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Everything posted by singy13

  1. Reading of so many Speedway tracks struggling financially , and the most recent closure, are the Northside Comets gonna have many opponents to face?
  2. Constrictive criticism ........................................really??................ (constructive ??????)
  3. Well that's awful..............surely some form of publicity campaign, e.g. billboards/bus adverts/home delivered flyers, could be used to make the massive population in the 'second city' very aware of happenings at Perry Barr..................it's an old adage but speculate to accumulate is a proven advantage. Sadly it seems speedway is less attractive than forking out for a pizza. (just a random example of money well spent - it seems).
  4. Birmingham speedway is more like a mirror of Newcastle Diamonds.............. these outfits have had many ups and downs over the years. So many closures between the two it comes as no surprise to see the critical finances of both aired in public while looking for sympathy. But that's all they'll accrue. Because I'm afraid the fans with long memories know how delicate it is supporting such fragile outfits that they'll not come out in big numbers any more.....sadly it seems only speedway suffers this sporting dilemma.
  5. Still nice to be able to find an old programme stashed away in loft etc. Like looking back through them from eras when we followed the Comets to such as Eastbourne, Canterbury, Mildenhall, Peterborough, Bradford, Quibell Park, Sunderland etc etc.....the programmes from such venues add to great nostalgia............very important.
  6. You would deffo hope it is much less rent given the poor following...........what is the the fan capacity at Perry Barr? The photos I've seen lately seem to show not very much as regards spectator terracing, with a few dozen speccies visible. Maybe there is plenty of seating inside, behind the glass, where there is a restaurant? My old venue of Derwent Park was a 10,000 limit with plenty of terracing and a decent grandstand.
  7. Hello THJ............There's been some fantastic electrical wiring jobs done in empty buildings in St.Bees/Egremont/Whitehaven recently discovered...........those guys might be able to help you lol. More seriously is there any equipment now redundant at Brough Park of any use at Northside?.....If so maybe set up a funding system to enable fans to assist?
  8. Very sad news......even more so given that the 'Comets' are now reviving, always liked my visits to BP. Just a thought though......Newcastle Speedway, down the many years, has suffered similar closures.....the 1929 to 2019 was not 90 years of unbroken speedway was it. I recall (memory test here) seeing Anders Michaneck(spelling error?) lording it at Brough in 1970 (?).....then the next season Diamonds were gone......came back again mid-seventies wow the 'Owen brothers' my Comets had there work cut out matching Tom and Joey around Brough.....although sometimes we did.....Comets went ti*s up and I lost track of Diamonds but I'm sure another closure happened (you'll know better)....anyway what I'm really saying is Speedway does so often have a phoenix quality....the Diamonds know this and could be back.....I sure hope so. BTW my forum mate THJ sounded off didn't he........passion galore from him.....nice to know he's helping at Northside.
  9. Sorry geoff I now think your comments were observed from listening to the podcast and not via a northside visitation ?
  10. So guess you visited northside track geoff? In what respect did Andrew seem a bit nervous? You say "nice to hear the plans"........was it his delivery of those 'plans' that perhaps worried him?
  11. Yeah John if an old git like me can scramble up and over the pile of soil/debris ( no fence) at that end of the stadium then it's more than likely those energetic travellers will access via there.....some form of fence is sure gonna be best.??
  12. Yeah it was about 2 ish.......we parked ( daughter and I)and then walked along path beside train track and entered site next to tractor and two containers......could see a few workers right opposite. I must say that track is very impressive.....still plenty to do with regards to the speccies requirements, but seems plenty of vantage points to please us/them. Yeah Dan was brilliant, apart from his last two rides......can't fathom why he chose 'white' in his semi though??......it cost him a final place. By the way John think you and your workers will need to plug that gap that we scrambled through coz those that wont pay might use that way ????....e.g. like those that used ladders outside Derwent Park lol...
  13. Hooray.......found it at last. It's only took me approx 12 months to discover this new track...........it's coz of my age ya know. So yes we took a spurious route, after parking, and eventually fund it marra. And my first impression was how wide the track is compared to Derwent Park's.....surely guaranteed for overtaking? Can't wait ,as I've said previously, 'til the the action starts, good work guys..........give as a 'C'.......
  14. Well yes geoff of course the track has gone for good................although perhaps the RL club are not entirely at fault in some respects? It is strongly believed that the Comets Speedway were lacking in funds and owed rental to their RL landlords ?????(who knows eh?)'....And of course there was the 'new stadium' fiasco. As regards watching the Town RL I have been a fan for 60 years, and always will be.........despite actually residing in 'jamland'.......Haven for me? never...........
  15. Thanks John............can't wait until tapes up .. I'll do my bestest to have a butchers at the track , either before or after the next Worky Town RL home game.(June 2nd.)
  16. 11 days since last news.............so...... how's it garn marra??????
  17. Yes I did think the ads interrupted the intros......and maybe they (TV producers) should have waited until fans/riders had paid respect for their sad loss?
  18. I haven't read 100% of the comments on this Ipswich v Sheffield scenario......but a lack of crowd at the Foxhall stadium last night is mentioned..... It appeared on TV shots that not many were indeed present.....What sort of intrigued me was when the riders lined up before Heat One for their introductions - it looked like they were only being introduced to the Referee and Announcer.....there wasn't many more bodies around the starting gate area. Is that always the case at Ipswich ? I have been accustomed to being amongst low level crowds at Derwent Park and that caused the promotions to eventually shut down........let's hope it was only live TV syndrome last night?
  19. Presumably car park is still large enough considering quite small stadium capacity of only 2,500....?
  20. Yes I would include all of that 2018 team. And of course Carl Stonehewer. But the man who got me to attend home and away during the opening 1970 season was the original Mr. Excitement, Bob Valentine - not the best gater, but that wasn't ever a problem to Bob...
  21. I haven't noticed the all important parking area on any pics... ....there won't be as many 'walk up fans' able to attend at this new facility...so hopefully plenty of parking space.
  22. It looks good on the pics, and your detail seems fine THJ......must check it out visually, if can find it, on my next ASDA trip. I assume the banking seen on pics will be for the speccies - with the 1200 seats purchased to be divided between both straights.....anyway roll on the first action....
  23. Yeah with it being sort of 'off the beaten track' (no puns intended) it's perhaps vulnerable to the odd unfriendly visit.......and like you though ..I sure hope not.!!!!!!
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