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Everything posted by singy13

  1. Yeah so let's help them make it H19TORY.........pleased with today's news tho.
  2. Never thought of that....but you make a very interesting point....time will tell.
  3. Ha, ha,....that's for sure...............but hey many great memories of good old DP.......back in 1970 I would never have dreamt of watching my speedway team do a treble....and as I've said before I was one of those 17,741..
  4. Derwent Park has only been filled once since opening in 1956.......1965 for a Wigan cup tie ...17,741. So filling on a regular basis not gonna happen........yes I agree temp seats might just work for a triple sports solution....but who are we to say? I see Town are right now asking for volunteers to help clean up/paint/etc at Derwent Park.......maybe, hopefully, the new stadium will be further away on the horizon than first mooted?
  5. The Reds are in Northern Premier lg.. Prem Div....which is 3 levels down from pro League 2 where Cumbrian rivals Carlisle United currently sit.
  6. Think it best to leave Derwent Park as a stand alone Speedway stadium...maybe even Stock cars could be introduced, considering the much hallowed turf wouldn't need the protection it now receives..... As for the Soccer and RL clubs 'folding' these are sports that are not, never have been, as 'fly by night' as Speedway always has been....Yes some have fallen by the wayside (before I'm corrected).. but not, nowhere near, as many as there are former Speedway outifits...I've got the book on defunct tracks....it's quite sad actually. Oh and there have been 7,000 plus crowds for three Scotland RL matches in recent years at Derwent Park....this could be repeated in an 8,000 seater. Someone quoted Reds current average at just over 300.......yes they are non-league and struggling....but I would bet anyone that if they came up into full League action their crowds would be far superior to anything else at Workington........and I'm both a Townie and Comet fan but believe that would be a fact...
  7. That's about it.....Rugby and Soccer will commit to long lease...Speedway not certain to even run in 2019.
  8. Yes in 1980 we won two matches = 4 points = bottom by a home straight....and I remember 1981 nearly as bad a but up the table a couple I think.....I recall counting the folk present quite easily....well the racing was so boring you see. And certainly there were people who didn't give Comets much chance in the 2nd leg v Monarchs....I went just to get some fresh air....and that remarkable comeback was my favourite speedway experience of 2018. I don't get all this "what price would you pay" that you are in top gear about........if the entertainment is worth it the public will hand over the cash.....grumble about it of course it's what we do best.
  9. Ok so next you'll be wanting a bloomin bus pass to get there then? And the only assistance re poll tax, it is Council Tax btw, that I know of, is when you live alone you get a 25% discount.....not great when you lose someone dear to you to get that though pls believe me.....and you'll maybe, just maybe, get to a situation in your life when you'll find such concessions worthwhile....young fella........
  10. I don't see Speedway as a £10 sport at all, too little for top entertainment.......the 2018 rates at Workington being fair for all. (£16 and £13.....kids ???) Yes pensioners should have their concession................those who disagree will be guaranteed to change their minds in the future....shame on greedy Glasgow. "pensioners have more disposable income than workers.".....wow. no way ....especially if you work at Sellafield...top pay......outdoes pension by far....had taste of this former comfort and now on much less via latter coz of age.....not by choice lol.
  11. Pouring down outside.......and I don't care........lol
  12. Yeah 3 years minimum makes more sense.......by that I mean the 'Townies' I stand with during RL matches scarily told me that next season would be the last for Town at DP with the stadium then raised to the ground and a new stadium taking over...for the life of me I cannot see a new stadium being built that quickly....Town even way back in the 1990's had plans drawn up for a new stadium..I've seen them...glad I didn't hold my breath waiting for their inception...
  13. I think Comets will make 2019..........but seeing as Derwent Park is due for demolition it's maybe the finale for them?
  14. Great stuff, well said....think my Workington bias was to the fore when I made my judgement....it's true that those who take time out to post on this forum in the main do love the sport... And it will be handy for info (including wind ups)during the long cold winter days ahead.....although ...roll on next March.
  15. ................Totally Honest John......best read, witty, sensible, fearless, adding to a wonderful Workington season.......roll on 2019 marra....
  16. Yes experienced that many years back....when there was no other seats available.
  17. Yes correct re Grandstand........and from my viewing at Town matches, who often return a 700 approx attendance, well there was certainly more than double a typical Town gate......or I need to urgently get to Specsavers.........by the way does speedway have a 'shared gate' policy as RL do for cup matches???
  18. It seems the current vogue is to refer to the Comets as an unfashionable club. On what basis is that theory brought folks' mind-set? We have probably one of the ** best stadiums** in the Championship, a great racing friendly track. Plus, obviously, the best team, and despite reports to the contrary a great bunch of fans. With one of the best away followings by numbers in the sport....what is 'unfashionable' about any of that? **Peterborough also good**........any others ????
  19. Maybe that was the figure 30 mins before tapes up you were given........ .....the Grandstand was well packed and holds 1000..so let's, as a conservative guess, say 900 in there.....the 1st and 2nd bends were well populated, as was the back straight - popular side of stadium...it's not easy to guesstimate of course but the figure looked more like 2000 to me....
  20. Brilliant night....been waiting for this since Berwick Bandits beat us at DP in April 1970.......and seeing such a big crowd gives almost as much satisfaction as winning....fantastic.
  21. Yep he prob does and is currently possibly putting a strain on them via keyboard sledgeing....THJ has been very informative, and useful, regarding the Comets fixture dilemma, also inputting some very good information regarding Tys chase for a 7 point ave....enjoyable reading material. But now he seems to been drawn into battles with several speedway warriors who probably find it an entertaining past-time. Personally, not that THJ isn't capable of holding his own, I would keep away from these types and just continue speedway craic...although with season ending soon there's not gonna be lots of that........anyway roll on 7;30 p.m.
  22. It's gonna be a long day waiting for 7:30 p.m.......and hasn't helped with clocks going back. As for meeting I think ten points will be difficult this time.....Morris, Lawson and Ellis are no slouches.....especially Morris who will be hard to beat.
  23. Very entertaining.... if not totally speedway related lol.......and once you've downed brekky god help PE7 then......just put laal bit in bold coz your "fat fingers" have me wondering was it breast or breath you wont hold ?
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