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Everything posted by STEVEHOLS54

  1. Getting back on topic of Poole 2022. If Nathan Ablitt is going to be our number 7 (still to be confirmed), then may we worth watching this race on his Champ debut for Eastbourne last season end July at only 17 years and 4 months old. Found it on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sj_tSTDCXuU If link doesn't work on Youtube type in Nathan Ablitt Speedway and it's the 4th article down Eastbourne v Plymouth Gladiators heat 12. He did well to finish second from the outside gate 4 beating both what will be our new rider Zach Cook and Alfie Bowtell. he scored 5 paid 6 from 4 rides. Can't believe the likes of Matt & Danny don't see these kind of videos if i can find them. Remember thy guy is not 18 until March. I take the view any points scored by him are a bonus to the team in his first real full season in Champ.
  2. Does anyone know when next team signings will be announced. Also can we expect the rest of the team in total being announced this week or will it be dragged out over some weeks. Hope not dragged out as the only surprise now will be if the No 7 is Ablitt or Mulford.
  3. Fingers crossed we get some good news. Hopefully also some team news, although think it will be a bit of an anti climax as the ongoing stadium discussions and all except Birmingham's last 3 riders and Berwick 1 rider have kind of eliminated any guessing. I for one will be greatly relieved when they do announce all okay, and also intrigued by who we go for at number 7. Iv'e aired my views on here a few times who Iwould prefer, but honestly i'll just be relieved we have a team to race in 2022 .
  4. Think all us Poole fans known for some weeks it will be King/S.Worrall/Lawson/Ben Cook/Zach Cook/Kemp and a young rider on 2 or a tad over 2 to stay within points limit. Poles have not loosened rules for POL EXL and with DK racing Wed and SWE Tue it would have been a nightmare getting anyone riding in those leagues for us as a Wed track. Same with any riders doing U24 POL Extra Lge this season where race day at least for the POL EXL U24 is a Tuesday I believe. As soon as this rental situation is resolved then the Ford's can finally announce the team. That's of course if they do which all of us sincerely hope does happen.
  5. Just read Oxford announcing last 2 riders at 7 a.m Thursday. May well give us a better idea of our number 7 IF they announce one of Ablitt/Mulford.
  6. Going to be interesting as the 5 announced seems to have a strength in depth feel to it already. May also give us a clue to who Poole will have maybe as there number 7. Will be good to see how the 7 look compared to Poole as will be good meetings between those 2 I feel this season.
  7. Also on Kemp perhaps some forget he won 2 races in the KOC semi at Poole where he beat Basso in 2 races. Paid 9 from 6 races pretty good considering he scored 6 in his first 3 rides (both wins). Also he scored 6 paid 7 in his first 3 rides in the first leg. Again he beat Basso so that was 3 times he beat Basso over the 2 meetings. Maybe Danny/Matt saw something in those meetings alone irrespective of him being still a promising young rider. Not everyone matures at the same level. The fact he has been signed also by Wolves and in POL (Gdansk in Lge 1 as an U24 rider) means that potential is still big in many eyes. As I finish, looking at some of those last meetings he also scored 9 from 5 rides against Glasgow and 8 plus 1 from his first 4 rides also in another late meeting V Glasgow. Add in a 9 plus 3 bonus from 5 rides against Redcar. For sure October looked a decent month for Kemp. If he can continue in that form I think Poole have a decent signing and let's not forget he was only 19 in August, so still plenty of time on his side. For sure he needs to improve at tracks like Glasgow but its important we win our home matches and keep where possible within 6 points in the away matches where possible. Hopefully with some wins at the weaker teams.
  8. Have to remember this is part of a plan B after Basso pulled out and upset them big time. Think they already decided on 3 H/L after last season and that alone meant after Basso saga they would have to do a reshuffle further down. Think they had already commited to both of the Cook's so it really did reduce options at reserve. Think Kemp deserves a chance. Wolves have signed him in Prem so must see something and he is going to be getting regular racing experience at UK top level besides riding at Poole. Also riding in POL so will be riding lots. He also scored decent at Poole last season. For me getting 3-3 or 2-4 in the reserve races won't be a disaster, as don't expect much in return from the number 7 whoever he is. To a degree there will be more pressure as we won't have a Basso to cover other riders not doing well in the meeting, but something had to give anyway, as even if we had signed Basso we still would have had a points limit situation facing Poole in the lower 1/2 berths. For me top 4/6 is the target initially and situation can always be reviewed as the season develops.
  9. Still cant find any clues out there as to who our number 7 May be, considering Mulford & Ablitt only seem the realistic options for the berth with what we believe is left to keep us in the points limit. I noted Skidders comment regarding a non reliable source had mentioned maybe an approach for Ablitt, but bearing in mind many of us worked out the other 6, I thought the number 7 would have been sorted or worked out for sure by now. Also bearing in mind they are the only 2 left from what is available that may stand a chance of staying on the same lap as the established riders with most of the other most promising 2 pointers have already been signed.
  10. So does anyone have any idea of Oxford's last 2 riders ?? Looking at the final GSA's and whats left I can only come up with maybe Crump ?? and one of Ablitt/Mulford as maybe just squeezing in after taking the 2.5% UK riders discount into effect. Unless I have missed someone. Still have this feeling that Poole & Oxford will snap one or the other of the 2 promising 17 year olds. Also considering I believe both live in the South. Does anyone have any knowledge on what may be happening on those last 2 slots ??
  11. Ellis is signed in Swed and races on a Tue and on one site he is showing Grinsted in DK (Wed) but that could have been 2021 as not clear. But maybe he won't ride Champ ???. He could have Thur and some Mon with Sheffield - Swe Tue - Maybe DK Wed and Pol on Sundays. Not sure if POL Lge 2 teams will also have an under 24 league and if so which day racing as the POL Exl U24 is midweek (think on Tue). Will Ellis really want to break his balls rushing back from Swe for a Wed when he can take his time coming back and prepare for Sheff most Thursdays. Just my opinion.
  12. When is the announcement expected this week about an announcement. Below is what was posted on Edinburgh website on Christmas Day. For those fans who enjoy an announcement of an announcement, keep an eye here on the Monarchs Official Website next week
  13. Ignore this uuuggghhh. I misread it as Mulford. My comments were in the hope it was Mulford. Sorry Skidder
  14. Hope it is, as i have mentioned him for a while on the Poole forum. No idea how good he is as have never seen him race and little to nothing on Youtube. But from his Kent stats from those 2/3 meetings as a 15 year old (all then missed 2020 due to Covid) and the excellent stats as a raw 17 tear old in his first real season 2021 in NDL with a whopping 7.78 GSA PLUS any BP on top is impressive. Also some at K/L must have seen something to sign him as a number 8 ahead of the likes of Ablitt. Just an opinion of course but the stats don't lie and neither the fact that a Prem club has bestowed such an honour of signing him at 8, is hard to ignore. Especially when we have to try and sign a half decent number 7 on 2 points plus anyway. Let's just hope that your source (even if not reliable) maybe on the mark with this one
  15. Indeed. Evidence has proved that with Poole having had Cook#s/Basso and in last Prem years with Woryna/Jakobsen etc. Not so easy this year with points limits and keeping 3 major H/L plus the 2 improving Aussies (Cook's), means we expect to be putting a lot of faith in Kemp improving and leaves us with a 2 pointer. At least if Kemp really does move forward it leaves us with either Ben or Zach to slot in at reserve where we know BOTH can do a lot of damage. For me just holding our own in the reserve race will do as our H/L should hopefully do plenty of damage during the meeting.
  16. Does anyone have an idea on Oxfords last 2 riders ??. Not being mischevious, but don't suppose they are holding fire to see how the Poole situation pans out ?? Most others seem sorted. Edinb/Poole we know the not naming is due to keeping quiet until they know stadium situations are clarified, and Birmingham came late to the party so have had to a degree had to sweep up riders not commited elsewhere already. Anyone out there maybe with some possible inside info ??
  17. Despite some of my earlier concerns (plus those of others who are not connected to the top table). It is heartening to know from comments made by yourself and another who are in closer contact, that the smoke signals coming out of Ford towers indicates that we will hopefully have a positive outcome to racing in 2022 . Of course all of us who support Poole want to see rider announcements. Part of the fun of the long dark, damp Winter days/nights is trying to work out the team for the following season. Unfortunately the ongoing rent discussions have delayed that. Meaning that by process of elimination if nothing else leads many of us to know the top 6. For me the question is, who will be our number 7 ???. Mulford appeals to me most of the 2 plus pointers available (I mean not announced elsewhere yet), but I notice a few have not named their bottom rider. Berwick/Birm/Edinb plus Oxf still to name 3 riders, and Oxford are also a Wed track. Just have a sneaky feeling we will get one and maybe Oxford the other out of Mulford/Ablitt. I could be wrong of course. Have not seen any comments from Forum contributors on who they think our No 7 maybe except those on mine on a few posts.
  18. Hardly surprising considering the lack of any positive news coming out of the Poole Promotion regarding team announcements or the stadium. The only thing they have pushed was the Christmas opening of the Track Shop over Xmas , and this was heavily promoted on Twitter and Facebook. So in effect promoting the sale of merchandise despite not having one rider named or if we will even have a track to race on in 2022 if they cannot resolve the rent issue. I don't enjoy being negative and hope the Fords can sort something soon. You have to admit though that it is a bit concerning also with Edinburgh also being in a similar situation of not naming any riders or again if they have an agreement in place to continue racing at the stadium. Lets hope that Matt & Danny can give us something positive soon so we can get back to the subject of the team and 2022 in general.
  19. Am I reading this situation correctly ?? The lease holders want to double the rent but also provide virtually nothing in the way of facilities such as manning the restaurant and food facilities. If that is the case it really does seem that they want the speedway out. Also if they have, as I saw mentioned on here, about 17 years left on the lease, could they benefit under a sublease arrangement for at least 5/10 years of very lucrative income IF (and I say IF) the land was redeveloped for both housing and retail/business. Or would that not be allowed. Assuming that was what the Council ultimately would prefer long term as I assume they would benefit plenty from the land being redeveloped. Looking in on the Edinburgh forum get the impression all not straightforward there either with redevelopment plans afoot for building on the land which has been given planning permission. Looks like that is already on the market. Interesting that they have also not announced one rider even though we probably know most of their intended team. Going to be interesting to see how both situations unfold. Fingers crossed positively we hope for both clubs.
  20. Agree. Let's stay on subject guys & girls. This is the Poole Speedway Forum page. All are welcome but please let's keep it civil and decent. Thanks
  21. Your last comment may well be nearer the truth. Problem is that a sport in decline with lower crowds and income than back in the SKY Sport days, with lower commercial/sponsor income doesn't help the club. Also with the disaster of the previous main sponsor in 2018/2019 (cant remember which year) going bust owing the Club plenty, has not exactly helped bolster finances. Lat's all just hope a resolution can be found that works for all parties.
  22. The commercial/residential plans/pictures posted on the forum earlier this year did look impressive for sure and showed how the area could look more in line with the 21st century. There was no way you could have seen a speedway stadium looking in place in such a facility. Let's hope at least for the forseeable future they remain exactly that - Just plans/drawings
  23. Think all decent speedway fans agree on that score. We will just have to be patient I suppose as Xmas close down for many will probably drag this into next year.
  24. The Forum has supplied plenty of comment/rumour on this subject going back to earlier this year. We had that the leaseholder wanted to double the rent for 2022. Maybe true - Maybe not We had that they preferred to keep it as one massive parking lot as they made more from car parking than they did from speedway. We had the fact that the long term leaseholder (and also Greyhound Racing operator), stopped the Greyhound racing and wanted to see it stay closed and then redeveloped for Housing & Commercial development giving a much bigger return. Saw similar comments that the Council would prefer similar but there was all this talk that a local ruling said it had to be kept partly for Speedway/Sport and with all the plans put forward no way could you have both with the layout. That would in effect or kill speedway there. So there have been plenty of rumours on what the lease holder and or council actually want. Whatever it is maybe true or false, lets hope the Fords can et Poole Speedway some kind of future even if only short term.
  25. I agree. Although it would have maybe helped us of a more inquisitive nature had they said they were still in negotiation on the stadium, although were confident of a resolution. The silence sowed more seeds of doubt in minds like mine as they normally drip feed us rider signings. Many of us already had an idea of who might be signing although Matt especially always had surprises up his sleeve on riders we had maybe not included. The more signings announced elsewhere coupled with early rumours on Lawson signing (first announced on Polish Speedway news site many weeks ago and then mysteriously removed a day or so later), supplied more fuel to Lawson/Steve Worrall and King being secured. Further rumours on Kemp and long ago rumours re Zach Cook coming over from Plymouth after his late season heroics and with Ben having a good first season (hampered by injury in later part of the season), plus both living together as brothers at Middlo's removed much doubt on the top 6. Also with Plymouth naming their team early without Zach. It kind of left us really only having the 2 plus pointer at number 7. I hope personally its Mulford (named as number 8 at K/Lynn after an excellent first real season for Kent in N/L and Champ. Ablitt as second choice who has commited to B.Vue in NDL for 2022. Both still 17 both born in March a few days apart. just a feeling that Mulford has something extra hence why KL jumped in to give him that 8th slot. Maybe someone on the Forum has a better insight on that one. In the meantime lets hope Matt & Danny resolve the stadium situation asap.
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