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Everything posted by Paulsmith

  1. Does this white night fellow make himself a idiot on evey topic .
  2. John Cowboy COok is a legend of speedway .he knows more than some spotty little kid hiding behind a keyboard .say it to cooks face or hold your tougue .
  3. When get to my age dumb robiln and magic rounabout then you may stuggle as well .
  4. Statman i am with u all the way. oryans is like the lion from the wizzard of oz and has no courage . Go to see North or hold your fire .
  5. I want to bring back the one off world final . Who wants to join me in my crusade
  6. My sauses tell me that Peter Killerman will be signing for the stars very soon .
  7. The Team has been completed and trust me it will be a play off final team .Cowboy Cook and Neil Vulture will lend us to the promised land
  8. Calm down gayvin u and statman should smoke a piece pipe together and the world will bee a better place .
  9. I dont like your bone bowichew u come down to lakeside and me and u r going to tango
  10. Dont think i have had the pleasure of oryans posts yet.
  11. Have to say that Steve Shovlar is correct .The likes of gayvin and his other alsis are bringing this forun down from its high stadards that god for statman and red panza who posts are always worth reading .
  12. Report me for what ? I have only one account and will be found blameless . Now go back to school little boy .
  13. This Lakeside team looks the best in many years .It has the perfect balance to me its us and Poole for the league with Wolves bottom.
  14. Only just got back into speedway and was told by freinds at lakeside that this was a great place to be .Hope to visit your new staduim if my brittle bones allowed it this season.
  15. Goods points STatman this gavan fellow is not only useing two names hes spends his time on Poole topics rather than his own teams . A complete fool of the highest order .
  16. I have already noted that u and chris for gilliain r one of the same so dont talk to me about multi alias foolish one .
  17. El Aldio take your bad attitude elsewhere it is not required on this forum . Unlike u Red Panza and Statman are well respected on this forum .my ma always told me manners cost nothing.
  18. I maybe a old fool but if you are looking after your sick dad why would it matter what clubs made you a offer .
  19. Red Panda you put your thoughts across very well .Sadly its wasted on these Swindon fans who have very litte manners .
  20. Mjj what a rider so much better than any of the Wolves current side .
  21. I thought Dads Army was funny intill i looked at the Wolves side of 2015 . In all my 53 years of going to speedway never have i seen a team so weak .
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