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Perton Wolf

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Everything posted by Perton Wolf

  1. Just had a small shower but seems to have stopped for now.
  2. Quite surprised by that, I was always under the impression you couldn't like in Sweden.
  3. Oh absolutely but that wasn't the point I was making really, just that this signing is possibly another negative for Poole.
  4. Ford seemed to give out the impression that he could be welcomed back on a much lower average next season...........well, having him at Reserve for Rye House will put that idea to bed.
  5. Interesting signing - should score a few points at Reserve but would then expect him to be average at best back in the main body of the team. Also, why does the Rye House Co-Promoter seem to think that a Reserve can be nominated in Heat 15?
  6. He's very good around Belle Vue, not sure he will score too many elsewhere to be honest. What's his average?
  7. Kennett is proving to be about as much use as everybody predicted on here. A really strange signing.
  8. Poole even got 5-1ed when they took their tactical ride. This is just beautiful to watch
  9. So what do you say to Wolves fans who had to put up with a season of below average performances when Woffinden achieved that 7.03 average? That because he's done well abroad since, his past form for Wolves is irrelevant and has been stricken from the history books? We aren't talking about form from half a decade ago or longer, it was relatively recent from only a couple of years ago. It's right that Wolves benefited from his real terms low average as we were the ones who had to put up with his below par performances before, not to mention that he is our Asset - what about Tungate? Somerset never got to see the advantage of his average being reduced....... Which is fair enough for Belle Vue and it's their gain, but you can't really argue the moral case here, not a leg to stand on. Add that to the fact that Tungate will probably end up improving his average to a bigger extent than Woffinden would of if he had rode 4 home/4 away for us last season! As for Rossiter, people like him will further see British Speedway decline. You have a World Superstar like Woffinden and instead of at least aiming to come to a compromise with him or even appease him, you completely alienate him. It's called Man Management, an art which has been lost in British Speedway it seems. I'm not sure why so many British fans seem content with finishing 4th place in the SWC when we finished 2nd last season but oh well............
  10. It's pretty damning that British speedway is effectively being run by the same man who is overseeing such a decline and farce at Kings Lynn. Says it all really.
  11. I do agree with that but would be very surprised if it was Poole and he was to go back on his previous word to Peter Adams and CVS.
  12. He has said that he would only ride for Wolves if he rode in the UK again so this would be a betrayal of sorts!
  13. Tai has just posted a skull and crossbones on Twitter - or am I looking too much into that?
  14. Schlein and Lindgren really poor, fantastic from Masters, Good Effort from Perks. As to be expected from Barker and Greaves. Good job Kings Lynn are struggling else I'd be worried about not making the top 4. Can't see us winning the Playoffs with this 7 though, unless Lindgren gets back to his previous form.
  15. NSS is by far the best racing track in the country, was surprised it produced relatively little passing in the first half of the meeting but has lived up to expectations since.
  16. Get Tai on the phone! 😐😂 Think Perks' bike was remiscant of our season in recent weeks......up in smoke
  17. I was thinking the same - very little passing so far.
  18. Love the look of Bewley, a real talent to come which is great news for British Speedway but overall, it's been below standard from Freddie and Schlein so far. Masters has been fantastic.
  19. Well, I'm sure all the Aussie Riders who base themselves in the UK will be pleased with that! Don't we want to attract top Swedish and Danish talent anymore? Or are we just content with the British League being a bastion of mediocrity?
  20. Which would leave us without any riders that ride in the Polish top flight, including Max Fricke. As if the standard of British Speedway isn't bad enough.........
  21. If you had two part time jobs and got offered shifts at the same time but one of them paid a lot more than the other - which one would you pick? Not to mention that his Polish club probably wouldn't select him again if he missed their meeting, obviously he will get selected at Wolves still. No brainer for him really, even if he did have a false choice as you seem to imply.
  22. No - British Speedway as a whole did that a while ago.
  23. He doesn't get to choose as far as I'm aware, they are contractually obliged to by their Polish club. Poland is where the money is unfortunately.
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