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Everything posted by JOS50

  1. In other words, if this flag was associated with a black group who killed white children in church, you'd still use it?
  2. Perhaps common decency had someting to do with it ?
  3. He does in the memoir I read years ago,but only a small mention!
  4. The good ideas keep rolling in. Forgot to mention and in the interests of fair play, you also, may get the opportunity to call me an idiot to my face sooner than you might hope.
  5. Not a nice way to describe the man that 'saved Swindon speedway'
  6. I'm a he and you'll get the opportunity to say that to my face, sooner than you might hope. Hope there's a good word fits nicely with pray, you all can do that as well as fight for your new stadium. I accused you of nothing. I apologised to you for the unintended inference that you may be, like me very sceptical about this project. The last press statement from T. Russell gives next thurs. as the realistic opening date. The MP has just stated that planning is passed and that they should go ahead. True or false? Idiot posting?
  7. Sorry mate, a momentary loss of reality, can't wait for our new stadium with Ronnie's fifteen or is it seventeen drains?
  8. Why the idiotin' hell don't you all just give in to the inevitable?
  9. Another huge crowd that packed the Dudley Wood stadium, original home of the Cradley Heathens, would be Alan Grahame's testimonial meeting, with a packed program of events, including vintage dirt track bikes which seemed to go down well at the time.
  10. Nice one, I'm cool, trust me, Cradley '64 the crowd I called large, was more like massive and really friendly and it is a fond memory.
  11. It's always been Cradley to me, first went there in '64 and it was fantastic, large very friendly crowd, loads a girls, couldn't have been much better. As for non speedway people reading this forum, blimey that ought to frighten off!
  12. They ride at Wolverhampton, as they lost their home some time ago
  13. Johnnie Hoskins once said 'there are two kinds of people in speedway, those that know the rules and bend 'em and those that don't'
  14. Why I'm so angry and rude. For anyone who doesn't know the area, the north Swindon development of which the Abbey is now an integral part, is larger than any town in Wiltshire, apart from Swindon, approximately a town the size of Salisbury added on between Swindon and the speedway. So this town has, as always punched above its weight to help the rest of you, most everywhere else round here there are protests against extra housing. So fool that I am I prayed for the saviour of the world renowned Abbey Stadium, after all its just a few acres of land compared to hundreds of acres of new housing. Could it have survived? There's always alternatives to any plan surely? I felt at the time (2007) we should have fought harder to save the place. Old Swindon may have done, but this is a tory town now. The council were generous with planning for this site and even more so when G.I. asked for more. So with six meetings left, what happens next? The only way forward appears to be the demolition of the old before the new can begin, I just want to get it over with now. Oh yeah I'm a miserable insomniac as well.
  15. Cameron gave Tomlinson the most important job he's had, yet Tomlinson will not even tell how he will vote in the EU election, so he must be for out, this being a good opportunity to show loyalty to his leader, so as for caring about speedway.....
  16. It's all over man, relax. Or should I say, it was all over 9 years ago. I want this on the next page, that's better.
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