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Clive Ward

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About Clive Ward

  • Birthday February 13

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    All speedway, Moto GP, F1, West Ham, Cricket & Darts
  • Team
    Kings Lynn

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  1. 1. Ipswich 2. Belle Vue 3. Kings Lynn 4. Sheffield 5. Leicester 6. Oxford 7. Birmingham
  2. I think every Lynn fan I know would be well pleased with that team
  3. Totally agree, if we are going for strength in depth and it appears that we definitely are then Anders needs to be at number 6
  4. Thanks for that, we should be there about six so hopefully get a space in the car park.
  5. As the FIA run World Motorsport why can’t they insist that Poland adhere to the agreements that they have made with other countries and if they can’t why can’t they.
  6. Cook is the only decent rider to replace Wojdylo as Riss’s average is to high I think.
  7. Definitely have to make another change if we are serious about making the playoffs, but who to bring in. From last nights gp Huckenbeck certainly has improved since we last saw him at Kings Lynn and would definitely have him back also Lebedevs looked useful and would also be a good backup for Toby. Can’t think of anyone else who could do the job that we need
  8. Although it was a good performance from the team last night we definitely need one more change asap. Personally I would keep Tofty and get rid of Patryk as their averages are virtually the same but I suspect Tofty comes a lot cheaper money the club could put towards a replacement. The big question is who is available on about a 7.5 point average.? Can’t think of anybody who would like to come over to the uk to ride, thoughts anyone.
  9. Grippy or slick ? when the heat times are in the 58-59 second bracket the racing is usually poor more gate and go and with what I’ve seen so far gating is not our riders forte. When the heat times are 60 seconds plus the racing seems to be better so it’s a bit of a dilemma which way the club goes.
  10. Great post agree with everything you said especially getting frustrated when we could have got something from the first two meetings and didn’t but I only see the team improving as the season progresses. Having said that I feel it’s going to be difficult making the play-offs as Ipswich, Belle Vue and Sheffield are going to take some beating so making sure we take the other 6 bonus points off Oxford,Leicester and Birmingham is going to be vitally important for our chances.
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