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Everything posted by singy13

  1. Looks like Ty suffered a painful hand injury tonight......hope he doesn't have to bail out or we are sunk.
  2. Remember being at Newcastle when Comets were there, with Howarth then a Comet, my mate and I got talking to a young girl standing next to us ..who was on her own. We said we had been Comets fans for many moons.......she said she was Howarths' girlfriend........she added - so you might have heard of my Dad then ?.....he's Neil Middleditch. Sincere apologies if that is no longer the case mind (regarding Howarth that is..)....but we both told her we had indeed heard of her Dad... lol...........
  3. I'm sure the venue I've compared populous with .i.e. Peterborough will also house many close-by laal villages, with the odd Panthers residing there....even with the 'jameaters' (me) and Scaryport included there wont be anywhere near 200,000+ within the Comets catchment. ) Strange kind of 'moth' you mention THJ....lol
  4. It's a continuing mystery where the majority have gone marra..............but Speedway always attracts their best crowd on an opening day for new club.. Workington crowds, for all three clubs, do not seem so bad considering the population of the laal town is only 25,000.......compare that to the Peterborough populous of 198,000 and it doesn't seem so bad does it? Good travelling fans too from Worky.
  5. Yeah not good.....it was on being told about new stadium that I started Derwent Park thread last month...speedway seems out of the plans. Although some latest comments seem to be fuelling hope that the 'new stadium' isn't gonna be built as soon as first envisaged. Towns' crowds are currently biggest of the three sports........
  6. What has always intrigued me about Derwent Park...a stadium completed in 1956....is the fact that the terracing was built in an oval shape. Why?.....did the original planners foresee speedway eventually taking place at the stadium, or perhaps greyhound racing was to be accomodated?.......... Anyone know?
  7. The 'Reds' have always used Borough Park.....and the capacity was usually around the 20,000 mark.... But nowadays there is no longer a Main Grandstand, think it might have been taken down due to the Bradford episode..there are a few seats now placed on the 'popular side..ok must be approx 500 if it says so somewhere....(but I've counted them..ha) anyway their placement does considerably take away the standing room on pop side..therefore reducing the overall capacity of the stadium. Back in the day Reds had crowds of five figures versus Carlisle in the league, Notts Forest in FA cup, Chelsea in League Cup..don't recall the Newcastle friendly at all.... .And Worky Town pulled in similar crowds (20,000+) at Borough Park for cup ties versus St.Helens and Warrington. The Derwent Park record is as you say 17,741 (I was there)....even the grassed area of the third and fourth speedway bends was packed...wish we could see similar at DP, for both sports, again.....dream on eh!!!!!!!!!
  8. What assets are included in the sale please?
  9. Are you ok now THJ having got that out of your system.....bet you are having a well earned cuppa? Oh and didn't see any Toon players in that Carlisle Utd. line up......? Are you feeling ok THJ, having got that out of your system? Bet you are having a well earned cuppa? Didn't see any Toon player in the Carlisle FC upsurge?
  10. Hyde Road crowds superb...used to try and get there - from Cumbria - as often as poss...never been to dog track. Did visit NSS on non meeting day - hoping to see 'brick' I paid £50 for...but not possible as they are in locked foyer section (i.e. locked on non speedway day drat)......nice stadium though.
  11. Oh such happy days, with the sport booming. If only there was a simple solution to regaining such appeal for Speedway. The product still can provide 'magic'...as per Monday nights finale at Poole......and my brilliant Comets last Saturday...great stuff. But Joe Public who followed the sport many moons ago is a hard nut to crack regarding joining the turnstile queues again...............(hopefully some still read the SS though)
  12. Regarding "shut up shop" comment I fear for the future of the wonderful Speedway Star....I mean once the season 'fully' ends how on earth does this magazine survive? Surely most sales are made at the tracks? So come the close season won't those figures slump to possibly alarming levels? I get mine thru subscription.....it's a read I love and would be lost without it.....how about you?
  13. ...speedway...the thinking mans sport.......
  14. Good report in the 'News and Star'......hopefully it stirs up the interest of former Comets fans.....pity no fixture this weekend keep the momentum going tho.
  15. I've never seen so many bodies thrown in the air in celebration as happened last night.....hope no injuries received lol.
  16. And it was done...hooray....Workington - the sporting capital of the UK.........
  17. Just need a win at Donny tomorrow for almost perfect weekend ha.
  18. It reminded me of a similar finish versus Newcastle when we needed a 5-1 to win and Stoney and Brent Werner rode four brilliant laps with a packed grandstand raising the roof....wish we could see the stand as full again...this team deserve it...
  19. Mended now......thanks for that Comets......brilliant to watch.
  20. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.......jock's away hahahahahahahahahahaha
  21. bit of both......the track shape is rather different than the 'fair to all' one at Derwent Park...plus - with as much respect as I can add - the stadium is also different..e.g tin sheeting etc. than most I have seen.
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