson twins. Leicester top 5 of Douglas (almost unbeatable so far in every Aussie meeting) Morris (surely will get back to being the 8 plus PREM rider he was 2 seasons ago), Howarth - Proctor & Bates looks strong. Our top 3 look ok but below that will be interesting.
  21. Was a bit surprised Keleher didnt post on social media re his performance in the Darcy Ward meeting on Saturday. Hardly inspring - 3 points from 4 rides - a win in a B final against 4 nobody's and then disqualified. He beat not one rider of any note in those 3 points beore the B final where he rode against riders all below him and none of any stature. When you look at the decent riders scores including young riders with potential like Jedd List it does make you wonder. He is not a youngster (27 plus) has been riding bikes for years in one shape or another. I do hope his riding for Poole turns out half as good as his media sites portray both himself and his website. But suppose with the promotion its all about asset building. Below is the scorecard it took days to get. Before the diehards say its only one meeting, please look at ALL the decent riders scores as well as those with little to no experience like Jedd List. 1. Ryan Douglas (3,3,3,2) 11 + 32. Zaine Kennedy (3,2,3,3) 11 + 23. Jason Crump (3,3,3,3) 12 + 14. Nick Morris (2,2,3,2) 9 + 3 + W5. Jordan Stewart (2,2,3,3) 10 + 26. Justin Sedgmen (3,1,2,3) 9 + 17. Rohan Tungate (2,3,2,1) 8 + 3 + 08. Declan Kennedy (3,1,3,1) 8 + 29. Kye Thomson (2,3,1,2) 8 + 110. Jedd List (3,1, W, 3) 7 + 3 + D11. Jacob Hook (0,2,2,1) 5 + 3 + 212. Mitch Cluff (1,3,0,2) 6 +113. Jake Allen (1,2,2,3) 8 + D14. Connor Bailey (2,0,2,2) 6 + 215. Cooper Riordan (0,3,0,1) 4 + 116. Zane Keleher (0, W, 1,2) 3 + 3 + D17. Cordell Rogerson (2,1,1,0) 4 + 218. Kane Lawrence (1,2,1,0) 4 + 119. Flynn Nicol (1, W, 2,0) 3 + 020. Joel Coyne (1, W, 1,1) 3 + 221. Moz Brown (0,0,1,0) 1 + 122. Broc Hall (0,1,0, U) 1 + 3 + 023. Aaron Jackson (1, U, 0, D) 1 + 224. Bailey Viner (0,0,0,1) 1 + D25. Josh Coyne (1) 1
  22. Sounds to me like the kind of thing which could drag on for years. In the meantime let's just hope that Poole can continue to use the stadium, plus the stadium facilities for a few years yet. I suppose Matt/Danny will come forth via the Echo and Social media if there is anything worth mentioning in the near future. Hopefully we go forward even if it is one season at a time.
  23. Yes I know. However would you be keen as a high end purchaser really be happy to have the noise on your door step. Will be intrigued to see how this develops (if at all). The development is mightily impressive, but the speedway track. Let's see.
  24. You can see that going down a wow with the apartment owners on top of the stadium. Speedway noise travels. Much as I as a speedway fan would enjoy a free ringside seat from my balcony, heaven help what the rest of the residents would think of it. The redevelopment idea/plan is very impressive and in line with what I would expect on prime Dorset land. A speedway track in a high end residential area I would be very surprised to see. Love to be proved wrong. I lived in a 13th floor high riser overlooking Hackney Marshes when I first got married in 1975. I used to go to the track regular as only one mile away. I can assure you it could be loud enough back then even from there so lord knows how much noise these residents would have to put up with.
  25. That's what I was saying. Only made the point about Latvia as its an even worse drive if driving from DK and for what - a dozen meetings over Lat/POL maybe which restricts him to 3 leagues. He cld do 4 if he combined the 2 UK Lges plus DK/SWE. Keeping say 2 bikes based in UK would surely make a lot of sense with potential income from lots of meetings over both and with a good sponsorship presence. Also thinking long term he can still squeeze a food few seasons over the 2 UK Leagues as he is still well thought of (and supported by sponsors) and the quality short term is still going to be within his scoring range to be a force. I still think long term a number of the top riders will avoid UK. POL rules will imo still continue to allow maybe a max 3 leagues and riders like the Danes will always go down the POL/DK/SWE route for a combo of financial and geographical resons. Swe on a Tue and then drive accross to DK for the Wed makes sense as not having to fly in and out of UK. Danes need DK due to sponsors and allowing them to qualify for their own national Champ as well as SGP & SEC qualifiers. I think Hans case is he is getting older so he can maximise meetings and income over 4 lges without having to go to Latvia/POL. He has dropped from POL EXL to POL 1 and now POL 2 so his light is fading in POL. Looking at the riders in his new team Dauv to be honest I see it being a struggle for them (just my opinion).
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