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Everything posted by singy13

  1. Sorry M.D. It's just that I don't like to hear what is bad news for all us hoping our new track succeeds. Speedway is clearly an expensive sport to administer. And somehow that needs to filter down to the riders who, rumour has it said, bleed the promoters almost dry. Common sense needs to prevail for the long term future of what I believe is a fantastic sport.
  2. Wow that sounds so idyllic......and being on my lonesome these days I don't have consider the latter, hurrah ( I do miss her tho). I can actually remember ( here I go Mr. Nostalgia) however, back in the Stoney era, watching my RL team - up the Town- on a Sunday aft then dashing home to Egremont (12 miles ish) grabbing a sarny and tekkin the dog out on a rapid walk - toilet sorted, dog, and then back in vehicle and off again to Derwent Park for the evening speedway treat....great stuff. Don't think I could stand that pace now, although I would give it a go........whoops don't have dog -oh well much easier then . Hopefully Andrew and gang get this major northside operation ship shape and he can afford the scary BSPL agenda....roll on high noon!!!!
  3. Sometimes in 2018 at Worky less than the 600/700..........................I remember a very poor Newcastle team attracting hardly any Workington/west Cumbria folk...think that was the 387 gate referred to earlier.....Comets also lost a cup match at Armadale by 59-31.....so 24 hours later at Derwent Park I was sat amidst loads of empty grandstand seats - locals obviously thinking why bother Comets are out of cup? - But.... the great Danes and co. amazingly turned it around ,albeit aided by a stupid error that got Ricky Wells excluded in heat 15 for 'delaying the start'......great stuff *ref, ha, ha. (remember that night THJ ?)...... That started the end of season bonanza, crowds returned, the grandstand was packed again, but sadly all too late to save the promotions losses. * that top quality referee has now retired.....thanks for the great service to the sport SW.
  4. OK I bow to your superior speedway knowledge. It's just so annoying that a sport that is clearly dying on its wheels and yet those in control (ho, ho, ho) i.e. the scary BSPL seemingly make it so difficult for any new promotion - why, why, why? I will have everything that's possible crossed in hope that the Worky Comets manage to overcome the costs and fly around the Northside arena....................but who's gonna be left to provide opposition?
  5. Go on then marras back up your words and give us some reasonable guesstimates............. + or - a few k will be fine.
  6. 12:00 might be a tad early for many riders, if they are to travel on the morning, and any away fans might not like it. Suit us locals though lol. Maybe such as 5 p.m. more convenient for the majority? Or 6 to encourage keen soccer element? Guess you'll need power at any time for starting gates and all the various lights, especially red and green?
  7. The riders will bring about the sports downfall via track closures if they are too cash greedy - then they'll have no one to pay them anyway.
  8. The thing is the Comets were initially very well supported (in both eras) - fans followed Comets both home and away-then the west Cumbrians began losing interest, quite rapidly in fact. And it's thinking of how fickle, yes the folk around here can be exactly that - Fickle, it's same with RL... Therefore it's probably a bit risky to serve up such as National League racing and expect large attendances - ok yes for a couple or so meetings. But my lifelong experiences as a faithful Comet make me feel worried if NL is used per se.............just my thoughts guys, I'll be there whatever.
  9. Hope not it seems so many laps of complete mayhem.....can't for the life of me see the attraction....or do I need to get a life????
  10. But those on ladders were still there on bend 3.
  11. Yeah very poor crowds before the closure...I recall meeting the Comets announcer after one meeting and queried the attendance - he said it was 387......my worries of the future certainly leapt into panic mode. So speedway is a sort of 'novelty' sport, when those less dedicated fans disappear it's deffo doom and gloom for the diehards. I also recall the late great Ian Thomas claiming "the honeymoon is not over at Derwent Park" , that was approx 2006 and crowds were around 1200 then. Mind for the 2018 end of season play offs the crowds were very good - but the damage was already done of course. Hopefully the Northside 'experience will again prove attractive to the locals.
  12. Speedway can be so cruel as you say Dan is a tough nut as we saw back in 2018 v Lakeside....triple femur break (I think?) and the kid recovered so well.
  13. Yeah he went over fence onto concrete terracing......................
  14. Laal Dan Bewley apparently been in bad crash tonight in Poland....hopefully not too serious?
  15. Total "fire sale"..................hmmmmmmmmmm I can taste his burgers, with relish.........hot diggity dog...is he selling that facility too??
  16. People of Worky are preserve purists.....................the other town are jambos (except me).
  17. Coming out of bend 4 was always dodgy, especially if trying a last lap overtake...many a time riders had to shut off for fear of hitting the enclosure wall........although one night Les Collins swooped past Stoney there and even waved at Carl as he went past......scary but brilliant speedway.
  18. I've seen Taffy Owen go over fence 2 bend, and years later Grant Macdonald cleared bend one. Sadly the latter caused injury to a fan. Both riders thankfully ok.
  19. The shale would always get you on first/second bend even when standing high up on terracing at Derwent Park.....probably because of excessive track banking..
  20. Lowca marra..............................I'm a Whitehaven resident.....did always travel to Derwent Park watch to Worky Comets.....and still (unlike geoff100) attend each and every Workington Town Rugby League match...can almost see the Haven ground from my house, not my fave team tho...ok I'm weird then lol.
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