Just a thought as this will not happen over night, but as with F1, does anyone think that the GP series could evolve in the future where the 16 riders whom compete within it are doing it on a full-time basis only and thus not racing for a league club?
Obviously the money would have to be there in order for this to happen, and the series itself would have to expand from say 11 rounds to 18 rounds - it could potentially take the series to new lucrative countries and not only gain in terms of finance but taking the sport to new viewers
For example, adding a round in the USA, South Africa, China, Qatar, UAE as well as possibly expanding with an additional new round at either say Wembley or the Olympic Stadium....
Could the GP series evolve where countries like Qatar etc. pay a fee to host a round?
An expanded series hitting new territories should attract bigger interest from blue-chip companies, all I saw at the Cardiff GP was Monster, Monster, Monster plus whoever sponsors each country GP in Cardiffs case Adrian Flux. - There is scope I believe in the future to take Speedway to a new audience into some of the richest countries in the World who have the financial clout to support it even if its seen as a gimmick to bring something new to their own region.
Any thoughts anyone?