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Sidney the robin

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Everything posted by Sidney the robin

  1. With the situation as it is at the moment there a reason now to ensure riders like Kinsley, Hume, get places at Championship clubs.Also these riders should be guaranteed prolonged run's in a team not just replaced when the averages allow.Stoneman for me is a prime example a rider i like he is a racer popular with the fans yet if he averages well under three he could get replaced.Bickley at Worky could not buy a point yet they persevered with him and he has made unspectacular progress ever since. Winning should be placed alongside producing English riders now is a chance to stop mediocre foreign talent getting team spots will that ever happen probably not.For me out of all our young talent out there Brennan, Kemp, Palin are the ones that i think can push on.Young Kemp riding in the top five at Sheffield showed that he can mix it and with this investment in equipment could make real progress.
  2. That also at the Golden greats meeting was the first time i got to see Joe ride he did look impressive.Dugard for me overachieved if anything he had a great career though GORDON i believed was going to join the Robins in 1980.But we signed Scott Autrey which was great for me as i was a big fan of Scott.But always felt if Gordon had joined in 1979, or 1980 his top class career would of been prelonged longer because he was one of the top visitors to the Abbey.
  3. There are certain riders over the years who did not get the credit and reconignition there racing ability deserved.I know these riders have there supporters and to be honest there are endless riders you could choose from five for me who personally spring to mind are 1./Phil Crump 2./ Martin Ashby 3./ John Boulger 4./ Bernie Persson 5./ Bobby Schwartz.All these riders within speedway circles were all known to be terrific riders but i feel when you look at what they actually achieved i just feel they were better than that.
  4. When i first got to see Joe ride you could see he oozed class an era that sometimes gets overlooked but Screen,Dugard, Louis(jnr) Loram, Havvy were all riders i loved watching ride.I was chuffed that Dugard pushed on i see quite alot of him riding with Hans at Oxford and i have to say i always rated him but thought he might be just a one trick pony at Eastie but he was far from that.
  5. After those we all mentioned for the Aces we should not forget Scarisbrick, ( Smith, Eccles/ Screen all thrown in the deep end full time)
  6. Steve Waplington was another rider with the same background Belle Vue Colts, The Aces, Rochdale.
  7. Great memories nw42 i have the speedway star from that week but the picture i have is Wilkie being restrained and Graham Plant throwing a left hook at someone else.Mike Hiftle had a few rides at Berwick in 1968 then like you said rode for the Colts,( Belle Vue, Halifax in the BL.) Taffy Owen was another one started out at Belle Vue in 1965 rode for the Aces and the Colts going on to Rochdale in 1970 and Worky good rider Taffy.
  8. Yes i do remember that and i also have those iconic pictures of the Belle Vue v Leicester tear up when Wilkie and Alan Cowland had a big set to the crowds loved a bit of drama.
  9. The great Dent Oliver on his production line brought through alot of young talent , he died far two young. Chris Morton Ellesmere Port/Belle Vue.
  10. Paul Tyrer, Wilkie,PC, - Rochdale/Belle Vue Eric Broadbelt - Belle Vue Colts , Rochdale, Belle Vue. Chris Bailey - Belle Vue Colts, Rochdale, Halifax.???
  11. Only went to Newport twice BOBBATH Crumpy nearly unbeatable there a strange track though Station Rd Long Eaton never got to go there. Yes saw plenty of dross even at Swindon and that was renowned as a superb racing strip, i think in our romantic notion everything was great and exciting.But overall would not change a thing really enjoyed my speedway time and Saturday was an exciting night to look forward to.What do you think BOBBATH ?? a Saturday night at the Abbey or sitting in with Mum/Dad watching the Black/White/ Minstrels or Val Doonican in his rocking chair god what an exciting life we led but it still has a place in my heart though.
  12. Sorry that is who i meant Steve, Tony Millard a blast from the past.
  13. Did Keith commentate at Eastie Steve ? was he the man with that loud Claxon?I remember my first visit to Eastbourne in 1980 and thought where is the track? never seen anything like it apart from Crayford.Kennett,K.Moran, Preston, Woods were all very good around Arlington and i grew to understand why the Northern tracks often struggled at Arlington.
  14. iainb i think it could of been a Peter York creation? i see alot of Hans from 1984/89 and went to Oxford weekly.Peter York for me was the only negative on going there weekly often commentating on the mike on some of the last laps in races bloody annoying.That meant often persuading us to have a few extra pints along the way a good night out though. And though i was never a fan of Hans appreciated just how great a rider he was he certainly is in the top 8 riders in History.
  15. A brilliant read Steve and this week's edition will bring back loads of happy moments maybe you will have a tear in your eye.!!!!Steve Weatherly still looks very well still young looking and where have all the years gone??.Going back to White City Steve 1976 a World Semi final Championship round there did you go ?? i have the programme a 17 year old Michael Lee just failed to reach the British Final on 8 points after scoring 5 points from his first two rides.After Kennett Lee must of had one of the best records at that circuit i can remember coming home disappointed that Michael did not win the Intercontinental final in 1983.This after making a horrendous mistake and letting Carter through in one ride he still qualified though but Norden 83 was one of my biggest disappointments in speedway.
  16. Where would you put Grosskreutz Iris? would you put him alongside, Duggan, Huxley,Wilkinson, Young,Lawson, Crump,.Does he deserve to be mentioned in the same breath ? Duggan for me was a superstar who was so unlucky not to be World Champion.
  17. How good was Ken Le Breton ?? just been doing some memorabilia on him this week and by all accounts he was a special rider.Always found it amazing that Ken along with Dicky Case does not get mentioned alot.His White leathers were unique and by all accounts he was a classy rider the Sydney showgrounds has been brutal over the years claiming Ray Duggan/ Norman Clay's lives in 1950. And in 1951 Le Breton and Eddie Rigg were involved in a crash claiming Le Breton life a real tragedy.Another tragedy was Geoff Curtis losing his life there in 1973 a scary racetrack probably the fastest in the world where Jim Airey was the master.
  18. Take care WK just keep thinking of your memorable Sunderland days ( i.e. Mad Jack, Vick Harding ( bless em both)
  19. I like your ideas but to implement them and be ahead of the game thing's need to start happening now.In speedway this has never happened a rushed conference every year with no real longterm vision and usually nothing really changes your ideas are refreshing though.
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