A two day meeting in Manchester, In October?? Really. sorry I love this sport, and have supported for over half a century now, but this does not seem logical to me....
The liklehoood to me seems that at least one day will be rained off, and there will be no time to re-schedule. Hotel fees and flight costs will be at wasted
One day -Friday?/Saturday? would at least leave Sunday open for re-staging. As it stands fans from outside the region and Country have to book for a two night stay, and will possibly have to leave without the meeting being staged.
I know this is a gamble we all routinely take every year, but this seems a step too far -though I admit I have not checked the historical weather records, and perhaps the FIM have...??
I live about 40 miles away, and had booked a hotel for this year. Will see if any tickets are available on the day next year, if it does not fall on half term again, when I will (hopefully)be abroad.