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Little Thumper

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Everything posted by Little Thumper

  1. I think you are lapsing into Yoof Speak! If you start using yeah, no and whatever then I shall get really worried.
  2. Air fences may not be perfect but nobody wants to see this Surely, it is the responsibility of the Clerk of Course to ensure that air fences are correctly installed.
  3. There's something on the National League thread about Chris Morton having a coffee morning at his Cheshire gaff. Well, something like that anyways up.
  4. Hey, you're being a bit grovelly there, if you don't mind me saying! Do you have any views on air fences, steve? Personally, I quite like the yellow ones as they always seem to remind me of bouncy castles.
  5. Well, that's all very interesting but why are you having a go at me? I only asked Speedibee if the Gary Frankum to whom he referred was the one in the picture and to be honest, I wish I hadn't bothered! robert72, I have absolutely no interest in who you might or might not be and perhaps now might be a good time to get back to the fascinating discussion about the dynamics of air fences.
  6. Whoa, boy! I never said it was you. I was just asking speedi if this was the Gary Frankum that he was referring to? Where you keep your hair is your business but I suggest you keep it on and chillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.
  7. We're leaving the EU so don't worry about it. They can stick all their petty regulations where the sun don't shine. Hooray! :party:
  8. Slight misquote there, P the A. I went round the corner to Mr Morton's house as I was concerned about his well-being after hearing tales on here about his house being re-possessed and I wanted to reassure myself that it wasn't so. I didn't knock on the door and seek an invitation to partake of a beverage but I did observe that Chris was still in residence and his Rentruck car was still parked on the drive. Chris Morton has been one of my heroes since the beginning of time and will always remain so. Chris Morton still appears to be the owner of Belle Vue Speedway Limited and I would love to think that there is some way that Chris will continue to be involved with speedway whether it be at Belle Vue, Buxton or wherever.
  9. As far as I can see, Christopher Morton still owns Belle Vue Speedway, even if in name only. I don't believe that we have reached the stage in this country where a company that has not been declared insolvent or gone into administration can be taken off it's apparently legal owner just because people don't like the way it's being run. With this in mind, surely Chris Morton is involved in the negotiations for the future of Belle Vue Speedway and if it can be shown that the unfortunate events that led to the club's current predicament were outside his control, then his involvement may well continue.
  10. I see that the accounts for Belle Vue Speedway Limited are marked as being overdue. https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/06012405 So there is Belle Vue Speedway Limited, Belle Vue Speedway Manchester Limited, BVA Holdings Limited, Belle Vue Academy Limited and BV Arena Limited. Wow, it's a complicated job putting on a few speedway races.
  11. I hope for the sake of the riders that they have something in writing otherwise they might be just a little miffed if the Cut 'n' Shuts don't get off the ground. Quite who they would have a contract with at this moment in time is a bit of a teaser. If no new Belle Vue promoter is actually in place, then I'm not quite sure who the prospective riders could have a contract with. And I'm not entirely sure what Coventry's contribution to this venture is likely to be. It makes you think that this scenario must be a little further down the road than it would appear to the mere speedway supporter.
  12. Bloody hell! You've never heard of Rob Maxfield or Soldier Boy! I thunk you are in the wrong forum here, matey. This place is for Speedway supporters.
  13. MattK, I don't quite understand the last bit about practice sessions. Is it saying that there is a limit of 7 hours of practice sessions each week? If that's the case, I wouldn't have thought there would be much chance of running a speedway training academy. And is there any limit/restrictions on other events being held at the venue? Thanks
  14. I think this is a handbags at 50 paces scenario. Either slog it out boys or get a room.
  15. What are you apologizing for? Surely, you don't have to apologize for expressing a reasonable opinion? Or do we have to apologize in advance of saying anything these days just in case somebody, somewhere might possibly be an itty bitty bit upset? Stop the bus, I want to get off.
  16. Thanks for that but I can read. So my question still stands. Show me the twisted views and bile because, for the life of me, I cannot see either in what has been written on this thread. Is it me or is there something to do with mountains and mole hills going on here?
  17. I was watching a you tube of a meeting which included you in action when the new Buxton track opened. Having seen the amount of time you spent pushing your bike off onto the centre green, I bet you would have been grateful for a more reliable motor such as a GTR!
  18. What will the admission price be for 2017? Probably, £12/£13 do you think?
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