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    Sweden NT, Dackarna & Vetlanda

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  1. Isn´t Kim Nilsson supposed to be the second reserve or is the info on Wikipedia not up to date? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Speedway_Grand_Prix
  2. Fun! When is the last time a new speedway track was built in Sweden?
  3. Interview with Martin Haarahiltunen from SVT for those of you who are interested. https://www.svt.se/sport/isracing/spikat-for-vm-haarahiltunen-laddar-for-internationella-comebacken
  4. Out of curiousity does anybody know what happened to the track in Portugal that existed atleast somewere in the 2000s. Remember seeing on some old polish result site about some meeting being arranged there. It was also mentioned in a shortlived speedway magazine in Sweden somewere around 2003-2005.
  5. Good point especially when guys competeting for lesser teams which could have caused more problems for the teams above either are missing (Zagar and Smolinski) or aren´t as good as they used to be (imo Milik and Lebedevs are a quite bit from their best form from a couple of years ago).
  6. Atleast in my book a quite interesting/fun piece of news. In 2022 the Individual Swedish Championship final will be part of what in Sweden is known as "SM-Veckan" i Linköping. Basically SM-veckan is a arrangement during which several (generally) smaller sports have their Nation Championship during a week in a specific city, all broadcasted on Swedish Public Service. https://www.svt.se/sport/sm-veckan/speedway-tar-plats-i-sm-veckan-2022
  7. And a link to a "livescore" for the event.http://online.speedwaylive.eu/volne-zavody/pardubice/zlata-prilba/2020-10-04/quarterfinal.html Does anybody know if the event will be geoblocked?
  8. Seems to be a fare list if your looking on it from a Swedish perspective. We have both the rider who have benefited most from the new system and the rider which have suffered the most from the new system.
  9. Wouldnt the following be reasonable Croatia Poland Sweden Denmark GB Russia Czech Republic Australia Germany Italty Slovakia Slovenia Ukraine France Latvia Finland My country nr 10-16 if I would guess based on which countries that have rider(s) with atleast a (slim) theoretical chance of qualifiying for the SGP and the info provided above. Tbh with country 10-16 we would probably cover most countries were their is atleast one decent rider (or better)
  10. Attendance was 1237 according to Swedish Public Service Radio-channel SR: https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=110&artikel=7382844
  11. Wasnt the track in Vojens built with purpose in that specific area since the area is an industrail area and not an area filled with residential houses. Would seem to be a good match, with a loud sport in a "loud" industrial area och not beside residential houses.
  12. Appears as Bellego won´t race in Vojens. Jurica Pavlic will step in instead. https://www.espeedway.pl/news,tauron_sec_bellego_przegral_z_kontuzja_zastapi_go_pavlic,94805,286.html
  13. Not a liveupdate but something atleast. https://www.facebook.com/holstedspeedway/?hc_ref=ARQs2JXfMFSqYMaon6B3Gk1mwFS_HdlbCocFXL0_Jj3NpJmHwOj5fhXPZKQy7aprzZA&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARA65MLq97LK5a1GN8gxRpW1dQW4BaFe7zQkahP1OUGWYNptXdLu8bQvejfxZmtjITNvDGzNFUMnGwKvMkk3JTSa-syII7tzgqLmpsMVz6cVikJJlRmVxDsCYOyQrhYmaMwqPtEhZfHyP8bugT3PyphnTWErbUGk7BTV73oVTgU1i-fZeW7h3qzcBlf4heGliiYlt_hxBG0K6EN09C1JB6VwoLXc7uE5THeZWNfOEju2ptffNB5Dtkf3NCF63XEWAicFu75CQumlFdA2g0igOM6yBlJQ78DbqMNTa50tkmhMpmjotBohoDgqUz2UCPUaUHlEataWgo4y6hCOIOjlTsQkDw&__tn__=kC-R
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