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Little Thumper

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Everything posted by Little Thumper

  1. Well at least Buxton have got two three riders for next year. That's two three more than Stoke seem to have managed. Give it LARGE, Buxton.
  2. Wow! Not sure that Buildbase will want to have their "Yes We Can" logo on there for too much longer! I don't see how this stadium would be fit for anything without a tidy sum of money spending on it. Great shame.
  3. If you get fed up with the bloke with his sex face on then this would be good:-
  4. I wouldn't worry too much! This saga has been up and down more than a Blackpool roller-coaster so a bit of slightly out of date news won't alter much.
  5. Tried logging on to the Coventry site. They are having a Critical Error. Sums it all up really.
  6. I quite often see them slackening the rear axle nut and using the adjusters to alter the chain tension. Never understood how the chains stretch so badly.
  7. Never understood all this chain adjusting business. Must be really cheapo chains if they stretch as soon as you look at them.
  8. Shame there isn't a None of the Above option. They are hardly thrilling.
  9. I'll get a grip if you get a sense of humour. Deal?
  10. As so often , your assertion is correct. And as you say, some of those MX people have rather inflated egos!
  11. Well, that's a shame. Not having a TV, I haven't seen it myself. Did you notice if they had to do endless chain adjusting and faffing about with the clutch? How did they cope with the starts. Many rollers or twitchers? Thanks.
  12. This might be a mistake................but go on, tell us about this motocross mentality.
  13. Well, I thought it was a really angry bloke with a pair of bicycle dropped handlebars taped to the back of his head. Allegedly, it is a picture of a certain Mr Angry from this forum, better known as .....
  14. Not really. Most of the competitors appear to be amateurs - lot of plumbers, electricians and kitchen fitters' vans in the paddock! Both the riders and the race meetings/championship seem to attract quite a bit of sponsorship though. Lots of kids and families involved and some of the meetings are two dayers, so a bit of a social event as well. Usually, the events are pretty well promoted/advertised and I would certainly recommend people to go and have a look if they haven't already done so.
  15. I sometimes go and watch Super Moto at 3 Sisters near Wigan. The race meeting comprise various classes for different engine sizes and usually have things like quads and Superlites in the same programme. This variety provides a pretty entertaining day's racing and the paddock is always rammed with competitors and they seem to get healthy gates with the £5 admission charge. Speedway has got to think a bit more outside the box and widen it's appeal, in my humble opinion.
  16. Well, that was a pretty impressive car park at Barcelona! Trouble with that speedibee is that he is a bit of a Speedway Snob. The Right Crowd and No Crowding mentality. Mind you, when I get to his age, I might go a bit fuddy duddy as well. Can't all have youthful outlooks like me and Gustix! :rofl:
  17. That Marc Marquez is one talented rider! Why couldn't flat track racing be a regular thing at speedway tracks, as I am sure it could be quite a good attraction? More people, particularly, young uns, identify with motocross type bikes than they do with speedway machines. Quite a lot of youngsters ride or have ridden off roaders. Very few will have ridden a speedway bike. And I would have thought that the sport would be a lot more accessible to potential competitors as there are a lot more MX bikes about than speedway bikes. Speedway has got to expand it's portfolio otherwise it doesn't have much of a future, methinks.
  18. Vince, what makes a good venue for flat track? Would any speedway track be o.k.? Do they get many entries? Yes, the Spanish love their road racing and a lot of the GP boys do a bit of MXing. Thanks
  19. I see from reading MCN that reigning Moto GP World Champion, Marc Marquez, has qualified quickest for tonight's race. I quite like the look of this flat track stuff. Do they ever run it on speedway tracks and if not, why not? Thanks
  20. Yes, birchfield aces, I hear what you are saying. Sadly, the press releases from such meetings only report a few carefully selected highlights. Surely, it would not be unreasonable to expect to see the agenda, the list of attendees, the summary of the arguments put forward for each item and the decision reached for each matter? It should not be an "A" said this and "B" said that kind of thing, That is not how it usually works. Where a matter is sensitive, for example where a particular individual is being discussed, then it would not be reasonable for this information to be put in the public domain. Sometimes when there is an apparent cloak of secrecy wrapped round things, it makes us, the supporters/customers, feel disconnected from something that they feel pretty passionate about and they start to wonder what might be going on that is so highly confidential.
  21. Although, it goes against the grain, I have to admit this is one of the few good things that happened at Stoke. The riders would have a couple of minutes blast round without their helmets on with a bit of hand waving thrown in. It was probably more dramatic at Stoke because they only turned any lights on a couple of minutes before the start and then suddenly there was this explosion of noise and light! If they had played some suitable music and whooped the "crowd" up a bit, it would probably have been the high point of the evening. But they didn't, so it wasn't. Speedway needs to be a bit more edgy. Ann Widdecombe once said of Michael Howard that he had, "Something of the Night" about him". I think speedway needs to create this aura of being dangerous and dirty whilst at the same time being professional and well-organized. After my first visit to the NSS, I expressed the opinion that it was too sanitized and promptly got myself shot down in flames. If people want to watch sanitized, politically-correct sport then perhaps they should try Formula 1 or top level football.
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