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Everything posted by singy13

  1. Flippin British weather.......sat there watching it pour for almost an hour.....bet it's stopped now we are home....still maybe the night off might help comfort some Comets bumps and bruises??
  2. Hmmmmm.....think I may have noticed a bit of that......but it is commendable to do a bit of vol work.
  3. Well done for all your work......not read all posts but you mention it(vol work) a lot in ones I have read....I did similar (two roles) for a local club and had a free pass...but gave funds via other avenues...why not keep a low profile and just have a quiet pride in what you did?
  4. Raining a bit too much here in Marra Haven.......but forecast seems ok. So let's do it for Ty.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. So you will have 6 riders with 9.50 av. each........................gonna be some sting in that tail.
  6. Is 1970 far enough back for 'the good old days'??? This was when the now famous COMETS arrived on the scene......and the fans first ever hero must have been Bob 'bluey' Valentine...just a small guy in black leathers who wowed the 3,000 regulars each Friday...not great gater, which made watching his daring his passes all the better......sadly he only appeared that one season - and I'm convinced many folk drifted away from Workington speedway in 1971 onwards because of that............
  7. I would imagine it has.......and that's why I/we spend time, words, high blood pressure attacks, in often failed efforts to convince those who don't appreciate speedway as a serious sport to perhaps alter their views....All too often the image of speedway is as a circus sport and is proven to doubters by such stupid rider 'sharing'.....so silly.
  8. Do they though???......when some people ask daft questions I await them asking if a rider can ride for both teams same night......it'll be asked one day.
  9. Yep.....could, maybeeeeeeeeee, see such as Mildenhall, Eastbourne or Birmingham step up.....??????
  10. Therein is the most important issue to sort first for 2019................who/where will be enjoying Speedway 2019.....18 Prem and Champ clubs as of now...BUT will they all re-appear for another season...I think it's highly unlikely....I still hope some new clubs could be formed...?
  11. And am I right in reading previously that you use a laptop at work........if so gizza job marra.... Oh and have you included race nights in the above.....heads done in too much to read it again....good tho ...give you that.(Mind you have put fr instead of 'for' on line 3..lol)
  12. One league is certainly gonna see off many veterans. Must be an awful decision to make having enjoyed the thrills of such a dangerous sport........could always get a job with Deliveroo though - express service guaranteed.
  13. Some riders can't see the wood for the trees though.....and that's awful of the famous Bomber if indeed he was an influence in Rye's closure.
  14. You still interested........having finished two months ago lol..???
  15. Welcome back THJ..........you make good reading....or there again it's scary stuff for us Comets devotees. Three finals with no time to arrange them all.....with important team members not going to be available? It should never be like this............but speedway is in a league of it's own when it comes to self destruction.
  16. I was wondering what's happened to Totally Honest John........only to see headline re Thj and Vetlanda...so guess he's in Abbaland..??? Just needing an update re Comets fixtures/averages etc as per Thj style.
  17. Carlisle would be good..........don't knock all the west Cumbrians mind....some, but not enough granted, do love the Comets.
  18. Surely there are towns...cities even... where it's still possible to open some new tracks? (where are the promoters willing to gamble?) Ok maybe the sport is in terminal decline but if new areas could be introduced the influx of new fans would help all concerned....or is speedway nowadays just an alien sports product?
  19. Last Saturday spent hours at Seascale beach with Son and Granddaughter kicking stones......dying to be hit by some flying shale....now all I can hear is 'anti-speedway stuff' battering the house windows...it's just not fair (pardon pun)..
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