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Everything posted by BurntFaceMan

  1. The Poole track was sh*t earlier in the season, as many of us (including myself) publicly stated. There were meetings with only 1 or 2 passes all night. The track is a lot better now.
  2. It's common practice to grade a track once a meeting has finished.
  3. The way the King's Lynn riders are conducting themselves on Twitter tonight is very very embarrassing. Very unsportsmanlike behaviour. The grapes are very sour tonight.
  4. Whinging little girl. The track started off rubbish this season but it's looking really good now.
  5. 32 point loss. I don't think anybody was expecting that. How did Newman only score 4?
  6. Why has Jorgensen withdrawn? King's Lynn getting hit hard. Poole look to be peaking at the right time.
  7. I'm sorry you lost your team. And I'm sorry you've been unable to find another team to support. I hope you're still able to enjoy the sport, even if your entire concept of pleasure is based on the failure of another team.
  8. Very unsportsmanlike. But then again, so is your entire profile.
  9. What a load of bollocks. Nothing to do with speedways downfall. Speedway is dying because they don't attract new customers. Simple. The sport decided to go down the long and ridiculous path of cutting costs instead of working out how to get more people through the door. This resulted in a drop in the quality of riders and tracks, which resulted in a drop in customers, which resulted in more cost cutting and the circle continues. Speedway is circling the drain and desperately needs fresh blood. It's nothing to do with Poole replacing bad riders.
  10. Gavan is responsible for 500,000 of those.
  11. Scotty? Nah I'll give the British Davey Watt a miss thanks.
  12. If this was a real top flight Speedway league then I'd agree, but it's not. It's British Premiership. Anybody who knows anything about speedway knows that our Premiership is the same as Championship but with a better number 1. A top notch signing in a league that is about as strong as a 1 ply tissue paper in a bucket of water or a crepe paper condom in a Swindon lass
  13. I think Bomber is a brilliant addition. Welcome to the team.
  14. So they pay the BSPA now and not Go Speed? Do you know what happened to Go Speed?
  15. The only time somebody should be banned is if they are being directly abusive or harassing towards another member. And bans should be applied based on a fixed set of rules, and not who the admin does and doesn't like.
  16. I spent 5 years negotiating with Go Speed International for the rights to this service. Multiple clubs refused and despite numerous proposals at the AGM the promoters refused to get on board with the service.
  17. Poole did well. Brady and Captain Josh let the side down as usual.
  18. The term "heat leader" is not an achievement in this country I'm afraid. Glad he's learnt his lesson.
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