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Everything posted by DWP

  1. Did they ever employ PR person - recall advert requiring someone with social media skills and an English degree. Then I was later told Busters daughter was doing PR.
  2. I heard something re roadworks on Radio2 as I was driving to stadium along A10. No exact details but enough for me to cut a cross country, avoiding Hardwick etc. Parked facing away from Lynn on grass banking, was home in 15minutes
  3. As Lynn learnt 2015 in playoffs, Poole don’t have any spare shale.
  4. Yes both in Schengen agreement, but you still need to carry an ID card or passport should you be stopped by Police. Australian even more so, as not EU National.
  5. I remember the wooden shed behind main grandstand ( about where turnstiles are now ) in the interval it was packed and difficult to get into to buy merchandise. God knows how much pocket money I spent on photos of Bettsy. Saved up to get race jackets. We made a speedway track around Fathers lawn. Even put tapes in from a pole to a tree. Local kids turned up on their bicycles to race. But my brother and I looked the best with our race jackets. Father wasn’t amused though as we destroyed the outside of his lawn. Happy days fond memories.
  6. Wife away, forecast good so I thought I might have an evening at the speedway Wednesday night. Then I came on forum saw everyone had decided to go to Denmark instead, so have decided I won’t be going to Lynn. Lawn needs cutting so will get some laps in myself
  7. Yes could claim a bit for delayed flight. But who wants to fight Ryanair for 6 months to get £100 back. Today’s Ryanair flight from UK to Sweden, he would be classed as a no show, so no claim there. I think Riga to Skanska would be either SAS or Air Baltic.
  8. Love all these comments from those who may book one flight a year to Ibiza. Riders look at their and airline schedules. Riga to East Midlands was perfect for Robert, he probably booked it 10 days ago having seen it arriving in very good time to get to Leicester. Masters was racing in Manchester so naturally he booked a Manchester flight. Without Ryanair riders would not be able to ride Uk, Poland, Sweden and Denmark. No other airline flies to so many speedway cities. Ryanair (whether you like or dislike) are very efficient and major delays are very infrequent. If Ryanair didn’t fly to so many Polish cities, well I know where the riders would be living for those who have Polish teams and UK speedway would not be feasible. Unfortunately Robert chose a flight a 12.30 flight (10.30 UK time ) which got delayed - not for a couple hours but I believe 7 hours. I’m more surprised more riders don’t miss meetings due to flight delays. Someone suggested he missed flight on purpose as could take ferry to Stockholm from Riga for tonight’s Rospiggarna away meeting. Those who have spoken to Robert, know his mechanics dropped him at Riga airport and caught ferry. Having paid for flight to EMidlands and then flight to Skanska Sweden today. He lost both those flight costs, points earnings and had to buy a flight from Riga to Skanska to catch up with his van. So get over it, he missed a meeting. C’est la vie !
  9. I can see why some try to make a comparison between today’s racing with earlier years. I remember as a kid hanging off the wooden fence at Lynn watching Betts, Mauger, Olsen etc. Was the racing better probably not, but as a 10 year old it was exciting. But would it/does it excite a 10 year old today, I don’t think so. Back then yes it was Saturday night racing, in basically a very run down stadium. But back then what else was there to do for families on a Saturday night. TV was 3 channels, pubs were drinking places not your gastro/family pub of today. Each town probably had a run down cinema with very uncomfortable seats. Now there are many more forms of entertainment which give the customer the experience/enjoyment they are looking for at a reasonable price. People don’t have to go out as TV has 200 channels (in my opinion mainly crap) there is Netflix etc. Kids can play worldwide football, can shoot people / steal cars etc. online. Things have just changed ! Perhaps speedway in the UK has had its day. Generally stadiums are appalling run down affairs, other than some exceptions no investment has been made to them. Atmosphere is dire, the supporters who go are on average are 50+ . People look at Poland and wonder why if they can attract a younger fan base why can’t we. I go to Poland every fortnight - it is so different and without speaking the language ( I can swear and buy a beer in Polish) I see the promotional effort that is put in. It’s the little things, like the centre grass cut with sponsors logos all over it etc. The stadium generally are modern and those which aren’t are being improved with new investment. After the meeting I’ve spent an hour with Nicklas signing autographs, handing out 200/300 postcards each meeting I had printed for him. Fans even ask me to sign the card as the manager (now at my age that’s embarrassing) But these faces we are seeing are kids/youngsters 6-18. These kids have exactly the same things UK kids have. Polish cities generally are as modern as any European city and though prices lower, are relevant to their earnings. But the big difference is the promotion of speedway. You can watch live and highlighted speedway on TV 5 days a week. As an example their rider presentation nights are not done in an old shack, or social club they are done in shopping malls, rock music, lights, excitement, expectation. Personally I think speedway in UK can never recover back to the hay day but without major promotion and PROFESSIONALISM it will never have a chance.
  10. I think I’m right in saying Buster does not own this car park, it’s owned by KLWNBC. I remember him moaning about it couple years ago, when council seriously increased rent on it. Buster owns concreted pit entrance car park and grass field opposite used for World Cup / Stock cars.
  11. Get the fixtures of Esbjerg and you can soon work potential clashes in which NKI will be unavailable to Lynn
  12. The track is always grippier on race nights than when riders practice, but it soon gets slick after a few races. Seemed a few riders had problems turning bikes in turn 3. But that was riders not the track. Turn 3 you need to make back straight a little longer than it is before turning in.
  13. The man is an absolute tool. Did he expect we'd just turn up and say thats okay? The sooner he f=-=s off out if thus sport the better it will be for everyon REF above the track was watered at the request of the Teams NOT the track Curator As usual a keyboard warrior who has not the nuts to go and ask the man himself !! I was in ear shot of the pits so heard the discussion first hand ACEF No dummies were even in sight ! You talk b*ll*cks - hot laps passed by SCB - no dummy thrown out - track was watered slightly at request of teams. As usual keyboard warrior who was no where near King’s Lynn and makes false accusations
  14. Or as in Poland, in discussion with riders the manager selects 2 riders to have 2x 1 minute practice laps. Pit gate opens, 2 riders from away team take to track. One minute practice then red flag out, riders return to the pits and home team 2 riders go out. This is then repeated with same 4 riders. Not rocket science
  15. To right, why don’t we have this here. I can’t see any reason why this practice should not take place before every meeting. It gives both home and away team an idea of track conditions re set up. Correct set ups gives better racing. But f..k it - promoters don’t want fans to go home having seen good racing. They might return and British speedway hasn’t got anymore room to fit all the fans in.
  16. But that’s the point, he would have been in charge of world speedway. He would have made himself in charge, his billions would/could have controlled every aspect worldwide.
  17. A number of years ago I heard that Bernie Ecclestone wanted to take on British speedway. The then BSPA committee turn him down as he wanted get rid of them all and run speedway as a dictatorship, as he did with F1. Love or hate him, I wonder where British speedway would be today if he had got his way.
  18. Yes they do but it’s pitiful the amount paid. Next time you see me, I will let you know.
  19. Poland is a big country, you don’t say whether hiring a car or using train. Probably closest for you would be to fly to Wroclaw see meeting there. Krakow then about 3 1/2 drive away. Or fly Katowice or Krakow about 2 hrs to Czestochowa and back to Krakow. No experience of trains in Poland, but generally where there are motorways in between cities they are very good. If you choose Gdansk, Torun etc. Expect a long journey. Hope this helps. ll the other ones possible, depends how many hours travel you want to get Krakow.
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