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Sidney the robin

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Everything posted by Sidney the robin

  1. He despised old folk with a vengeance don't know why he always thought most them had it easy and often got something for nothing.
  2. Is this years AGM the most important meeting ever are we at the stage of a s... or bust scenario.The sport has been limping along from year to year for a long long time now can the promoters pull together and try to address the endless problems or is it a lost cause.?
  3. Until we know what 2019 bring's no point even thinking about a team.
  4. 2008 Abbey Stadium Adams v Crump. Crump won heat 1 taking Adams from the back slipping through on the inside, then Adams had his revenge twice one race holding a charging Crump at bay there races were awesome.
  5. We host our last home fixture of the 2018 campaign against the Belle Vue Aces a fixture that has no significance at all riding on it.I fear what the attendance will be but fingers crossed the crowd holds up better than we all expect.It will be very interesting to see who Belle Vue pick to replace Riss for the play/off semi maybe Josh Pickering ( a guess)???.Also it would be nice to see either Rowe or Brennan get another spin at reserve.
  6. What i would say Bob is what a great advert for British speedway that was last night tense hard fought racing riders gave everything game on for the second leg.
  7. Jackobsen for me showing his guts and bravery swung the meeting with his heat win.He never looked quick but rode some great lines and really dug in.A really good team effort even Worrall was unlucky there was some good racing but the track at times is puzzling the inside was working then there was grip outside and Doyle in heat 1 looked slow good meeting though enjoyed it.
  8. Bring's back memories of Alan Cowland/ Wilko and mad Jack Millen (RIP )the sport needs drama and characters.
  9. Come on Blue Holder rode his nuts off for seven points he really put his neck on the line at times just one of those nights for him on another night he would of scored 12.The same with Wilson Dean god 100 per cent commitment busted a gut at times that is all anyone can ask.A great performance by Poole but this tie is not over yet Somerset need Lawson to be on it again to have any chance in the second leg Doyley tonight two outstanding passes breathtaking.
  10. A brave effort by the Robins as there team was seriously depleted but you can't fault the effort and commitment well done to Lynn.
  11. Eric Boocock broke his arm there also i don't think Eric liked the track much but he usually scored well there.
  12. Game over Adam who has been great this year is a real miss i felt we had a little squeak left tonight oh well it is not to be.
  13. Great meeting can remember Carter who looked quick never convinced on the night. don't know why Mort is Mort dun him. Morton was quick did most from the back a very good rider over a number of years and he was World class not doubt for me anyway.
  14. I am sure they can sort something out everyone makes mistakes and it takes a bigger man to forgive and forget.Holder should be a massive part of the future for Poole he has top class quality.
  15. Great point that who knows, i can remember the old criteria was that you had to achieve a 6 point average.
  16. Poole in 2019 i think could base there team around Kurtz, Jacobsen,Woryna,J.Holder. The Holder situation needs to be resolved because this year he has made huge strides he has rode so well that he would be my rider of the year along with Bewley.Maybe if you have to have a young brit at reserve Jordan Jenkins maybe an option he has been linked and looks a fine long term prospect.Holder has to be a must i would even commit and say he is ready to be an in/out number 1 now.
  17. Belle Vue certainly have always been the biggest club, Poole for years were nobody also rans most of the time a .great club still and the majority of there fans Poole ( who are not deluded) are pretty impartial and are really good and loyal fans.Coventry,Cradley, Wolves, and ( Ipswich to an extent were the best teams generally over a period Reading 73 and Sheffield 74 were really good sides to.
  18. I feel you are in your own little bubble Ford is a good promoter but does he do what is best for speedway as a whole.? Lets see if Ford could be a success in say Teeside/ Sunderland/ Barrow ? Poole is by far the best destination for speedway a mini Monaco around Sandbanks/ Bridport.Also as for your continuous slagging off of Swindon and the Abbey you need to look at the quality of Wimbourne Rd it is a million miles away from the track it used to be.
  19. Poole have the best destination for speedway only Poole fc and maybe Southampton as a competitor.Ford has done a great job for Poole and himself but has he been good for the sport as a whole??? i have my doubts.I dont agree with the win at all costs mentality the first priority for me is to get the entertainment level right winning and losing come after.Are people happy to see crap everyweek but go home happy because they are winning? i go to see good racing winning/ losing means nothing to me how important is winning to fans.?
  20. Tonge in cheek Weasel surely you ain't taking the M ...... no we shall see what happens in the new league format.Auty should stay at Scunny whatever league they are in he would do well certainly at home also he will get his Testimonial that he deserves.
  21. If there was an issue with Michael machinery or fitness wise surely it would of made sense for Dale to let the public know the reasoning behind his decision because it was a grave error.
  22. Funny thing is Moxey for years Simmo was just a great rider in my eyes the odd indinscrepicency but his reputation went after the Poole/Fearman episode.I don't know the full facts of that and i don't care he was a great rider who i enjoyed watching immensely also he was great with the fans.
  23. Should of been 8/10 years minimum and that is being generous and that is being kind look we all have made big mistakes on this forum.But this guy used to think he was a cut above everyone else talking people down sometimes but his actions he took were horrendous.
  24. I would totally agree with that all tracks apart from the NSS need looking at i have only been to Scunthorpe once but that is a lovely track also.Back to Swindon if it is a Somerset type design that would be great be happy with that the main thing is that Speedway remains in Swindon.
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