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Everything posted by edmon

  1. Showing tonight Monarchs v Berwick Premier League encounter from August 1997 For details go to https://www.edinburghmonarchs.co.uk/news-centre/article/2020-03-26/premiering-soon-emtvrewind
  2. Health is a devolved issue so rightly the decision is made by the Scottish Government.
  3. Have a bit of sympathy for announcers . Who will be first to get it wrong at Armadale - John, Liam or me? Just waiting on one of us giving the crowd a laugh.
  4. The reason was planning consent. There were a number of residents objecting to the application for permanent consent for the Monarchs, so to give strength to that application John Campbell pulled the plug. The application was successful and consent was given. It was the sensible thing to do. I think if it hadn't been for that John would have kept going even although crowds weren't great.
  5. There is a section started by Blobby in the National League Section for the Armadale Devils. They are being run separately from the Monarchs after all.
  6. Hope it is as much fun as before, with a larger crowd. Will certainly be a lot easier after the meeting with no sheets to lift. A tour looks a possibility with the Devils at I.O.W. and a Wednesday southern Championship meeting.
  7. Edinburgh being the senior club will have first call on Friday's against the others
  8. Unfortunately not as far as a number of fans are concerned.
  9. The meeting referee contacted the BSPA Vice-Chairman and was told that he had approved Phillips riding at Belle Vue.
  10. GreenLight Go - I am not one of the seven, you refer to, as you will see in my original post last week where I posted my name. I am not hiding behind an alias. I got the information from a former senior official, but will not name him as i do not have permission to do so. You should always look at the root cause of a problem. That is what you ultimately have to deal with to stop things like this happening and unless you solve that the same could happen again. I have said that bullying is wrong and do not condone it. Bill Purnell
  11. If bullying is happening yes it is wrong. I asked a question last week having heard about this but unfortunately did not get an answer so I did a bit of investigating. To get a llicence to take photographs you need to be 18. Is the problem that some object to strings being pulled for someone under that age to take photographs at tracks?
  12. Serious question - At what age are BSPA approved photographers given a Licence/Permit?
  13. Reading with interest but surely that is the problem with social media. Things get hidden in names etc. A bit like the author of this thread GreenLightGo. The accussed may like to explain themselves but I would imagine that their real name would not be used nor any other form of identification. Bill Purnell
  14. Due to Edinburgh arranging a meeting for next Saturday I now have 3 tickets available for Belle Vue. 2 - £20 Tickets for South Stand(ing) looking for £15 each (available singly) GONE 1 - £15 Concession Ticket for South Stand(ing) looking for £10 - GONE If interested please email billpurnell@btinternet.com
  15. The reason for the outage was that there was a power surge which caused the lights to fail along with those of the neighbouring estate. Also an ambulance had to be called for a spectator who had taken ill and it was not known how long it would take. The driver of the ambulance tried hard to demolish the referee's box on the way to attend the ill spectator.
  16. Not into links but can be found on 'merch' page of website.
  17. Fixtures out now and a choice has to be made come June 8! Support the Monarchs at Leicester or go to Glasgow for the GP Qualifier. Personally I'd have liked to have gone to both. Not well thought out for Scottish supporters.
  18. Speaking with a referee recently and he suggested 2 northern clubs including one which had fingers burned a number of years ago.
  19. Going by SS report no evidence of Dishington putting forward is evidence is shown. Who has put forward his case. As the Referee's Association appear to be missing. In this one time for a Trade Union to get involved. Football wise Prospect appear to represent Referees in both England and Scotland.
  20. Just checked Traffic Scotland. They have now opened A1 using convoy system and advising not to use diversion via Coldingham. Took my Missus 1.5 hours to travel diversion, from A1, as far as Coldingham earlier.
  21. Major problems on A1 at present time. Closed, all weekend, at Grantshouse. Diverson route via Coldingham at standstill.
  22. It did not look like a deliberate lay down of the bike and Robson did get up and attempt to clear the track.
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