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Everything posted by Midget

  1. Let's look at it anotherway then..... If Craig Cook had been cought vaping in a hotel room, would he have been dropped?? I think we all know the answer to that. Glasgow Tigers have had Bickley lined up ever since workington withdrew. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denail
  2. What a load of rubbish. We all know money is no object, so 600 quid on a race suit is peanuts. The club is that desperate for success it has no morals an no loyalty.
  3. Glasgow was a better club before the current owners got involved. Used to love a trip up there, unfortunately it's the last place in British speedway I would now visit. British speedway was also better without the current Glasgow promotion being involved. What a disgusting way to treat a young British rider, who has spent money on equipment, hours training an preparing for the season, an what for? To be kicked in the teeth. No wonder British speedway is on its arse. HANG YOUR HEADS IN SHAME GLASGOW SPEEDWAY
  4. Your the one who seems to like to "throw the toys out the pram" when people on here tell the truth about your beloved tigers.
  5. Hahahahahahahaha. An none of us seen that coming did We? What a joke of a club Glasgow have become. I will be visiting northern clubs this year after the comets demise, Glasgow will 100% not be one of them, I simply do not agree with how it's run. Feel sorry for the young lad they signed I the 1st place.
  6. I'm a comets fam through an through an have missed a handful of meetings since the re launch in 99. Being honest an not letting my heart rule my head, I think it's highly unlikely we'll ever see the comets on track ever again. As stated on posts on this forum, costs need looked at, also some sort of cap across the board needs implemented. As Laura Morgan stated herself, there was a meeting with the bspa about every club needing to reduce costs then the next thing Glasgow are offering stupid amounts of money to tempt riders. Who are Glasgow going to race against If this carrys on? Themselfs. Also Any good businessman will only loose money for soo long, look at Keith Denham, who in all honesty probably has a bigger personal fortune than the brothers at Glasgow, not only did he offload the comets, but at the end did he was nowhere to be seen when help was needed. Moving on to rob Godfrey in this week's speedway star, that's just comedy gold. A promoter trying to save British speedway. What a laugh, the man hammered a couple of nails in the comets coffin with his interference an objections reguarding fixtures.
  7. 50k was the figure. Isn't it ironic, that 50k would probably kept us going for another season
  8. Gutted to wake up to the news that the comets won't be coming to the tapes this year. Workington speedway has been a massive part of my life for the past 20 year, iv made some great friends an have some fantastic memories I'll never forget. Thank you to everyone who has been associated with workington comets over the last 20 years it's been an absolute blast
  9. Wright a better rider, proved so last season.
  10. Why would Sheffield stick with howarth an drop Wright? Wright was easy there best rider last season
  11. Looking at your team you have a lot more to worry about than rasmus Jensen. Particularly sarjent, starke an them two reserves. It is what it is, I don't agree with how Glasgow went about the way they did to get Jensen, but he's there now an has 10k in his back pocket. One with about rasser is he won't take any crap or pressure from the Glasgow promotion when things ain't going there way. Could of been worse for workington with Glasgow trying the same dirty tricks with Bickley, luckily young Kyle was a lot more loyal than rasmus, and stuck to the agreement wich had been shaken on.
  12. The more I look at the Glasgow team the more it softens the blow about the sneaky underhand tactic the used to sign rasmus Jensen. Karma is a bitch an the more I look at the Glasgow team the more it makes me smile. That is not a good team at all, workington proved last season that 2nd strings an more importantly reserves win meetings. So all that money splashed out on a signing on fee on Jensen, going against an agreement an a fellow professional teams back an for What? Chris Harris being on guaranteed mony every meeting last year proves you can't always buy success, let's face it, he was pretty poor wasn't he.
  13. Wow, I can not for the life of me understand why we have signed Simon Lambert? Any one seen his away average last season? An absolute shocking signing. Sorry but it can't be defended.
  14. For me he was the best rider in the league 2nd half of last season. Will be a huge miss that is for sure.
  15. I would rather have any of the mentioned above over Lambert. Surely the promotion an team manager at workington have more knowledge and experience than to go with Simon Lambert?
  16. With cook and fricke on similar averages I suppose it was always going to be one or the other. Who would you choose? It's a no brainer really so can understand bell vue's decision. What they have done wrong is the way they have went about it. Surely some one from the club should of had the balls to tell mr cook he wasn't in there plans.
  17. If it's true then it's a terrible signing. Never going to improve now. Why not give someone like nathan greaves ago? Got potential, is young an will improve
  18. Solid looking team again, add Josh McDonald and it's looking good. But please please please don't spoil it by signing Simon Lambert
  19. Double his wages, plus the 10k. No Chinese whispers. Just facts.
  20. So Glasgow offered rasmus Jensen 10k and a bike JUST to sign for the season, how do they have the face to plead povertity in the speedway star just a few weeks earlier?? Desperately trying to buy the league trophy, and in doing so stuffing up every other club In British speedway. All you get out of riders now when negotiations take place is Glasgow have offered this...... As if the sport isn't in enough trouble without Glasgow pulling tricks like this. Let's just hope they win something next year or who knows what desperate measures they'll make next. Sadly though I can't see them winning anything with the team they have put together, sarjent at 2, starke at 4 an two week reserves that's way two long of a tail.
  21. Please please please no Simon Lambert. That would be a woeful signing.
  22. Not to concerned about ty, he is what he is and isn't going to improve. Also causes trouble where ever he goes. The team above does look concerning though, could be a long season. How about Charles Wright? A very good rider at this level an a joy to watch
  23. Glasgow are a total joke to British speedway. Pleading poverty in speedway star last week saying this will be there last year unless things change and costs reduce. Then poach a rider who has already agreed a deal with another club, offering silly money in the process. Well guess what Glasgow promotion, you are creating the problem, not just for yourselfs but also for every other club In British speedway. I think rasmus has made the wrong choice and one he could regret.
  24. Glasgow are a total joke to British speedway. Pleading poverty in speedway star last week saying this will be there last year unless things change and costs reduce. Then poach a rider who has already agreed a deal with another club, offering silly money in the process. Well guess what Glasgow promotion, you are creating the problem, not just for yourselfs but also for every other club In British speedway. I think rasmus has made the wrong choice and one he could regret.
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